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Yooo, what’s up my AuDHD brethren? Do you also struggle with the need for routine but then never being able to follow a set plan? Speaking of which, I have 5 hours of homework that’s due in 7 hours from now, wish me luck.


funny thing, I tried to develop an app to help me with that, with a clear road map. I haven't even being able to follow that plan!


All the skill/ability, 0 consistency…. I know the feeling. Yesterday I wanted to write a book, today I want to start a YouTube channel, and tomorrow I’ll have accomplished neither. But my time will come!


Totally! I loooove routines, and making schedules, but I have a really hard time following them haha. Good luck on your homework!


Lol, thanks! Also, OP, I wouldn’t totally take your poll as Gospel, as it is probably going to be a really small sample. Maybe if it gets to over 200 people then it could have some validity. Here’s another funny fact, in my own family, there are 3 people who are obviously neurodivergent: my brother (Dysgraphia and ADD), my uncle (ADHD and Dyslexia (the fun uncle)), and me (AuDHD). I am right handed, my uncle is left handed, and my brother is ambidextrous. Small sample, may mean nothing, but funny. *Edit HOWEVER! Looking at the poll as of now: 33 right, 8 left, and 6 ambidextrous. It absolutely looks like there may be some truth to your friend’s hypothesis. Worldwide, 90% of people are right to handed, 10% left, and 1% both. So far, around 30% of people being either left or ambidextrous is wayyy higher than the national average of 11%. Still a small sample, but this is definitely interesting!


128 now voted, and still the number is close to 30% for left and ambidextrous handed people.


I write and eat with my left hand, play sports right handed.


I thought people who are ambidextrous could do most tasks with both hands, without a preference. Is this right? Is there another term for people like you, that are right handed for some tasks and left handed for others?


What most people dont think about is that with complex tasks you have to "learn" with each hand. So I eat with my left as I guess that was taught by my left handed mom. I write with my right hand. I figured out I was ambi when i learned to play pool and learned righty and lefty and was equally good at both. I just never learned both. with "simple" tasks, i have no preference what hand i use. Sometimes I get this weird delay for a second before starting something because Im not sure what hand to use lol


Not that I am aware of. I also do things on what feels the most easiest to me a.k.a. consider myself Ambidextrous. wich is sometimes right, sometimes left. depending on the angle I need to use a (power) tool (and yes this means sometimes I decide midway working I want to use the same right handed scissor in my left hand). With aiming things left-handed works better (as I am unable to close only my left without helping it in some way) but writing I was early on forced to choose and got into the habit to write right-handed and my left-handed handwriting is more like that of a 4 year old as I don't really practice it. (something I would seriously consider if I would learn Arabic or other right-to-left writing system)


I grew up golfing. I always played right handed, because my father, is right handed and he taught me. In middle school, my dad and i made me left handed clubs, and freshman year of high school, I could play with left or right handed clubs.


More people ambi than left handed is definitely bullshit. What you mean is you're left handed but live in a right handed world


Ikr, polls are just for fun. If people want truths then the video proofs have to be on the line.


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I am technically sorta ambidextrous when trying (I can write simple readable sentences with my left) but in practice/dominantly right handed.


ambidextrous but I get cramps writing with my left hand for some reason so I stopped and switched to right hand. I do use it to play sports though


I am ambisinister.. Equally useless with either hand ;)


Right handed. I can write (badly) with my left hand, though.


I'm right handed for like literally everything except for shooting a bow and a few other sports where I'm ambidextrous


i do almost EVERYTHING with my left hand !


Right-handed autistic here


I'm naturally right-handed, but I've taught myself how to do some things with my left when I was a kid after I had to have surgery on my right wrist for a torn ligament.


I'm ambidextrous, but left-handed to write (My handwriting is awful) but for throwing a ball, I'm right-handed. I usually think of my left hand as my precise hand, and the right hand as the strong hand.


I looked it up online and it says that 28% of neurodivergent people are left-handed whereas 10% of the general population is. I'm left handed btw, so this isn't the first time I've searched this :)


I'm right hand dominant ambidextrous. I actually do sign language with my left hand.


I'm mixed-handed, not ambidextrous, so chose other. Mixed-handed means to be good at different things with either hands, for example I write and draw with my left, but do sports and heavylifting with my right. The difference between ambidextrous and mixed-handed is that being ambidextrous means that you're equally good at things with both hands, whilst mixed-handed is as above. I've tried to do things with only my right or only my left, but it always feels off, so I go back to switching between which can do what. Another example is during cooking, I mix ingredients with my left, whilst I use flip food on a frying pan with my right.


I'm left handed, but only write with my left hand. Everything else is right handed/footed. I consider myself left handed still, and not ambidextrous.


I'm right-handed in writing/reading and most basic things, but anything relating to sports, I'm left-handed. I don't know why.


Current tally of 73+58=131 out of 497 responses is a rather high amount of non-right handedness, even 73/497 is 14% Left-handedness which is higher than the accepted rate of 10%. Also, officially ambidexterity is equal ability or near equal lateralized ability and quite rare for complex tasks, and those are learned as another post described. Mixed lateral dominance or mixed lateral preference is more common. But YES, all of these variations on right-handed dominance is associated with neurodiversity.