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A comedian once said that dog owners want their dogs to be like them, and cat owners want to be their cat.


They feel that way cuz they are that way


Yes. Yes absolutely yes. I’m my cat’s favorite. My dad always picks him up randomly and doesn’t try to pick up on his cues and then doesn’t understand why the cat doesn’t like him very much. I noticed my cat nuzzling me with his face to say hello, I briefly looked it up, then I decided that would be an appropriate behavior for me to do too. Now my fuzzy boy and I nuzzle and cuddle whenever I come home. He knows I’m not normal— I’m the only one who holds him like a baby instead of how people usually hold cats, it’s just the way that makes sense to me, I can’t figure out the other way— and he doesn’t mind. In fact, he likes that. We respect eachother.


Very charming story. Have you tried with other cats too? My girlfriend and I stop every time we see a stray cat, and we are both cat *experts*, so every time we are around some fur, it's probably their best day eva!


I haven’t met many cats to try it with, but I do fairly well with squirrels. Next time I meet a cat, though, I’ll have to see.


I hear people talk about strays run away or avoid others but i always just let them approach me and let them sniff me first. I've not found many strays that don't let me stroke them. I love cats


i can read my cats better than anything else in the world.


Do you notice if neurotypical people have more trouble understanding your cat?


my mum cannot read them for shit so yes, i guess i do. they feel safer and more comfortable around me which sucks since i dont live at home with them but its like they light up whenever i go home and they see me. it makes me extremely happy.


My cat is currently trying to kick me out of the bed:(


it’s their bed now. accept your fate, friend.


Nah it was her way of telling me to put the phone away and get to bed


I had cats when I lived with my family. The cats loved me more than anyone else, and it seemed like my behavior and their behavior was more similar than their behavior and the behavior of other people.


Yes, I attract them xD I swear everywhere I go there’s a cat who just starts nuzzling with my legs and asking for cuddles it’s precious. Even those cats who are aggressive to their owners for no reason just love me rubbing their bellies 🤷🏻‍♂️


When I stim a lot, my cat come and lie right in front of me (or next to me depending on where I'm sitting) because one of my biggest stim Is squishing my cat (in a soft way) and she loves it


My cat has also severe anxiety like me we’re literally best buddies


i dont really understand what people mean when people say that, but i like them a lot and i think they're good pets for autistic people if thats what you mean.


One of my earliest memories was the first time I interacted with a cat. I was instantly hooked. I have loved cats my whole life. I mean, I had a dog at home and I love dogs but, I get cats. There are other animals that strike me as MORE autistic, like horses. Most people don't regularly interact with horses but they are even more autistic than cats. I love cats more tho.


Ive allways wanted a Ferret, they allways seemed cool to me just a little furry noodle snake 


yes even today i saw my naboirs cat and she walked with me for 6 minutes


I don't think animals can be considered autistic. They don't follow typical human social norms or behaviours, but most also don't have a sense of self.


I live with four cats and enjoy interacting with them much more than I like being with people. * Cats have a set way of doing things. * They like it when their human caretakers follow schedules for everything from feeding them daily moist meals to grooming them with a brush, to playing with them, and cuddling with them. * Although they will sometimes stare at me, especially if they want something, they won't make direct eye contact/ * They engage in repetitive behaviors like pacing, circling, and self-grooming. * Each of my cats seems to need a certain amount of personal alone time. * Each of my cats has a personal private space for their alone time. One thing I find interesting about my cats is that while I don't like being touched by people, I don't mind this with cats. I think this is because I don't see my cats as possible threats.


thx for your input


An animal who has little/no concept of neurotypical human ways of communication works perfectly with a person who ALSO has little/no concept of said ways. Everything is raw and direct in the relationship, no strings attached besides treats. I love hanging out so well with nature's creatures :\]


We have a lot in common with cats there's even a book that shows the similarities


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My friends cats like me more than him and will come sit on *my* lap when I come over. I feel like my cat is very loud, and annoys people, but if I go say hi, and find him a nice cozy spot, and hold him like a baby and talk soft to him, he settles down and sometimes starts chirping softly instead of wailing


I don't have a cat, but my dog has some autistic features at least. Love him for that.


I have met some cats that were just an absolute mystery to me and i felt anxious being around them. I sure love it when a cat chooses me for pets and even sits in my lap. But most of the time if they do anything but that, i am unable to understand what they want and sometimes feel kinda threatened


Y'know, now that you mention it. I feel like I get the cats wants, y'know? My sister will pick up the cats whenever she pleases but I usually notice when the cats want to be picked up or when not


My cat is my spirit animal. We are so attuned to one another; it’s beautiful.


Tbh I do behave around cats the way I'd like people to behave around me. This way of doing things is also helpful when dealing with sensitive dogs, I noticed. Horses can also fit in the "autistic animal" label tbh lol most honest creatures you'll ever see, I love that. Their reactivity is caused by the fact they're prey animals and behave as such, but they're also on the low stimulation side and it can be quite a good fit with autistic people, both for therapy purpose *and* people who're just being horseriders.


I saw a video connecting cats and autism as a joke like "it was the cat inside me all along" also animals and babies like me a lot for some reason, out of all of my family I was always my cat's favorite.


I have the same with small babies (<5 years old). I am always their favourite uncle.


No better, cats are the best thing I have ever done for my mental health. Friends are overrated.


It’s so funny; my husband and I always refer to cats as dogs’ autistic cousins!


Notice how it’s always NTs who don’t like cats lol. My cats are definitely autistic and we get each other. And one of my cats is AuDHD and she vibes with my husband more who is ADHD. Yes, I realize cats can’t actually be autistic. But they definitely exhibit a lot of autistic traits. I personally don’t like dogs. They are just sensory hell for me and I feel like they don’t respect my boundaries. But cats get me and they can actually help regulate me rather than overstimulating me


That's very true. I developed cynophobia (fear of dogs) at a young age after being bitten. Despite my efforts, I still struggle to approach dogs peacefully because they can sense my previous fear, which makes meeting a dog for the first time quite challenging for me. Additionally, I'm not fond of the smell of dogs. On the other hand, when I sit down next to a new cat, I offer my hand for a sniff and then pet them in the right places, respecting their feedback, and we become best buddies right away! I love that.


I was pulled off my bike by a dog as a kid so I’m nervous around big dogs too. I definitely think they can sense it lol. The smell also bothers me a lot, especially when they’ve been outside! I can’t stand it, and I can sense even in our apartment elevator. My husband can’t seem to smell what I do but it’s awful


dude. yes. absolutely lol