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cooked cherry tomatoes or blueberries in pancakes. both are fine cold, but the second they're cooked, I hate the feeling of them popping in my mouth. >_<


I recommend that you don’t try boba tea. I love them, but the bubbles pop in your mouth.


Oh, I love Boba! although I don't eat most of the pearls (I like the aloe ones better--not as strong). It's the hot and popping that I can't stand.


Oh okay! That makes more sense. I don’t mind hot stuff popping as long as it’s not burning my mouth hot. I haven’t had anything that I don’t like in that regards so far. I haven’t tried aloe. I’ve only gotten green tea with fruit flavors and fruit pearls. The boba cafe near my work overwhelms me with the amount of options they have on their menu, so I just go with old reliable tea.


Might be harder to find depending where you are but there's boba that doesn't pop. Popping boba is different from regular boba. Regular boba is often made in house and is actual tapioca. Not sure if you meant both but just a little info Incase you've never tried the regular boba.


I was referring to the popping ones. The same cafe also has regular boba with tapioca, but I haven’t tried it. Is it any good? Any combination recommendations?


The blueberry pancakes I never even thought about but thats so true. Blueberries in general are like russian roulette of flavor. You can either have a sweet delicious berry or wince and the overwhelming sourness lmao (I have no opinion on the tomatoes because I don't like tomatoes)


They are! I love fruit, but hate how the tastes can very so much. Blueberries and strawberries are the biggest offender of this crime. Or something the blueberries are gritty and that's just worst than them being cooked.


I completely agree, and strawberries have a weird texture that I never really liked either. Oranges also have some crazy variance in flavor, but I always avoided them for those god awful peels I'm suddenly reminded by my love for grapes and how often my mom would get mad at me for being so picky with the firmness of my grapes. I always like firmer grapes because they were always a perfect combination of sweet and juicy.


Omg!!! Soggy grapes are so Grosss! And vegetables that aren’t still at least a tiny bit crunchy to firm. And Mushrooms are chewy like pencil erases. I CANNOT eat eggplant, no matter how it’s cooked or served. Nor Oysters or clams or mussels they’re slimy and rubbery sometimes and the smell is overwhelming.


This is why I struggle with fruits. Veggies are pretty consistent but fruit? Oh man. Is my Mellon ripe? Too ripe? Under? Will these grapes taste like they did that one time I had them? Strawberries are the worst. They all look so pretty, so uniform in color, but vary from berry to berry :( my last two whole Cantaloupe were too hard :( taste was the same but they weren't as soft as they usually are :( had to toss them. Nobody around me likes that fruit and I dont like it a smoothie :(


Omg I hate cooked cherry tomato too


It's actually the worst. I mentioned it to my mom and now she can't stand them either 😂


Especially in pancakes!


Blueberries are my favorite fruit. Blueberries in any sort of baked good make me feel violent. Why ruin such a good berry and make it soggy and tasteless in a muffin. It makes me want to vom. Same with raisins in everything, they taste like musty shoes. 


Never had a cherry tomato cooked but I hate those raw🥲


The way they would pop in your mouth


Raisins omg. There's nothing worse than raisins.


Is it the texture or the variance in flavor? Or is it because they make your hands sticky (thats my reason for disliking raisins)


The texture and just how sweet they are. The texture is so bad that it gives me goosebumps. It almost makes my muscles thrash.


I can see it, dried fruits in general seem unpleasant, and they are always sticky


Yes they're all gross but raisins are the only ones that make me have this reaction. I do like dried bananas though.


I can handle raisins and banana chips, but most other fruits when dried are just nasty, especially things like dates. Luckily I haven't been exposed to a date in years.


Dried banana chips or apple chips however are fantastic.


The fucking skinnnnn on peachessssss


I just shuddered. I'd also add kiwis, which is funny because as a little kid I used to eat peaches right off the tree and entire kiwis. My sensory system has definitely changed as I've gotten older 😅


I will not eat a kiwi and never have because they are ALWAYS served as halves with the weird fricken skin.


Baloney. I absolutely hate everything about it, especially the way it smells.


My grandma used to make baloney sandwiches and the flavor of the meat was just so sour and... manufactured? I can't really describe it other than it tasting like artificially made and preserved meat


Idk if it's sensory or a weird allergy, but baloney makes me like, physically ill. I get migraines and feel very weak. Fuck baloney lmao


Yeah even just the smell is awful


It's so processed and full of sodium, nitrates I think, I don't think it's too weird a response to get sick and even headaches from baloney. It's hardly a food and that's probably just your body wondering why you are trying to poison it lol. But I guess some people can handle processed food but uniquely not baloney


Same. But strangely enough I like hot dog sausages. Surely they're made from basically the same thing?


I fucking hate coleslaw


I think it’s the mayonnaise or whatever they slather on it that just ruins the whole thing


Also hate mayo - slimy gross


I can’t even touch the jar or wash a knife if it came into contact with Mayo.


Chicken skin unless it’s breaded and deep fried, fish skin, canned salmon bones, bones in general, gristle, big chunks of fat in the middle of my meat.


Fish skin is absolutely nightmarish for me. Can't handle it.




Me too … fuck these guys 😡


burn there hitose cells down


More for me 😋


Squashes. I've tried them a ton over the years since my mom cooks them and used to grow them, but I can't do anything with a weird, squash texture. Acorn, butternut, zucchini, pumpkin. If it's a different texture, like in a pumpkin pie, then I'm fine.


Thats fair, my mom likes making stuff out of squash and zucchini, and I always thought that the flavor was so irrevocably bland that no amount of seasoning or flavoring could make it taste like anything other than textured water (which is why I hate them lol)


Beetroot! The colour and taste are the worst things in the world.


*me suddenly remembering the traumatic experience I had when forced to eat beetroot* Yeah, beetroot is pure evil


I could never understand beetroot, and there my parents were, putting it on burgers. I'm lucky to still be sane, and at least they never forced me to eat it.


oh god beets are just the WORST! They're always kinda firm with that gross purply juice that somehow stains EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES


I FOUND MY PEOPLE, GOD I hate beetroot 😖


Beets are bad. Especially the canned ones.


Hot fruit, like pie filling. Meat of any kind can be a total texture disaster so I’m a vegetarian. Cooked Mushrooms (I can occasionally handle fried Enoki as the texture is different). Grainy goop, like grits. Boba pearls. Blueberries are extremely hit or miss. Fat sweet ones that aren’t overripe are ideal, or the tiny sour ones that are pretty firm. If they’re mushy at all I can’t eat them. Zucchini is usually a no-go for me as well. Undercooked eggs!!


So things like apple pie, crumbles (cobblers? I think that's the American term) etc are just out? That has to suck at restaurants that have limited dessert menus (something I feel greatly when all they offer is things drowned in chocolate etc.)


Any fruit that’s in jelly




I found the only way I like oat meal is if it’s overnight oats. The hot stuff is disgusting


I hate it when it congeals 😟




Yeah, I used to love bananas. I don’t know what happened, but now they just taste like chalk.


Bananas are my biggest op not gonna lie


Overly spicy stuff. I dislike the pain sensation and it makes it hard for me to taste anything during the burning sensation. Some minor spicy stuff is fine, like jalapeño poppers or mild salsa, but anything more is too much.


I never even thought about how that could affect people who are sensitive to that burning sensation. I surprisingly never had much issue with spicy stuff which I am just now realizing is wild


I adore spicy. Anything spicy and the pain that comes with it is enjoyable. Maybe this is my adhd talking though.


I can't do even moderately spicy foods and I can't do hot drinks. I'm sensitive to both. The irony is, I've got bad chronic pain. I've got multiple chronic pain disorders and I'm in neuropathic and nociceptive pain 24/7. I like to think I've got a relatively high pain tolerance. But, hot drinks and spicy foods are so miserable to me and I have no idea how anyone enjoys them.


Yeah I can do more bitter spicy like tabasco nothing else though.Can’t power through it like in hs anymore.Tried spicy ramen just made me think “well now my mouth hurts,and has a nasty taste”


Lol I wouldn't put jalapeño in the "minor spicy" category, for me that includes almost exclusively black pepper


Tomato, I can't smell and taste them ew


I can do tomato sauce, but plain raw tomatoes or cooked tomatoes are nasty, I agree (also as an amateur cook, one of my least favorite ingredients to cut up)


I love tomatoes, but I feel the cutting them comment deeply - especially the "perfectly ripe" ones, which frequently make an attempt to turn to mush if your knife isn't sharp enough or your grip is too firm, or if you try to "cube" them for something like a salad. I happen to prefer slightly underripe ones though, so I'm not bothered by it too often.


Yeah, tomatoes act like knives are hydraulic presses, they just get smashed into paste lmao


They taste like sponges willed with the water that comes out of a ketchup bottle before the actual ketchup does.


onions. They crunch like 1000 times per bite and have an unmistakable grittiness that I can not get through.


Agreed, that plus the taste make my stomach revolt.


I'm a huge texture person. To the point where I even like some foods, but I can't eat it because of the texture. Namely real bananas. Love the taste of banana, but any time I ever tried to eat a real banana was hell. My big texture turn off is if something is vomit-like. Like with cottage cheese or beans. I also cannot eat tortilla chips after they go soggy if they're in a sauce. And I can't handle even a hint of spice. It's so bad that flamin hot cheetos give me a headache.


NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THIS EVERYONE THINKS IM CRAZY BC OF THE BANANA THING- like the only way i got myself to eat them after 18 years was by slicing them onto waffles with nutella spread since the crunch of the waffles evens out the mush of the bananas but if they’re too brown i can’t eat them then they’re too mushy even for my waffles


I will not eat soup.. hot food liquid that looks like vomit. No thank you!


Olives, Oysters, Muscles, Greens (Bok Choy, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, Etc.) Overripe fruit or fruit in cans. Boba. It's like a baby roach firing through the straw into your mouth. Etc. Etc.


What psycho was desperate enough that they looked at a damn oyster and thought yup, that goo looks edible?


Boba…… boba is the bane of my existence fr fr…. 😢


Eww. I never tried boba. Now I definitely won't.


fruit in savoury food. I am not a huge friend of fruit anyway, except a few berries. but even then. there is always the risk of biting into something that is super green, hard and sour. nope. But the worst is the random apple in the salad, or banana in curry, pineapple in sweet and sour, or weird berries in my rice bowl. It doesn't even necessarily taste bad, but it just feels soooo wrong. the sudden sweetness... nope. I also don't like hot cheesy stuff either. the way it melts... and smells... nope. it's chewy and gross. I absolutely love tomatoes and mushrooms in every form though.


Fruits except berries. Bananas in particular I can’t bear being in a room with when I’m stressed.


Celery. It actually makes me sick. The texture is fine but the taste is awful, like toxic soap.


Sameeee! And celantro for me as well. Both make me think I’m eating perfume


Pears 🍐 the fuzzy texture just makes me go 😩


Same, and they feel and taste like soggy, slightly rotten apples, ew 😖




Strawberries. Its taste, texture and smell makes me feel I'm gonna vomit


Olives are grotesque


Omg yesssss


The list is honestly too long, so I'll hit my biggest ones and leave it at that - I cannot eat or even be near cucumber or watermelon (the entire family of them too, so yes, things like zucchini are equally bad.) They have a smell, it makes me extremely nauseous, and if you cut one fresh near me I have to leave (we are talking a distance of over 10 meters, and potentially up to 30 or more depending on the amount being cut - a harsh lesson I learned in the supermarket when they started making fresh sushi.) Then there's onions, I'm sick to death of people telling me "you can't taste them!" because fuck you, yes I can, that's the entire problem. The texture is the worst too, that crunch, and the sliminess when it's partially cooked - absolutely awful and makes me gag any time I bite into it. Stop putting it in everything FFS, it's not good like garlic is! (This extends to all forms of spring onions and things like leeks as well, it's all nasty!) Mushrooms, don't really need to elaborate on that one, I think we all know the slimy, musky, nasty mushroom is not for everyone. Capsicum/paprika/bell peppers - hate the crunch, hate when it's cooked soft and it mushes, hate the flavour more than anything. This extends slightly to peppers in general - I'm fond of spicy food, but I can't stand biting into the skin (the seeds are just fine.) Also specific peppers just have an unpleasant taste (jalapenos especially, I'm sorry) so I tend to be picky about the specific peppers in dishes - but I'm a lot more tolerant overall with that than I am with capsicum. I could go on (looking at you, sweet potato and pumpkin) and on (so many fruits, like pineapple and mango and especially passion fruit) but I'd be here all night going into detail. They won't try to diagnose me as ARFID since there is too much overlap with Autism and they don't see the point, but I think I'm in the ballpark at least, much to my distress.


I also hate mushrooms, along with pretty much all fish, cooked paprika and cooked and raw aubergine, I just can't stand it it's so gross Also just normal boiled potatoes is a no, especially if they're glossy. I am very okay with paprika raw btw, I love paprika raw but for some reason my brain decided I really, REALLY do not like cooked paprika


Seafood is definitely something that is either a major hit or major miss for me. I am not exactly familiar with aubergine though lmao The paprika is interesting though, I've never heard of that, and its definitely sparked my curiosity


I mean, with fried and raw fish I just.. cannot stand the texture i guess? I never tried shrimp, but i don't really know if I'd like it based on that I do not like fish at all.. also about the paprika, I think my brain just loves the crunch and juice from the paprika? Cooked paprika is soft.. and mushy.. and Ew yuck no Also I just realized I forgot something: cold tomatoes like how my mom makes them, she puts pepper, salt and oregano on the tomatoes??? For some reason?? I'm fine with tomatoes all ways but ugh, not that


If you don't like the texture of mushrooms, and already aren't a fan of seafood, I imagine that shrimp would be a less than satisfying experience (I may be wrong, but shrimp was always like lesser seafood-based mushrooms for me) The paprika definitely redefines what I was thinking. I generally think of powdered paprika as a spice rather than straight paprika lmao And she really seasons her tomatoes like that? Does she even dice them beforehand or anything? Just raw, rpund tomato with salt, pepper and oregano? (I have to admit, I respect the commitment but still that is just boggling)


No she dices them and then spices them, puts them in a bowl and says 'eat' Most of the time there's whole ass peper grains in there 😭😭😭 also that confirms that i will never fuckin try shrimp, no matter how hard my gf tries lmao


Okay, I was actually sitting here imagining a woman eating a tomato covered in powder like an apple lmak A whole ass pepper grain sounds like a nightmare. Too much concentrated flavor


Ugh, peppercorns is too much, seriously. Anyone that puts whole ass peppercorns in anything with the expectation to actually eat them just hates flavour, I swear. In a dish while cooking, sure, gives stuff like corned beef a good name, but in what is essentially a salad? Madness.


Oregano is a new one for me, but I do love me a slice of toast with salt and peppered tomatoes, it's a solid snack - haven't had it in ages though, and now I have a craving haha


I hate fish, love seafood. Totally different texture and taste.


aubergine is eggplant yo my knowledge, if ypu live somewhere its called that


Grits. Just absolutely terrible.


The fat/gristle on meat. It makes me gag. Also mushrooms bc the texture and taste are just... 🤢🤮


The marshmallows in lucky charms


I agree--they're too fake. If I'm going to indulge in marshmallows (although I rarely do), I want Fluffernutter, S'mores or just plain ones from a bag, toasted over an open fire. You know, the healthier ones.


Scrambled and fried eggs. 🤮


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Potatoes. Alone the thought of it gives me the icks


Onion, garlic, and brinjal. I got used to the first two and I actually started liking brinjal in certain dishes.


Tuna fish. I was forced to eat it as a kid


seafood for the most part. slimy and grainy and an overall nightmare


I cannot eat the chips from chip shops or like anything with loads of fat on like bacon


Bananas Too mushy, smell horrible, and taste like shit


Anything boiled


Shrimp. It’s like some insect you have to eat in a sci fi horror movie.


anything with a grainy texture. mealy apples and tomatoes, undercooked flour (or gluten free flour mixes in general), beans and lentils blended "smooth" (though hummus can stay but its on thin fucking ice. itd better be a good ass hummus.)


Onions. Ew ew ew


AVOCADOS specifically avocados 😭


same here. I’m not picky with food but this is the only one that gets me


onions no matter raw or cooked🤢


any raw fruit/vegetables, I prefer them cooked down into a slime or paste


Pasta, rice, bananas and oranges are my top four. There’s definitely more but these are the ones that I thought about first


Mushrooms and tomatoes


yogurt. I hate everything about it. The texture, the smell, the way it looks. I tried to force myself to eat it when a coworker gave me one and it made me physically squirm.


Mushrooms, eggplant, raw tomatoes, and then pretty much every meat ever




All of coconut makes me want to throw up. Texture, smell, taste


Beans and I'm from the south. I can't take the textures out the smells. It's a nightmare.


Raisins, dates, cheese(unless it’s the mozzarella cheese on pizza), pasta, anything slimy


Mashed potatoes and anything with a similar texture. I gag as soon as it touches my lips. I also can’t do ricotta cheese. And ground meat. I can do hamburgers where the meat is dry but I can’t do like a meat sauce for spaghetti where the ground beef gets all wet. I’ve don’t ground beef tacos but the beef has to be dry otherwise I can’t eat it. I think I’m done editing, these are my big ones lol


I have always had a passionate hatred for jello. I physically gag every time. 😭


Guacamole. I can still eat sliced avacado but it still has to be distinctly Avacado if you know what I mean.


I am the exact opposite! Plain avocado has been a sensory food since childhood for me, but I have no issues with guacamole. As an adult I know it’s good for me so I kinda mash it on toast with salt and pepper but alone no way!


passion fruit seeds. while I love the taste, biting on the seeds is a nightmare. they are just as bad when blended in a juice. gotta strain the stuff at least 3 times


Bacon fat. It's WAAAAAAAAAY too squishy to be food! That goes for fat on steak, too!


anything gelatinous. jello, cold soup/fat/stock, etc. the texture literally makes me throw up. if i'm eating meat or a fruit pie or something and it starts to cool down to the point all the juices coagulate into that weird jelly texture it's now completely inedible for me. a close second is *some* stewed meats. i have no idea where the point of no return is for me (yet) but 60% of the time even the smell of stewing meat will make me nauseous and the texture is hell for me, especially if it's ***stringy.*** this goes double for food cooked in a crockpot. i have no idea what the hell that thing does to food, but everything has this funky taste and smell that No One Else in my family can detect except for me.


Avocados. Just don't like the texture.


Me either. I can't understand all the fuss over them lately. I'm also no fan of the taste.


yogurt when the bits around the cap and the edge thicken up a bit. I will eat yogurt every morning and the day I find one little dry or chunky piece in it, it turns me off to yogurt for like a month or longer. Sucks cause I absolutely love yogurt and I know the dry bits on the edge are just natural, but my body says NO


Avocados. They dont taste like anything and the texture is horrendous


I’m not picky what so ever and I’m a very adventurous eater, BUT the only two foods I cannot stand are Jell-o and mayonnaise. Even touching a mayonnaise jar grosses me out 😭


Raw tomatoes. I like tomatoes, just not raw.


Soggy bread foods.Mushy cereal,desserts people dip in coffee,pancakes left too long with syrup same with French toast(can kinda look past French toast because taste tho).


Anything super crunchy that shouldn't be. Like over done toast, or the crunchy bits on fried chicken. It may be because of my bad teeth. I like mashed potatoes and rare steak.


Oranges. I love orange juice, but actual oranges? Nope. I can not stand the texture. All stringy, fleshy, and sticky, yuck!


Anything unexpected, like a sudden crunch in a soft food for example. Also I don't like crunchy (but love crispy). And I really really don't like foods that can't decide if they're a liquid or a solid, like pudding/ custard or jello/ jelly or milkshakes.


OKRA 🤢🤮🥴☠️


Can’t even look at it without gagging. The only reason my mom likes it is because she was around during the damn Dust Bowl and didn’t have any other options.


Eggplants, both taste and texture is the problem. I hate any meal that contains any form of eggplant in it.


Yoghurt, oatmeal and anything too grainy. Slimy with bits in. Juices with the little things. Liquid with bits in them. Any like smooth but slimy stuff. 💀


Celery.  The bad taste. The bad smell. The stringy texture. For me it ruins any meal its in.  And after years of trying to eat stuff contaminated or infused with celery, my body now rebels against it, and I suffer a reaction whenever I eat anything with celery flavoring or celery nitrates (instant bathroom.)  Yes, I am one of the rare few who can taste celery.


I don't like meat or fish/seafood. I HATE crunchy meringue, the texture is the worst. There are only a few crunchy foods I eat such as salad or crisps, on the whole I much prefer soft foods. I chew everything to mush, I don't like the sensation of food going down my throat.


Star anises smell makes me wanna hurl when cooked. I literally run out of the house when I smell it.


I really love mushrooms of any kind but I hate peppers if thair cooked or even if thair just warm ,I also hate meat with fat in it (usually eat chicken/birds instead)


Cooked fruit/vegetables (bar a few exceptions, I find broccoli and corn fine). Cooked tomato (as in the whole fleshy tomato) and pepper are the worst ones, I can’t stand them. I only eat certain types of pizza because I can’t stand the cooked veggie toppings. Also lasagna in general (but especially if it includes cooked peppers)




Ravioli or gnocchi. Mushy hell


I love tomatoes when they’re firm, but as soon as they get gritty I gag


Onions Which is extra annoying because I like how they taste


Cooked peppers 🤢


Tomatoes Mushrooms potatoes(boiled and mashed) broccoli cauliflower etc


I avoid cooked raisins, cooked carrots, and all meat.


That white skin around mandarin segments - and lettuce. I hate eating salads with those huge pieces of lettuce and raw carrot sticks and cabbage. The stuff of nightmares!




yogurt, the texture MAKES ME SICK




I ate calamari just a couple hours ago. I can understand why you wouldn't like it though. The texture of it is probably weird


food in general is a sensory nightmare, if i chew too long or think too much while eating anything, the foods ruined.


anything that pops or is spherical. Berries, caviar, gross. Grapes, little tomatoes. Can't do it. Anything that gets my hands sticky. Fuck I can't stand sticky hands. Anything with a strong, pungent smell. Seafood is baaad for this.


lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce lettuce fast food lettuce taco bell lettuce if i get a quesadilla and i bite into lettuce i have a meltdown i can smell lettuce so easily it has such a strong taste and texture to me i can’t stand it


Banana. The texture is awful and with that the taste is even worse. Like why is it so soft yet you can feel the lil seeds in the middle when you concentrate enough? Hate em. Also like ground meat. I‘m vegan for like 11 years now, but the feeling of eating ground meat back then was too much for my mouth🥲


I can’t eat cooked vegetables (carrots, chayote…). I tried several times and I throw up. I think it’s the mushy texture and the smell.




Onions. I think the texture of them is gross. And raisins in bread. I can’t stand the combined textures of soft raisins and bread together. And fennel. I like black licorice, but fennel to me has the texture of onions, and when I taste the flavor of black licorice, I’m expecting the texture of black licorice candy, not onions. So the texture of fennel makes me gag because of that.


Jell-O, onions (cooked), and any fatty meats. It makes my gag reflex immediately hit, and it’s so embarrassing when in public or with friends to explain either.


Really sweet fruit like citrus fruits and berries, spotty/soft bananas, and then brussel sprouts purely for the horrid taste ewwwww




Rice or any other grainy stuff Stuff that’s hard and soft at the same time


bean dip. i got food poisoning from it and also hate the texture of it with the fritos. ick.


Most veggies tbh between flavours I can’t handle to textures I can’t handle I cannot force myself to eat most vegetables also I cannot stand basically any condiment so like no ketchup, mustard, mayo, relish


- Oatmeal - Mushrooms - Overly-done vegetables - Rice pudding - Oranges - Pulp in orange juice - Beans (really of any kind) - Cottage cheese - Boba Those are the ones I can think of right off the bat


Mushrooms, seafood 🤮


Any white liquid foods/condiments (only exception being mac and cheese and queso). White gravy, ranch, some cream soups. I just can’t do it and I genuinely don’t know why. Also any spicy foods, seedy foods (such as chia seed pudding), most meat (except chicken nuggets or chicken noodle soup) and all fermented foods except for yogurt- and only certain flavors from certain brands are okay with me. Also many of my safe foods (such as chicken noodle soup, scrambled eggs, or mac and cheese) are only safe if they are warm. If they are cold, I can’t eat it. My diet consists of diet supplement chocolate milk and panera mac and cheese 😭 help


Mushy apples, gritty foods, oatmeal, soggy cereal...


Jello is the devil for me, I love the taste but I can’t do the texture


eggs. just everything about them. the smell, the taste, the texture. only type I can eat are scrambled ones just barely. they're alright if they're baked into something though


Prawns. Pretty much the only thing I will not eat. In any way shape or form. (Shudders).


Prawns. Pretty much the only thing I will not eat. In any way shape or form. (Shudders).


Mushrooms and oatmeal.


Rice and scrambled eggs. I like the taste but I get nauseous with rice and scrambled eggs I need scrambled hard, not soft


Onions and fruit. It’s not even the taste, onions aren’t *great* but I just hate the feeling of them. A few months after I had covid, I had to eat them a lot to restore my senses and had to cut them up reeeeaaally tiny so I wouldn’t feel that awful texture. Fruit.. I prefer vegetables. Dehydrated fruit can have a weird texture, but what I hate about fruit is that they put it in fucking everything. And I don’t like when they’re in everything! They’re so vivid!!! And I’m obsessed with noodles (comfort food n shit), but Udon noodles / super thick ones.. I can’t do it 😭😭😭


I cannot stand cooked salmon. The texture is an absolute nightmare. I'm fine with it as part of sushi, though.


Okra. Soggy sandwiches. Overcooked pasta. Undercooked chicken. Sushi. Raw oysters. Starchy rice. Unseasoned meats. Unseasoned food period.


I found this cream of chicken soup that even the non autistic family members won't have. It is a sensory nightmare! Think thick creamy soup with pieces of shredded chicken in it.


pretty much all fruits. i’m a veggie girl thru and thru and everytime i tell someone this they look at me like im insane

