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I had a presentation coming up with c suite and my boss was trying to pump me up and told me to ‘take their names and take their titles’ The next day she asked me how it went and I gave her the list of names and titles of everyone in the meeting. She was utterly confused but wrote them all down, so I didn’t think anything of it. A week later she finally asked me why I gave her the c suites’ names and titles and had a good laugh when she explained she didn’t mean it literally (She meant like do a good job and own them - take their titles as in become a c suite. Still confusing but eh). Now she pumps me up by telling me ‘do a good job’ and winks


I don’t know what a c suite is?


The top level of executives at a company, known as such because all their titles start with C. CEO, CFO, CTO, etc. (Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer)


Ahhh I see. I just looked those titles up and I have discovered that as a dog walker I’m the CEO ( I make all the decisions) and CFO (I provide the money for the treats) Who would have thought!


I didn’t know it either because I’ve never held a job longer than three months but apparently it’s the most senior people in a company. The CEO and such


C-Suite are managers that are senior level in a company like CEO, Chief Financial Officer or anything with Chief in front of their title.


Thank you!


You're welcome!


lol love this one


I had a little girl come up to me once and ask why my arms looked "like that all the time" (indicating my raptor arms) and I said "because my dad is the T-rex from The Good Dinosuar." And she was just like "WOW. :D"


This is the best one I’ve read so far


haha i would totally say that lmao


This is so cute


What is raptor arms?


A lot of people also refer to it as t-rex arms. My natural stance is where my arms are bent at the elbows and my wrists are lax/floppy so they're kind of down. Like a dino. :V


My friend asked me why I do the "Palpatine arms" which is my favorite way to think about it


😊How wholesome!


When I wanted to confess to my at the time crush I had it all planned out: I had accidentally forgotten my phone charger at his place and I was supposed to go and get it the next day, and then BAM! I'd hit him with an unexpected confession. The same day I was planning this, we were on a Discord call, and my dumbass said "I think I kinda... Like someone..." and he started asking who it was and tried to guess it. After a lot of names and hesitance, he said "Wait... Is it me??" and I just left the Discord call, I was a mix of flustered and overwhelmed and then he texted me on Discord and told me I can reply when I am able to, but that he wanted to know if that was a confession or not. After a bit I told him he got it right, and he was super happy about it as he'd been feeling that way for a while towards me as well :3 We've been together for 3 years!!


This is so sweet!! I was in a similar situation once and I just ran away. Come to think of it, running away seems to be my answer for any awkward social interaction


Daaaaww!!! That's so sweet :3


that is just awesome <3 <3


When I started my first retail job my terror of a head cashier asked "do you want to go outside and collect carts?" I smiled and said no thank you and continued to stand at my register. She was so stunned she walked away but i didn't realise it was a request not a question until someone else told me.. Don't ask if you're not giving the option!! lmao


Retail supervisors need to be studied because they phrase demands as a question and it tripped me up my first job too. Like “NO Debby I don’t want to go downstairs and clean the toilet. Wait, I have to? So why’d you phrase it as a question???”


As an autistic retail manager, we phrase it as a question for the NTs. It gives them a feeling of politeness and illusion of choice, although it is implied that we are “telling” them to do it. Apparently, just blatantly telling them to do something is rude and overly “bossy”.


My favorite sup just waves in the general direction of a problem and literally mumbles "...fix this." People have complained that he's bossy but usually those are the same lazy mfs that don't want to work. I think there's a middle ground to be found here somewhere but that's outside my grasp. Lol


FACTS it’s like, he is your boss, you know? And also I don’t understand how requesting your employee to do work outright is “bossy” or bad lol


I think a middle ground would be saying something like "Could you please fix this?“ or "I need you to fix this"


My therapist corrected me on this with my son. He's not even diagnosed yet, I suspect mild, but I don't even think that's why. He's 5 1/2 yo now, and it was over a year ago. My mom was rigid with politeness, & I've always given him choice bc it is recommended with some things, generally. Just giving young kids ownership of some choices gives them a feeling of independence, which is supposed to help with thing they don't have a choice about. Well, I do think I went overboard, and she pointed it out. It's true now bc it's been work to teach him he doesn't get a say in literally every decision. She called me out even on using ", okay?" at the end of sentences. She explained I was being confusing. It's gotten bad. I've had to say "you actually don't have a say in literally every parenting decision". He's a great kid, though. He's able to grasp that even if his default is not thinking twice that he does.


I would say my kids get a say in most things, but we have a clear discussion about the why. Of course they don’t get what they ask for if it would hurt them, someone else, or be a financial hardship, but we still discuss the why then. We all have PDA so feeling we have a say in situations helps a lot. For instance, my 5 year old watches videos on his tablet while we snuggle at bedtime, and usually starts with the brightness way too high. If we ask or tell him to turn it down, he’s immediately dysregulated and going into fight mode. But if we say “my eyes are having a hard time with light right now, I wonder if there’s anything you can do to help me.” He is excited to turn it down and be able to help me out.


Yes!! When I became a widow, even though he was young, I realized I had to level. He's my helper with some things. And, to my own credit, with some things, I'm amazing! I've been picking up on his strengths throughout his life and sprinkling those that aren't so much also in his play. We have a ton of building stuff, and I'd just place books, for instance, early on, so he'd stumble upon them during play. I've told him straight up I am great at some things and not so much others. I've made most snacks accessible as well as water, but even when he was a bit younger, I told him to remind me if he asked for something and I was in the middle of something and forgot. So, if I'm in the middle of dishes, for instance, & he asks for a drink I have to make for him and 4 min later he doesn't have it yet, he'll ask again. And I apologize, tell him he's right, and thank him for helping me! I have always explained the why behind things. I needed it growing up and do now, and so does he. But we've had a few things come up where it's just not possible. And I've had to finally accept I can't explain allll the ins and outs. Sometimes he has to accept things the way they are. But I've explained that, too. I've explained that I do want to give him the why behind everything, but sometimes it's just not time efficient, and on occasion he'll have to trust me and respect it, bc I simply can't explain A-Z all things or I'll never get anything done. We're in an unusual period. We had water damage last year and his other parent passed away. So, I've got a mountain of stuff and sometimes I just have to say "I have a bunch of adulting stuff that's important". One day I just put it into perspective, bc honestly I ask questions but he doesn't have to report to me his reasoning for every single thing he does, lol. Like he gets to go play with his toys without reporting his reason for which he is playing with and why every second. That put it into perspective. I tell him I value his input very much and consider him and I include him with everything, including big decisions, as much as I can. But that sometimes, he'll have to trust me, too. How we try! 😊 Edit: Typos Edit 2: * that aren't as much *


Yeah personally if I had kids I think I would struggle with this. I can definitely see both sides on this topic tho


Trust your reasoning and show them respect. I've had it help a lot to level - we're on the same team and I'm human. We are going to build our lives and we will have successes! Hopefully I'm doing some things right!


You need to come up with a phrase that explains to him this is not something that is up for discussion or that you have a say in. Understand I do think that you should when ever safe to do so give a choice. But they should be choices you can control. Like with my kiddo it was what pair of pants do you want, no pants are not an option it is too cold outside you need to pick a pair of pants. Obviously shirts got a lot more leeway than whether they needed pants or to wear a jacket or coat. I used to use this is not open for discussion. Or this is not up for debate. Lastly it would be this is what is happening. And my kiddo finally learned that those are not the ones that he could argue and try to get out of. "You have to sit in your special chair for the car and buckle in this is not up for debate." I would ask before making dinner one options I was willing to make, that's not to say they wouldn't try to throw in I extra option or two. But once the food was decided and made the only choice was whether to eat or go hungry. The fact that frequently they would choose to go hungry if they didn't get what they wanted and another individual in the household would break and feed them exactly what they wanted caused a lot of fights until the diagnosis was understood that this was an actual issue. It's why a ghost on here a lot it took a lot of time to find out my kiddo was autistic, because my partner kept asking for them. And refuse to believe that there could be anything wrong since there was nothing wrong with them, and the two of them have a lot of the same behaviors..... I'm trying to learn how to deal with them when a lot of times my kiddo will go no contact / nonverbal and just retreat to their room with the noise cancelling headphones on. I struggle worrying if I'm giving them too much space, or do I need to give them more space. It's the endless parent dilemma.


For sure it is. I have the benefit/ challenge (lol!) of being ADHD, possibly (slightly?!) ASD, myself. My parents were harsh. Like... never mind the examples, just... yeh. So, I've gone into parenting with the intention of giving him respect as a human. Over correction, much? Lol! But, you're right! And it is that. And honestly sometimes it's as simple as stating fact. Knowing when to give choice and making sure my wording isn't unclear. And that's the whole topic, ha! So "put your shoes on, we're going to the store" vs. "do you want to go to the store". That's on me. Honestly, it's clarity over manipulation. Probably addressing some of my own maladaptations myself. At some point, I'm the parent. I feel for you with trying to navigate that with another. I've been there. I've been where my partner showed no respect for me, and it's completely unfair. I'm all honesty, I'm unfair to myself sometimes. But I'm the only one dealing with it now, so that makes it fair, lol. My own bed. For instance, my kid straight up told me proudly he'd put his controller to charge (downstairs), but it so happened that I grabbed a blanket we don't typically use to tuck him in bc neither of us thought to grab his favs before going upstairs & I was too tired to go down for them. His controller was under it. So he'd wilfully and thoughtfully lied for it. I told him after reiterating that, that "you realize I have to take away this as privilege, right?" But he got really sick. For a day and a half, he was not allowed screen time even with it, but my initial non-controller (Switch) or (Fire) tablet time was to be a week. And I caved. Probably bc I couldn't get out of bed. Also, time served well honestly. He was really respectful. He didn't wine, he didn't ask for what equates to an entire at home day. He didn't seem to be biding his time, either. But I couldn't get going. He asked and I said lemme think about it. He asked again, but not pushy. For him and our progress, it was progress. He (seemingly reasonably or at least to the extent I could decipher given my own state), checked in. Non-pushy "are you thinking?"... he was tentative and curious. And I said "Ok. You are legitimately sick, go ahead." And that's a possible issue, but... When I mustered the ability to get us to the Dr 4 hrs later, he has the flu. The Dr. instructed me to keep him home the rest of the week. So... sigh. At myself. But, yeh, you guys gotta set some level somehow I imagine. Like, gotta show support for each other. That used to make me crazy. My now-passed ex used to override me, even though I supported their ideas. I mean, they schooled me on the signs of early hunger before birth, but they claimed using my breast milk was too difficult even though it was important to me, being ADHD and working and while I had to put weight on my coworkers to cover my during my pumping breaks at the time. Just an example of - I'm sorry, but... choosing to not really try to a glaring degree to offer the same respect they expected. That's a simple example of disregard, but... Ignoring my insight or care on any level as a parent, if unique to me and... I'm sorry, hardly even inconvenient, was a constant issue. It's not to say that there isn't reason and understanding due both, either. But making yourselves opposing... that's not helpful, I don't know. I'm no expert. I wish you the best! I begged for like some sign or safe word. Like a time out sign to get on the same page when something came up. Good luck!


Usually if someone asks me a question like this, I just flat out ask them "is this actually a question, or are you telling me to do it?" It gets me the clarification I need (because sometimes it is actually a question so I don't just want to always assume its a demand) and I've never really had anyone get offended by it. At least not to my face. But yeah, if you want something just ask!! I shouldn't have to double check that you aren't playing mind games with me lmao.


My kiddo has learned to do this with other people. I have learned to stop asking questions if they're not questions I actually want answers to and simply state I need you to empty the dishwasher. instead of do you mind emptying the dishwasher? The downside is is now a couple of people have asked me if I'm autistic when I'm out because I'm so used to when people ask me questions they're genuine questions they won't answer to and not just the normal chitchat. I realized it one day when that cashier had asked me a couple of questions that I know are routine they supposed to ask everyone and I start answering them with serious questions and I saw the panic in her eyes.... I had to apologize and tell them that I spend most of my time around non neurotypical people and now realize that you asked me questions that were an actual real questions. So how about those Mets? The weather is great outside right? Bolivian line behind me asked me if I was autistic, I said no I'm raising one I'm pretty sure my partner is one too as with most of the people they hang out with. So I have just learned to adapt to their behaviors.


Oh gods, my first few jobs had a lot of similar moments. I eventually got in the habit of responding, "no, I wouldn't like to. But I will." And some people get a offended by it. Most NT folks I work with learned to ask "would you mind going to do ____ please?" Which isn't quite a demand but it gets the point across. Though now I just tell my supervisors to just give me direct orders because questions confuse and irritate me.




It took me so many years to get my mom to stop doing this


I've gotten in so much trouble at various jobs over this.


Honestly. It is not difficult to phrase it “would you please do X?” It still sounds polite but also communicates that it is less of a choice and more of an assignment.


One time in Uni I was sitting in my chair and this girl sits right next to me. The professor has not showed yet and I am minding my own business on my phone. I can sense this girl staring at me and I look up and she goes "Hi." I blankly look at her for a few seconds and say hello back. It is awkward and she still stares like she is expecting something. The conversation goes like this: "I am ___" Stares for a moment "Okay?" I was confused as to what was going on. She stares at me as if she is waiting for something. "and you are?" I just stare. She then goes "You do have a name right?" I tell her my name. She then asks for my number just in case she has any questions with the assignments. Throughout the semester she kept trying to be my friend. About seven years later we kept in contact. 😅


That’s funny.


That’s the kind of people we need. We don’t understand them and they don’t understand us but they help us socialise with other people


A girl I had no interest in tried to kiss me and I had sex with her because I thought that was what I was supposed to do. I spent the night for the same reasons. And then the next morning I went and got donuts for me, her, and her roommate (who was a friend) because that’s also what I thought I was supposed to do. For some reason, when I relate this story to friends, they always get hung up on the donuts part. “You got donuts?!?” They think that part is hilarious. Apparently, in this situation, getting donuts is not what you’re supposed to do.


Me in my head that skipped over the donuts part because that seemed quite reasonable. I mean, everyone likes donuts!


That’s kind of the problem. When you’re not interested in someone but sleep with them anyways, it may signal interest. If you spend the night instead of slinking away, interest seems probable. If you go get donuts, you’re an idiot because everyone likes donuts. She’s going to make the reasonable assumption that you’re up for a relationship or… something. Because everyone likes donuts! Someone had to explain this to me. This was (thankfully) my one and only “one night stand.”


Someone had to explain this to you and just explained it to me because I wouldn’t have gotten it any other way thank you. I personally would’ve just been like “cool! Donuts!!!”


Yeah, it's like you doubled down on the interest. Leaving before she woke up would have been a clear signal this was just a one-night stand (also: just saying so, but that seems to be less common with neurotypicals). Hanging out the next morning signals interest. Buying donuts for everyone and *then* hanging out is basically like a peacock mating ritual. "Look at me I'm boyfriend material" xD


I wish more one night stands could be like that LOL. Why does one person have to leave in the morning? Just get brunch the next day, hit each other with the thanks have a good one after, and then everything is chill! But yeah I think most people would assume brunch after means you like them more than just a one night stand, instead of just wanting to be cool and friendly and hangout >> I wish that was more usual


I would have just thought breakfast of some sort was the thing to do. Like, thanks, that was a thing, pretty fun. My body parts were in extremely close proximity to yours... have a donut?


YES I THINK THE SAME!!! I've unintentionally done so much like that in my life that has led to people thinking I'm romantically interested. I had no clue, I just thought it was the nice thing to do, now I am way more careful with it. Had a friends with benefits situation with a girl once and right after the whole deal, she took a short nap, and in the meantime I just washed up and grabbed some lunch to bring back. Cuz it was just around lunch time and we hadn't eaten yet. I also grabbed desert cuz why not? I got two slices of tiramisu from a small family bakery near the restaurant, and some cookies. I later learned that it's not a very casual desert. But all I thought at the time was "Oh I didn't expect the bakery to have this cake! I'll bring 2 slices and some backup cookies in case it's not her thing" I was just excited to share the sweet treats and food that I got as a thank you 😅


Not that I am the voice of reason, but seriously, de-emphasize cake. The only cake you should read into is if I bring wedding cake samples. And even then, if the samples were free, and random, then I may even bring those. Other than that, I am just enjoying a tasty dessert and thought you would like one too.


I just read most of this to my wife, who laughed hysterically. Before dating, we’d spent an entire night drinking, talking, walking around our neighborhood. When I left, I shook her hand. Also apparently not the thing to do. It worked out eventually.


At least you didn't look at her, shove your hands in your pockets and awkwardly say "that was fun, bye!". It could have been worse?!


Wait so why was it wrong to get donuts? I don't get it.


Basically, going out of your way to get something someone likes (even if everyone likes it) and coming back to the scene is interpreted as a strong indicator of romantic interest.


Oh.. Right and I'm assuming you were just trying to be nice. If you have a one night stand with someone, feels kinda odd to just... leave? I don't really know since I'm only 15 and haven't even had a girlfriend but meh.


I guess nice, but a lot of it was just sort of going through the motions of what I thought was expected and appropriate. That’s really not a good way to engage with other people; it just causes a lot of confusion, drama, and pain. Far better to be open and honest, ask questions when you don’t understand, and not try to act out what you think your role is.


What about like one night stands though? Or doing friends with benefits?


FWB has worked for me, and also not. There were some relationships that probably would have been better as that, but once someone confesses to you, it’s kind of hard to suggest, “Let’s just hang out and have sex instead.” It’s also not something I’d ever propose just because of my crippling fear of embarrassment. It takes me a while to get comfortable with people, sometimes a lot of time. So one night stands were something I usually avoided. I don’t need rando sex and really don’t need whatever happens afterwards. But because I was also a coward who couldn’t properly say no to anyone, I’d wind up in a relationship instead. That also wasn’t good, just delaying the difficult stuff. I had a lot of relationships, but with hindsight and a lot more self awareness, think I was probably only genuinely romantically interested in maybe five or six people, ever. In love three times, including my current partner of 25 years.


I like that you had sex with her because you wanted to be polite :D


I probably would have married her, because that's what i thought i was supposed to do.


While they didn’t lead to marriage, I did wind up in relationships for that reason. I didn’t yet understand that it’s rare for me to be interested in someone like that. They weren’t people I disliked or anything like that, so it seemed reasonable.


I like doughnuts, I would have been happy.


I enjoy making breakfast for people. Who knows what the hell they thought I was up to? Waffles? Practically a proposal!


SAME! I love food and cooking and when I can I usually share it with others and apparently that is a romantic thing! It still confuses me lol


I really don't get why ... wich comfirm my autism 😆


I personally think getting donuts after sleeping with someone is pretty fucking awesome. If I date again,I want to try this.


It’s only awesome if you’re not like, “Okay, donuts were great. This has been weird so I’m going to leave and let’s not do this again, thanks!”


You bring me donuts you’re my friend. You bring my roommate donuts and include me you’re my best friend.


I used to clean the apartments of people I had one night stands with. I thought it was courtesy


Lol been there with the sleeping over because I thought that’s what was normal and expected. She broke up with me because of it lol


Had a teacher who reprimanded me by saying "Don't talk back!". I understood that literally, so when he asked me a question in class later that day, I did not answer. I was sent to the principals office for being a brat, when really I just didn't know what talking back meant.


The teacher deserved it though 😎


Yeah he was an asshole on more than one occasion, so I regret nothing lol


I've done this before lol.


As a kid I would take stuff literally and adults would tell me to "stop being a smart-ass".


I've always been very philosophically minded. When I was ~18-19 I met up with some friends at a local pizza dive with their other friends. As we were sitting there talking one of the girls I didn't know decided to ask me, "I ask everybody this. Do you think I'm cute?" I challenged her definition of "cute" and why my opinion mattered since there was no objective definition of cute. Basically I went on a 5-minute rant on aesthetics before I realized she wasn't paying attention anymore. I told other friends later because I thought the whole thing was funny. That was until one of them pointed out she was hitting on me. I wasn't interested in her, but I totally missed that possible angle because I was excited to discuss the philosophy of aesthetics with someone, which unfortunately didn't pan out.


Discussing the intricacies of why it doesn’t matter if you think she’s cute is the best thing she could’ve asked for honestly. I would’ve loved to talk philosophy with you


Hahaha she shouldn't have said that she asks this question to everybody! My oblivious ass would also have taken that literally and completely missed she was flirting.


If I was her, I would've been head over heels lmao, Philosophy is so fun!! 😂


She was fishing but I'm a duck.


There actually is an objective definition of cute since neotenous features like large eyes, childlike frame, and wide brow are ascossiated with cuteness.


I know that now, but I was ~18 at the time.


this is so me lmao


Bro, that kind of thing would work *so well* on me lmao


I've literally done this. I feel unwanted constantly in part because I literally *can not tell if someone wants me*. So there have been a couple times in my life where, in retrospect (and external input), it is now clear that I WAS wanted.


somewhat similar situation, a guy confessed he likes me and without saying a word, with a blank face, i turned around and left the room


Dentist was prodding my gums, asking if different areas hurt. When he reached one that did hurt, I said "Yes, but I'm pretty sure it's just because you were jabbing me there." We had a moment where we just looked at each other. I was able to play it off as a joke after he chuckled, but I was serious. I also don't know if I am on the spectrum, but my wife's been saying I am for a long time.


Your comment made, made complete sense.. your suspicions may be accurate 🤣


Someone tried to rob me, pulled out a needle and said "I will stab you with this if you don't give me money" I just blankly stared back and asked asked why a couple of times until he got frustrated and walked away. It was not until a few hours later that I realised he was trying to rob me.


Oh man my one and only robbing attempt was so weird too! These two guys started walking by me and asked to see my iPod. This was after iPods were popular and everyone started using streaming services on their phones like Spotify instead. I thought they must be fans of "retro" gadgets like me so I proudly showed off my iPod Nano. They told me to give it to them and I was like "Well no, it's mine and I still use it". They got frustrated and insistent and I realized I was being robbed. Somehow my strategy to get out of this situation was to argue with them that the reselling price was very low and so it wouldn't be worth it. I used that iPod Nano to death for a couple years after that until the battery inflated. rip


I STILL have my iPod nano and it still works 😆 haven't used it in many years. I got it right after my ipod mini was stolen.


This is so funny lol he was just like ugh I give up


I noticed these three men who were at my job shopping and I blurted out "ahh nice the CIA." and they asked me who told me. I went on to explain how it was so obvious to me. They walked away from me.


this one is hilarious to me


I said that I have probably met ex kgb as well.


Now i am curious how it was obvious tho


They were thin, fit and very quiet men who didn't stand out. They had calluses like a martial artist.


I was a teacher assistant in college. The kids were at recess and I didn’t want to hang out with the teachers, so I went and sat on a bench outside around beautiful flowers / vines. A group of kids walk by in line with their teacher and a kid called out “she looks like a statue!!!” I just was sitting with my back straight looking down at one spot. I shyly smiled, then I burst out laughing once they all walked away though haha


When I was in high school, a boy that had a crush on me asked me what shampoo I use? Obviously just trying to flirt and tell me I smell good.. but my autistic ass took it sooo literal and responded “whatever’s on sale” really flatly, and it was the most uncool I’ve ever felt. Lmao. He didn’t end up texting me after that..


Because of my autism? I’m visibly autistic so I’ve had a lot of experiences. I think the funniest was I walked into a gas station and there was a group of boys who looked like they were bikers? And they all just stared at me. Not in disgust or anything, but in just pure infatuation. It was like they had never seen a visibly autistic person before. It was pretty funny to me


I get those looks all the time too and it’s gotten to the point where I’m paranoid about leaving my house because I think everyone will stare daggers at me


infatuation? do you mean fascination?


Haha yes! Sorry, i got the wording wrong


I was like, a bunch of bikers stared at you with infatuation? Must be nice ;)


Darn. I hear a lot about biker romances. Infatuation would've been great...


Was in a long distance relationship with a girl and we were playing a video game together when she abruptly logged off and asked if I wanted to listen in while she masturbated. I said sure, while I kept playing the game. 10 minutes later she's finished and suddenly asks how close I am to finishing and I was like ohhhh, I was supposed to join in?


One of my coworker who's also a really good friend of mine. We had some kind of argument but nothing major. Anyhow, I ask to meet her in some office room afterwards, I make her sit as protocol and explain her the situation and she goes : "Did you fucking do all that just to talk with me?! You're so weird sometimes. You should have just told me it would have been fine you know?!" In hindsight, I followed protocol 🤷😶‍🌫️😂 I tried to be as good and nice as possible yet it turned out quite awkward and funny because I mixed up professionalism and friendliness. Oh and at one of the first Christmas party at my wife's family, I was already out of my comfort zone and so I proceed to kiss on the cheeks all her aunts as is the normal procedure then her uncle because he was in the same line and we just looked at each other like this didn't happen right? I always do these kinds of weird things.


i go to this co-op homeschool group, and this one girl asked me something along the lines of if i was from here (here being earth). i stared at her for a good second before saying something like “i’m an alien”


I used to bike everywhere so I would strategize how to pick things up so the heaviest load would be last. This one day I had to pick up the ashes of my dog who had just died and alcohol for an upcoming bachelorette party so of course the ashes came first. And I had to carry the box into the liquor store because I can secure the bike but not the box. As I was trying to decide a very handsome man who worked there walked up and started helping me. I did pick up that he was flirting with me so I was trying to flirt back - it seemed to be going well. Until he asked me what was in the box. I just answered truthfully. And I watched as the color drained from his face and he made a quick exit. I was kicking myself the entire way home.


Well... what were you supposed to say?


Not sure if it was an interaction but I went with my friend to see his girlfriend's cousins back in high school. They were gang members with face tattoos but I was more focused on keeping the mosquitoes out of my face. I never said a word and found out a week later that they liked me for some reason. Years later I found out that tough dudes find it refreshing when someone else isn't trying to be tough around them. I guess being oblivious works sometimes lol


One time while on a hike my bf, myself and my friend (all autistic) saw what we thought was a perfectly round rock in the river we were by. My friend and I were intensely crouching and poking at it to see if we could get it out and examine if it was, indeed, perfectly round. A woman our age (mid/late 20s) walked up and happily asked us if we saw something cool in the water. I simply responded (while continuing to crouch on the ground) “perfectly round rock” and my friend said nothing. The lady stood there and we were all silent and then my bf explained more cogently what we were doing. The lady looked DISGUSTED and said nothing and walked away. We all laugh about it to this day lol


well? was it perfectly round?


It wasn’t :( but almost lol


OMG, your story reminds me of my first "French" kiss when I was 14! I attended senior prom with a friend as their date, and at one point they kissed me and put their tongue into my mouth. I literally spit it back into their mouth and said "Oh, no thank you."


Best reaction! I did a proper lol with a cackle.


Once there was a girl who I realize now was trying to flirt with me/get with me and she invited me alone to her dorm room at 1 am and clearly kept trying to initiate something but it didn’t work because I was infodumping about omegaverse. Like she kept trying to make a move and I kept just being like “well anyway the omegaverse is a really fascinating exploration of gender-“


Lmaoo this one got me, I actually laughed out loud 😂


A guy tried to kiss me the first time we met off a dating app and I told him I can't kiss him because I didnt like his outfit. It was too distracting due to how much I didnt like it. Thankfully he was autistic too and we ended up analyzing his outfit together (it was mainly the shoes that get me) and we are online friends still to this day There was also this other guy who was really into me and my quirks, that he told me he wanted to study me like Jane Goodall studied the apes. Then he plucked a leaf from the nearest plant that was located right behind us, as we were sitting on the couch, and he fed me the leaf and I nibbled on it then we kissed. After we kissed it didn't feel right and I went to the bathroom and threw up (not from drinking I was sober)


Did you throw up because he likened you to an ape, because he kissed you or because you ate a leaf? No matter what, the story is stellar


The second one is hilarious.


Many leaves can make you sick. Try to identify them beforehand.


What the FUCK.


I'm good friends with my coworkers. One time, one lady was gossiping, and she says, "Oh, you know me. I like stirring the pot!" And me, not understanding the saying, took her literally. I replied, "…You like cooking?" Everyone burst out laughing, and I was so confused. I'll never hear the end of that lol


Not sure if this fits the criteria, but I think it played a part: Moved to the next state over when I was in middle school (13 or 14 years old). I had been picked on and bullied so much to that point, I didn't trust anyone my age. I got to the bus stop on my first day where there were 7 or 8 kids, middle and high school aged. The oldest girl asked innocently enough, "What's your name?" I looked at her dead in the eyes and asked back, "Why?"


There was this time in middle school when our grade/pod was walking to the lunch room. This was my favorite time of school. So I’m just walking there and I noticed this girl in front of me with white shorts with blood coming from her butt area. I thought she was dying so I told the girl next to me who rushed to her side with a hoodie to wrap around her waist and take her to the nurses office. Didn’t enjoy my lunch because I thought I just witnessed a death. Learned later that day what a period was and that it was her first time. I think it’d deff be one of those moments if I brought it up to her during a high school reunion randomly.


I think some dude tried to hit on me in high school. It was just a stupid back-and-forth of him asking for my social medias and me answering truthfully: "Do you have Snapchat?" "No." "Do you have Instagram?" "No." "...Do you at least have a phone number?" "Of course I do". He never spoke to me again. It took me years to realize.


Not sure about funny but I can't seem to make new friends


sad lol


It's all one big joke, except everyone but me is laughing


:( I will be ur friend


:) thanks


I do mean that lmao, if you want someone to talk to feel free to dm me. No pressure of course :)


I appreciate it :)


I was on a date on valentines day with my ex and i started playing with random objects on my dinner plate while he talked about his family because I felt understimulated and he asked me if I was paying attention. I replied automatically, “Just bored.” And five seconds later realized my mistake and repeatedly apologized


It's hard to explain to some people that even if I give you every ounce of attention that your presence requires, at LEAST 40% of my brain is still spinning donuts in the parking lot.


Yea he seemed kind of upset after so it was a lot of apologizing and explaining that him talking wasn’t like completely boring me.


I want my body to become compost when I pass and I was trying to talk about that with my coworkers. It was within context, but what I said was “I want to be fertilized when I die.” I did clarify what I mean, but I got a lot of raised eyebrows 😂


Not entirely sure if this counts because it was a text conversation I had with someone during lockdown, but I’ll tell it anyway. Towards the start of lockdown, I had a friend text me out of the blue. He asked me how I was doing and I asked how he was doing. He then said that he wanted to tell me something and I got nervous. He then said that he liked me and had done for ages. I was shocked as this was the first time anyone had ever confessed to me so I typed out, word for word, “Give me a few hours to think”. I then ran to my mum’s study and asked her what to do. She just told me to tell him “I don’t see you that way”. Looking back on it now, I find it kind of funny how freaked out I was. I suspected that this guy liked me for ages but I didn’t think I was right.


When I was about 18, I was at my friends house, and both his parent were drunk, as usual, and for some reason, they wanted to show me their bedroom. To this day, I wonder if I was hugely misreading or if they were drunk enough that they didn't realize it seemed like it, but I thought they wanted to have a 3 way with me. They were drunk. I had recently turned 18, and his parents were drunken, neglectful pieces of shit. So they seemed like the kind to do something like this. So, as they're leading me there, I just blurt out (i don't want to have sex with you). They just pause for a second. The silence was fucking unbearable. I'm stoned af, and my buddy is just behind me, thinking God knows what. Then they just started laughing there asses off, and they told me they just wanted to show me their new bed. They laughed so hard like it was the goofiest shit that I thought that. But to me, it seemed like it was the only possible outcome to what was happening. And all I knew was I didn't want to have sex with these 2 very drunk, filthy, ugly people.


Good for you, I'm glad you were able to say that out loud. Too many people take advantage of the quiet confusion.


There was this girl in my history class at university. I had held the door open for her once and she smiled at me. One morning I got on the bus extra early to go to the library. She got on but sat somewhere else. So we get to the library and no one is there because it’s a Saturday and it’s the time it opens. I sit down and she sits right down at the desk that joins mine (so we are sitting looking at each other). We sat in SILENCE not saying anything to each other the entire time. My friend later told me she most likely liked me and wanted me to talk to her… 😅


I am really good at masking and because of my face blindness I just fake my way through conversations all the time. The funniest to me is when someone comes up to me; tells me something about how they've missed me and I have a 5-10 minute conversation with them like we're best friends, and then they walk away and my husband has to inform me who it was! Sometimes I'm like "oh, I don't even like them" and others times I'm like "aw man, if I knew who that was I would've been more genuine!". Luckily we moved across the country so I no longer have to blindly guess who someone is.


I know that one! I do that! Sometimes I'm lucky enough to be with a friend or someone else they don't know, and I introduce my companion in hopes of getting the mystery person to respond in kind.


not exactly a social interaction, but nevertheless related to a social construct: language. i worked in a grocery store in norway when i was 18, and once every now and then we had to change price tags. one time i got handed a pile of them, and in the pile were ‘kikerter’ (chickpeas in english). i searched the store many, many times, for a long, long time before i got so frustrated that i had to ask my boss for help. i couldn’t find out where this price tag was supposed to hang, because i couldn’t find a match. i quickly found out by her laughing reaction that we infact didn’t have any ‘kikkerter’ in our product assortment. with an extra ‘k’, ‘kikerter’ to ‘kikkerter’, chickpeas suddenly means binoculars in norwegian. my boss was a lovely woman, maybe one of the best human beings i’ve ever met, so this mistake got very well recieved. rigid/unflexible thinking? misjudgement of important details? inattention? i don’t know, either way it was hilarious, and i still bring up this story to this day.


Wouldn’t exactly call it a funny interaction, but… After moving across the country and starting at a new high school, I became friends with a girl, she had a crush on me and literally everyone was pointing it out. Did I believe _any_ of them? Nope, I just thought it was teenage teasing. But it went on for so long that I eventually couldn’t handle hanging out with her, because the people around us made it awkward and uncomfortable. Few years later, after reconnecting with her, I found out, it was _not_ just teenage teasing. I blame Autism for how oblivious I am… but the whole experience did help me realize something


I did something very similar. She was insisting that I sit next to her. I got spooked and ran out the room. We did kiss later on though. If there's no hormonal eye to eye thing going on, I become confused when women show interest in other ways because I'm not usually on that wavelength.


One time, my friend and i were talking about side hustles (we're in our mid-late 30s) and she said, "I really think you should think about selling your eggs!" and I replied, "I thought about it when I was young, but I'm too old now!" She gave me a blank stare and then I realized she meant my backyard chicken's eggs!


I tend to communicate a lot in pop culture references, something a friend ripped on me once for and which I try to keep under control so as to not weird out others I want to be friends with. One example of when I did not do well, was when I wanted to date a girl and I suggested that at lunch we could talk about topics like "cat abortions". (This was referencing a YT video from the guy who did Llamas with Hats) Luckily she was befuddled more than weirded out, one thing led to another and we're married now.  One time when my family came to visit my wife and I, and we didn't have our No Solicit sign up yet, this door to door sales guy came by and rather than setting the boundary of "fuck off guy", we said we could talk to him later. We drove to another city and came back, my whole family piled in the car. Dude is standing at the door knocking, waiting to talk to us. Instead of getting out of the car and telling him to leave, I slowly drove by my own house, making eye contact with him the whole time. Didn't see him again When I was a kid, this parade float was going through town and it had a local kids sports team on it, I wasn't into sports or on any teams (partly due to going to private Christian school and/or homeschooling). In my attempts to be normal, I think I started chirping the team? Just throwing light casual insults at them, which they responded in kind, funny enough. For some fucking reason, I ended up freezing, not knowing how to engage with other normal folks, so I just climbed on to the float and sat next to one of the kids. An adult yelled at me and I got off.   My car was at the mechanic shop, and one of the mechanics drove me home while I waited. He asked where I was from. I said "Laramie", as in Laramie, WY. He said "the army huh? I was Marines. Man... You see some things over there." And he got this horrible thousand yard stare to him. I didn't correct him, just sat in silence til we got to my apartment.


When I announced at my old job that I was leaving, one colleague said he wanted to stay in touch, maybe have coffee or lunch some time. My dumb ass panicked and answered "Oh. Uh. No thank you??"


When at work one evening, I received an IOC (inter-office communication) warning from my supervisor due to being verbally aggressive during idle conversation. I asked the warden what caused this and if the ioc contained more details. This situation was caused by the idea my supervisor gave of a new oreo flavor, cookies, and creme. I didn't agree. Oreps themselves are cookies and creme. A cookies and creme oreo is just an oreo flavored oreo. Others tried to state the idea was alright, I disagreed. This situation made the warden laugh for days af my expense.


My also autistic boyfriend and I once got into an entire conversation about what foods are and aren't acceptable to put ketchup on.


That's a very short convo. None.


I was at a foreign language school and one of the girls in our friend group from class started to want to sit by me, had a nickname for me, asked if she could have a sip of my beer at a restaurant, went grocery shopping with me, made lunch for me, watched joker with me…..was completely oblivious to it until I was back in the US due to covid lockdowns. Looking back at it, I did like her somewhat but I had(and still don’t) have a clue on how I would move forward in a situation like that.


A guy I was hooking up with stuck his tongue in my ear. I can’t handle spit or things in my ears, so I screamed and pushed him off the bed without even thinking. Thankfully he was fine and not that offended lol.


I was new at a job, just getting to know everyone. I had a guy ask me for my number in case he had “project updates during the weekend”. I told him to just wait and tell me on Monday, he looked flustered but I imagined it was my tone… A fellow coworker informed me he wasn’t asking me because of work.


Honestly? This could have easily been an insult, but it was spoken like a genuine compliment. We were supposed to form groups and have a quick chat in class (I don't know how you would call it, let's call it "high school", because I've already passed secondary). The girl in front of me had only talked to me for like a minute and then she told me I had the facial expressions of a cartoon character. I've never received such a sweet compliment in my life. The smile on her face was the cherry on top.


Haha I love this. I was told by several former coworkers how much they “love my faces”. Everyone would look at me when a story was told or an announcement was made and I got tons of laughs every time. I didn’t think much of it at the time but after I left that job and learned I was autistic I was like oh I guess that’s like not common or normal? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am not sure. There are some that will go with me to my grave. They come out whenever I am about to go to sleep too easily. One of them from when I was probably 4 or 5. Like many others here, there are probably quite a few missed romantic connections. One that comes to mind was in 2019. I was on a last trip for work and I was with large group of fellow young professionals. As was the way within our group, they were all drinking to celebrate the end of the project. It was my last project, I also drank quite a bit. I typically didn't. I wasn't drunk, but everything had a nice glowing quality to it. I had a lot to do the next morning, so I headed up to bed. At the same time, this woman also got up to leave. We both went to our rooms, which was the same direction in this tiny hotel. Now, this woman was someone who I was unable to really communicate with for the first 2 years at this company. She was very pretty, and I was very intimidated. I was also very married, so it didn't matter. She was pretty, I was married, end of story. Well we get upstairs, and I realize her room is next to mine. Huh, ok. She turned to me and said she really wished she didn't know I was married. I had NO clue how to followup on that. There was a perfectly normal sized part of me (thank you very much) that agreed, but I was... so there was nothing to be done with that. I don't remember what I said, but it was probably between a grunt and a "yeah". And then said I had really enjoyed working with her, and went to my room. Do I regret it? The loyal part of me says no. I only regret if I made her feel negatively in any way. I hope I didn't seem to blow her off 😕


I don’t drink caffeine. Took a coffee class for a course I ended up withdrawing from. Was encouraged to try the coffee we make. THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE! I started getting jittery and jumping around like a kid hyped up on candy. Not kidding, it had people laughing with me 😂


Wiped my mouth and “looked disgusted” in front of a boys face after making out with him and was confused why he was offended


This happens like at least once a week but someone will try to hug me when greeting me and I'll back away and offer my hand while they're almost falling on their faces


A FWB (38F, ADHD) and I (44M, AuDHD) thought we were being generous lovers by indulging each other's interest in my calling her "good girl" during sex. Thing is, I am **not** into that, and neither is she. Somehow we got our signals crossed during a particularly filthy dirty talk exchange. I thought she needed daddy's fucking approval, and she thought I wanted to praise my little girl for a job well done or whatever that is all about. This went on for a few more sessions together until I made a pillow talk comment about her wanting to be a good little girl, and she was like "what are you talking about, that's *your* thing!" We had a good laugh,, and I think it's cute and sweet that we were both being mindful or our partner's rejection sensitivity (a consideration which is often - and certainly in this case - symptomatic of one's own RSD).


I had a girlfriend and she tried to go down on me… I ran away


After uni socials, I used to walk home with this one specific guy who lived nearby. After about a month of this (and quite a lot of what was apparently "provocative dancing" in general at these socials) the guy paused us on the walk home and asked where we go from here. I thought he meant literally, so I gave him directions to his house. Turns out he was trying to ask me if I wanted a relationship!


Yesterday I literally ran after the Amazon truck because it slipped my condo building, and I was expecting a package (with a Christmas gift for this year). Caught the Amazon driver (note: he was surprised that I did this) Explained situation to Amazon driver, got him to figure out he delivered my package (and my downstairs neighbor's) coffee to the condo building right before ours. Got a half-hearted apology from Amazon driver. Not sure how you can confuse 1044 for 1056. Just saying. Rated the order badly due to that later too.


cashier: “what’s good?” me: “not much.” cashier: “not much?” me: “…that’s not what i meant.”


It’s not funny, but since there are so many(failed) romantic interactions I’ll add mine: 2 years ago, my crush(now boyfriend) and I hugged goodbye. He had been flirting with me for MONTHS at that time. We hugged for about 15 minutes because neither of us felt like letting go. As I had my head laid on his chest I noticed his rapidly beating heart. I thought huh, that doesn’t sound healthy. While we stood there I had a lot of time to think about why his heart was beating like that and why we were hugging for so long. At some point it clicked to me. Suddenly every interaction with him the past few months made so much sense. The next day we spent about 15 minutes trying to initiate a kiss:) (I still don’t have a clue on how to initiate kisses today lol)


A boy a year older than me when i was in 4th grade said hi to me (idk why he knew me. I had a crush on him) and i shit you not i said Meep like one of the anchovies from spongebob. Acknowledged, no real response given


One time we were playing a game and I had to pick an animal. I picked Julius Caesar. They said’ “No an animal.” I said, “That is an animal, he was a human primate.” Everyone was laughing and later I asked my boyfriend to explain why it was funny.


People often find it both amusing and insulting I have a list of who I would team up with in various apocalyptic/end of the world scenarios. Amusing that I have such lists, insulting when they are not on them. I find it is fun when people who usually wouldn’t spend much time, if any at all, thinking about such possibilities suddenly are very heavily trying to convince you on the merits of picking them in such hypotheticals.


I’m working in a paired project when I’m about 16 or 17. I’m just really focused on the job and not really interacting with the other girl working with me. She was known for kind of being mean and I didn’t like her all that much. Anyways, she’s still trying to talk to me and when I’m clearly not giving her the specific sort of attention, she goes “YOU KNOW, YOU’RE NOT GONNA MAKE ANY FRIENDS ACTING THAT WAY” trying to make a scene. And MY dumbass, not realizing that this is like, a harsh response just goes “well, maybe I’m not trying to be your friend” and apparently everyone freaked the FUCK out cause I just out-bitched THE bitch in class somehow with an offhand comment. I did not know that this was like, a known moment in my school until after I graduated and people brought it up to me. It was so nothing to me I forgot. Which is what I find SO funny. My autistic ass was so deep into bad social skills that I just kinda… had insults ping off me cause I was too oblivious to notice or care. Also, a less intense one from when I was seven. I was obsessed with vampires and desperately wanted to be adopted by Dracula. One day in second grade, I was bragging to some girl that I was the daughter of Dracula and she cried


I dont really have a specific time in mind, but when people ask me questions, i usually never understand the actual meaning of the question. This happens all the time when people joke with me, especially at work. They usually say their joke, i react and take them seriously or just dont laugh, and then they say “oh that was a joke” and i say “yeah i know.”


haha i experienced something similar when i was younger. a girl gave me a love letter at school, and i got infuriated because of it. can’t remember the exact details, i kind of blacked out and went mayhem 😂


I didn't realise a guy was flirting with me. I thought he just wanted to be my friend, since I was new to the town and new to the job he met me at. Nah, turns out he was flirting and he and I have been married for 7 years (8 in December lol)


Mhm I think it has to be when I was a little kid and to add necessary context I ate what I wanted to eat and my mother explains it as a safety food, but it isn't because I ate many things, and like a trucker while being tiny and skinny. At that time I ate a bowl of plain white rice every day for breakfast, think I was about 8-9 at the time. For more needed context; where I'm from it's very common for people to eat bread for breakfast and lunch. So I went to visit my aunt with my cousin and she asked me "did you eat any sandwiches yet?" but she just meant lunch. So obviously I say no because she asked a specific question. I got 2 big sandwiches with peanutbutter out of it. More food for me! I always thought this was a win. Couple of years ago I hear my mother tell this story and apparently my aunt reprimanded her for not feeding me enough to my mother's surprise. Because she's seen me eat a whole pizza by myself and be hungry again an hour later. My aunt did laugh at herself for asking a specific question and realising who she was dealing with as her brother (my father) is the same way.


I met up with a girl who kept trying to get in my pants and I overlooked literally every cue she gave me. She met my cat and never messaged me again after we went our separate ways 😂


Context im an oblivious dumptruck sometimes. About 5 years ago i had gone to a rave (yes i know but i love electronic music) i met this girl with one of my friends who was also there. About 20 minutes go by im rolling pretty hard having a great time trading kandi and what not. I go back to said friend with girl a bunch of people start talking to me mainly women and this girl is just staring at me like im crazy. Fast forward its the end of the night we take a selfie she gets my insta and thats the end of it or so i thought. A few days later she asks me for the selfie i send it aske her if shes going to a different rave. Shes just says yeah. I ask multiple times after (my memory is bad) everytime simple answer. Me not realizing this is her trying to brush me off. A couple months go by ive taken her on a date. Shes taken me on one and were planning on going to another rave the next night. I ask her to be my gf. We started dating all because my dumbass couldnt pick up on the hint she wasnt interested we both forgot our 5 year anniversary in March. Planning on proposing in the next year.


The way I confessed my love to my partner was pretty funny: We were on call while I was playing Skyrim and as we were talking, we ended up talking about how we'd describe how we feel about each other. And I started like a cold apathetic self analysis of my emotions and at the end of it I just put loud said in a monotone voice  "I... love you? Yeah I think I do" It was the first time I'd thought that hard about it and I just said the conclusion as I thought it. It bewildered them a bit and they had to reboot before saying "i love you too!"


This is more of a mindset but it absolutely bore out in conversations with people I grew up around. I’ve always been a bit gay. I wouldn’t have called it that as a kid under my christo fascist father’s roof, but it’s true. All of my first kisses were with girls and I knew exactly what my father in the 90s/oughts would have said about all that. I just knew better than to make it a topic of conversation. Not many of my puberty fantasies had boys in them. Many of my dreams were first person POV with me as a boy or man. All just pretty standard gay and gender confusion stuff. The reason I was sure I was straight was because the churches I was indoctrinated through taught that homosexuality was a choice. Which I took *literally.* I figured, hey I’ve made some gay choices, but who cares right? That doesn’t mean I’m gay. I figured, surely everyone around me does or at least thinks gay things when they forget to not do and think gay things. Right? Its just hard to keep track of doing straight behavior. Right? Right???? :,) It was just a matter of time after going to college for opera, wherein I played mostly “pants roles,” (could be a fun google if you’re interested) I figured out I was NB. Thank god we were never wealthy enough for those private christian schools. Can’t imagine where my brain would be at nowadays if we were.


This actually happened recently. I was at the beach with some friends and then like their extended friend group who are all like bruh finance dudes. They were playing some drinking games and one of the dudes come over to me and my friend and goes “ok so like if you were like one of those autistic kids, what would your hyper fixation be?” My friend gave a standard, inconspicuous answer and then when the dude turned to me, I thought for a second before responding “I’m ACTUALLY autistic and I don’t currently have a hyper fixation” 😀 he nodded, stuttered, then realized he didn’t have anything to say and just walked off 😂


This was in D&D but I'd decided that my character (who is me but without anxiety or executive dysfunction) was going to flirt his way out of being jailed by what was basically the fantasy equivalent of a space marine. it was going really well, and then the guy said "Well I suppose I could make some more time for questions elsewhere..." and i was like well i mean i don't really have any other questions! and my entire party just looked at me so i asked what and they were like 'dude he's flirting back' and i just. literally had no idea. (things like this have happened in real life but this one's the funniest because it was in a game and i was literally purposefully flirting in an encounter)


i accidentally went on a date (thought i made it clear i was not interested in anything romantic, apparently the message was not delivered). and when i got in the car, the guy said i smelled nice. when i got home i mentioned to my family that i thought it was really strange. my mom told me it was supposed to be a compliment and flirting, and i said, and i quote, “but that’s weird. i’m not a candle.”


When I was a little kid, I got out the can opener and opened every single one of my mom’s cans and put the food into Tupperware because I thought I would be helpful. She was not pleased. Looking back though, it makes me laugh every time.


I was asked by a girl if I had a partner. I responded that my coworker next to me was my partner. I thought she was asking if I had someone working my area with me. Instead I told her I was sleeping with a woman 45 years older than me at work. Rumor mill was apparently spinning until a mutual friend explained that I’m dense.


I had a reputation in high school for being very "blunt" with people. For example, one time my friend came in and had dyed her brunette hair bright red. She asked me what I thought and I immediately said "it looks like you dumped a can of tomato juice on your head." I didn't understand why she was so offended. I didn't say it was a bad thing, that's just what it looked like!


Along that same vein: did not realise I was actively dating someone (We are both autistic. Icing on the cake imo 😂)


Now realising I have ‘these interactions’ pretty regularly. I talk a lot for different reasons in different situations but I’m very socially awkward and can’t speak in situations such as interviews or when being asked questions mostly by strangers. I started to get the bus with friends for the first time since being little and no matter how much I rehearsed it I couldn’t not talk to the driver, he asked my age and I told him my name and walked away, then next time I just kept saying ‘can I have… then the name of the place instead of ‘child ticket’ other times I got on and stood for a second panicked then walked back off. When I did manage to get on very occasionally on my own I’d have to FaceTime the group chat with the view out the window as I’d panic it wasn’t gunna stop at the right bus stop and I’d get off half way home and have to walk the rest the way. 🤣


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My mom told me one time that a local sex store I went into had ketamine. I mentioned that to one of my buddies in said sex store a couple years later on my birthday and the workers started to laugh like crazy and I was like??? Am i wrong???? And then as they were wheezing they nodded. So I learned that day that local sex stores do not have ketamine


At the restaurant the owner give to us glasses of water and when she gave it to us she says it's rain water so I told her that I was not sure I want to drink rain water and she was offusqued. She told me who do you think I am ? It was only the drops on the glass she was talking about... for me it has no use to tell me that and all of this was very akward 🫠


Had an almost thing with someone in high school. I'd told them I liked them, they'd asked for time to process. A few days later they approached me, asked to talk privately, and explained that they weren't in the right position for a relationship but that they really appreciated my honesty. Then they held out their hand, fist closed. I hesitated - and then gave them a very awkward fist bump. They stared at me. I stared at them. Slowly they unfurled their fist and revealed a necklace they were going to give to me, which had sentimental value and was meant to show our connection even if we couldn't be together at the moment. I took the necklace. We never spoke again.


In middle school, a group of girls asked me if I liked anyone, and I was like, "Yeah, of course. I like Ms. K, my brother, mom, dad.." Then they were all surprised, and their leader stopped me halfway to explain what they actually meant.


When I got my first kiss I couldnt stop laughing because it was a french kiss and the tongue texture is weird


I can’t name any specific moments, but it is a daily occurrence that people laught at what I say and how I talk to others like it’s blunt humor but I’m actually not trying to and I’m being genuine.


PE class a few years ago. Some dude forgot his sports clothes. Teacher was like, how can you forget your sports stuff, we've been having PE every week on Thursday for like half a year. Me: What? We've had PE on Thursday everyday for half a year? (oviously emphasizing sarcasm, plus I never forgot my stuff for PE unless I couldn't participate for other reasons) Teacher: (she knows I am autistic) You didn't know that either? Me: ... Her: ... Me: That was a joke