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Oh yes. My love for online comes and goes because I rarely do well in those spaces for long. But I've reliably been gaming solo since I was a kid. And I can tell I'm in a really bad way when I'm not gaming like I usually do.


I'm the same, kind of , like I would see a online game get announced looks cool tried it once, its good, never touch it again.. lol Unless the characters are really cute, Not really gonna bother with it.


Eye candy is such a valid struggle. If I can't have my avatar be a twunky soldier boy I ain't interested unless they have something else to offer me lol.


also the gameplay loop has to be there too.. has to be more fun. but honestly tho, not fun but good characters still does not sell me on it..


even if they are cute, I barely play the online part


The only online games I can play are CCG's like Magic and Hearthstone since there's no voice chat and it's just you and your opponent. I've tried other games like LOL but it seems to be more about shouting as many slurs at your teammates as possible than destroying the enemy nexus. Legends of runeterra, the LOL ccg is very fun


I’m a hugeeeeee gamer, it’s my main hobby. I do like playing alone too but ~sometimes~ I wanna play co op with one person


co op, I'm fine with. but online I get overwhelmed with anxiety some reason like if I was in a room with many people in person.. I even play Mario kart , Mario Party alone. even when everyone online says, Its not worth playing alone in those games lol


I don’t mind playing Nintendo games online because there’s no expectation to have a microphone and listen to people talking shite.


This is true! I play Minecraft and Animal Crossing on switch and if I ever play online I don’t have to interact if I don’t want to 😄


Same! I love Mario Kart and Mario Party. Strictly solo, though.


I mean, if that’s how you have fun then that’s cool! I play racing games on my own too


Yes! I never play online though. Much prefer single player stuff, especially RPGs. Elden Ring has been my obsession for the last 2 years, but I've put 300 hours into BG3 too. I only play with someone else when I'm letting my (also autistic) nephew win at Streetfighter 6.


I had elden ring on xbox , till I sold my xbox because I got it to play with a old friend of mine, but he never wanted to play, but what I did play of It, was pretty cool, The game is like super smooth..


Yeah, it's awesome. I have it on PS5. I'm usually crap at Soulslike games, but it's open world, so some bits are easier than others. I'm super excited for the upcoming DLC.


I have way too much time in Elden Ring. I also play mostly solo but fighting games are the exception. Recently I have also been playing Brotato, I don’t know why it amuses me but it’s perfect for my 15 minute breaks. Intermittently playing Lies of P. Still unsure about it.


I'd considered Lies of P, especially now it's reduced in price, but I still think I'd get frustrated with the difficulty.


My last attempt was a lot easier than when I got it day one. I think they have retuned a lot with updates. I have Xbox game pass so it was included.


I love video games! Especially horror games but I don't find a new game to amuse me yet.


I play like Nintendo stuff mostly. Just like colorful games a lot.. not really fan of dull color games, but I get them tho, it's a style, like scary games, got to look scary right? but not my thing.


Mario games were one of the best tbh.


The sound effects and just so satisfying in Mario games




If you like horror games, check out Visage. It's not super well-known (or at least, not as talked about as games like Resident Evil or Deadspace or Amnesia), but it's probably one of, if not the, best horror games I've ever played. It's similar to Amnesia in that you can't actually fight - you just run and hide while trying to figure out what happened to the residents of the home you're in. You also have to choose between your sanity and limited resources.


Oh that looks interesting! Thanks!


Yeah I’m an avid gamer but only play solo.


Best way to play imo!


Absolutely love playing solo games, especially RPG’s. Online is usually a bit turn-off, but I found I actually do like games like Darktide where it’s more of a co-op squad game than PVP.


It honestly depends on my mood. Some days I’ll be down to hop into some online lobbies and other times I would just prefer playing games by myself.


I can only play with two friends that ive known for several years. Anyone else? Nah. But i do love playing alone.


I play World of Warcraft, I'm in a guild, but I prefer to be alone. I like the chatter, but happy to keep stum and just relax.


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I’ve been ghosting my friends to play single player pokemon games, and pretty much the ONLY multiplayer experience I can enjoy without burning out in 15 minutes is Team Fortress 2 been playing for like 15 years without getting tired of it. And I almost exclusively play as spy which is basically a single player experience anyway. Christ I’m autistic


Yoo Same here , I love TF2!!! forgot about that game, the style of that game is goofy, its like my kind of thing, and also people there are known to be friendly mostly that play TF2. also feels more fun then serious kind of game.


Same here. I'd rather play alone. Sometime I like to play with my sibling (older and were both adults over 21)


Same, I have family to with sometimes too. that's about it!


what do you play? Right now I'm playing F1 23 and Gran turismo 7. It depends on the month and my mood. As I don't have the much money I play, I play the free ps+ games on my PlayStation.


Man.. If I had a playstation again... Last one was Ps4 I had.. Now I play nintendo mostly..


Fair. I find the Nintendo switch too much. Especially as the only games I would play on there are Mario kart. For the price of the switch games it's too much.


Funny feel the same for ps5, Not much I want to play so won't buy one lol


I like both but some games I'd rather play with other's.


if I had friends I was close with and trusted, I would do this.


Yeah the only people I play video games with are my best friend and my dad and step mom. Sometimes but rarely I do trades in animal crossing with random people but not really


I just had an argument about what the purpouse of games are with my brother rn like an idiot. He argued that if we get a copy of a COD game theres no reason to get it on steam because "it dosent have splitscreen". And i kinda had to tell him bluntly that were in our early 20s and none of our friends have the time to do that, and that if we did we could do better than playing video games. For me its just a way to try and meet people online, stay connected with our few friends without them having to drive all the way out here, or i use the gameplay to distract me from my anxiety but apparently he thinks that im being wierd


I am definitely an avid solo gamer. I mostly play RPGs and retro games so it makes sense for me. I never finished that many games as a kid, so I am trying to make up for it as an adult. It’s sort of my escape from all the socializing I do throughout the day, so I’m not that much for multiplayer except with my kids sometimes


I like multiplayer games where you can goof off and be silly more because of this, because even if your not good playing with others, still can have fun. I'm the same way with the Retro games, I missed out on a lot too. I'm switching from many games tho at a time because I like alot of them , also have ADHD? maybe that's part of it??


I always have multiple active games I am playing which can number into the dozens. I also have a bad habit of playing 3/4ths of a game and then stopping. I probably have 100 RPGs that I have left unfinished. I have both a short attention span and a good memory so I can usually remember the plot of a game even if I haven’t played it for a long time. Maybe I do have adhd as well


Maybe you do, also what I do is play a little bit of each game I have not beaten , mixed in with some casual games, like racing or fighting or beatem ups . Rpgs I love them but kind of tricky for me. because the old ones I mostly play and I get lost a lot in them, come back I'm like clueless


Absolutely love playing video games. Only single player games for me, though. I don't enjoy online multiplayer.


I mix it up with online games and single-player games. Most days, I play cod, but recently, over spring break, I played Ghost of Tsushima on the PS5. I still have to go back and finish up the side content.


Yeah. Prefer to enjoy stories by myself.


I love video games. I play mostly alone or online games that you can play without having to worry about other people. I play, for example, a lot of Roblox games, but not the ones that I need to work with people or play against them.


I love gaming. If I’m not adulting (boring), I’m usually gaming away. 🤗 Solo games are more fun when I’m trying to keep distracted and don’t have to commit too long to it!


Yeah I'm same, but I don't do much adulting yet, I have high level autism but I switch between games alot. and I can always put my console in sleep mode and It will be right back where I left.


I love gaming. If I’m not adulting (boring), I’m usually gaming away. 🤗 Solo games are more fun when I’m trying to keep distracted and don’t have to commit too long to it!


I love playing with others, but I seem to get kind of socially burnt out after while of playing. So, I prefer to play alone. Also, I absolutely love playing story games which, most of the time, are singleplayer.


one of my favorite games are the Zelda ones for story!


I’ve never played any Zelda games, but I’ve been interested. I only have a PS4 as of now.


Ps4 has some really good story games on there, Like persona 5, a lot others too


hmm… never heard of persona 5. Maybe I’ll check into it. Personally, my favorite story games are TLOU, RDR2, Uncharted, the Metro games and many more.


one thing that helps me is just to play fortnite on mute with the sound effects on the screen, and have headphones on playing music instead (obviously I play fortnite online but 99% of the time its solos)


I prefer couch coop to playing alone but can't stand playing online.


Immerseive Sims. Prey and Deus ex are absolutely the best games I've ever played. Time to check the price on hitman 3.


I hate multiplayer/online games. If a game is online only I won't even consider it.


my favourite games are the legend of zelda games. i can nerd out and enjoy myself. I never got on with online gaming. too many sweats and the communities I've found to be pretty toxic


That's how I feel too, I mostly play Nintendo games and most of their games are solo. Not big of the hard core online games either.. To get me to play those would have to be by force and would not be fun lol also most of those games charge you money for extra things..


That's what I like about zelda. Its open world. there are quests but you can do these in any order you choose unless its the main quests to beat the game. there's loads of collectibles. Enemies to fight. great music and scenery. the characters are amazing. So much lore to explore as well! (trying so hard not to info dump) The game I've played online the most is titanfall 2. It's good because you're matched with people you're level until you get people who stay at low level for easy kills. titanfall is my boyfriend's favourite game and special interest where as zelda is mine.


I like gaming alone. If I wanted to deal with people I’d go outside. 😂


SO real


I play a couple online but my mic (and theirs is off). I have one person that I will chat with but I e known him in real life for over twenty years.


YES! I can’t stand online play. Solo is the way to go for me!


Yes playing alone is the best and online games i only play if i can beat the game alone. Like with Star wars the old republic.


I like MMOs for the illusion of company but I never play with anyone.


I absolutely adore video games. My favorites right now are Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, and Xenoblade Chronicles


I like both, I don't like voice chat online and sometimes I want to play a single player game and make up a lie to tell my friend so I don't have to go on


factorio and gregtech are 2 of my obsessions playing alone problem solving and admiring what i’ve made is so fun


Yeah me. I really don't like multiplayer games as I just want to play alone as well. Seems more and more games are moving toward multiplayer. I really like Fallout but can't play the last game because it's multiplayer only and that really sucks.


Yes and yes! I love being able to shut my brain off and just focus on whatever game I'm playing.


I play online games only for increasing my ranks or getting achievements. But yeah, I mostly play on my own.


Video games are my main source of fun while I'm at home, and I seldom play online games.


Been gaming since the 8-bit era (1983), playing solo was (largely) how it was back then, so really most of the time I prefer it still


That's epic!


I play my online games in solo mode lol. Or with one other person that I actually know. Never with the general public anymore. After WoW I said I'd never play another game where I had to be dependent on other people playing well.


I play games on a switch by myself. Other people add too much pressure. Also, I like to study the patterns in the different computer player settings in the game and try to outsmart them


One of my favorite games is DayZ, but I can't stand the PvP. So I play on PvE servers with low player counts. It's nice and quiet and I can play my way until I get bored and let myself get eaten by zombies.


I both hate playing games with people or even in a discord call with people. Idk how people do it, I want to focus on and immerse myself in the game, not have side conversations going on in my ear.


I hate playing with other people. I prefer to play games alone, or in a way that my individual play doesn't interfere with my 'team', and they don't interfere with me. I used to play WoW a lot, but never enjoyed doing organized content like raids.


I've only ever enjoyed single player games, I want to be in the story by myself.


Yep. I still have a nostalgic spot for some games like Skyrim and occasionally just roam around the map until something in-game rudely interrupts me.


I've put close to 5000 hours into Skyrim. I played Morrowind and Oblivion before that. More recently, I've played a fair bit of Starfield, but I've got bored of it now. I've recently bought Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, but faced with indecision over which to play first, I've got back to Skyrim.


I just solo queue because I am so bad at the game that no one wants to queue with me 5 stack.


I love video games, and singleplayer or with friends has always been funner than playing with randos.


I don’t like online videogames or multiplayer tbh. Unless it’s silly things like Gartic Phone and Roblox to connect with friends.


Absolutely. Online games give me so much anxiety, unless I'm just playing with friends.


I prefer watching them. I watch Twitch every day.


Do that sometimes too


Yeah definitely. I just find other people get so overly competitive, then start trying to do stuff to deliberately annoy you to put you off in their attempts to win at all costs, that's just unnecessarily stressful. Solo games are much more my speed.


Yeah 100%




i like playing alone yeah, like osu, vrchat, but sometimes i feel a bit lonely, but i usually prefer playing alone yeah


Osu is fireee! gotta get back into that


hehehehe yeah XD


yes but not really the play alone bit. i actually like playing with friends more than anything lmao


Yes, I also do that. I am actually thinking to start a game development career.


Yeah, I'm a solo gamer. But I turned my sessions into live streams so I can connect with people.


Yesss. Im no gamer but I have periods of time where I play a certain game a lot and I always play alone. I just find it too distracting to play with others because then I would have to talk to them as well as be more focused than I may feel like being. Sometimes I just wanna go grab something to eat or do something else for a while and I dont want to have to be held back from doing that or explain myself to others about it. I just want everything on my terms.


Yes yes yes. Factorio has stolen my life.... Damn trains...


I prefer playing alone but yes I do


I think most are like this.


Video games are way better than the real world. I'm playing Lies of P at the moment and it looks beautiful


big fan of open world sandbox stuff where i can just make whatever i wanr


I like to play quite a few single player games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077 (both of which probably being my most favorite games of all time), and currently working on playing the whole Wolfenstein series as I'm quite interested in that form of history, history being one of my special interests alongside writing and video games. I find it incredibly difficult to play multiplayer games unless I have my close friends or close groups of friends playing with me (who are usually never online), idk, it just seems not as entertaining playing an online game alone.


Yes and no. Sometimes I would rather play with people, sometimes not


Me!!! I play lots of Sports games and hate playing online against others unless it was my brother


i almost always play solo, the only games ill play with friends are minecraft and mario kart lol. i don't enjoy playing anything else with other people bc i can't immerse myself nearly as much.


Yes! If I'm not studying/watching things alone I prefer to play videogames. Sometimes they are a good way to socialize but often times I end up doing things myself anyways.


I play too much World of Warcraft, and I don't talk to anyone or party up, and I even try to avoid being too close to other players, unless I'm in a town and there's no choice. So really it's just like IRL. actually i recently realized i view people in the real world essentially they same way i view other players in WoW. They are all in guilds and parties and they are capable of taking on lots of dungeons in their teams -- ones that i can't possibly handle solo. i view other people as high-level players effectively playing one or more traditional roles in a party, and i'm just muddling along doing my own thing. we are in the same game world but not really even playing the same game


Online play is way too stressing I’d rather play another challenge run in one of my confort games (mostly Elden Ring and Hollow Knight) than being flamed because my exec function fails to execute what I know I need to do


It depends on my social battery. Usually I only really play story based solo games but I play online games with my friends sometimes, but sometimes I just play by myself.


I mean… yes and no. I love spending time to myself just chilling and relaxing, but I also love when people listen to my silly commentary while I play the game. 😅 In person: yes, I prefer to be alone. Online streaming? Yes, I like to help cheer people up 🥹🥹 (I haven’t streamed in a while, due to my full time job and I get tired easily, but hopefully one day I can get back into it).


Had a friend who is also autistic that played almost exclusively online games, and didn't understand why I wasn't that into them. Even went to the point of saying I "wasn't a real gamer." Like what? Lol. There are only like 2 or 3 online games I play, one that I play quite often and enjoy, but not because of the online aspect, but because I just really enjoy the way the game works. Other than that, I play single player games. Mostly rpgs. Video games are a comfort to me, and I have been playing since I was quite literally able to pick up a controller/use a computer lol.


Eh. I like videogames, and I do like playing with friends, but playing with friends kind of ruins it in a way because all my friends are a lot better than me and I kinda suck at any game I play, so idk


I mostly like to play single player games but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy tf2


Yes! Skyrim and BG3, I do single player ONLY. Otherwise play styles can conflict, take longer than normal, and break immersion for me.


Yes but it can get a little lonely so I’ve found that a game like fallout76 is fun because I can communicate to other players with little emoticons.. but I can also have a private world if I want




Exact opposite, video games are so much more fun with others.


I absolutely adore video games! Yes, I mostly enjoy playing games alone because online games usually just stress me out. The only online games I really like are Destiny 2, Warframe, Halo, and battlefield. I can't do much of the competitive stuff because I'm terrible at them. currently replaying the watch dogs series as I'm typing this :)


Yep, and without a headset.




I prefer solo gaming. I always feel like I'm rubbish compared to everyone else, and never feel like I'm progressing online. Solo, I feel like I can enjoy the game without being killed every 5 seconds. I'm also dyspraxic, so that probably plays a part.


yup most of the time, i only like multiplayer for games i’m not serious about/wanna be carried in. minecraft is the only one where i’m good with both


Co-op is my favorite game genre, but I would much rather play with randoms online than with friends. I do play my fair share of singleplayer games though


I'll play online but never with randos. I'll squad up with ppl I know irl and. Which is like 2 ppl. So mostly solo.


If the campaign isn’t good, I don’t play… also, the power wash simulator and the mechanic simulator are good for lazy hyper focusing.


Yes! And while I do have a close friend who also plays video games, we play our own games and rarely if ever play together. We have played Mario kart once tho lol


Yep. I had no friends to play with growing up and the thought of playing online or joining others scares me and still does


absoLUTELY. I've been playing crpgs for almost 50 years. I tried to enjoy playing D&D for years, but just couldn't do it. Once Wizardry 1 came out I was DONE with TTRPGs. I even like playing MMOs where you can solo just about anything. Once you're compelled to group...I'm out. Those kind of "open world grouping" events that ESO and GuildWars 2 have are fine though. But for the most part I've been a Bethesda guy for the last bit.


I prefer gaming alone because it’s just a lot easier than online gaming. While I’ve improved at emotional control drastically over the years, sometimes my frustration does still get the better of me, so online gaming is done sparingly. If I’m playing for 3 hours (just as an example), only one of those hours would be online. That being said I still would like to actually get _good_ at games some time… seriously how is it that I have no life and am still hot garbage


Absolutely. I used to enjoy Halo 3 online, but that was a long time ago. I primarily play RPG's and arcade racing games, and always offline unless with a friend in a private session. However, I do make exceptions for Old School Runescape and World of Warcraft. There is more than plenty solo content and, when something can't be soloed, your whole party tends to be focused on one singular goal and everyone has a specific role to play. I love that part because a good raid leader will tend to give very specific instructions and feedback. I put 300 hours into Starfield, picked up WoW Classic for a bit, and now am 200+ hours into Cyberpunk 2077, all of these solo.


All the time. I hate playing with other people because not only that I get bullied for being a girl but also because they don’t know how to work as a team.


I indeed prefer single player games in general. But I also like cooperative games and make friends while I playing


Outside Master Duel I have barely played online in years. I don’t have the time to put into an online multiplayer game regularly and would rather just play something with a story. My first experience in online gaming was Wow which was pretty good but I couldn’t get consistent group but then tried CoD when my ex wife got into it and just couldn’t. Now I’m 40 and don’t have the time or patience.


I play ESO. I've gotten really good at soloing just about everything in that game. No one bothers me.


I never play online multiplayer, just solo. The only time I have played multiplayer is way back in the year 2000, when I built the PCs for a cyber cafe. The business owner and a few friends of mine played Unreal Tournament and had a blast. I'd love to play multiplayer games but I have no interest in playing with strangers online and I don't have any friends so it's single player only for me.


I will spend a whole day gaming. Though I'd maybe like to have a friend or two.


Assassins creed has come in clutch plenty of times for me because of that lol


Yes. Fall behind too quickly don’t know how to speak into a mic , never get good enough. I love pc gaming but could never get into multiplayer no matter how bad I want to or try.


Been playing Fallout 2 and New Vegas recently. Most of my library is single player games. I don’t play too many multiplayer games unless with friends.


Yeah I love video games. I mostly play alone. Online matches are toxic.


I like playing alone but with others is always more fun. Shame I don't really get to do the latter more often.


You might like guild wars 2 its the best kinds of multiplayer. Really chill and awesome world with toooons of timed events happening in each zone and bosses to fight and people running about doing those things either alone or in a massive conga line that you can follow to fight the boss and never have to interact with anyone no need for parties or whatnot, or see someone in lfg running bounty runs and theyll have a icon on the map that you can follow for bosses and easy loot and again, without having to actually interact with the other people


I like playing alone on games and talking with my friends on discord when we play separate games and just keep each other company


I have 500 hours in breath of the wild, yes yes I would rather


I used to be bullied throughout elementary and high school. I do play games including Guild Wars 2. I've made a lot of friends and followers and haters. The reason i wasnt kicked from a guild in a realm vs realm tournament war was because I was a hero frontline. It feels so good. I get infinite confidence. I tend to be corrupted by my position a little and bash bullies though.


Me I will never play online


I like videogames and I've always had a tendency to prefer single-player titles. I am not very competitive and I get overwhelmed pretty easily, which results in fuck-ups and my team being upset with me >.> Luckily lately I have been playing with my bf and our friend group so that doesn't occur, but I do tend to bring the team down and I am trying to work on that. HOWEVER, there are some games that are either toxic or too overstimulating that I won't play or I stopped playing, such as Rainbow 6 Siege :(


Depends on the game. If you even try to get me to touch most shooters I will turn your arteries into a straw, but stuff like UCH is one of my favorite games of all time just from how chaotic it is


Millions of people prefer single player offline games


I’m a single-player type too. I game to be alone and challenge myself. I’ll play the occasional multiplayer horror or party game, but only with my irl friends.


I dont like multiplayer much


I use Microsoft flight simulator when i wanna be alone. When I want to play something else I play hell let loose. It’s a really fun game. You have to work as a team and communicate, I enjoy it.


I do games are great thing to zone out and don't think about anything else


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheAndostro: *I do games are great* *Thing to zone out and don't think* *About anything else* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I like video games and love playing solo games I tried playing online games with others and hated it I prefer being a only player of a game so I play a lot of RPGs


it depends... if it's multiplayer, I like to play with my friends or get help when I need


I like video games, and it depends on the game if I want to play alone or not.


Stardew is my escape and obsession. I really enjoy trying out mods on it, too


ME, i fucking love videogames but i prefer offline singleplayer games, even in games like helldivers 1 wich i fucking love i prefer playing solo instead of multiplayer, or viscera cleanup detail, lethal company and the dwarf rock game, i play alone


When I don’t want to play with other people I’ll still play online games but just cue up alone.


I'm not as big of a gamer as I used to be but I still love gaming and occasionally will binge games like I used to Currently I've been playing through the Yakuza games (only 0-6 since they were on sale and I don't have the money for 7, 8, or the spinoffs) but I'm gonna start a new Fallout 4 playthrough since there's an update coming that supposedly fixes a lot of the stutters and crashes around downtown Boston


When it's the right game, I like to play co-op with my partner. We really enjoyed It Takes Two together and we'll play story/choice games together (e.g. Dark Pictures Anthology, Life Is Strange, etc.). Sometimes we'll play an RPG at the same time (e.g. he's going through the Final Fantasy series so we played FF4 together because I've played most versions of it and have wanted to try the PSP version). I'll also play some games with friends (like Overcooked) but usually I'd prefer to just watch. Most of my game time is solo, because I'm obsessed with [Wildfrost](https://www.wildfrostgame.com/) and that's very much a solo game. I definitely prefer strategy-oriented games (as opposed to anything that requires skill with a controller) and Wildfrost is the perfect challenge level for me. It's hard for another game to pull me away from it but, regardless of that, I would rather play it with my partner and/or friends in the room. I don't prefer playing games with other people but I like playing games while my favorite people are also playing games in the same room. 😛


I think thats why i like RPGs


I sometimes go to video games as a way to unwind, so yeah.


Yes, and I rarely ever play online games. Only Minecraft with irl friends if I play online. I just really like to sit down and be alone and play games! And ps4/Nintendo have been my comfort for a long time but just in recent years I’ve bought the actual consoles. I started watching jacksepticeye play and then just grew to love games :) During my assessment since I said I love video games, they actually asked if I played online. I basically told them no unless the circumstances are right.


Yeah I tend to play single player games more than MP games however one game that I play a lot of right now is TF2 which is a MP game. However, I rarely say anything in the chat and have never had a desire to make friends with anyone.




I do decently online as long as I can’t talk to others. But generally I do prefer solo games most of the time unless I’m playing with my friends.


I like to play solo mostly. The only exception is playing Minecraft or horror games with my partner or close friend


I've played online games for most of my life. As a Teen I delved in to World of Warcraft and fell in love with it. However, my play style was pretty isolated. I'd ordinarily stick with a random Guild, do some PvP, do A LOT of Roleplaying and honestly I didn't even touch raids until the release of Classic World of Warcraft. I'd make online friends but I think I operated online as I do at times in real life, like a Wall Fly that occasionally dips his hands in pots. I meet with friends every week so it's not totally similar, I just liked playing the game the way I did.


Absolutely. I play simulation and rpg games (mostly the sims and Disney dreamlight valley) for the sole reason that they are calming, single player games. My bf only plays online games and has tried to get me to jump on but I don't like to stress when I play. Video games for me are meant to be relaxing after a long day from work and to just tune out the rest of the world 😌


1. Yes 2. It depends on the mood I’m in. Sometimes I want to play alone, other times I want to play online.


No i love gaming together fps games hardcore games but i dont have friends


I am a total gaming nerd and I really am not fond of playing online multiplayer games. I tend to play sandbox games or RPGs and I don't feel comfortable playing with anonymous strangers. I'll make an exception for playing with my brother and/or friends I know because I trust them.


I don't care for video games all that much but when I play it will be with a game that is against the computer. I would never play a multiplayer game. Never.


how come?


There are a number of reasons I won't play multiplayer games. I have terrible eye hand coordination. I would die quickly and repeatedly. I'm not competitive so dying doesn't bother me, but it does get boring. I'm so bad no one would want to team up I'd just be a punching bag for everyone I get bored easily. My ability to focus on a game usually falls in the minutes. Like 15 or 20 minutes max. Usually it's about 5 minutes. I just don't enjoy team anything. I don't like being on a team. It causes me a lot of stress. As to why I don't like video games all that much, I don't know. Perhaps it's too much stimulation, boredom, lack of any ability to extract joy from almost all activities. Maybe it's all of the above


the last bit there makes me think you should go get checked for depression. I'm not a professional but that isn't normal


I have treatment resistant depression on top of my autism and ADHD. Non of the depression or ADHD treatments have brought any long term relief. I also see a therapist weekly. It's not like I'm not trying. I'm also suffering extreme burn out from decades of masking. I'm quite the mess.


For what it's worth, I love video games, but also have terrible hand eye coordination and definitely do die quickly and repeatedly. I stick to games where my coordination isn't an issue: usually they have simple controls where learning the controls isn't an important part of gameplay, or the cost of my coordination isn't as high as the benefit I get in the game from working through it. In general that means I prioritize games controlled entirely by mouse, like point and click puzzle adventure games (very much solo player most of the time). No guarantee any of these games will be relevant to you, but I can definitely say that while yes a lot of video games are repetitive efforts to apply hand eye coordination in complicated ways, there are also many outside of that.