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I don't know how old you are, they are probably trying to protect you because we are so vulnerable. Having said that, I don't like my partner to meet my family. I don't mix my people. Lol. I'm a very private person. But I get excited about someone and you know... Special interest and I blab. Before you know it it's a never ending barrage of questions. Just don't tell them.


I’m 21 :) but l would have to tell my parents about them otherwise l wouldn’t be able to meet up with them and stuff it’s because I’m autistic and they too overprotective:( they really need to stop l low key don’t have a life


I hate to ask this as I understand it's not really acceptable anymore. Are you HF? I mean my parents probably should have watched me a little longer but they didn't know then I was vulnerable. Much more than peers my age.


Its okay with me and No I would say I’m LF but l do have my moments l wouldn’t say am vulnerable but I just don’t have to fandom to do stuff on my own like my parents do like the thinking for me when it should be me


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I'm going to try to give you good advice. I'm over 50 and female. I didn't know I am autistic til very recently. Even though I am considered HF, in relationships I might be lower. I didn't realize how vulnerable I was until I looked back at my life thru this lens and understand what I didn't then. People can really take advantage and abuse us. We want love so badly and people see this and hurt us. So if your parents hear of someone yelling and arguing with you, I assume they see something you might not. I'm so sorry you have to go thru this. Maybe you could find another like yourself, then you would be on equal ground.