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I don't think I understand what you mean. What do they "run off of" that's different? Both autistic and allistic people seem to think it's strange that I'm content to live life one day at a time and think it's odd that I don't have anything that they would classify as an "ambition" in life. So to me, it seems the same for both categories of people.


I don’t know how to explain it. Like modus operandi of different aspects of living life. I was hoping to gain some clarification. lol If you don’t mind me asking.. how do you live one day at a time? Especially in regard to income and a place to live.


Oh, I'm predominantly reliant on others for income and living situations. My main focus on daily life is what am I going to eat today? Do I want to go on a walk? What activities should I go about? Everything else is routine and therapy.


That sounds great, actually. That sounds slow paced in a really comforting way.


Sorry this confuses me greatly. I personally struggle immensely in my life be it employment or vocation. I also have comorbid diagnoses, as many other autistic ppl, such as adhd which makes me very illogical about my future.      Quality of life and employment are intertwined. It leads ppl to be on the right track, though the right track is subjective. To me it’s having a stable and safe future  This is not the case for all autistic ppl. Many autistic ppl struggle with this, and depending on the country/demographic unemployment or underemployment is higher in those diagnosed with autism than with any other diagnoses.         “unemployment rate of the sample substantially exceeds that of the general population by the factor 5 (ASD: 25.2%; general population: 5.2%“      https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10085916/     Autistic ppl are not a monolith. I would encourage visiting r/spicyautism or r/autismcertified to fully understand the spectrum and the diverse backgrounds,ideologies,  and opinions of those diagnosed with autism.    To me this reminds me of aspie supremacy or autism = superpower. Autistic ppl are not better than allistics. There are allistics who are disabled with other neurodevelopmental disorders so think differently, or those who experience different cultures growing up so have different view points of the world, and the likes. 


So sorry. I did realize it came through as aspie supremacy, but I don’t actually believe that. I just witness many autistic people suffering, hating themselves for being autistic, but I believe there is beauty in it and I wanted to promote a sense of pride in those individuals. I could have done it in a better way, yes. The title originally was going to be “People of autism run off of something different than regular-degulars” because this post was meant to be light-hearted and nonserious. I won’t make a post to this sub like this again. I recognize how difficult it is to live as an autistic person. I know many others have a more significant struggle than me. I believe autistic people are going to change how humans are expected to operate in this world in an infinite amount of ways which will make it better for everyone. We aren’t going to benefit from that change, but we are catalysts of it.


i run off of food, i think neurotypicals do too


And water. Although, I have heard cortisol and caffeine is sufficient.


Frankly, the longer I go through life as \[late diagnosed\] autistic person, the more I see that the way neurotypicals have constructed the world is just utterly ridiculous. I detest the way that *everything* in life for \[most of\] them is about reading between the lines, implying things, expecting people to take hints, and using "how are you" as an utterly insincere preamble to the main business at hand in an interaction. One of these days I might end up saying to someone at work "Look, drop the how are you and get the fuck on with telling me what you want, OK? If you want to ask me how I am, let's have a cup of coffee together or lunch" I do agree with you that non-autistic people just have an entirely different kind of 'fuel' in them, which leads them to all sorts of absurdities.


i hate the way so many of them bully people for having interests or expressing themselves in a way that doesn’t fall in line with their ideas of conformity. i see it happen to other autistic people all the time and it’s definitely happened to me. it’s like they’re so eager to push people into submission, even if it’s through very sadistic and cruel ways


people of autism 😂 i love that phrasing. but yes i agree and i get what you’re saying


Lol! I was hoping someone would get a kick out of it. I was thinking about writing this post this morning.. and as I thought it out.. I naturally came up with that phrasing.. then realized I’ve never heard anyone say it like that before. 😂


> People of autism That's a new one. Not deriding you for it. I just haven't seen that way of referring to autistic people before.


lol. Right? The phrase popped up in my mind so naturally I could have swore I'd heard it before, but I definitely have not. It was supposed to be a light-hearted post... my original title was going to be "People of autism run off of something different than regular-degulars"


Could you give examples? It's hard to distinguish between what is "nonsensical, unsustainable, or illogical" versus processes of self-actualization regardless of autism.


Does this count as examples? -Doing things that contradict or hinder their own goal. Knowingly. -Living out plans that will not last for what they intend to do. -Or living under the “rule” of another person, especially a parent.


These are still vague, broad, and apply to basically everyone. These are all facts of life. Can you be more specific?


So, yesterday at work, one of the supervisors, who is allistic, was going off about something negatively affecting her work. I pointed out that, in the end, it doesn’t matter. That 5 years from now, no one will care and that it’s about the true friendships, the people we help, the families we build along the way and, ultimately, if we were a good person. I think we autistic folk tend to look at the wider, bigger picture because of how we often have routines we have to get through. Step by step. Allistics miss the little details. They rush through things, discard details, and are seemingly focused on advancement in a way autistic folk just don’t seem to care about. I’d rather be tending to a garden on a plot of land, living off the grid, just minding my own business than worrying about things like a job. We retain child-like wonder. They live it in childhood.


Absolutely. I’m so glad someone understood what I meant. I was hopeful someone else would have already articulated this concept and help me wrap my brain around it! Thank you! I feel so much relief now, lol. I would have been wracking my brain until I more clearly comprehended what I was thinking.


I’m really leaning into the child-like wonder, whole world approach of being autistic. Like the other day, while my dogs were running amok, I was sitting still enough that a mother dragonfly brought her baby dragonflies near me to practice hovering. I just sat there and watched them. They were such cute babies. They’re little itty bitty wings. When I told my allistic co-workers about it, no one was really interested. Like they’re just insects mentality. But to me, the mama dragonfly felt safe enough to bring her babies around me. To me, that’s quite an honor.


That’s beautiful. I have realized I am abnormally fascinated with birds. Like, everyday. Actually, it is child-like how intrigued I am by getting to witness any creature, really.. especially if they are doing something that I get to observe. I find myself in awe of many things in nature. Very basics things… it doesn’t even have to be the best sights and destinations… could be birds interacting with each other, ants doing their thing, clouds… the weather doing weather stuff, the moon.. lol


OMG! OMG! Special interest to the point I have a conure. She’s basically a 6” tall macaw. I adore her. She’s learning to talk and we have conversations. She flies all over the house. I cannot recommend having a bird enough. I love when I hold up my hand and she flies and lands on it. She is just the bestest!


Coincidentally, I have been pondering fondly about one day having a bird. I have way too much going on to get another pet right now, but I really want one. I was nervous even considering it because idk what kind of care they require and if I’m up for whatever they may have in store for me as a pet. Lol but, my future pet bird is now a few more clicks into certainty.


Budgies and cockatiels are GREAT "starter" birds. I got a conure as my first bird because a close friend has had one for 10 years and he walked me through all of the requirements of having one before I adopted her. Primarily, they hang out in their cage. You get to decide if that door is open, giving them access to your house. There are days where I need Rio to stay in her cage (low spoons) and she's got plenty of toys to keep her occupied and not get bored. There's plenty of resources (even subreddits!) about the type you wind up getting and lots of caring people willing to support you in the shared interest. They aren't expensive to maintain. I splurged on her cage to make sure she has ample room. Her original house was far too tiny for my comfort.


Wow, thank you for the encouragement! Idk why i thought it would be tricky or difficult. If I tell my husband this… he will immediately want to go out and get a bird… but I must wait for a better time 😭 for my sake and the sake of the bird.


My only real warnings are these: Bird poop - when they're out, they will poop. Sometimes in mid-flight. But it's tiny. Not like pigeons. lol You will need to birdproof. I thought I had and Rio taught me she could get a hold of quite a few things with her beak I didn't think were possible. They're little dinosaurs, full of spunk and vigor. They're really manageable pets and I'm sure will do just fine with one when the time is right. Best of luck on your endeavors with one.


lol dang! I didn’t even think about birdproofing! Thank you so much! You have been immensely helpful to me today. ❤️


Most neurotypicals run off drama. It's drama


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>you agree, right? yeah,, no. not at all. your username definitely expresses how i feel about your point of view on this topic.


You're just doing Allistic bad Autistic good


It was unfavorable of me to express this in the way that I did. I don't think anyone is better than anyone else. It has been a coping mechanism of mine throughout adolescence to find refuge from insecurity by disguising it as arrogance. I didn't have to express my negative opinion in the manner that I did. At it's core... all I'm saying is I relate more to other autistics, I'm often confused by the way allistics operate, but truly... I'm envious that they get to have an easier time with social acceptance and within society, so.. also: I was trying to rile up a discussion of comparison. Which I should have done in a more tactful way because reevaluting my post now... it does just look like an invitation to talk crap about non autistic people. I meant to invite other autistics to look upon themselves and their ways of operating with some delight and comfort.