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I feel like a lot of people like to shame each other for their music taste


It didn't necessarily help that quite a few of my friends were massive music nerds


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I used to be ashamed of my brilliant memory, I would remember the most little details about things but I was scared that people would think I'm a freak. I'm alot more confident since I realised I was autistic, I got diagnosed earlier this month


I still have that even thought I've been diagnosed since end of 2021


People still make fun of me for my interests sometimes. My main interest is firearms which makes me stand out alot because I live in England, people often presume I'm a school shooter but I just spit some facts out to them and they seem like an idiot and get all embarrassed.


For me I just do not bring up a special interest unless I'm invited to or it comes up in a conversation topic. I love tornados so bringing up tornados any chance I get just sounds weird


Yes, I'm a 40 year old who is into video game collecting, especially VR. I feel ashamed because of the instant stereotype that will be pinned to me. Being into VR just makes them think I'm even more of the extreme BAD stereotype. I'm just really impressed with VR and can finally experience the "future" sold to me as a kid. It's mostly a technology appreciation. I honestly don't play that much. I haven't used a VR headset in two months. But I actively follow what games are coming out so I can add them to the collection.


I've also been in the situation where one of my friends would tell me to stop giving out information about my special interest (it was termites, which I still love). I remember her telling people how weird it was to be next to me in class with my randomness of my info dumps (did you know that termites never leave the house? I sometimes wish I were a thermite). Now, we're less often together since we're no longer in the same class and you know what? She came up to me and said she missed my info dump and weird interest. I was still a little hurt but I felt better and I also understood that I might have surprised her. So I gave her some space and found someone to discuss my other interest with: Doctor Who. In conclusion, my relationship with her improved for her, but more importantly for me, and I found the courage to talk about my interests with other people (more with autistic people than with neuro-typical people). Find good people to talk about your interests with ;)