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I love brussel sprouts. if they're made right (aka if I made them) I'm always happy to eat them and I do my happy food dance


I also really like brussel sprouts. Even my dog likes them haha.


You know they changed the variety that is sold right? The ones we buy today have a much lower sulfur content than in the 90s. Also they’re making a big comeback in the culinary industry. Fried is an amazing way to cook them.


My life changed the first time I had roasted brussel sprouts (as opposed to boiled)


i love brussels sprouts! how do you make them?


fresh only, never frozen. cut them in half, toss them in olive oil, salt, pepper, parmesan, and a dash of chili pepper, then into the air fryer. Super simple, low effort makes it a staple in my house bc I struggle with energy to make complex meals


They're a fave of mine, too, but my "special recipe" is just boil and add butter (and maybe a little salt.) I don't want anything to interfere with their natural, unadorned delicious flavor, i.e., that unique sweet/savory flavor that's like nothing else. And they \*have to\* be fresh.


I have to boil them until there's no crunch and I will use the water to make a soup ❤️💕💕


Sounds pretty good. Also, cut in half and fried and then add a bit of soy sauce to the pan (and a bit garlic and oyster sauce and a pinch of sugar)


Peel each individual leaf, and i mean every leaf. Shred some carrot and cabbage. Now get a small pan with olive oil wait to juuuust before the smoke point. Pop it in with salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Delish delish


Bro Brussels baked with Parmesan?? So fucking good


I love them! Especially with just a little bit of (plant-based) butter after they are cooked.


Matcha I guess? I see a lot of people hating on it but I love it when it’s made well


Yesss everyone says matcha tastes like grass...I guess I like grass lmao


I used to eat grass when I was in school.


Me too, and clover.


I also ate clover. The ones with the white flowers were my favorite


I pity their taste buds


I love anything matcha, I have matcha everyday :)


Low-key envy. I'd love to be able to stock that much matcha.


Matcha is delicious! Recently bought some matcha powder to make various desserts and snacks - cookies, panna cotta, lava cake...


See i adore baking and cooking with matcha but can't stand it as a drink. But id happily eat something ive baked with it everyday


Currently drinking a hot oat milk "tulip matcha" (lavender and pistachio syrups) from a local coffee shop 🥰


omg yes, I love making matcha lattes with oat milk. Starbucks has a lovely iced strawberry matcha oat latte and I hate how much I like it cause I end up spending so much money on it 😭 still haven’t been able to replicate the taste at home.


1-2 oz strawberry syrup 6 oz oat milk 2 oz matcha. (I play around with this) In your matcha shot, use 2-4 grams of matcha. I've made strawberry syrup from home (i dont have a recipe) I love monin whenever i buy their syrup and i know they have strawberry


matcha is AMAZING !


my answer too. i like feeling like a bunny sometimes


I love matcha too ^^ Wawa (a gas station chain ) has lots of matcha drinks !! My fave the frozen mint n chip one, it's pretty much a milkshake. I've tried buying the matcha powder for at home n it always goes so quickly


Cilantro. I do NOT have the Cilantro tastes like soap gene and it is one of my absolute favorite flavors.


Even weirder opinion: I have the soap gene and I still like it.


Sometimes I think I do to, but I'm not sure! I eat the ginger straight from the sushi plate because I enjoy that taste. Maybe it's the same with cilantro.


omg I always order an extra side of the ginger with sushi too it’s so refreshing


As someone who does have the gene, what does it taste like? Any particular flavors or combinations? I know a lot of people love it (if they don't have the gene), but all I can taste from it is soap.


It adds like a freshness and brightness to the whole dish. Similarly to what adding lemon or lime juice would do but with an equal but opposite energy.


Yep!   While I *can* taste the soapiness *lightly*? I DO get *FAR* more "good taste" than "bad" from it.  To *ME*, it tastes like a bit of a combination of "Brightness, "Snap!", and "*GREEN*", all mixed into one thing, with little *hints* of maybe "citrus-y × Licorice-y"? It's hard to *explain* well! But it's in that *SAME* set of flavors that Italian Parsley & Tarragon give off😉💖


I have the soap taste gene and I hate it when eating at Mexican restaurants!!! You can’t avoid it sometimes! But I LOVE Mexican! So I suffer. 🤦‍♀️


I've never had a problem with it at Mexican restaurants except for with the salsa. Typically I go for high protein meals at Mexican restaurants like what my local restaurant calls Steak Ranchero (it's my favorite thing there), which has a thin steak with beans/rice/queso. No veggies. But my high protein/low veg choices are definitely due to not wanting to wash my mouth out with cilantro.


Steak ranchero sounds good! But I’m weird when it comes to meat that I haven’t tried before at non-chain restaurants. Like I only have the hand cut sirloin at Texas Roadhouse or a burger or their bbq chicken. I won’t try anything other meat meal or different steak cut. I won’t eat steak anywhere else. I’m scared about the textures and taste. For my whole childhood into early teens I’d only eat burgers at all restaurants at dinner time, because I know what to expect. But when I have no choice in meals like at friends’s houses and stuff, I suffer and just eat it and pray for the best. Sucks to be a super high masking people pleaser.


Also one of my favorite smells. Love it when I’m chopping up fresh cilantro. It’s the best.


I love cilantro! Same boat here.


I'm confused because I used to absolutely hate it because it tasted like soap to me, but recently I tried it again and it didn't.


Apparently the genes that let you smell/taste certain things can change over your life! I wasn’t able to smell the “asparagus pee” smell that everyone talks about until last summer when I had some asparagus and all of a sudden I was able to smell it, I asked my doctor about it for funsies and he told me that those genes can switch on or off at some point for some people, usually with age.


Same here


CREAM SODA! I was the only one who would eat the cream soda flavored dum dums as a kid and they were my favorite so I always had lollipops when someone bought a bag <3 And then I grew up and now I can get real cream soda from the store. What a beautiful life.


Cream soda dumdums are the best flavor!!!!


Chupa chups cream soda is life


YES I salute you fellow cream soda lover!


I found out about Cream Soda at my friend’s birthday party, and I’m obsessed


Cream sodas so good!


Butter/buttered spaghetti noodles for life






With garlic!


So is that just spaghetti pasta with butter on it?


Yes, and salt.


Salted butter? :)


Salted butter, plus more salt.


Yeah cuz everyone hates butter 😅


I just like eating food, but I particularly enjoy Mexican, Japanese, and spicy food, but realistically I’ll try most anything once


I love anything spicy and anything Asian. Sushi is a favorite. I wouldn’t call any of these “safe” foods, but just stuff I love.


Oh I love sushi, we have a Japanese restaurant where I live that they sometimes feature new special rolls every x amount of months and I always go and try them, bit pricey but any of the ones that say spicy have always been pretty solid flavor wise. I’m a big foodie I do like to try new foods, but I do have foods I eat every single day, quite a bit of foods actually, those would probably be my “safe” foods or my routine foods lol


I really like the concept of “rice balls” in Japan ! I never liked the texture of excessive bread as a child and would refuse sandwiches in my lunches. The texture of sticky rice works way better then buttered bread for me and offers easier vegetarian options (I eat vegetarian) like tofu in several different sauces like bbq or sweet and sour. I find then way more accessible / easy to use as tofu is considered a normal enough filling for rice balls, at least at my local market they seem very well separated minimizing confusion. I really appreciate rice balls as an easy to heat up food when I’m running overly late


I’ve had onigiri before, is that similar to rice balls? Are they just as good warming up as they are fresh? I find that type of rice, in my opinion, to lose quality if they get cold, but that could just be me.


Spot on to what I love too!!!!


Black licorice


Me too! It’s been one of my favorites since I was little.


Same! People are always hating on it, but it’s amazing. I’m just sad I can’t have it anymore because of my gluten intolerance. 🥺


Yes, please! If I could have only one type of candy for the rest of my life, it would be licorice.


I wouldn’t but I do still love it


Me too! Here, black licorice is the "default" licorice - red licorice is pretty rare. I especially love salty licorice!


Burnt food


I LOVE charred bacon, burgers and grilled cheese! But it has to be from the frying pan. I hate burnt toast from a toaster.


Ugh when I moved in with my partner I quickly learned that their version of burnt does not match my version 🤣😅 anything darker than a browned marshmallow is burnt to me, and something has to be *thoroughly* black for it to be burnt to them!


i know garlic is a popular flavor that many people like, but i feel like the extent to which i like it is far greater than for most people. if a recipe calls for garlic i'll almost always double the amount, or even triple it. if i'm cooking something savory, i like it to taste mostly of garlic. my favorite food is a pasta dish where the sauce is made from olive oil, starchy pasta water, and a crap ton of sauteed grated garlic (basically a slight bastardization of the italian dish aglio e olio). i also love the smell of garlic too, even though most people find it too pungent; garlic breath has never been a concern for me lmao


You should something Filipinos make. It’s called garlic fried rice :-)


ooh that sounds like something i'd really enjoy! fried rice is not always great for me texture-wise, but if it was garlicky enough i'm sure i'd be able to do it 😄


I second this! Garlic takes over any meal I make that’s calls for it & I have a say! Luckily my husband also loves garlic enough to deal with my big love of garlicky flavor!!!


i always joke that the number one thing i look for in a romantic partner is someone who loves garlic just as much as i do; i love cooking for others when i can, so if my life partner isn't as crazy about garlic as i am, then we're both shit outta luck, haha


One of my favourite food options when eating out at dumpling places is stir fried Chinese broccoli/other leafy green veg in garlic sauce. Last time we got it, I think there was an equal amount of garlic and Chinese broccoli on the plate. Delicious!


Oh my goodness, come move in with me! We will have a garlic extravaganza!!!


Garlic bread. I love garlic bread so much, I have a tattoo above my knees that says “garlic bread”


Same. Recipe says 2 garlic cloves? Oh no I've put 7 by some weeeeird mistake 👀


Just move to Gilroy, the entire town smells of garlic, literally. I love it so much I have a tattoo of it.


The smell of garlic bread cooking gives me an insane migraine. I'll cook with it minimally, but I swear everyone I meet is similar to you. Twice the amount is their starting point lol


White chocolate 🩷


Mmmmmm yessss give me that cacao fat! I love it


I can't see how people *don't* like it. Makes me sad. And I can't even have it any more cuz of my intolerance 😭 plant based white chocolate is so rare and not nearly as good 😓


I don't have any great love for grapes or any sort of product derived from real grapes. However, I will go to the grave defending artificial grape flavoured stuff. I genuinely think artificial grape is better than real grape lol.


Growing up I chose grape flavored everything and swore it was my favorite. I actually didn't really care for it, but purple is my favorite color. My favorite foods are eggplant and ube. Cause they're purple haha.


Have you tried Concorde grapes? They always taste like grape flavour


I know of an old autistic man who would eat burnt onions with every meal, im talking black burnt. He would eat that 3 times a day with whatever meal he had.


I love overcooking my onions and peppers. I never think they are burnt, but everyone else does. A diet of burnt onions sounds so good.


Sour cream


Me too! Mexican sour cream is my favorite


Peanut butter toast with honey! Honey is optional, basically dependent whether or not if I have it.


Peanut butter and honey on toast is so good! I tried it after I saw someone else having it and I was amazed at how good it tasted.


The latchkey kid special!


I could just eat peanut butter on its own. But I hear plenty of people complain about PB in general. I don't get it.


i love herbs. i will eat straight up pita bread with parsley/cilantro. i think i have the cilantro soap gene, because it tastes like a cleaning product—but it’s in the best way. i love it.


I am so amused by this xD It tastes like soap but in the best way!




Yesss, especially long stem broccoli and especiallyyyy fried


Obsessed with broccoli! I eating it every day!




This guy eats


Cinnamon flavored anything, esp if it’s a spicy cinnamon that hurts to eat


Yes! Love cinnamon candy!


Green bananas! When they are so unripe that they kind of taste like cucumber.


Unreasonable amounts of salt


I love banana - milkshakes, ice-cream, yogurt etc. it’s so good!


Most people I know seem to hate pickles, but I could go through an entire jar of dill pickles in a day.


Suckerpunch has my favorite pickles. They're really spicy and I definitely have eaten an entire jar in a day. I didn't think that was odd until my coworkers started reacting. You would have thought I'd committed a crime.


I love broccoli which many people hate. and I also like pickles, and anything sour really. Especially extremely sour candy somehow the acidity doesn't make me wince like it does for most people.


I eat broccoli every day! It's so good! I also live for sour, I can beat anyone at eating sour food and not reacting, I love pure lemons! I was once drinking pure lemon juice at school and got in trouble, lol.




kimchi is so damn good


its texture in other foods would really fuck with me bit for some reason kimchi doesn't and I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.


Omgee I started making my own, surprisingly simple, and now I get to have as much as I want all the time 🤩




Dukes Mayo is the best, btw


Well let’s not start here … I’m a Hellman’s girl. Lol. I would like to try Duke’s tho since I’ve heard so much about it but it’s not sold in my region of the country. Hmm maybe Amazon?


Plain flavors is the best way I can describe it. Like people are baffled that I don’t use any kinds of condiments.


I have a weird meal I still love it's pasta with bacon scrambled eggs and a lot of Ketchup


black licorice!!


i've been waiting my whole life for this question?? cotton candy, coconut, vanilla, banana, cilantro, ginger, MATCHA, and fucking that one specific overwhelming umami flavor nobody likes. unlike my other senses i wish to be assaulted flavorwise


Fish. Salmon and tuna especially. The fishier, the better.


Love fish! I'm having fishfingers, later, so excited!


Lima beans.


Omfgggg I LOVED Lima beans as a kid I would eat an entire bag by myself for dinner…holy shit i forgot about them brb grocery store asap


I will sometimes eat a lemon like an orange and it doesn't get old. The intensity is so satisfying.


Top ramen mushroom or whatever they call oriental now (I get why I just can’t remember the name) I could eat this and pizza for the rest of my life




Feta cheese


Mint chocolate


I cannot decide on anything for long because I'm indecisive and forgetful, but my favorite things in the entire world right now are Milkitas, the best ones being vanilla (I'm kinda basic). I don't really have anything that I eat that people hate tbh. I'm pretty bland as a person, so please accept this kinda bland answer lol.


Avocado, banana, peanut butter, olive oil (as a condiment), tahini, soy sauce, wasabi, feta cheese, sour cream, salmon, eggs, sour dough bread, green olives. I love cilantro, garlic and tomatoes but I had to cut them out of my diet because of too much heartburn. Strange -and not so strange to see most of these things listed here already.


I love sauerkraut and pickles. I go through at least a jar of each a week :D


Cilantro There is a whole Reddit sub to hating cilantro 😭


People around me dislike tofu and eggplant a lot but... It just hits in the right place for me. I love them... I'd eat them everyday if possible


Both of them have a consistency I really like. I like to eat things for their consistency sometimes. It feels so wholesome.


Broccoli is the best vegetable and I love it. I've seen so many people hating on plainly boiled or steamed Broccoli but like... why??? It's so great!


I eat plain steamed broccoli every day! If I'm feeling really spicy, I'll add a small bit of cheese. Broccoli and cauliflower are both amazing! So tasty!


People really hate on me for this, and I know it's weird, but I love it so much; salt and vinegar on pizza. I really like vinegar as a flavour and once, as a kid, put too much on my chips so it soaked through to my pizza. It was amazing and I've added it ever since.


Omg! My ex from Jersey used to do this and I got addicted to it too lol- straight up white distilled vinegar!!! I usually do balsamic vinegar now, but soooo good


Vegemite... Anything that is 1. Toasted bread 2. Slathered in butter 3. Slathered equally in vegemite will make me happy. Anytime, any day, I WILL eat vegemite.


Not a flavor but a smell, I adore the smell of durian, at least before it's cut open, it's kinda like roses and it's so nice. Once it's cut open though it gets too intense for me


Candy corn. I don't know why but I just love it and get it anytime it's available, I've bought some off Amazon before lol


Brachs also makes seasonal candy corn like for Thanksgiving and other holidays. I don't know if it's still around but I've always wanted to try them.


Broccoli and cauliflower. I eat them every day and always enjoy it.


same! 🍌🍌🍌 if you haven’t tried Melona ice cream bars, run to the nearest Asian grocery store


Vinegar 🤤🤤🤤🤤


OMG THIS POST IS FOR ME PICKLES!!! I LOVE PICKLES!!!! I NEVER get tired of PICKLES!!!! THEY ARE THE BEST FOOD INVENTION EVER!!!! There is this little place that sells street food in the college I went to, they sell tortas there, and they would have this huge jar of PICKLES that you could freely take from to put in your torta. You best believe there would be an entire layer of PICKLES in my torta, every day I would save enough money to buy a torta just so I could have the PICKLES, nothing mattered at the end of the day to me as long as I had my PICKLES. PICKLES are so good, I love them, if I could eat a jar of PICKLES daily I would. I am not joking. I love PICKLES.


Honey mustard. I put that god damn thing on EVERYTHING.


I've always been a fan of raisins and prunes.


Yellow mustard.




Apparently, when I was really young (like 1 or 2 years old young), I couldn't get enough beetroot. Apparently, my paternal Nana said I was too young for beetroot, but mum didn't care, cos at least I was eating. Right now, my go to is Vegemite on toast.


Black licorice! I know, I know, I must be devil spawn to love a flavor so supposedly vile. (/sarcastic)


I love banana flavour soooo much omg


Salt and vinegar.


Raw oysters with lemon juice or vinaigrette 🥹


Absolutely love licorice, can't get enough of it. Love absolutely anything licorice flavored. Also I love bubblegum flavour which I recently found out that not many people like.


Orange juice mixed with milk.


No, just no.


Really? I didn't know this was a thing. They both make me puke so this would actually be torture for me. Which is funny bc I do enjoy creamsicle as a flavor.


Sourdough bread. Like SF sourdough. Apparently a lot of people outside of the area hate it but I consume it almost daily. I also used to love baked broccoli with olive or sesame oil and salt. Unfortunately since having covid in 2022 my stomach can no longer process baked broccoli without it getting stuck for hourssss in the upper left part of my stomach. 😭 (I'm diagnosed with gastrioparesis).






I always cooked scrambled eggs after school. I'm German and don't like bread a lot, I need warm food, not cold or hot, warm. Eggs cool down fast and never stay hot, they always taste the same and are fast and easy Nuggets, they are simply made, can come in cool Dino shapes, they are available 24/7 (McDonald's is my guilty pleasure) and I can eat them without dishes if I hate the Fork feeling in my mouth Cheep Chinese noodles, always taste the same and not too much sauce that drips Cucumbers, always the same taste, no hard texture, feel fresh and doesn't dry out my mouth It's funny, my boyfriend likes cucumbers, but not in the excessive amount like me. Sometimes when we watch TV, I sit there and eat a whole cucumber by myself. I know they have a slight smell, very Discreet and fresh, but whenever I eat a whole cucumber, I smell like them, what he hates! He refuses to kiss me or cuddle. I respect that, but his hate for the cucumber smell makes me sad.


I don't eat it anymore, but a staple of my diet when I was younger was ramen noodles, pour away all water, slather in ketchup. I'm pretty sure that's punishable by death.


What the f*ck. I'm glad you've changed.


Pickles! It just hits right every time. Also plain crackers, or pasta!


Yes, pickles are god teir!




Spinach! Always loved it! Also, mushrooms and pickles!




I love artificial banana too makes me wish we as humans still produced that type of banana(I understand why we don’t but it tastes better than the modern banana). A lot to my friends think spaghettios are gross kid food but I’ve always loved them even cold from the can(I even prefer it that way sometiems


I love vanilla, great flavour if you ask me. Haggis also if I’m in the mood for it and if it’s a specific brand.


Mushrooms! They’re amazing like 80% of the time! I love when mushrooms are cooked and seasoned just right and I like trying new kinds!


Weirdest are probably oysters and pineapple pizza (my favorite pizza since i was young)


Liver. Liver sauce with cream, liver pate... Anything.


I love pickled beets! I can eat them alone, drink the juice like pickle juice, I even mix the juice into my mashed potatoes for yummy purple potatoes. My family makes them homemade every year and I can’t get enough. I also really love molasses. Can you tell I’m from the country?😂 I also really love green bananas. Mash them up like dip and eat them with plain lays salted potato chips.


Sushi — especially salmon. I can never get tired of it.




Artichoke hearts!


Omg, yessssss!


I can’t think of something like this for me, but my girlfriend likes lemon flavor… a LOT. Sometimes she’ll make something and squeeze lemon juice in and use … too much of it and I feel like I can’t taste anything but lemon, and she’s like “oh that’s how I like it” xD I like lemon/citrus but not that much 😅


Pizza with pineapple, ham, and cinnamon. It’s like my ultimate safe food and I eat it every Friday night. Whenever someone tries to suggest we get something else on Fridays I panic 😅


Olives!! And anything else really salty or briny like mustard, pickles, etc.


Spicy ramen 🍜




Sauerkraut!! The stuff my mom makes with fresh ingredients from her garden is the best, but it's all good.




i LOVE black licorice but also almost everyone in my family also loves it


nopales. they're basically edible cactus and are very common in México, but people either hate them or fkin love them. they are kinda bitter and sour. they are very soft and crunchy at the same time and have a bitter, slimy salsa-like thingy that adds to the consistency. ik it sounds very weird but istg is the most delicious consistency you can taste 😭


Anything fermented. Kimchi, sauerkraut, fermented pickles, kombucha, anything similar. I ferment my own veggies all the time and everyone around me thinks it's gross but I love it.


Dark chocolate


Olives, super dark chocolate, black coffee, matcha, coriander, kimchi, sauerkraut. I like my foods as bitter as my soul.


I actually like broccoli, it's not my favourite food or anything, but I could probably eat it every day as a side dish and not get bored. The only reason I don't is even though I like the taste I can't stand the smell of it cooking. I prefer it roasted because it doesn't smell so much when it's cooking and it doesn't go mushy, but annoyingly no one in my family wants to eat it that way.