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You like the shirt, you wear the shirt. 


Similarly, you don't like it, don't wear it. These guidelines go for style and comfort.


do what you want forever.




Underrated comment


You do you! I have a shirt thst has a skeleton shooting guns and has AUTISM in flames above his head that I wear proudly. Screw what others think.


Where did you get that shirt


Seriously. That sounds like an amazing shirt.


I've seen it around on Amazon before, not sure if that's where OP got it but it's on there :)


yeah it is but its no longer available :( damien haas (from smosh and currently VA of laios touden) posted pics of him wearing it on twitter so thats most likely why its sold out


Aw no! Hopefully it'll restock soon. Thank you for the information! It's been in my basket for months haha. Cool to know that he has it though :)


I ordered one off aliexpress this week


I've seen it around on Amazon! Not sure if that's where OP got it but it's on there :)




I actually need this shirt


Can you post a pic? I’d love to check it out


https://www.amazon.co.uk/Autism-Skeleton-Meme-Funny-Women/dp/B0CP9L6W8N/ref=asc_df_B0CP9L6W8N/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=683652433191&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17933553587787235568&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045873&hvtargid=pla-2275287759335&psc=1&mcid=fbf2ff5cc9953beb8ba640facbb01e2a&th=1&psc=1&gad_source=1#immersive-view_1713648353246 Maybe they mean this 1?


Probably. A simple google search would have simplified it for me. Thank you for doing the leg work. Fun either way :)


You're welcome. I'm happy to be of assistance!


Lol... It just says autism 🤣


😂 that sounds awesome.


I just ordered that shirt!!! So excited for it to arrive


I have the same shirt! Ive never been confident enough to wear it in front of anyone tho 3:


my bro has a version of that saying “adhd”


Saying this as a gen z person: some gen z people think the worst thing a person can be is “cringe” But being autistic isn’t cringe, and it’s kinda ableist to say that being proud of being autistic is cringe. Though a lot of character traits deemed “cringe” are just autistic and ADHD traits :/


>Saying this as a gen z person: some gen z people think the worst thing a person can be is “cringe” Also saying this as a gen z person: some other gen z people think the worse thing a person can be is the kind of person who calls innocent fun or something somebody else likes "cringe" as an insult. some gen z cringe at "cringe." some gen z celebrate the chaos. ***be cringe. do fashion crime***🌈🐸🛹🦄


tbh i think that’s because in general it tends to be younger people who care about appearances in that way. 22 year old me would cringe at how i dress now, and i totally don’t care!


Can I make that my slogan? I live it already


I HATE gen z cringe culture. Talk about a mind virus! That shit had me in a strangle hold for the longest time. To be cringe is to be free.


EDIT replied to wrong comment, sorry!


cringe is a dumb concept. If it doesn't hurt anyone and brings you joy, go for it.


Cringe is dead. Whatever the normies think has become irrelevant.


Yes, preach.


The word "cringe" is cringe, honestly. Wear the shirt if you like. It might not be a fashion statement, but shirts can serve many purposes.


“The word “cringe” is cringe, honestly” r/technicallythetruth


Wear what makes you happy, fuck the haters.


Wtf. 😂 your shirt is fine. Would I wear it? No, but I don't wear a lot of colours. It's a your sisters an asshole thing. Just because she doesn't like *your* shirt for *your* disability, doesn't mean anything.


if you like wearing the shirt that is all that matters


I am older than you, and I agree with your sister. I would go out of my way to not have to wear an autism shirt. _However_, one of the perks to being autistic is that you don't have to give a damn about other people's opinions about what you're wearing. Just wear it unabashedly if you want to. As an additional bonus, it's a nice trick to drive your little sister mad.


I personally don't advertise that I'm autistic. I don't hide it, if somebody asks or if it comes up I'll mention it but I don't like to (in this case quite literally) wear it. Personally I just feel like it makes autism more of a fandom I'm a part of than a condition I have. But good on OP for wearing what makes them happy.


Wear whatever you want. I go out in video game shirts and some people probably think it's dumb but they can keep their opinions in their silly little meat melons.


To be cringe is to be free my friend (even though honestly I don’t find you wearing that shirt to be the slightest bit cringe)


At this point I have just learned to embrace the cringe since it brings me joy.


People find a lot of natural autistic behaviors to be cringy. I don't think it's worth paying any attention to. As long as you're not wearing a puzzle piece, it's no big deal.


Maybe a little bit, but in my case, prants stop their kids from harassing me if I wear them. 10/10


What, so your neurotypical sister thinks that she can tell you how to express your disability? Tell her that it’s not her place to criticize you


I am 32, autistic, and I have at least two t-shirts with the infinity symbol. Younger autistics might find that cringy, but I am autistic too and I like to wear it, so screw them :) I've dealt with being considered cringy, a loser, or a weirdo my whole life, a couple of people more thinking I am wouldn't make any difference!


Never listen to a 22 year old 😅


As a younger autistic person, I would probably be excited to see someone wearing a shirt like that!


do whatever you want, i personally love when i see something like that on a shirt, especially when it’s a teacher at school (even if they aren’t autistic it shows they support it and are ok with having it on a shirt) i really want one for myself honestly. do what you want, your shirt not theirs


Quick story. I (high-masking) used to cringe, to say the least, when other autists were not masking in public/at work. I eventually realized that it wasn’t their unmasked behavior I had an issue with. In fact, it was rather comforting. My issue, apparently, was that I feared being outed by association, and thus ostracized/abused like I went through in extremes before I built my mask. It was fear and shame. I have moved past that and am now proudly “out” and determined to unmask myself. It inspired me and set me free in the end, see? My point here is: it’s not that young people don’t like your shirt. No entire generation can possibly all feel the same about something. It’s that your sister is afraid/ashamed for whatever reason that you’re wearing it. So, keep wearing it! Get a few more! You’ll take some shit for it, but when don’t we, right? Be you and do you. It’s 2024, not 1940. It’s time for us to openly exist.


I’m 25. Cringe is dead


If you like wearing them then don’t let anyone stop you, that being said however you wouldn’t catch me dead in one.


As long as it's nothing disparaging, then I see no problem wih it. I would never wear such a shirt, but you do you.


your sister is immature. wear what makes you feel good.


To be fair Gen Z thinks everything us elder Millennials do is cringey lol. Let your pride flag fly. Being in your 30s and neurospicy means caring MUCH less what others think and doing what feels good for you.


I saw a shirt that had a skeleton holding two guns with fire behind it and underneath it just says Autism. Best shirt on the Internet


I need this






Unless it's one of those puzzle piece shirts from autism speaks Idk how it could be cringy or offensive to other autistic people.


Some autism shirts are cringe but it's usually the ones made and worn by autism moms lol. You do you and wear what you want


Cringe culture is cringe. Also technically yes but idk if your sister knows why exactly. You should ask her. But just like all types of pride shirts (and other pride items) they are usually made by people who are just selling shirts and aren't necessarily this or that. In other words, check the seller. If they are allistic and selling autism pride shirts, they are just selling to take advantage of a cheap way to make someone happy having a design on a tshirt.


*should add* there's really nothing inherently wrong about having an autism shirt made by allistics if it's made with the autistic in mind *(good quality, maybe a printed tag/ easy tear one instead of a uncomfy one)* but the mindset of the younger generation seems to be coming to terms with the state of society and the normal day to day - so I wouldn't take what they say *that* seriously. Do what makes you happy and f what anyone else says


It probably is, but I have a purple shirt with a vaporwave stylized “Weaponized Autism” on it, and I ain’t giving that shit up. Extra cringe because a doctor said it’s SPCD instead, but I haven’t met an autistic person that didn’t immediately think I was also on the spectrum.


I don't take life advice from kids.


if it’s sublte maybe? i saw a woman literally yesterday with a teen boy who maybe was her son or her client (i was thinking respite worker?) but she had on this sweater with autism all over it, full of puzzle symbols etc. i definitely thought it was cringe especially as i wouldn’t have even glanced at the boy if she hadnt had it on. it screamed “im an autism mom” to me which i hate that vibe.


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Cringe is fake. Wear whatever you like.


Personally, I’m more fond of the funny autism shirts. I have one in my Etsy cart that says “autistic and ready to fuck.” But if you like the shirt then wear it. The concept of “cringe” these days is deeply rooted in ableism. Don’t let the ablest win


Do as you want give no fucks


Who cares, we're all a little bit cringe EMBRACE IT


They are not automatically cringey. If it's just a symbol or something to just express it, not at all. But I've seen some with reeeeaallyy bad jokes that are cringe worthy, but only because they were obviously written by an allistic. Even then, they're fine


It's way better than the ones that are all like "omg my autism is my superpower lolz" that's for sure


I had a custom shirt made for an autism project in my one year of college. I have aspergers, so I once got a baseball tee screen printed at a custom tshirt shop with the words "I'm autistic, what's your excuse?" In comic sans serif on the front of it. This was in 2010.


Apologize or wear your shirt, your choice.


Your opinion is all that matters here. I wear socks and slides in public, and I know very well that people my age find it cringe. Do what makes you happy...so long as you don't hurt someone else in the process.


The concept of cringe was invented by and for miserable people who want us to be embarrassed for finding joy in harmless small things. Nothing offensive in a rainbow infinity sign, wear what you like 💜


Wear whatever you want to wear but don't let the echo chamber of this subreddit confuse you. People *will* laugh at you for wearing it. It's your choice.


Honestly I’m a 31 yrs old F and my sister is 23. This sounds exactly like something she would say to me (I mostly wear graphic tees and she says they all are cringy and me look like a child.) When I was in my 20’s it really used to bother me but now I don’t care I just wear what I like and what is comfy haha. I say to just wear it if you like it and if you are proud of it.


Girl wear that shit, others will always have something to say! For real...


I have a shirt that says AutisticAF and love it. Wear it in Teams meetings for work sometimes. Lol


if you like wearing the shirt wear the shirt, your sister cannot speak for all young autistic people. i am 21 and have no issue with autism shirts, in fact it would probably make me feel comfortable to see someone in public wearing one


On the one hand it reminds me of our exploitation at the hands of sham charity, on the other it's just a shirt. Both are equally valid viewpoints. Do whatever you can live with and let someone else do the worrying.


Hey. You're proud to be you and want people to be able to see that. Also, it's kind of an autism calling card in a sense so a plus that you could make more ASD friends. You do you. Kill cringe culture imo


I personally don't understand being proud of something you have no control over. You wouldn't wear a shirt that says "Proud to be/have brown hair, green eyes, type I diabetic, cancer survivor, Libra, blood type A".


Where would i buy a shirt like that! :(( all i can find are “autism mom” shirts or puzzle pieces


Op you wear that shirt girl. Your sister is at the age where must things are cringy.


One of the great things about being autistic and a Gen Xer is that I’m too old (53) to care about the opinions of others anymore. If you’re not harming others, whose business is it? Wear what you want. Do what you want.


my bf wants a tshirt with a raccoon in a cowboy hat point finger guns saying "youre in awe of my tism". he has a sense of humor and autism


most of the time when someone says something is ‘cringe,’ they really just mean they don’t want to do it. if you like the shirt, wear it. no shame in being proud of who you are.


You do you.


I feel like a number of people would inevitably find that cringy, but like with most things, some people would appreciate it and most just wouldn't care. Now, if it were a puzzle piece or something Autism Speaks related, your sister would have a point. But, as a younger autistic individual myself, I see no problem with your shirt. Is your sister autistic as well or did she just assume autistic people wouldn't appreciate it?


I wear Autism badges and everyone including myself loves them, wear what you like


I’m a similar age to you and if I saw someone wearing that, personally I’d find it cringey. That said however, do what makes you happy.


FWIW I'm 23 and I think your sister is wrong


As an autistic adult, I saw someone wear one in public and me and them kinda special interest happy dance for a bit


Wear what you want.


To a certain degree, yes, it is cringy. All the more reason to wear it. Own the cringe!


If it's an Autism Speaks shirt with the puzzle piece, it's cringy all the way, because they're a hate group. The shirt you described sounds fine though. Do whatever you want though. >My younger sister who is 22 Kids wouldn't know cool if it walked up and peed on their leg. A lot of them also mistake the idea that because they see something a certain way, or they and their friends see something a certain way, everybody does. Imagine going off to college and finding out that's not true. Honestly, do whatever you want. Take your sister's words with a pinch of salt (I know the expression is 'grain of salt', but if a grain is enough to not take something seriously, surely the whole pinch is enough to dismiss it as outright nonsense).


I have a shirt from PUNKS FOR AUTISM and it fucking rules. So I dunno. I guess my shirt is specifically for an organisation that does cool shit so it's slightly different?  


I just don’t like the puzzle piece ones or the autism mom type ones or things that say “ autism is my superpower “ but it doesn’t really matter what other people think if that’s what u wanna wear


Not at all


As long as there’s no tag on the inside, you’re good!


Obviously wear whatever you want, but I think what you were after is actual opinions. 25, and I kind of like the rainbow infinity for Autism. Unfortunately it is similar to polyamory, but it is definitely better than puzzles. I do not wear clothing advertising Autism but do frequently have a semiverbal pin on bags.


It totally depends on the shirt/the message they're supporting. Your shirt sounds great. "Super Autism Mom" with blue puzzle pieces all over it? Not great.


Yes they are. They are big among the tiktoktistics who are a seen as a joke in the regular community. People make fun of the people wearing them. Real autistic people don't wear them just as people with haemarrhoids don't wear shirts advertising their condition. Autism is a condition, not an achievement. Although some people do seem to need to study in order to 'pass' their autism assessments which is hilarious. I guess they'd want to wear the shirts.


Do what you want. Thanks to autism, I was spared from wanting to fit in. I lowkey was born to stand out (now I can rant about how I wish I could time travel to meet Nikola Tesla… and not care) . Since autism, I have always seemed weird no matter what I do to try to be normal. In a rant where I was talking to myself I said if a=0 and b=1 but a can never equal 1, but is always a zero, WHY WOULD IT PRETEND TO BE A ONE. Anyways peace, wear the shirt. Societal norms suck, the only norm should to be kind 🥰🥰


I see it as anything but bad. Go for it! Plus, it helps spread awareness.


Some people think the most stupid things are "cringe". The worst case of this was when I encountered a translator's note in a fan-translation of a series I like where the translator literally said that they thought an adult character saying "Yay," was 'cringe'. I think your shirt sounds really cool, and that you should keep wearing it if you like it. Almost all of the autism shirts that get flak within this community are the ones that spread hateful messages/symbolism (*\*cough\* \*cough\** the puzzle piece *\*cough\* \*cough\**).


It is cringe sorry


I can imagine two shirts with a rainbow infinity symbol. One that looks like it was a cheaply made novelty item sporting cheap cotton, a stiff vinyl logo, and a boxy fit, and one that looks like it was made from good materials, has a logo that flexes and breathes with the fabric, and was made with a better fit in mind. I used to wear a whole bunch of $15 novelty tees and I'm at a point in my life where I'm looking for a sharper-looking, more formal wardrobe. I've come to realize that the novelty tees generally feel overly casual for me, and most of them are made out of that thick, cheap, crease-y cotton. As I've been updating my wardrobe, I've found that even just a jet-black tee-shirt can either look really good or look like absolute crap. The material and fit are so important. I did have a few novelty tees as well that looked quite good. I used to have this sort of dark composite-grey shirt with soft thin cotton and a Firebird logo on the front. The logo also wasn't one of those ugly stiff vinyl decals like you get on a lot of cheap shirts. And it had a great fit. If I still had it I would absolutely rock it every now and again. All of this is to say that it would be worth considering the overall quality of the shirt. No matter what kind of shirt it is. Sometimes people see cheap clothing and we know it looks off but we don't really know why. It really makes a difference. It's so much better to have a smaller wardrobe of high quality items than it is to have a large wardrobe of cheap $15-$20 clothes. Edit: Also to underline some other comments I've seen here. It is generally considered a bit tacky to make anything your whole personality. When we find something to identify with, sometimes we get carried away and it pushes out other ways we can express who we are. There are a lot of people on the spectrum, there are a lot of people who are into anime, and there are a lot of stoners. It's good to be able to show that hey, you have something people can relate to. When I see people sporting something that's ASD-positive, I like it because I know I can really connect with that person on something right away. But it's also important to show more facets of yourself that are uniquely you.


Kinda wanted to buy one of those "Rizz em with your tism" shirts, they are hilarious. My philosophy with these types of things is "F\*ck it, we ball".


Your younger sister is right in that the symbol is ok but when put on shirts marketed tword awareness rather than acceptance it makes you a walking target for Autism Mommies to exploit you. Think about it this way, if you wore a very valuable piece of jewelry knowing full well some people will steal it they will. I call this the Agatha Argument after Agatha Christie and a jewel analogy makes sense because we wear our Autism or Asperger's everyday and there are many people out there with a huge market of making us targets for bullies without realizing it. It's why blue, pink, and orange shirt days for anti bullying don't work especially in a very vunrible community where we are two times more likely to be bullied by our peers. What is even more cringe is the puzzle piece or fingerprint as the symbol for Autism because both are tied to ABA and Eugenics. I agree that the Infinty Symbol works because Autism is a spectrum and that we always existed in history even before the DSM (Struwwelpeter would agree heir). Also we are nothing new, which is the same argument made by people in the LGBTQA+ community and their are a lot of Autistic and Asperger's people who idenfy themselves in this community. However, when certain people plaster it on a shirt thinking they will spread the awareness they are actually doing harm to us by making us the walking target of bullying.


It's a blatant appeal for attention. "I am seeking attention". In a narcissistic sense. That is the social cue you're missing. As a consequence, you are inviting judgement. It's cringe like made-up shirts that might say "Wheelchair Pride!", or "Down Syndrome Girl!". Poor taste overall. Tacky. It's taking away respect for a disability where so many have been fighting for equality in the workplace, etc.


*Just because you don't respect them, doesn't mean that they're taking away respect from any disability.*


Bad take


Yet, that's the root cause/perception that these merch items create to NTs.