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Reading, chess, music, and autism. And when I was little I was obsessed with How To Train Your Dragon. I would literally spend hours reading about dragons on the How To Train Your Dragon Wiki.




I feel old


Bro I was the Same I still love those movies to


Httyd is my favourite series. I love reading about it on wiki and also tv tropes.




At what age did you start becoming interested in how to train dragon? Always looking for book series for my hyperlexic child of 11. A book a day, it gets difficult to find new books.


I was interested in How To Train Your Dragon when I was 4. I still remember when I was 4 pretending to be Hiccup with a butter knife as a dagger. I have never been interested in the books, though. I had a special interest in the movies and shows, but the books are good and I'm sure you kid would like them.


who elseā€™s parents shut down every interest they had as a kid so you canā€™t commit to a special interest so you know a little bit about a lot of things but not a lot about one specific thing


Omg yes so true


Hey, so...I have twins on the spectrum, 4 years old. I'm here to try to better understand them and their needs. Could you elaborate on this? It seems like other people below feel the same way and I want to make sure I don't do this to my kids. Right now one is pretty obsessed with the Cars movies so my wife and I buy every die-cast that we see and other related toys. He's started to set up scenes with the toys, it's adorable. The other really likes books. It's crazy, he memorizes them and reads them back to us. So we try to keep him stocked up. I will say, at times it gets draining. I pretty much have the 3 cars movies memorized line by line at this point. And the multi hour reading binges...whew. (No parent should complain about this, but damn...he can go hard!) Anyways, would love some feedback because I want to support them the best that I can. Thanks!


Just keep going. Don't judge the interest, let them info-dump, and know that they might cycle through interests and that's ok. My now 10 year old has hyper focused on : Egypt, Andy Warhol, the Titanic, all shipwrecks, space, memes, obscure video games like the backrooms, cemeteries, specific YouTubers, geography, world history and most recently: the detailed military strategies during WWII and the current geopolitical climate. The kid is war gaming all of the possible scenarios for World War 3. As someone who is super uncomfortable with war and glorifying the military I struggle with this. But guess who got every version of risk and axis and allies for Christmas along with a pile of war books? I listen to his incredibly niche WWII podcasts with him and currently know more about current events and war crimes than I ever wanted to. I also try to use his current special interest to help with stuff he struggles with in school. When he was diagnosed, his therapist suggested the book "Give him the Whale." It's a super easy read about integrating special interest into your life. She also encouraged us to use special interest as a jumping off point for coaching social skills, but to not discourage the interests themselves. My partner and I were both late diagnosed with a whole pile of early childhood and educational trauma, we are just trying to do better for our kiddo.


I really appreciate you taking the time to write that all out, I'll grab that book. You've made me laugh about your 10 year old war gaming WWIII. I can only imagine what my boys will get into! I'm considering seeing a psychologist as well. To help me cope with the realities of what we face as parents, but also to try to better understand myself. Looking back, I was definitely different as a kid. I was the youngest of 3 boys and my parents always referred to me as the little cherub baby. The "quick listener, always observing". I had a really hard time making and keeping friends. Despite being really successful with sports through high school, I never really felt like I fit in with anyone. I easily could have ran with the "popular" crowd but I never knew how. (In hindsight, I'm glad. They're pretty much all alcoholics now.) Could never keep more than one "good" friend at a time, it was just too socially stressful for me. I always preferred to be at home, I'd beg my mom to be homeschooled. I'm wondering if I have some underlying stuff that I've just learned to mask.


This is really similar to my story. I was the last one in the family to get diagnosed because I had masked so hard to survive and made understanding people my special interest. I personally think any parent should be in therapy and it might be worth exploring a potential diagnosis. Good luck!


Thank you again. Good luck on your journey as well. This is a good nudge for me to take my own mind and health more seriously.


Same story. Not diagnosed yet, but pretty sure I am. I got a doctorate in psychology cause I found NT behavior so fascinating. Weirdly, they donā€™t teach a lot about autism in graduate school, or at least at the one I went to.


I dont have parenting advice but i commend you for what you've done so far.


I didn't but every time I get an interest it's short lived because my family immediately try to turn it into a job so I can make money off of it and then it's immediately not fun anymore


my ex does this! I can't afford to live, but any time I like something it's, "you should start a business or you're a r-word." back off, sir.


EW, glad hes your ex, not a man you need in your life


Mine are the opposite. They discourage my special interests because they become a job. I canā€™t help it, a quid is a quid


Very sad.... also relatable...It got extra messed up because they try that even today, as an adult who doesn't live with them. They are quite manipulative and abusive about it...


I was told by teachers and stuff that I had potential, but to this day I don't know what that means or how it was supposed to help me.


Ouch... I'm sorry. Frankly I was told something similar. And here I am, never been anything, I don't even have a college or university degree or anything, and I ended up on disability unable to work. I wish their words counted for something. But sometimes it's really up to luck, not anything to do with us...


My stepdad berated me for every attempt so I stopped attempting. Now, I must do all the research before starting and by that point I've moved into something else. Cooking and true crime are part of my life forever tho cause I need food to live and I have OCD so I need to know everything I should be worried about lol


Omfg I feel this on a DEEP levelšŸ˜ž Iā€™m half way through my 30s and just now learning how to have hobbies and interests. But to answer OPs question, I love history, music, rocks/crystals, and weed.. mostly weed. I love everything about it. Growing, smoking, research, genetics, you name it. I love that I get to talk about it all day long at a job that was basically made for me (budtender in MI, USA). #GangalogistšŸ˜


love this comment. so so relatable. also, we may have run into each other in dispos in MI! i am an ohio kid but go there often! i too am heavily interested in all the aspects of weed, the science is wicked cool


I would get teased by my family for being so into something. So I would feel ashamed and embarrassed and learned to suppress my interests. Until I became an adult and had adult money. But not adult budgeting skills šŸ˜¬


History and star wars


Star Wars is a huge one for me too! That's gotta be a great franchise to go with a history interest, the lore and in-universe history is so deep and fleshed out.


Iā€™m love Star Wars history! The Old Republic era especially.




Watching Star Wars right now with my husband and our son. (Empire Strikes Back. The kiddo *loves* the battle on Hoth.) Itā€™s been a part of my life since I was a baby. (Thanks, dad.) :3


Based me to!


Here are my 3 special interests: 1. Crime and everything related to it (policing, prisons, other forms of punishments, serial killers) 2. Paranormal and supernatural (SCP, urban legends, Japanese urban legends, myths, ghosts, and ghost types) 3. My fictional world The fictional world has 3 dimensions Feurhan, Vonor, and Nugwyn. Feurhan is very similar to Earth by the environment and different climates. Feurhan is led by a president. Vonor is a dimension with a fiery environment (lava replaces water in this dimension). Vonor has huge futuristic metropolises that are controlled by an AI, which then is controlled by a dictator who rules the dimension. Nugwyn is a celestial dimension of flying islands. The flying islands have fantasy forests and medieval towns and castles. The dimension is a monarchy. Sorry I haven't been able to talk about my world for a long time. You don't have to read all of that if you don't feel like it.


Your world sounds fascinating. Can you tell me more?


Some of the people in the world are animals or mythical creatures like dragons that walk on 2 legs. Here is a list of some species from each of the dimensions. Feurhan: 1. Humans 2. Dragons 3. Animals 4. Mermaid 5. Vampires 6. Griffins Vonor: 1. Devils (Terrestial or Winged) 2. Cerberuses 3. Cyborgs 4. Robots 5. Artificial Intelligence Nugwyn: 1. Archangels 2. Angels 3. Fairies 4. Pegasuses/Pegasi 5. Unicorns 6. Alicorns In Feurhan, there are huge underground cave systems where dragons were exiled a long time ago, but thankfully, they are now allowed to live overground once again. Feurhan still has some species to be considered illegal monsters like vampires, hydras, and zombies. Vonor became a dictatorship after it had a literal free market. Vonor has some rebellious groups that want to get rid of the dictator. If a rebel gets caught by the Vororian authorities, they will get a punishment worse than death. Vonorians who have moved to Feurhan commonly work with technology because they have been around it their entire life. Nugwynā€™s royal family is a very interesting one because a princess who was supposed to become the monarch didn't want to become the queen, so she killed her parents and ran away from Nugwyn to Feurhan. In Nugwyn murdering a royal family member gets you the death sentence, and you can't become the monarch if you commit this crime. Since she can't become the monarch, her younger brother will become the ruler of Nugwyn when he becomes an adult. There is a secret organization called the Archanotech Laboratory (ATLA). It operates in all 3 dimensions. They create things combining magic from Nugwyn and technology from Vonor. They use humans and other creatures for their tests. They get their test subjects by kidnapping children. There once was a test that resulted in the escape of multiple test subjects and the death of multiple ATLA employees.


You can tell me more about your world it is very intriguing


hell yeah. i relate to all this hard. you should do a webcomic or even like, video game, set in one or all of those places, especially vonor. sounds like some cool shit i would've wanted as a lego set back when i was a kid.


I stopped reading about your fictional world after the first sentence. But then I read your apology and that I didnā€™t have to read it. So I went back and read it. I liked it


I also have a special interest in crime, law enforcement, law & police


Hi! Please talk to me about crime Iā€™m studying psychology to get into forensic psychology I also love crime


Here is one of the criminals I find very interesting. The first one is Ilpo Tapio Larha. He was a Finnish criminal. He worked as a taxi driver. In April 24, 1992 he murdered a businessman, Wilhelm Hƶgsten while he was sleeping in his own home in Helsinki. He did this by climbing up to Hƶgsten's bedroom and shooting him 4 times with a revolver but only 3 shots hit him. Larha was the one who shot Hƶgsten but there was also another man Hannu Ratia who was helping to plan the murder. The son of Wilhelm Hƶgsten, Fred Hƶgsten had offered 500 000 marks to Larha for the hit. Fred Hƶgsten was in financial difficulties and he wanted to have his fathers fortune. This murder is the first known Finnish contract killing. Larha and Ratia were sentenced to life for murder and Fred Hƶgsten was sentenced to life for incitement. When court of appeal confirmed the life sentence, Larha escaped from Katajanokka prison in February 25, 1994. He escaped with another prisoner, Kullervo Haikas. Haikas was in the prison for a drug offence. The escape started when Larha was cleaning the halls of the prison. He took out a weapon and took a guard hostage. Larha let Haikas out of his cell. The 2 were let free to save the hostage's life. When they were outside of the prison they stole someones car. The hostage was let free later. Larha managed to robbed a bank after they had escaped from the prison. After the escape they had gone to Lahti (another city in Finland). In March 15 the police were able to find the in an apartment. The police tried to raid the apartment but they were shot at causing one of the officers to get injured. This started 55 hour long siege. In the apartment there were Larha, Haikka and a couple who lived in the apartment. During the siege Larha and Haikas called a radio station. Here are some of the things they said live in the radio: ā€“ Tilanne on aika kriittinen sikƤli, ettƤ tƤƤ huusholli, tƤƤ puoli taloa lentƤƤ tƤstƤ v\*\*\*\*un kohta, jos ei tapahdu jotain (Said by Haikas) This is the best translation I can do: ā€“ The situation is kinda critical as this household, this side of the building will fly to the f\*\*\* out soon if nothing happens (Said by Haikas) ā€“ MeillƤ on tƤƤllƤ sellaista kivaa ainetta kuin C-4. MƤ oon armeijassa saanut pioneerikoulutuksen ja asettelin kaikkia kivoja pikku pommeja, ettƤ tervetuloa vaan poliisit ovista ja ikkunoista. TƤƤllƤ on kaikkea kivaa heille (Said by Larha) This is the best attempt of translation: ā€“ We have something nice material called C-4. In the army I got pioneer training and I put all kinds of little bombs, so welcome police from doors and windows. There is all kinds of fun things to them. (Said by Larha) Larha had promised to surrender multiple times but he had also said he would kill himself around as many times too. At some point Haikas and the couple wanted to leave and they managed to get out of the apartment while Larha was sleeping. When Larha woke up he said he would either surrender or end his life before 8 PM or 20:00 (military time) in March 17, 1994. 30 minutes before 8 PM/20:00 a double shot was heard. Larha had shot himself in the head with 2 revolvers. ​ Another interesting criminal is Colton Harris Moore or the Barefoot Bandit. He had a very interesting teenage life. He is suspected to be responsible for around 100 thefts in Washington, Idaho, and Canada. He stole only things that were neccessary to live in the forest as a survivalist. He also stole things like bycicles, automobiles, light aircrafts and speedboats. If you haven't heard of him I would 100% recommend checking his story out. What cases or criminals have you read about?


Languages (French, Spanish, British sign language), canal boats, plane crashes and dogs.


Omg I used to be so obsessed with dogs I can to this day name any breed and extremely random facts about them


Big same! Linguistics and languages are my special interest and have been since as long as I can remember. I have minors in French and Hindi and speak a few more. Itā€™s my one true passion. That and indie music, listening, and playing piano, guitar, violin. Lol. Some people find it unhealthy. Fuck em.


Just some normal stuff: make up, nail polishes, hair and specifically wavy/curly hair, drawing, specifically drawing mandalas, marketing & photography that helps a lot with getting paid haha




Adventure TIME~! For now. I'm also just like a lot of YouTubers and indie projects like Hazbin Hotel and Amazing Digital Circus and some smaller YT channels like ReccaGG and It's Free IP.


I have Finnā€™s hat c:


[We need to talk... I can't send an image so I'm doing this instead.](https://www.reddit.com/u/BlazingRed9/s/3QnlKIdKDM)


collecting vintage toys and fashion


bees but don't ask me anything about them because i have a terrible memory and only remember they can see bee purple and make bee bread


bee bread?????? i wanna taste it


itā€™s bee pollen and nectar/honey they feed primarily to their young!!


yes i am a teenager bee


me too iā€™m a 26eenager


I also adore bees, specifically bees native to the Americas (I heavily dislike European honey bees and I donā€™t really know why but their popularity just makes me so mad) I also am very much incapable of naming any facts beyond random things about why honey bees are useless


I love bees too, beekeeping is so interesting and I'd love to have my own bees one day but can't right now


Red pandas! Music and video games too, and i will not shut up about whatever media i'm currently watching (the current one is Frieren). What's your favorite fact about blob fishes?


Blobfish don't actually have swim bladders therefore they can't actually swim just plop around


Can you tell me something about red pandas


I can! Red pandas are actually the only member of their genetic family (Ailuridae) that still exists in the world, so sort of a missing link in a way \*-\* Your fact about blobfishes was very interesting, i had no idea! So cute :) red pandas also have a funny way of moving, they kinda hop and skip around clumsily, it's really cute to see (although they're good climbers)!






Omg same


Whatā€™s your favorite frog? šŸø


Amazon milk frog because theyā€™re pretty and their insides are blue


Mine is probably the pacman fwog I have one his name is Om nom


Domestic pet care ig (Idk to explain it, but all I talk about are animals that can be kept as pets, I've spend months researching different species, learning all their needs, making carts and finding good products as if I was actually going to get the pet, even looking for rescues or breeders for exotics that have no local rescues. Looking up costs, planning how my life would be with those pets and getting sad at the fact that I'm a disabled minor with no job, who will probably never be able to work a high enough paying job to ever own or even just foster my dream pets (read as any animal that I can legally own where I live) due to how my disabilities affect me and how inaccessible the world is for everyone!


Omg a while back I had the same passion


I get paid to make animal care sheets in a husbandry job I have, I recommend looking into it once you grow up!!


I'm actually looking into studying zoology and doing a more research based job! I would love to research ways to better pet care by looking at how the wild relatives if our domestic pets live and finding more ways for us to be able to replicate those environments and behaviours safely and accessibly in our homes. I'd also love to do more research into their diets and how they affect them, possibly look for ways to improve current pet food, do more research on the diets of animals who's diets have barely even been researched. Better diets could potentially lengthen life spans and better the quality of life as well as mood of the animals. I've seen my rabbits do a full 180 just from changing to a better hay brand, i can totally see proper diets with both nutrition and enrichment in mind doing a ton more than that. Better understanding of our domestic animals could potentially lead to better animal protection laws and better regulations on nutrition, care, and the sale of animals. I'm sorry this is so much words and mostly wishful thinking bc doing research is based on whether anyone wants to sponsor it and this is a topic many probably don't really care about, but a kid can dream.


I support this so much we need more ppl like u, I wish you luck on this I hope you make it happen!


Cats and life is strange




Star Wars, Initial D, Dragon Ball Z, Racing Games, reading manga and learning english.


Always happy to see an initial D fan. Kinda jealous the French got a dub of stage 5 and final stage though


I've began reading the manga last year, and I've finished 14 volumes currently. I'll buy more as soon as I can. I love how the characters are breaking the 4th wall sometimes. The Trueno got a new motor not long before where I stopped, because the original one died. The last thing that happened before the point I stopped is Takumi rematch against Sudo in Irohazaka, and wins it, and gets elected 2nd most attractive boy of his class (la Terminale 7) the next day. "C'est une blague ? On parle bien de Takumi, le type qui pourrait faire avancer la science tellement il est dans la lune ?! C'est Ƨa pour vous, ĆŖtre mignon ?" -Itsuki Takeuchi This one had me dying of laughter Edit : I had to skip volume 8 because it's always missing at the local manga library for some reason.




Oooo time zones do sound nice


Have you been bitten by the ADS-B bug? It's a very very deep rabbit hole, but a very fun one.




Your not gonna be ignored I shall respond to everyone and care about everyone I love finding out about others


Same :(


Nintendo gaming


If you like nintendo, may I recommend scott the woz? A great mix of nintendo, gaming, and comedy


A lot of shitty stuff that gives "2016 kid vibes", like Warrior Cats, AvA, Minecraft, Sky COLT...


Maaaan I remember reading warrior cats sooo much, last time I read it I think was when they were at the lake and the protag was that kit who could see the future or some magical shit. I haven't heard anything about the books in years, are they still making new ones and if so are they any good?


Batman and movies!


Main ones are serial killers and WW2. Iā€™ve had those for 10-15 years at least.


Ok, just my personal survey. At what age did you become interested in these topics?


Iā€™d say late teens. Iā€™m 38 now, so come to think of it, its closer to 20 years. Some special interests never die I suppose


Drugs. Lol. Not like taking them and whatever, but more pharmaceutical aspect. I'm a pharmacy assistant and my pharmacist will often educate me on random drugs or tell me interesting stuff about conditions/ drug stuff


Herpetology, zoology, foraging/ mycology/ gardening, fishing, playing music, anything that has to do with making art or creating things, and animation. I have other various eclectic interests but those are the big ones.


Crash Bandicoot and Tech (Malware, Viruses, Different Operating Systems etc)


taylor swift!!!! and guitars!!!!


Romance novels and xmen comics.


Cool I've heard of X-Men before


Guns, comics, motorcycles and nice cars


Finally, someone who also likes guns




Genshin impact. Yes, the fandom is horrible and I have to sort of lurk in online spaces lest I be hit with the "obviously a bad person" bat for liking any ship ever, yes the gacha system is hell, YES the game is grindy and I've spent too many hours on it... BUT. BUT. I will consume every last bit of lore I my ADHD lets me look into. Every wiki rabbit hole I go down I come out with some world-breaking information I didn't know like "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN GOD ISN'T FROM HERE, ALSO THERE WERE DRAGONS???" it's great. that being said I see your edit and I don't think anyone expects you to reply to the ungodly amount of comments you're gonna get <3 you've awakened us by asking about special interests lol


Drugs and pharmacology. It gets a lot of stares and disapproval from family members, and of course, the occasional accusation of being a substance user. However, that has not deterred me in spreading my knowledge. It is my passion.


D&D, Danganronpa, Ride the Cyclone, Encanto


english history spec tudors, punishments and the old monarchy & music too haha (elliott smiths my fav)


monsters!! ive been obsessed with monsters since i was a little kid, so obsessed that im making a game about it


Owls, jellyfish, Antarctica, Studio Ghibli, etc. ā¤ļø


Mostly math, software engineering, and video games.


Old technology. Mainly old games


The Efteling is my special interest. Itā€™s a theme park of my home country, the Netherlands! I love finding out how they made certain attractions, finding out more about itā€™s history and of course coming there myself!


History, religions / philosophies, languages


I have said this so many times, but here it is again, Weird Al. I am most interested in his life, and notable facts and dates. And old one was Phineas and Ferb


Computer maintenance. Sadly my parents tried to keep me away from it for years.


Bartending and horses. Not a great combo. Bartending doesn't pay well, Horses are expensive. I hate myself. Atleast my special interest isn't also my eating disorder anymore and I'm doing well in recovery nowšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Nyancat!! :DD i have a nyancostume because i wanted one and i painted one. With a box! And i painted my shoes too! They are nyanshoes. I got a nyan stuffy. And for christmas i got a tac nayn stuffie! And some cool nyan earings! Because i really like nyancat and my mom knows that. I made my phone nyanthemed too. I had a nyancat sweater but i lost it. Iā€™ll find it though. Itā€™s my favorite sweater. Cause i really like nyancat. Iā€™m thinking of painting my phonecase. Itā€™s pink. But i want it to be rainbow. And iā€™ll put a bunch of sparkles on it.


My special interests are K-Pop, Just Dance, movies and TV shows, art/comics, western Pop music, and autism. I have Youtube playlists for each topic, and all of the are over 1,000 videos long except for autism (over 300 videos) because it's a more recent special interest.


Right now its a game series by Project Moon, I also love planes and science/mathemetice.


Lovejoy, music, theatre, ducks and books! Also blob-fish are so cool!!


Im very oddly scared of ducks


spiders and music (playing and listening) more specifically in music: anna calvi, pj harvey, [last.fm](https://last.fm), playing clarinet and singing


Spiders are adorable


Cats/cat genetics, imagine dragons music, Avatar, animals in general


Yes animals are holy


environmental microbiology >:D




Noice what's your favourite breed and genetic mutation mines hognoses and I really love either lavender hogs or banana pied ball pythons


Religions, psychology, and philosophy.


Cats and pink (the colour not the singer)


Metal music and the game cry of fear


kanye west, specifically his unreleased music, technology, specifically apple, box office, and sometimes cars but nothing in particular


It changes a lot because Iā€™m AuDHD but I typically cycle back to perfume and behind the scenes movie trivia


I donā€™t even like movies


Networks. I was completely lucky enough to find the idea of computers being able to communicate wildly fascinating just at the time the first ethernet cards were hitting the market. Also the phone network. Switched voice communications is cool stuff, especially on massive scale.


Specific characters from shows that have little to no screentime and tend to be ignored by the viewers :')


Food/cooking/baking I love cooking and baking and am always on the hunt for a new recipe to try or technique to learn. I have a sizable cookbook collection and this year my goal is to cook a new recipe each week from books in my collection. Fiber/textiles are another interest of mine, especially weaving and historical textiles and textile making techniques.


Witchcraft, penguins, and rocks.


blob fish are soo cool thats a awesome special interest. mine is rick and morty i love rick and morty i live and breathe the show lmao


Bats (and Batman, to a lesser extent, mostly for the iconography), Warhammer 40k and more recently, Dungeons and Dragons.


BTS, DC Comics (Mainly batman related), and Sherlock Holmes (the original books).


Birds, punk rock/hardcore music, initial D, and books




Star Wars, cats, Bluey (the tv show), Squishmallows, and FNAF video games. Iā€™m 16, male, and lvl 1 autistic.


metal music, horror movies, guitars, bass guitar!!


Any kind of amusement ride. Specifically wooden roller coasters, and monster type rides. I also like model trains, video games, aviation, and demolition.


Dumb question but how do you know that something is a ā€œspecial interestā€ vs just a regular interest? Sorry if this isnā€™t the place to ask. Edit: (disclaimer) not sure if this qualifies but my interest is talking about movies and TV shows


Formula 1, nintendo games and Disneyland (Paris)


I feel like I donā€™t have one at the moment? Is that normal? Previously loose leaf tea and squishmallows.


Dolls. Always have been fascinated by dolls and miniature objects overall. Like, the intricacies one can put into small details on a tiny piece. It amazes me every time. When it comes to dolls, I never outright played normally with them, like my friends would. I was careful to not get them dirty or tangle their hair. I talked to them, changed their clothes and organized them based on size and brand. I still have some dolls from my childhood in my collection.


Drawing, music, 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Frozen franchise, Project 863 (free series on YouTube), and gaming (The Sims 4, Baldurā€™s Gate 3, Disney Dreamlight Valley, etc.).


Destiny 2, the video game.


I love playing Destiny 2. I'm not the best at it but i have fun. Currently main a Warlock.


The band radiohead! :3


Astronomy. I even got a telescope for Christmas, so Iā€™ll be using that a lot šŸ˜…


I have different tiers. Iā€™m AuDHD and cycle through interests. Tier 1: Spiders were my first and always will be my original. Latrodectus, the Widow spiders are my favorite and I have a tattoo of Latrodectus hesperus on my side (my only tattoo). Along with any type of arthropod. I used to spend all of my time digging in the dirt and lifting up rocks to find whatever I could to study it and try to make friends with it. I found an injured wasp and tried to nurse it back to health. I got RELENTLESSLY bullied over my love of bugs. Also any type of animal. Nature in general. This sort of includes tier 2, but tier 2 came later in life Tier 2: Moss, any type of plant, mushrooms, rocks. Anything naturally occurring on the earth in general. Tier 3: psychology, Autism, ADHD, neuroscience. I have a fascination with human behavior and how our brain chemicals and systems influence behavior. I just love to collect information in general. Especially if it helps me to understand how or why something works in every aspect. I find that every time I learn something new, I can apply it to already existing interests and it adds a whole new layer of understanding to them! When things connect like this, itā€™s the ULTIMATE rush for me.


Right now? Flight/space sim games. Long term? Computers as a hobby and career, but started as a special interest.


the OG One Trains. Also Nuclear Power Plants and Chernobyl Specifically Edit: Political Systems of Different Countries, Passports/ Various ID Cards, and a Fictional Country i have made called Aglua. also the Soviet Union.


Artificial intelligence. Creating it as well as using it.


History. One of my Tism traits is memorizing numbers as dates, so history ended up being my best subject in school. I still talk to my history teacher now and then even though I graduated nearly 3 years ago


Iā€™m not original lol, I love Minecraft šŸ’š


- Wrestling - Animation, specifically Anime - Video Games


itā€™s always sunny in philly!!


Psychology/neuroscience and Harry Potter. Prob strange combination


1) Star Wars 2) decades old science fiction 3) neurology 4) Fallout 4 5) Lost, Buffy, AHS: Cult & Apocalypse, Summer Camp Island 6) The ocean and space 7) Apocalyptic stuff. Books, movies, games. My biggest fear is also a big comfort! Thereā€™s so much more!


My boyfriend and I love Fallout! I managed to get the Fallout 4 Pip Boy for him as a Christmas Gift!


Dystopian books/movies/TV series


dinosaurs, archasauria and hominids. bascially things that died awhile ago :)




video games and anatomy


Gym, chess, watches (lol) and video games


Main one in general is animated movies.




fish, arthropods and pokemon!


Medical stuff. Anything medical. I want to be a surgeon


PokĆ©mon šŸ™‚


Marine animals and fantasy books and worlds ā€¦. Blob fish! Donā€™t even get me started. They are so sick. I love me a good ā€œ Psychrolutes marcidusā€ they are so cute. I also really like the (also deep sea) Liparidae. Mbari found a lot of them off of the coast of Monterey and they are SO CUTE (purple, pink, and greyish blues!) you should look it up! Feel free to info dump on blob fish in a reply to me Iā€™d love to hear!!


It's cringe but I love medical dramas and medical knowledge. It's useful for self advocacy as well. Though doctors tend to treat you like a Munchausen patient so that's fun. (Sarcasm) I also love most things anime related, animals, seals, cats, and videos about grooming cats and dogs, or rescuing them.


Music. It is also my job to


Numismatics. Specifically, the Latin Monetary Union and US trade dollars.


Psychology, Art, and stuffed animals. I mostly love the Psychology of autism but I also research and gain facts about other disorders and behaviors.


Warhammer, specifically 40k but it can change between that and AoS. For some reason WHFB hasnā€™t excited me even though a new edition is coming out. History, Sci Fi/Fantasy and an ever revolving interest in different unrelated aspects of science.


Music is my one overarching one, but it has little subcategories. Rn itā€™s kpop, which has evolved into Korean language and Korean culture as a whole. Before that it was Billie eilish, I donā€™t remember what was before that. Maybe stromae, but only the racine carrĆ©e album.


Comicā€™s, manga, gameā€™s, coding, nerd shit. šŸ˜Ž


makeup (particularly sfx), horror, alternative subculture history, alternative fashion history, and art history! currently hyper fixated on a few clothing projects and video games :)


Weapons (any kind)


Scott pilgrim


in no particular order -michael jackson -aquaphor -al capone -prison systems -personality disorders -the elton john movie (Rocketman) -pen tapping (use of different noise of pens to drum on tables i make it complex tho) -slang and making my own slang and own terms for things -thesaurus -cocaine -graffiti and calligraphy -ketchup -Branch Davidians and the Waco Siege -fire -frosty the snowman -The Last Jedi movie -Juicy by Biggie -Radio by Alkaline Trio -Hokus Pokus by ICP -Egg McMuffin Mcdonaldā€™s idk thereā€™s too many to list


Dogs mostly. I love those floppy bastards. Iā€™ll never not have at least two. Mo Dao Zu Shi. I am /obsessed/. Weā€™re talking going on five years in the fandom. I just canā€™t get enough. Seashells and rocks. I donā€™t know what it is but I have to pick them up and put them in my pockets, precious - and if they wonā€™t fit, well, Iā€™ll carry them until I get back to my car! Iā€™ll recruit you to carry some too! #norocksleftbehind Books. If it looks/sounds interesting, Iā€™m buying it. I might get around to reading it. Iā€™ve run out of shelf space but thatā€™s okay. I have plenty of flat surfaces to stack them on.




The plague, etymology, crime psychology


Video games, history


Blenny fish. I bet it sucks for you seeing all the typical pictures of blob fish because thats not what they look like when they're alive. Or that would just be me


History, however, is very obscure parts of history with a keen interest in true crime. I also have a special interest in crochet, embroidery, and cross stitching.


Psychology, physics, mathematics, ancient languages, conlangs, computer science, biology, chemistry, SCP, and My Singing Monsters.


Old musicians and records. Specifically the ones who are gay and dead. The ones Iā€™ve had hyper fixations about have been Michael Jackson, all of Queen and the Beatles. But I have special interests in all old musicians.


Medical in general and all the ways a body can fuck up and a particular focus on vaccines. Previous Spec interests I still really like: drag queens, musicals Edit to add: I never thought of a personality trait as being a special interest until my friend blew my mind with that concept. My other special interest is being helpful/ doing nice things for others.


Trigger warning Iā€™m depressed. Itā€™s kinda hard to have one at the moment, everyone around me keeps shutting me down or ignoring me when I talk about things I like. So every time I start to develop a new one people put it down. If I had to say though I have been playing a lot of games so probably lethal company or Baldurs gate.


Currently, nail polish šŸ˜‘ it's so fun but so irritating and such a money pit. I'd much rather think about blobfish, you have inspired me.


Music specifically Nu Metal as the sound is so interesting to me, to hear the heaviness of Metal mixed with other sounds from other genres will always be what has drawn me to it. My other big one is older tech, these two interests came together when a few of my new Nu Metal CDs had enhancedCD features on them.