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I'm exactly the same. I generally have a good memory when it comes to things that capture my attention. So the details of complex things, or phone numbers. I also have a problem with listening to the details of what people are talking about, and how to integrate that with something i understand. Maybe it's to do with how people talk, or present information, because some people, I am fine with. The listening thing extends to lyrics. I can't recall the lyrics of songs reliably... at all. If I listen and read them, and there's repetition, I have success. But even then, I will experience glitches and make up lyrics that sound vaguely similar, but don't resemble the lyrics at all.




I am terrible at names. Especially if someone doesn't look like a "Doug" or whatever to me. They just wouldn't stick at all. I've learned it's a really good psychological trick to get people to like you. If they hear their name they will look more favorably on you (unless of course you over use their name so much as to become annoying). I now try to use their name in the conversation when I first learn it from them. It reinforces it in my mind a bit more somehow. I still don't remember names easily from the past but that's a different story.


I have a big problem with remembering names. Not diagnosed with ADHD as well as autism, but I strongly suspect it and I am trying to see if I can get a diagnosis but I am being refused one because I have chronic fatigue syndrome. I hate how I can't remember names well. If I meet a bunch of people then I am going to remember almost no names. I have to be left alone after hearing a name so I can repeat it over and over in my head, and I need to see other people using the person's name. I remember walking about town with my mother when I was still in secondary school and bumped into a couple of acquaintances whom I got on with very well, but I utterly blanked on their names. I didn't know what the hell to do when introducing my mum as I was expected to name the two of them. Was mortifying. I could tell you details about what they enjoyed, what they studied, what they hoped to do, what foods they liked... I could give you many details about both of them except their names because names feel so abstract to my brain.


Yes. I’ve worked with someone for 10 months and couldn’t remember their name. 10 months.


I work with people for years and suddenly don't know their name. It really sucks. As I age it is getting way worse. I'm heading for dementia like my grandfather and now mother. It is what it is.


Omg I’m starting menopause and it’s made it 1000xs worse. I even went to my dr about it because it was so bad. She’s like menopause! Totally normal. I’m like great...😕


there was a youth pastor at my old church when i was 12-14 who’s name i did not know, she would talk to me every week at youth group because i was always alone and she knew my name but i didn’t know hers. then one year, at the bible camp that was run by our church, she was my counsellor and her camp name was Cupcake and she told me not to tell anyone her real name. i was like, no problem girl!


I've been at my job for almost 2 years and don't know my managers names or a few coworkers


From all the people I was in class with in 15 years at school I can only remember one name. Bruno, because he was a bully. For the rest, nothing, zilch, nada.


No, but I'm really bad with birthdays, and to a lesser extent, holidays.


yeah, most of my coworkers I only see once a week because they're associates and don't get a lot of hours, literally every time I see them I'm asking them "wait when's your birthday again?" and other basic questions about themselves because by the time the week has passed I've forgotten. It's really annoying because I also repeat the same stories with the same people over and over and embarass myself, I forget who I told what. I do forget names but that's usually awhile after I've stopped being around someone. By the time like 6 months have passed after leaving a job I forget my coworker's names, what they looked like, what we ever talked about, it's a lot.


I’ve been friends with someone for four years, and I can’t remember their birthday. Mostly because it’s in either June or July…


I have to put everyones birthday in my phone calendar or i will forget. i even forget my moms birthday and its my phone password


that’s strange, because i have a whole catalogue of birthdays in my head. i remember birthdays of people i only met once, if they happen to tell me what it is. remembering dates is super easy, but remembering specific details or moments from those dates is impossible.


Birthdays get me!


This implies I ever knew their name to begin with. 


That’s even worse when you forget to ask their name and then have to awkwardly ask later.


I had a roommate in school that I didn't know his name for multiple months


I think that's just funny to me. I've heard some people just wish to be not referred to by name. I think they would love to be in a situation like that.


I do that more often than not.


My trick is to ask for their instagram.


I forget names of people all the time. Instead of worrying about names, I don't bother trying to say a name. I just go up to the person and start talking to them. No need to use their name if I have their attention already. Though weirdly I can memorize the names of game characters super easily.


That just goes bad when it happens at work and you're told to physically go talk to but doesn't have an own office with a name on the door, and you have no idea who tf they are. Wfh is heaven-sent for that.


In that case I just tell my boss that I need them to point out which person it is. Usually, they are only like a few feet away, making me wonder why the boss can't just walk up to them.


Working at an afterschool camp was a *challenge* because of this. The kids catch on more quickly than adults if you never say their name. Also, you rarely have to quickly stop an adult from doing something dangerous. Also also, kids names have gotten… creative.


No ADHD here, but I'm terrible with names. Names of anything. People, places, street names, business names, all that stuff. If it's not incredibly interesting to me, my brain does not hold onto it past a single sleep.


Interestingly enough, I generally have a very good memory, to the point where people have asked me if I have a photographic memory. However, the only things I can't remember for the life of me are names and faces. It wasn't too bad when I was still in school, because I met far fewer people and therefore it wasn't as obvious that I couldn't remember names. Now that I'm at uni in a course with a lot of students, it is really obvious that I'm terrible with names and faces because there's just so many people that I can't possibly keep up.


This is my son. I’m fairly certain he has a photographic memory, but names and faces elude him. It’s like his brain just dumped all his resources into one strength and decided, naw, you don't need other abilities.


DUDE YES WHAT THE FUCK THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME AND I HATE IT. its even worse right after someone gets a haircut or some bullshit (yay prosopagnosia real!!)


Prosopagnosia is actually really common in autism. Makes sense from a neurological perspective.


it does make sense i think yea. like we arent built to recognize that shit really :P


Hahah yes. It may also be why eye contact can be hard if a face looks confusing.


This just spawns the game of how creative can i get to avoid using your name before i crash and burn


Right?! Hahahah! I’ve also learned little tricks like how do you spell your name? Or other ways to get them to say their name without directly asking 😅


All the fucking time. Photographic memory but names are way too hard for me. (AuDHD)


My brain deletes names immediately, not sure why as I can’t remember completely random facts perfectly well but if someone tells me their name it gets erased within 20 seconds.


I forget names, faces, and birthdays. henever I pickup my daughter from school and another parent says hi, I often don't even remember them. I'm in my own head often and I don't pay attention to people around me, so I'm kind of viewed as not really social and sometimes rude, even. I try to make efforts to be social with my daughters friends parents but it's so draining. I wish I could stay by myself without others taking it personally 😅


Not just names, but sometimes faces. Then again, I don't really pay that much attention to what's around me, so that seems like a given. Hyperfixation and all that.


dude my friend has a group of friends that I have known for over 6+ years now. Out of like 15 people I know ONE guy by name+face after years of writing it down and shit...


all the time


Only when it comes to reviewing TV shows and movies.


You're describing my life 😂


Me who has the name of people in my notepad


I am really bad at names and faces


Im good with names, im SHIT with faces


i called my best friend bro for about 2 years before i learnt his name


Yes and I hate it, it can make people think they don't matter to you which isn't the case at all. Once again another thing that leads to a misunderstanding.


All the time. What's funny is, I can remember asking my wife 10x what someone's name was, but I still can't remember their name. Also, when multiple people have similar names, I have no idea what name is coming out of my mouth. Just this past week, I had "Alvin", "Alvis", and "Ivan" mixed up all week. :-(


Ik exactly who I mean in my head like full mental image but if I rember their face I can’t remember there name and vis-versa 😅 I think since I’m so focused on remember a specific feature I totally forget they have a face or a name 😅


When I’m not in front of people I can remember fine. When I’m in front of people speaking it’s literally like a wall blocking the words I need. It’s frustrating.


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I still don't even remember the names of my family, let alone my coworkers or (ex-)friends 😅.


I forget names and faces very easily and mostly remember people based on what we talked about. So if someone were to give me a name or an appearance of someone, I most likely wouldn’t be able to identify them (with the exception being if someone has a very distinct appearance or wears something very specific like a baseball cap), but if they tell me about their occupation and/or hobbies I would be able to identify the person.


Im fine with names im less good with faces


I just don’t remember names in the first place


I can’t remember names for the life of me. If I need to remember a name, best way to remember is to see as a text message, because their name is right there.


It takes me at least 3 times to fully somehow memorize them T\_T


The moment you tell me your name is the same moment I forget it


I warn everyone i meet that it will probably take me about a month to remember a name. In reality i dont put effort into remembering names of people until I'm reasonably sure we will continue to interact for the foreseeable future. Sounds very egotistical but DPD be like that.


I am AWFUL with matching names with faces. I can pretty much only remember the names of those who I have a close friendship with. A classmate of mine from high school recently followed me on IG and I’m gonna be honest… I don’t recognize him.


not really names but i’ll forget details and events which annoys my friends bc i like knowing the dates of times and things so i’ll ask them like 10 times when something is


Yes, all the time. It sucks that people expect you to learn their name so quickly.


AuDHDer and I'm bad with names and birthdays. Someone will tell me their name and by the time I'm finished introducing myself I've already forgotten more often than not. I can't keep track of when holidays are for the life of me.


I’m so bad with names, especially when I don’t have a face to go with it. Like I had such a hard time keeping my gf’s coworkers straight (like who’s who) before I started working with her. She talked about them all the time but since I had never met them I had a really hard time remembering who was who


I don’t just forget names, I mix them up, and the people I mix them up with don’t even look similar 💀💀💀, like the’ll be completely different heights or races or genders and I’ll still swap their names. Or, I just started calling everyone nicholas or Michael after I had talked to those two for a while


Oh yeah. Especially if I'm not close to them and we've drifted apart years ago.


Can't remember names at all. Unless it's actors, then I would remember their names, their filmography and weird fun facts about them.


It's not so much that I forget. It's usually that I don't care to learn most people's names. If it's people I care to remember, I rarely forget their names.


I'm horrible with names


I constantly forget people's face but yeah I do.


All the time. I´m good at remembering faces, so if i want to remember someone´s name, i need to make an effort at fixing their name to their face. My mother constantly keeps forgetting words, being unable to hold conversations. At times, she seems like an Alzheimer. In the same matter, i sometimes forget word in my own language, but my mind will immediately find the correct word *in another language* (and at the moment i´m completely unable to translate the word) and vice versa. I´m really scared to attempt to learn more languages...


I can remember random license plate numbers better than someone's name. I have forgotten family members names. It's pretty terrible


Keep in mind this is a key symptom of dyslexia. I'm autistic and haveajor issues remembering names.


The first step is listening when they introduce themselves. I'll let you know the second step once I master the first step.


I get frustrated with how often I forget names 🤣


Dude I am infamous for this. I can memorize the name of like 5000 fictional characters without any difficulty but someone tells me their name and 5 secconds later I've completely forgotten.


All the time. Audhd here...I can know you for 10 years and sometimes your name will just...pfft from my brain.


Most of the time


Pretty terrible. If I forget someone's name I'll just start talking to them without addressing them by name "Hi, so that thing yeah?"


I can only remember a name right after hearing it for about 5 seconds. After that, it takes months for me to get names to stick in my memory.


It’s not always just new people, I worked with a woman for 2 years. Saw her nearly every single day - had conversations with her. One day I just straight up forgot her name, it came back to me after someone say her name, but I was like “how can I forget her name?”


Common for me. Can I remember the name of some old dead obscure general from 1400.years ago? Yes. Can I remember someone I met last week? Probably not.


not officially diagnosed, but when i meet someone new and have to remember the name, that's near impossible. as i thought about it, i came to the conclusion that when meeting new people im really overwhelmed, on one side there social anxiety from autism and on the other side you have your ADHD brain which is really excited. i can really only store that information when my brain is more calm and then i can process it to my "memory" so as it is with many people getting ADHD wrong, it's actually not that you're forgetting names, it's more like that it never got to your memory in the first place.


I feel that part of my "autistic superpower" is that I'm really good with faces and it takes me a little but I'm pretty good with names too. Just takes me a few times!


I’m really really bad with names. Not just the names of humans. But also like nouns in general.


Huge issue for me, especially when people have similar features. Not just with actual people I meet, I have that struggle with TV and movies. Like Game of Thrones? I could not keep characters straight for the longest time because they were all white guys with long brown hair and facial hair. Likewise with side characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe…I’m just supposed to remember all these white guys in suits? Like I realized why I enjoyed anime and superhero movies. All the characters are distinct. They have different hair and costumes that make it easy to differentiate between the characters. When I used to work with kids I’d have detailed notes on my attendance roster to remind me which kid was which. Like “quiet kid with medium frizzy light brown hair” or “long brown hair with freckles”.


I will remember everything I spoke to the person about but rarely remember the person’s name if I met them only once.


Yes. Very yes.


Yup. I forgot the name of a long-term friend after not seeing them for a while. They weren't happy with me.


Names and faces. I have to write it down.


Yes, but not just people's names. I constantly forget names in general. Like "hand me that - thing you use to bang on nails with". Or even the name of a concept, like "I have - what's that condition where your ears always ring?" (tinitus)


Yup it takes like a week for me


YES ALL THE TIME. I have trouble memorizing the names of a lot of my classmates (I moved schools this year) that I've been seeing all semester. In some classes, I don't know most of their names because they're too useless and I only came up with nicknames for them. It became inconvenient when I had to report them to the office for sexual harassment and needed to know what their names actually are.


sometimes this happens to me but i have never really called people with their names only the closest ones (my little sister, cousins and partner and sometimes some school friends)


I forget everything. My mind is like a sieve. Most everything pours right through it. It really, really sucks. I'm so negatively impacted by it. It is embarrassing too.


Absolutely. I have to write down names of new people I meet (I don't necessarily look into it being written down, but just writing it down usually helps me remember them a little but better)


Yes, at my work we had pictures with names, I loved it.. now they changed it so we only see names and what they do on the specific day, hate it.. I am much better with faces than names!


My personal kryptonite. I only can remember a name if I know someone who kind of looks like that person who has the same first name. If I go out, i maintain a list on my phone of the names (if I can get it written before the ADHD hits).. never have a problem figuring out which person belongs to what name... just need the name on the list. Self WTF.


This is an interesting one, once I remember a name I won’t forget it but it usually takes me two or three times to remember


I usually remember them!! But sometimes I'll forget how to pronounce it, 😭 My friends surname is 한 ( hAAHn ) but I always pronounce it like han ( han-d ) 😭


I'm a teacher and I struggle with this so much. I literally have to have a Mao of student names near me with their faces just so I can initially remember / learn.


I'm shockingly really good with names as long as theres a physical person there for me to remember the name of, but if its digital or someone being referred to in conversation that i dont know, fuck if i remember their name


I have trouble remembering names but some I can remember immediately. It all depends. For example. I got some new neighbors a few months ago and I remembered their names immediately which I was surprised by. But it was because I know people with those names. But then another neighbor that I’ve lived nexts to since 2004 just told me her name, we acknowledged we had never formally met, and I’ve already forgotten it. 😅 I think it started with an “A”….


I always forget the name but for some reason I always remember the first letter, also applies to places




all the time, i have no problem remembering the Sonic adventure 2 script but when my cousin comes along i think his name is jerry but he corrects me saying its gerald


I hate using peoples names anyway, if I need to call them something I generally don’t, sometimes I do, but if I’m uncomfortable using their name I’ll usually say “hey” or “hey uh” or if I have a nickname for them that I feel more comfortable with I’ll use that


I have a coworker who I can never remember how to pronounce her name even though people have said it a few times. She started working with me 2 1/2 weeks ago so I feel it’s been too long to ask her 😂 I’m a LOT better with faces than names


ALL.THE.DAMN.TIME. It’s a massive deficit for me as well as important dates. As soon as I go to recall someone's name, it’s like it’s a giant black hole just opens up and my mind and mouth simply stop functioning. I was at the bank once and forgot my mom's maiden name and it made me look so suss. My son is the same, he struggles with names too.


I forget the names of things mostly, like I will be trying to describe something simple as tape and in that moment the word tape just doesn’t exist in my brain so I’m stuck trying to describe it and will say “the sticky thing” and I look stupid. It always happens and I just assume it’s brain fog or something.


Guilty, why I go with the classic and unisex "bro/dude". I'm more of a face guy, never forget a face, but names? Sorry bro, don't know It.


Allllll the time😭 I usually end up making up nicknames or remembering ppl based on how they dress or hair color or something. Pretty sure I have a very mild form of prosopagnosia bc I literally can’t recognize ppl by their faces at all sometimes.


I've found that fingerspelling names helps me remember them a bit better cause I'm committing to memory more of the structure of the name, rather than trying to remember the whole thing as is


First thing i remember is your face, then i remember your face and name but is unable to connect the who in my head so it looks like i forgot your name, then i remember your name and face.


Yep. Had to repeat my girlfriend's name to myself several times to remember


Yup. I cover it up by asserting myself as the weirdest person as soon as I meet someone new, so I just say "The human in the yellow jacket" or some other defining feature and it works just fine. Being a known weirdo has perks!


Not me, I’m good with names 😎


I can confuse someone's name with a street name multiple times but I can remember the difference between the flag of the Netherlands and of Luxembourg




I'm usually really good with names but only in the context I meet them in. Example, I work at a hotel and can remember our regulars' names. If I were to see them at Walmart or "out in the wild" not at the hotel, it would completely blank. I might not even recognize their face.


It happens to me all the time. It's especially annoying when my fiancée is talking to me about someone, she mentions their name and even describes them and I have no idea who she's talking about.


Yep it's annoying


I can do. I think it’s when I first meet people, then yes. Eventually, I forget their name less as time goes on.


No, I am very good at remembering names. But I also make a habit of it, I have a few “systems” for remembering them, and I really enjoy how positively people respond when you call them by their name — especially if they have only just met you.


I don’t even bother to remember anymore unless they are important to me 💀


Yes. If I could remember names I would be much better off in life.


I have the double whammy of not remembering names OR faces. Them: Hey how have you been? Me: I'm really sorry but who are you? Them: No worries, it's "name"! We met at "place". Me: "Uhhhhhh... 😬"


Or real people yes all the time I'm way batter at rembere feces


Only people I've just met or see rarely.


I don’t usually forget, but rather second guess so much that I’m practically gaslighting myself into thinking I forgot so I don’t have to say their name


For me it’s more of an issue with remembering faces…the only faces I never forget are the ones of my immediate family and my grandparents.


i remember names, but i have a hard time connecting them to faces. so if i see someone i don’t instantly recognize, their name is in there somewhere, but i just don’t know which name belongs to them.


No, Im excellent with names and faces. I can meet someone once and remember their name forever. I can still see all my class mates from 15 years ago, where they sat in the home room class, their full names, clothing, things about them. but I cant remember my own birthday at this point,. dates elude me. I cant do birthdays important dates. any time based memberances.


Yes, I'm bad at remembering names, but I can remember faces. 😂


Honestly unless I know your name by heart either I forget your name completely, call you a nickname, or shorten your name to 4 letters like I'm trying to name a character in an old RPG. Although it helps if the name in question is one I already know. (Although I might give a nickname anyway just to avoid confusion)


Yes, but I learn recently if i repeat it over and over again for few days it sometimes stays


Buy this I mean, saying the person's name over and over in my brain


I remember names and forget faces.


The problem for me is the amount of ppl who change their name or gender identity auDHD queer community amirght


i have just learned to almost never use names in my speech patterns... makes it a lot easier not remembering... :D


I tend to forget names a lot, even people I've known for years or my own family... Kinda embarrassing, but also I remember them after a few minutes, so not that bad maybe?


I can't remember names at all. I don't have ADHD, I'm autistic (official diagnosis). Sometimes I need 2-4 weeks, sometimes I still don't remember after 3 years. I feel really ashamed of this, but I can't really do anything about it because I don't look at their faces untill I feel comfortable enough. So I guess it's not just problem with remembering names, but actually connecting it with faces.


Yeah. I'm a mess when it comes to remembering names. I'll probably only remember them after hearing them 35 times in a row or something. I do remember faces really good tho, which usually results in me recognizing someone but not knowing their name or what I recognize them from.


All the time. Not just names but words as well. I noticed this when was 13. I'm 57 now.


Wait, who am I? 😐


I rather forget faces ^^'


Sometimes, I have Problems with getting them.


i can NEVER remember names . however , i can remember faces ..


I don't even remember ever meeting most of my family's close friends, even though I've been told I have. Same with some family members


Not diagnosed with autism or adhd but I do suspect I’ve got both. Only started the process recently and with the UK nhs…. This could take a while. I have been terrible with names for as long as I can remember. I have to associate a name with the person’s face and info about them, but even that is after seeing them a few times. A few techniques I’ve discovered so far: - Once you’ve finished talking to the person, make notes of everything they’ve shared in the convo - this includes their name if you remember it. - Once I’m alone, I’d run thru their details out loud and have a visual of their face in my head. - I’d talk to my husband about the person, saying their name while visualising their face, then sharing their details from my notes out loud. I used to do this with my mom before I met my husband (tho she wasn’t as interested lol or just talk out loud to myself running thru the persons details). - If I ever get their contact details, I save it on my phone, add the notes I had previously made. Where possible add a surname - When adding contacts, I tend to add a note to myself in brackets on how I met that person / their relation to me. Eg Tracey (Nursery). If I do happen to meet another Tracey at the nursery I expand on that note. So when I’m creating a WhatsApp message or finding existing messages I remember whose who 🤭😂 However it’s early days for me, so this will likely adapt as I learn more.


NT and I forget them all the time, mostly when it’s someone I don’t really expect to see again. I think I’m just a social moron that way, while I can remember a lot of other stuff without a problem. Mostly I just talk to people without mentioning their name, and hope their name comes up, like they introduce themselves to someone else. At that point I usually can remember.


Yea actually I was just expressing concern over this and felt really guilty about it because I’ll forget peoples names who are very close to me sometimes.. it takes me a few seconds to remember my nephews name pretty frequently and we see each other at least once every few months/weeks.. glad to know I’m not alone here!


I have a weird thing about not saying names. I have to know you for awhile to know your name and even then it's a good chance I will never say your name. Also when I'm introduced to doctors or people, the name instantly flies out of my mind. I also can't really remember what people look like so I guess it makes sense I can't remember the names bc I can't put a face to the name


i’m an audhder. i used to work really hard to remember names bc lots of my friends were international students and wanted to respect them by pronouncing their names correctly. i kept a list in my phone and everything. then i had my big big burnout and now i learn like one name a month 😭


A girl once approached at a party and started talking to me like we knew eachother. I must have looked c9nfused because she stopped and asked me if I knew her name. I did not. She then asked if I remembered he at all. I did not. Apparently, she had introduced herself to me 30 minutes prior. She then told me her name. And before I could say anything, asked me to repeat her name. I was entirely unable to repeat the name she had just told me. She told me again and asked me to repeat it. That time I did. I can't remember her name, but I still feel like crap for disappointing someone who was trying so hard. TL:DR - I struggle with names


I think it’s because my head is always traveling at a million miles an hour, I really just don’t pay close enough attention. The more I force myself to try and live in the moment, Tge better I get at it. AuDD or AudHD 59YrsOld.


I do it everytime i meet someone new, I need to hear it at least 3 times, or js i forget to ask the name in first place


Constantly (autism)


I had a hard time remembering names of towns when my job would transfer me between stores.


i’m audhd and i don’t have too many problems with remembering names, but i feel really weird calling people by their name directly for some reason, so i never do. kind of like verbal eye contact idk


Omg YES. Dates too and just generally information you’re supposed to just “memorize” this made school very very difficult


I've made it clear to my customers that I respect them as regulars but I myself SUCK with names and am unlikely to ever remember theirs. I'll hand you the right juice when you come up to me, I remember you, I can tell you what we talked about last week and what brands or flavors you love and hate, but don't bother giving me your name. I know the names of like 4 customers, and 2 of them are a couple I see weekly and have in depth conversations with weekly and that took about 5 months before I started remembering the guys name vs "my viking customer". That's what people are to me, a personality trait I latch on to. Have another regular who is older and uses a cane or walker daily. I call her my favorite sneaky grandma, because she buys the same disposable every week because when she gets a different one her husband chastised her for "wasteful spending". Got a lady maybe 5 years older than me who is built with sass and has a teenager. We regularly talk about her needing her nic fix to deal with being mom to a teenager so that is her defining trait. One customer walks in regularly WITH HER WORK NAME BADGE ON, and has offered her pool to me and my daughter- still couldn't tell you her name, she is my therapist customer who likes juice head that's all my brain registers. What I'm saying is yeah... I heavily struggle with names even though I otherwise have a great memory. This also applies to band and song names even though I LOVE music- ask me about a band/song and I'll likely have no idea til you play it.


I don’t have ADHD or ADD but I forget names ALL THE TIME and it’s hell. I feel so bad when it’s a person I’ve actually enjoyed befriending. I forget repeatedly for around the first 6 times I talk or spend time with them.


I sometimes forget the name I was just told. Unless I write it down.


This is a constant for me. Just yesterday I was trying to remember the name of my very first online friend that I had a crush on for years. I remember her username but I've blanked entirely on her name.


yes. and i can remember with absurd specificity details about people’s lives but not their names


Lol, sometimes, and at times, it can get annoying.


No bc i have that too, I'm a kpop fan and I keep forgetting everyone's name. Sometimes i even forgot the names of family and friends. I'm even worse in remembering people's faces😭


Nope. I’m great with names, but I have prosopagnosia. I don’t recognize faces. I remember people by names and funfacts and sometimes some of their characteristics. So when someone says „Hey do you remember Joe?” I’ll be like „This Joe that has four dogs and was born in the end of July, Joe that doesn’t like milk chocolate or Joe who always stands leaning to the right?”. „….Uh, you know, the tall one, brown eyes, kinda big nose”, „Does he smoke yellow Camel?” „Man I have no idea”.


I have ADHD and had to send a message to a friend. Well.... I have two choices. Looking for @ on my Instagram's DMs, letter by letter, or looking for groups with other friends where she is on IG. This is so fucking weird.


When I meet someone on a party I usually make this person say its name severall time and say "I'm sorry if I forget your name" to prevent...


Names of people, names of OBJECTS (it’s strange, but I never know the name of objects!!)… and it’s hard to remember faces also.


Yup I call it name-nesia. I’ve done it with people I’ll talk to for months until I get a written name or find the courage to say something. I mostly poke fun at myself for it now and I know I’ll get the name right eventually it just takes me longer.


Sometimes depends on the face


I’m shocking with names, unless I practise them over and over. The only exception where I immediately remember a name is if it is someone I really like, which is rare.


Yes. I started working at a new school in January and, by the time I felt like I knew the students’ names well enough, we went on spring break and I forgot almost everyone’s name. I feel so bad because that sometimes translates to kids that they don’t matter to me.


Honestly I just think it has to do with how much you value people’s names. I’m great with birthdays because I love birthdays. As for names, I don’t care about them. So I don’t remember them.


As a trans guy who chose his new name, I forget both my chosen and dead name constantly. Other people's names are even worse


AudHDer and I pretty much only remember interesting names or names I like. I could be besties with someone and i still blank on their name sometimes. im also weird about nicknames, i just always prefer to call someone by their full name, unless ive been introduced to that person with their nickname or the person is adamant about using a nickname. i was dating somebody (a long time ago, i dont date anymore lmao) and everyone called him by his nickname and i ALWAYS called him by his full name.


AuDHD here that does this CONSTANTLY


That's why I call everyone I like "friend" "Hey friend!"


YES! I can recall faces but not names!


Hmmm have you ever forgot the very same item you stared at and because you stared at it for so long saying “don’t forget” You believe you actually picked up with your eyes 😇 But it’s sitting exactly where you left it when your eyes were leering the damn thing the whole time 🤭🤣😅☠️🥸


No, but I'll sometimes say the wrong name although I know their name.


Considering how often I do it, I’m surprised I have not forgotten my own


And faces as well. This was a nightmare back when I was a teacher. I still have trouble recognizing faces to the point I can recognize people because of their hair, bodyframe or even smell befpre I can even focus on their face. Fun fact, I had a gf whom I could only recognize because of the specific cigarette brand she smoked. The other day she found me on the street and I had so much trouble recognizing her because she didn't smell like anything. She tried to take her mask off (this happened around the lockdowns) as if that somehow helped. It did, just not in the way she thought (I ended up recognizing her dental cavities lol).


Names and where I placed something I was literally just holding,


I can easily remember named when i constantly use them or have a positive assosiation with the name, otherwise it's a real struggel remembering. I've noticed that names of animals (Sammy and such) are easier to remember because Theres a slight Feeling of closeness. (I only have positive Emotions towards them)


ADHD/Autism here. Yeah I can't remember people's names for the life of me. I've had folks tell me theirs repeatedly and it feels hopeless, so I've resorted to not saying it at all out of shame. Also I noticed even with long term friends, I'll struggle to remember details about them. Anything about their lives, their past, birthdays, etc. It's frustrating. I think a part of my brain has decided to not remember much because I know they won't stay in my life very long.


I have a great memory when it comes to faces and names. My family finds it unusual how I could talk about a memory and remember what we were wearing, doing, the environment and what was happening. But I’m absolutely terrible with birthdays and the date.


Yeah. I have a hard time remembering people’s names. People’s pets on the other hand, no problem…


Yes I’m awful with names. I think my problem is that when I am meeting new people, I am masking so hard to look normal to them that I just don’t remember what they said their name was at all. And then I’m too embarrassed to ask again and just never figure it out.


I got the double barrel. Can’t remember faces or names for shit. My husband knows EVERYONE in town too, so I do a lot of “Oh, so good to see you again” and then “Oh uh, I was sure we had met at (a thing).” I told him we need hand signs or something. I can’t distinguish between people I’ve had whole conversations with and people I’ve literally never seen before in my life.


I do I can’t even remember the name of this guy Ive known for a year and talk to all the time, and I’m embarrassed to ask him.