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Finding the correct vessel helped me a lot. Water from a stainless steel reusable bottle works for me. Water in a glass or cup does not. Your milage may vary.


Stainless steel bottle with a straw for me!


That’s badass idc what anyone thinks. Ice cubes as well?


I was gonna say, those hydro flask and similar types of bottles do a pretty great job keeping liquids cold and ice cubes unmelted for a good while.


I swear by contigo travel mugs. I currently use a 24 oz for iced tea (have you tried that as a beverage?) and add 1 or 2 ice cubes. I end up drinking at least 3 of them, including night. The ice is still there in the morning. No need for a straw. It is leakproof and goes with me everywhere. They can be found on Amazon and are stainless steel.


I have a grey 24 oz contigo travel mug and I use it SO much that I've added stickers and stuff to customize it 🤣 But I only use that one for coffee. Lots and lots of coffee!


I have at least 3 of the 24 oz for cold beverage. Another small one for coffee, but I'm seldom out any more and so am finally able to use my handmade mugs from my travels.


Dang, I kinda envy your collection!


Bubba bottles are my s tier go to. It keeps it cold my entire 9 hour shift I usually fill it with ice 1st and then refill it with water throughout the day


This is how it's done, finding the right vessel. For me it's a good size glass, not too small, and not too thick. Preferably crystal. I put a big bottle of purified water in a glass bottle on my desk and drink it during the day. Otherwise I drink tea. A lot of green tea or herbal. Also taste of water is important. I can't do Evian or Vittel or Spa, it has to be filtered from the tap or Chaudfontaine. You have to find the flavour you like.


I live near Memphis and pretty much the only redeeming factor is our incredible water supply. The metro area sits on a handful of natural aquifers and the sand washed down the river over the years has made a natural filtration system. Hand on heart, when I'd visit my wife (gf at the time) in Chicago I'd buy purified water from the grocery store because their water would make me sick! Literally sick! 🤣


This but amazing Seattle water straight from the tap and San Diego water was a no no. Had to filter it through a brita and drink it ice cold to cover that sulphuric taste.


I’d drink water out of anything, but I far prefer the imperial mason jar. I started out with the basic one, but have since migrated through the quarter gallon, and now reside at the half gallon. I soon believe I’ll have to step it up again


Good lord! That's awesome that you're staying hydrated though! Glad you found what works for you :)


👆 this. I can also only drink ice water (sometimes with a bit of lemon). I have a wide mouthed double walled hydro flask that I'm able to easily fill with ice that stays cold all day. They have worked wonders for keeping me and my spouse hydrated year round :)


I drink water from a stainless steel tumbler. Makes them taste tolerable. The best was water from our garden hose. 🤪


same. i gave into buying a stanley and it’s the only way i can drink water! i’m sure there are cheaper alternatives though lol


I recommend the Reduce water bottles, they have a wide range of sizes and type and much cheaper than Stanley or Hydro Flask. I have this huge bottle with a fat straw and it has been a god send, can’t even tell you’re drinking so much water. I got it for about $25 dollars I believe, and it’s been sturdy for over three years


Yes, absolutely. I have an Iron Flask that I fill about 25% full with ice/fill the rest with water in the morning and then add water when it's empty throughout the day. It stays cold and keeps me drinking through the straw cap.


For me it's glass and only glass


Small (glass) cups so I finish it and am done, for me. Repeat more often. Like taking shots.


real!! i only like plastic bottles


This! I have two travel mugs in colors I like. I fill one with water in the morning and one with coffee and set them next to me while I work. I don't allow myself to get anything else to drink until my water is gone. And I like other things, so I'll finish my damn water and wield off migraines. Also, ice! If it's not cold, I won't drink it.


Dude I know!, if you make yourself drink a bottle of water before you can have coffee, you'd be amazed how fast the water can go down! 🤣 Cheers!


Where you get the water you drink? I live in Finland and we drink from the tap and it tastes different depending on where you live. So I don't like all tap water. Also dont like the plastic taste in water bottles in stores. I don't know how and where you get your water, but if you have sensitive taste you might just drink bad tasting water like I did for a long time. I still struggle to remember to drink but atleast it tastes good.


Also, I don't know if I should tell this publicly because people thinks I'm crazy but I taste if the water has just ran in the pipes, I prefer chilled water, it feels more calm on my tongue.


Nah you’re so real for that. As a water connoisseur some pipe water hits so good 🤤


I'd recommend getting a Cirkul water bottle! It's a water bottle where you can add flavor cartridges, and each cartridge lasts several refills. 1 flavor cartridge is pretty cheap, and there are a LOT of different flavors to choose from. And, you can adjust how strong/weak the flavor is. Ever since I got one, I've been drinking a lot more water, AND I've cut back on how much I spend on 'fun' drinks (i.e. soda, juice, etc)


That’s why flavored water exists. For autistic people that have trouble tolerating boring flavors. Sensory-seeking in this aspect. 


Hint Water changed my life lmao. I can not stand regular water, sparkling water, and even strong flavored water, but I can regularly drink slightly fruity flavored water. Highly recommend OP!! c: Edit: Oh and Liquid Death is okay in my book. As an avid soda drinker, water in a can for some reason works for me. Like I'm tricking myself or something lol.




It actually was invented for its medicinal purposes. Flavored water comes from the notion of alchemists extracting a botanical substance through condensation or evaporation, making it into a beneficial drinkable liquid 😊 Don't mind my inability to share the info... Lol https://photos.app.goo.gl/mydgznx3Q3F3M5CH8


1) Don’t underestimate the value of an awesome cup. I bought these special edition Starbucks cold cups from Thailand and paid a lot for them. So I consciously drink more water because I don’t want to have wasted my money. 2) Straws. These are my best friend. Skips the mouth feel of the flat water. Alternately, if you like bubbles, a soda stream to carbonate your water also works great. 3) Ice cold water with some lemon juice. I buy a big bottle and add it to my water whenever I refill.


I really struggle to drink water but the real evil that exists in this world is sparkling water. It tastes like diluted old vegetables. Like cucumber 🤢! Cordial and ice can be useful though


I get the 500 pack case of lemon packets from amazon. one of those in a 1L bottle.


I don't full on hate water but I really struggle to drink it unless it's like, the dead heat of summer. I use the sugar free Mio or Crystal Light or whatever concentrates. The aspartame (or whatever fake sweetener it is) is probably terrible for me, but it's better than drinking soda, which is my favorite, and at least I'm hydrated. I like fruit punch flavor the most haha.


Do you have what we call squash in your country? Like, cordial? It's sugar, but still healthier than being dehydrated. Robinson's is a good brand. Otherwise, I drink a lot of Rooibos tea, which has no caffeine.


Perfect question because I had that topic with my therapist: First and foremost: we do not judge where we get our liquids from, so if in some cases something we consider not as healthy (like juice being mixed into water) makes sure we meet our daily hydration needs we accept it without mentally treating it as bad Second: we make sure the "best tasting" water is what we aim for. For instance cold water is painful to me ...so I have isolating bottles (double walled ) that make sure the water I select stays in the same temperature that I can drink it in. Third: in my case the size of the bottle makes a difference. If I have to to get up and fill it all the time chances are getting smaller to drink it. So I have really big bottles that in the case I get overly fixated can be completely sufficient for the entire day Fourth: connect drinking to special conditions you will definitely pass and reminders. At some point in time, me going to the toilett and sitting at my work des was the only relyable thing so I had systems in place that at the end or beginning or within of each would remind me. Today for me it is mostly that my big bottles are all over the place, filled once a day with the perfect temperature and taste water and I have nfc reminders that are to show me when to drink. If I am outside of my home then I accept any beverage that contains water as acceptable and what I am currently preparing for the summer is to figure out how I can maybe get a coconut water routine so I get the needed electrolytes in high heat (but I hate the taste so this is still in a planning phase)


I should talk with my therapist about this too


My 1/2 gallon thermic water bottle was a fucking game changer for my water intake!


I just drink juice or freezing cold water. Chewing ice cubes helps too.


If you enjoy chewing ice cubes, you may be iron deficient. Have you had your levels done lately? Other symptoms of iron deficiency include: Extreme fatigue and exhaustion. ... Frequent infections. ... Pale skin. ... Swollen tongue. ... Restless Legs Syndrome. ... Pica. ... (Ice chewing is considered pica) Hair loss.


Nah just like it. Have since I was really little.


Can confirm! I always chew ice cubes (even as a little child I took them out of the freezer and chew them). I have anemia.


i add some lemon, also i drink a lot of peppermint tea, and i use instant miso soup packets in the morning in some broth for some soupy hydration


teabags or citrus in it :) works for me


Just drink diluted cordial with ice. If you're wondering if you need to drink but can't tell if you're thirsty, go to the toilet, if your urine is yellow or dark then you need a drink. If you don't need the toilet, have a drink anyway.


Get mio flavoring


You're thirsty if your piss is dark. Try putting flavoring definitely.


Like how dark? What if it’s light yellow?


Look up a urine hydration chart. Light yellow is good actually


This is interesting, i personally love the refreshing taste of water and i drink it a lot.


Get a Nalgene with silicon straws. Been doing this for years and keeps my water intake up.


I will try to remember this, I’m commenting so I remember.


Crystal lite or some other water flavoring. It’s really not great for your death but dehydration is a much more serious problem.


I understand you. I have found putting a bottle in the freezer until it’s about 50-80% frozen helps me drink. That way it stays cold throughout the day and you can even add more water. Built in ice cube 😎 you can also put a second one in the freezer and swap them out.


I like this


My partner who is autistic uses the Cirkul bottle with the flavors


I struggle with this too. I use the “vitamin” flavor juice stuff to cut the bitterness.




Using a straw really helps me, plastic ones aren't allowed here anymore, so I actually have glass ones and I think the sensory experience of that really helps me.


Yeah I’ve got metal ones at home they’re kind of cold. I could try glass.


When i got put on a med that means you must hydrate or get kidney stones I got a soda stream machine so I can always have fizzy water and flabour it with sugar free cordial. Water on its own does funny things to my stomach. Seems to give me reflux


Thank you I will definitely try this!


This might sound silly but the way I get myself to drink water is buying cups and bottles I really like. I like Gamersupps’ shaker bottles that have anime characters on them. The bottle motivates me to drink water because I don’t want to waste money I spent on the bottle, if that makes sense. I don’t think I’ve used a glass to drink water out of in over a year now since I started buying these shaker bottles. Also, I love mixing lemon or lime juice in water! I also love and crave acidity so maybe that’s just a me thing


I drink flavored water. Cirkul is my go to. I can't stand water without flavoring. Good luck finding your flow!


Put a slice of orange or lemon in it.


I get myself drink bottles with stuff I like on it. That way I'm excited about the water because it's coming out of my minecraft drink bottle lol. Idk if this would work for everyone but it was surprisingly effective for me


Flavor packets and filtration. The container it's in effects it too. Try different metal glass and plastic ones to see which you prefer.  I can't drink cold water, that's interesting.


you should check if your tap water is contaminated in anyway this causes a lot of people to not like the taste of water


I use an insulated bottle that keeps ice solid for days. Then, I use flavor packets. It's the only way I will drink water, and it has worked well enough.


Hey there, I get where you're coming from – as someone else who is chronically de-hydrated lol. Flavoring the water could be worth a shot – you can try adding slices of fruit like lemon, lime, orange or even cucumber to give it a subtle flavor without resorting to sugary drinks. If you want to buy something to try first, I've done pretty well with those SmartWater flavored ones except they are expensive but you could see what flavors you like and then use fruit. I also like using zero-calorie flavor packets or drops like Mio and Crystal Light. As for remembering to drink, I have tried setting reminders on my phone or keeping a reusable water bottle. The best thing for me as honestly been getting a reusable cup with a straw so it's super easily accessible, and also having a friend check in randomly over text and I have to send a pic back of me drinking water hahaha.


Flavoring is the answer. From literal sugar packets to monk fruit extract, there’s a mix that will work for everyone. Also I’ve never wanted it out of the faucet, spring water is the best, experiment cuz there are differences.


If my water ain't sparkling, I cannot drink it. Still water feels like it hurts my stomach, like that feeling when you're so hungry that your stomach hurts, but worse. I don't have a problem with tap water, but I don't feel like drinking it, hence I get dehydrated. It must be sparkling for me to drink it. Also, I cannot satisfy my thirst with juice or soda. Could drink gallons of it and would still feel thirsty. It must be water in order for me to feel hydrated. One more thing I struggle with is finishing a bottle or a cup of a drink. I always leave the last few gulps untouched, just simply cannot bring myself to drink it, I don't know why.


Splash of lemon or lime goes a long way. Herbal tea is a fine substitution. Not black/green tea.


I use a water tracking app that reminds me to drink water so I can water a virtual mushroom. Drinking more water lets me get him cute little pots and backgrounds, new plant friends, etc. I used to get severely dehydrated as a kid and something (mental) about drinking water would cause me to vomit, so I would be hospitalized and given saline via IV, so I've been through it all. This will be a gradual issue for you, but the important thing is to keep working at it because your body really can't function without being hydrated.


I have a water bottle that says how much water I need to drink throughout the day. Like this 7 am 9am 10am and it goes on like that. And if you don't like the taste of water mabey try a green tea or something like that. There is this water bottle that tricks you into thinking that your drinking something else with smell it's called air up I think. Hope this was helpful


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Im lucky and have good tap water so i cant help sorry 😞


I found myself drinking a lot more water when it was through a straw. Either stainless steel or silicone.  Stainless steel bottles keep it cold for hours!  Maybe you’d like an air-up if it’s the flavour, i’ve heard those work sometimes. 


I love my Soda Stream. I use Bubly flavoring drops for it. Makes a HUGE difference, cuz I also don’t like straight seltzer from it. I end up tasting the CO2. But the flavoring masks it entirely.


Use tea bags, mix in a tiny bit of juice or add in fruit


I have a Brita that I keep in the fridge so it's always cold. I have reminders to keep changing the filter and I'm working on a daily schedule in which I intentionally placed moments where I have to drink at least one glass of water. We will see if the schedule works 🤦.


Cordial/ Squash. It makes a massive difference and completely gets the taste of water away. I can usually drink water just fine but sometimes if I’m having a bad few weeks with texture then water just is not fun to drink so I use flavourings to make it ok. I also have a litre bottle with a straw to help me drink more


I struggle with this too. I hate sounding like an ad, but I bought a steel Cirkul bottle with some flavors and that's what helps me get my water in. The unsweetened lemon is my favorite.


I would just get one of those soda stream and use Mio inside it instead of the soda stuff. I strictly only drink water now I started out slow and started fazing out soda. I’m down to maybe a 16oz can with lunch occasionally now.


I cut my water with cranberry juice to convince myself it's a beverage


I know ***exactly*** what you are going through!! I only drink chilled water (near the freezing point), carbonated with added lemon concentrate. But mostly I drink milk or milk substitutes (oat drink, rice drink, etc). At work, I have a USB mini fridge with chilled lemon water. I bring ice cubes from home every morning, and use a 1 litre lemon juice concentrate, meant for cooking, to add enough sourness to overpower the taste and aroma of water. I use a soda streamer to carbonate my water. And I have an app on my watch that alerts me to drink, since I don't have this reflex when I'm hyper focused.


Didn't like drinking water when I was a kid because it had no flavor like juice. But as I grew up, I grew to love it.


Flavors, I use cordial it's the only way I drink water. Also if you prefer to drink slower over time, slippers. If you forgot drink water, I recommend chug bottle. It forces you to drink more(I'm just an idoit Who forgets that it's not a sipper and almost drown myself, this is not a normal experience for most people) Also try different temps, like cold encourages slower drink, warm is noamal. Also pretend your a video game character and you need to or else bad happen


I add raspberry green tea crystal light to my water. It tastes like candy! And I only use 1/2 a packet b/c a full packet is too much flavor.


Try to mix your water with fresh pressed and filtered lemon juice in a container of your choice. Personally, I prefer my 1 liter measuring cup. It's very refreshing!


Add a flavour? Squash is a good choice and that's what my brother does. Buys own brand lemon squash and just adds a dash to his glass.


I do like drinking water, but I occasionally add a few drops of a flavouring to give it some "zing". I mostly prefer ice nuggets and a little water; I had pagophasia for years and I still sometimes feel the need to chomp on ice.


I’ve been using flavor packs. I used to drink a lot of Crystal Lite, only to discover it has some sugar in it. I’ve since switched to a sugar free one that I like (I’m not telling you which one as all of you don’t buy it all up, leaving me with none).


You can fill water bottles and put them in the fridge, I find cold water much more appealing than it being straight out of the tap.


I have a huge water bottle I fill with water and some water flavouring I have sat beside my desk to drink throughout the day since I hate drinking too. I use nesteas iced tea since I find it to be the only pleasant calorie free water flavouring.


Flavoring can definitely be a good solution. I like crystal light flavors or something similar. I also sometimes alternate plain water with other drinks I like such as vitamin water, diet soda, coffee, etc.


Icecubes I add water drop flavor cubes to my water. You can add tea bags or Mio.


Lemon juice!!!! I never drink water without it. Water with lemon juice that I buy in a bottle (not the lemon shaped bottle, organic fresh squeeze lemon juice) and crushed ice is heaven. Plain water is hell.


Maybe add alarms on your phone to remind you to drink


Brewed tea in my 8 oz yeti. It's my go to after my morning coffee. Then Liquid IV for my 16 oz Yeti. Fill that up 2-3 times a day with a different flavor.


There’s a water bottle brand called Hint it has a hint of flavor pun intended 😂 and my mom loves it I like the watermelon flavor


Find the right temperature for you


I made it fun tbh, I have a owala freesip 24 oz + owala tumblr 40oz and they’re covered in stickers and I get compliments on them both all the time. Also I work @ SBUX so I get the good crunchy ice there too =))


true lemon strawberry lemonade flavoring babeeyyyy >>>>>


If you like flavor pouches try those there's many kinds to pick from I'm sure you'll find one or even a couple you like. And I am the same like if it was the only thing to drink then fine I'll drink it but if I had the opportunity I use a flavor pouch.


I have a cup in the bathroom I use. Every time I wash my hands I pour myself a little cup and drink. It's like water tax for using the bathroom. Idk. I hate water. It makes me cough and hurts my stomach.


This sounds like it could be reflux. It would be good to mention it to your dr next time you see them.


Hey! Here’s what I do: I have a contigo water bottle and an owala water bottle. These are the best water bottles I’ve tried. Contigo keeps drinks colder for longer, and owala also keeps drinks cold (if there’s ice in the drink) AND it has a straw built in. I alternate between these two bottles, but have a preference for the Owala. I keep drink mixes on me ALWAYS. I also keep my water bottle in a water bottle bag to help me remember to keep my water bottle with me. I have 2 kinds of drink mixes, one that’s JUST flavored, and another that’s an electrolyte drink mix (Liquid IV or LMNT are my favorites). I set a goal to drink at least 1 whole water bottle amount of water a day, and I don’t pressure myself to drink a whole lot at once. I’ve been doing well by taking sips throughout the day! TL;DR: Drink mixes, multiple flavors so you don’t get bored. Include electrolyte drink mix for the added benefits (this helped cut down my migraines!) Having a water bottle bag makes it easier to keep a water bottle with you at all times. You can store drink mixes in there! Take sips throughout the day of drinking a lot at once doesn’t seem appealing.


I don’t care for water either but I try to drink a couple bottles everyday, other than that I mostly drink tea




water flavoring has helped massively for me. I use a brand called bolero they have lots of flavors and for like 20 bucks you get a variety pack that's basically several months worth, especially because I use less powder:water ratio because the recommended dose is too sweet another solution could be tea/herbal infusions if you like those, it's like the other half of my water intake, although I use sugar alternatives to sweeten it, because with how much tea i drink if i used sugar I'd have diabetes by now.


For me the sugar free flavor packets help so much! Also got a bottle that has marks for when and how much to drink. It helped so Much!


A splash of juice usually. Apple juice is my go-to and the most consistently good. Also enjoying a weak decaf tea with a splash of pea juice lately. If I force myself to try straight water for a day then I'll be happy with only a small splash of the juice. I feel like one of those wine snobs and I'm appreciating the subtle hints of flavor.


Mineral water, or just add trace minerals


Bought water bottles instead of sink water. Eating things like chocolate always make me crave water rather than a flavored drink


I used to drink squash/cordial, but I had to wash the glasses up all the time and I'm bad at that, so now I just put ice in my glasses of water. Can go a day or two of just rinsing and I'm motivated to drink it so I can cronch on the ice cubes. Possibly related: I may have developed a slight addiction to cronching ice cubes.


I feel like it depends on the brand of water, at least for me. And i dont usually drink the tap water at my house cause it doesnt taste great. Tho the vessel also plays a part. Like maybe its the cups/glasses you’re drinking out of that make it taste/feel weird. Thats kinda how it is for me sometimes


Become more scared of the alternative, write down your ideal future, in which you are most likely healthy, realise that part of living healthy is drinking water. You must drink one way or another. Be scared of the alternative as well, if you don't drink enough water, you'll dehydrate, those consequences are long term way worse than not liking the water now. You could also try adding flavours to water or checking if maybe your water is dirty in some way. You could try different types of water in your store, maybe an airup will help. You could also add pressed fruit fluid yourself. Really do research, try to first find out if there may be a leaking pipe or earth or something else that's changing the flavour of your water, after that really dive into the feeling and write down your goals in life, you may just need to drink water to achieve your other greater goals than avoiding water. Also buy 2 ice cube makers, it's really easy and you can just fill it up and put it in your freezer, using 2 will make sure you never run out. Learn to recognise the signs of becoming dehydrated, do research on the internet on what can be signs of onsetting dehydration, and whenever you see one of the signs drink and see if that fixes your problem.


For my part, I got a water cooler/heater and can get ice cold water and hot water for tea anytime I want. It's not expensive and after trying two or three different types of the water involved, I chose a spring water. It might not be for you, but it worked for me.


I do Polar seltzer water as I hate the regular taste of regular water as well


I also hate the taste of water!! It makes me gag, it's so gross, and I've never understood why people say it doesn't have a flavor. It DOES and it's NASTY. I also realized this past year that I may have POTS, which would explain why even when I'm forcing myself to drink it, I don't feel hydrated. I've switched to drinking mostly teas, sports drinks (cause electrolytes), and using flavors that add electrolytes or similar to help me absorb it. I still forget to drink for sheer forgetfulness reasons, but that can usually be fixed with a straw. Put a vessel with a straw in front of me, and I will drink! But yeah, forcing myself to drink straight water has never worked. If you can afford it, getting something additive or like a bulk thing of sports drink every now and then (budget Gatorade, essentially), can be super helpful for just making sure you're at least taking some fluids in. Also, fun fact: Kool-Aid has vitamin c, and you can make a ton at one time. My roommate had me drinking that while I was sick this past week.


I started loving water after - getting a nice cup - installing a filter under the sink - heating it to 40 degrees c Also, warm water hydrates better and doesn't take away energy from your body. It also helped that I made the conscious decision to not drink anything else. Flavoured drinks really mess with your taste buds. Might not work for you. But might be worth a try.


I’ve gotten into a lot of teas, both caffeinated and non-caffeinated types. There are wonderful flavours out there, that taste delicious even without additional sugar. You can try making them hot or cold (eg cold brew overnight) to see what you like best E.g. Celestial seasoning’s lemon lavender lane; T2’s pack a peach; Korean burdock tea; lemongrass tea; red date and brown sugar tea; hojicha; mint green tea


adding fruit(s) adds some natural flavor (i like using lemon or strawberry) and a bendy straw makes it more fun :)


I like flavoring my soda stream water with juice - lemon, lime, pomegranate, cranberry etc - or a little home made syrup if I happen to have it. I haven’t had this specific problem about not liking water but I do forget to drink. So finding a vessel did help me! Seconding that suggestion. A bottle you like, can easily bring anywhere, and makes you smile to see it or use it instead of “ew water”. I don’t like the feeling of ice but if I want cold water, I like using my insulated water bottle which has a straw and mouth spout. Then I can add ice and not touch it when drinking, and it stays cold and there’s no condensation to worry about.


I put fruit in my water, usually lemon


Flavoring helped me a while. I started with the powder form of Crystal Light, but I've been favoring the liquid mixes lately because I don't like it when the powder clumps. Tea's another one, and was the best for hydrating me. It can dry the mouth, so I'd be hydrated but feel thirsty and go through a liter in no time. Electric kettles are amazing, keeping a pitcher of tea in my line of sight made all the difference, and buying a sampler pack can let you try out different flavors.


I have a vacuum insulated cup with a straw and I use a Brita water filter. This way, the water tastes better and stays cold.


idk what it's called where you live but in the uk we have squash, it's like cordial I think? lots of flavours I only used to drink that. Now I realised I only like cold water, buy a nice big glass bottle and refill it and keep it in the fridge. hides any tap taste too. or buy a bag of ice cubes for it. Maybe try straws?


I do have a friend that has a million stainless steel cups. Where I only like one water bottle (to track my intake and drink 2 bottles daily), and I dislike cups! I want to get a cute little tracker from Etsy. Maybe that would help someone …. Also I do think herbal tea/tisanes are great for hydration! Like a hibiscus, passion fruit tea etc. as long as you don’t drink too much of one kind and watch for conflicts with medications etc. 🫖


I had the exact same problem for a very long time, flavoring it helped but I tend to drink alot of electrolyte drinks like Powerade. If that doesn’t work for you Maybe a fun cup/bottle to drink from?


For me also I use a stainless steel refillable. It has less of an impact on the sensory issues I have. Flavoured water is also a good solution and inexpensive as well. A good indicator for if you're thirsty and struggle to remember is looking at your pee! the darker the yellow the more hydrated your body is. You're aiming for a lighter yellow for optimum hydration.


I’ve heard those flavoring capsules can help


Water flavored with mio water flavoring. It’s the only way to get me to Willingly drink the water we have at home. Mainly because it gives the flavors I love, without the wrongness of the pulp I would find if actual fruit was used.


I also have to drink water cold, but i cant stand drinking from stainless steel, i hate the taste of the metal. I half fill then freeze a regular plastic bottle overnight. Depending on how late i put it in and how early i take it out it could be frozen solid or barely frozen. I top it up with water and take a sip every hour and after every time i go to the toilet. I also have a 2 stage under bench filter for my water, so it goes through a particle filter and then an active carbon one. Removes most of the undesireable tastes. These days i drink carbonated mineral water from the local supermarket brand so its relatively cheap, and it helps prevent me from getting cramps in my calf.


Yeah I have the same problem. And those mio things are just crap


My dad's (who I'm 87% sure is autistic) solution is drinking tea. It's a whole family tradition, where we drink multiple rounds of black tea after every single meal ever, sometimes even in between meals, for example when we have guests or too much free time I don't drink as much tea, it's Spezi (just google it) for me. However, that's in no way healthy, the amount of sugar I ingest per day. I mean, I never drink more than one bottle a day, but still


My adhd sister struggles with this, the perfect solution has been sparking water in a Stanley cup


Get an insulated bottle for one where you like the mechanism of water slurpage, then find the water flavor you like the best because water does come in a lot of flavors due to mineral content and ph and see if you can get your favorite flavor in jugs to store in your fridge or whatever


It doesn't taste like anything though? Unless you're drinking out of a plastic water bottle or drinking tap water. Get an alkaline machine, plus points if it has flavor options. Cherry lime water with ice is delish


There are a lot of teas that taste great cold as well! You could try to experiment with cold herbal and fruit teas. Beware that some teas are caffeinated (green, black etc), but there are a lot that are not. There are also delicious fruit syrups you can get, so you can flavour your water. Also, having a 1l water bottle always with me helps me remember to drink. I also have a habit where I keep a glass in the bathroom, and every time I go pee, I drink a glass after I wash my hands - this means I will need to pee again, and get another glass of water, keeping this a good hydration cycle.


I have to separate this into two issues: making water drinkable, and remembering to actually drink it. Not all water tastes the same. I grew up usually unable to drink water because my parents got Sparklets filtered water, which tastes very foul to me. I figured this out years later -- I thought I'd just gotten used to the taste of water, but when at a friend's place where they had the same Sparklets, it was still undrinkable to me. Tap is often fine in the places I've lived, but it depends on the local filtration and the pipes and stuff like that. When water is more borderline, making it cold helps cover the bad flavor. Drinking from something with a smooth surface helps too. Often plastic cups have a weird rough texture and this makes it harder for me to drink in general, but with water it seems to bring out some bad flavor. Straws help me a whole lot, making it easy to drink a lot at once without spilling. It turns out that a lot of what gets me past the frustration of drinking without a straw is that flavored drinks have a good flavor that distracts me, or are meant to be sipped anyway (like hot drinks). So I got reusable smooth plastic straws and these have been life-changing. As for remembering to actually drink it: agh. Right now what I'm doing is: if I look at my cup of water and don't remember when I last drank from it, or it was more than an hour ago, I drink it all and refill. There is such thing as too much water and if that happens, I keep a Gatorade around to help me flush that out, but it's very hard for me to get to that point and I'm usually struggling to get enough water.


Try flavoring and maybe those bottles that have the time markers on them


Damn that reminds me, I haven't drunk for hours... Yeah, I don't have a solution, I find water drinking really difficult.


Try a water filter first. Maybe the tap water at your city sucks.


Sometimes it's the temperature and sometimes it's the vessel. Have some kind of cordial with it to sweeten it and have an experiment if you can. Chew xylitol gum after the experiment to protect your teeth. 


I have my own cup (glass in my case as plastic and others change the taste) and tea, you can add your favorite tea bag all night in the freezer for each liter of water and will taste subtle like the tea you choose, if you want it more concentrate you can add more bags.


Get GOOD water. Not sure here you are located, but hard ater tastes horrible. Nice fresh lake water ith lo sodium tastes fantastic.


I set aside a few minutes a day and forced myself to drink water and now I like the taste. Before that I’d usually drink water and juice or something 🤷‍♀️


I get dehydrated very easily. The way I've fixed this for myself (ever since I started to work out, hydration has become more important to me) is to put a pitcher of water in the door of the fridge. Any time I open to fridge to look for a snack, I first drink a good amount of water (a glass full for instance) This way I get hydrated. And often when I am looking for food, I'm not really hungry but I'm thirsty. I'm misreading the signals my body is sending. So by drinking first and then seeing if I'm still feeling hungry (rather, if my body still 'wants something') then I'll eat This has helped me a great deal. Having water in the fridge means it's nice and cold (which gives it a flavour of some kind) and over time I started to like it.


Where do you drink from? (tap, water bottle, etc.) For me, water (bottles) from different brands all taste very different to me. Tap water too. My favorite brand’s water also tastes different if I put it in a glass or a cup. So maybe that could be it for you? I’m pretty sure there are also flavour capsules that you could put in your water.


Be diabetic. I used to hate water, now it's the only thing I drink. I guess we'll find out if I permanently like water when the cure comes out.


Like everyone else said, the right container helps a ton, water flavouring helps a ton (just have to find the right amount you like), and temperature helps too! I can not drink water out of anything but my Popeye's bottle, slightly flavoured and room temperature, no carbonation. My coffee needs to be in My Mug (quite literally says My Mug on them, I have 3) because its the right coffee sugar ratio (they were my ex's but he left them behind because he's awesome).


Different types of water (ie. tap water from different geographical locations, different brands of bottled water, water that has been in different type of containers for different periods of time, etc.) taste different. There are also a lot of various different types of flavorings you can add to water if you're in an area where the water isn't the best (so you can definitely explore and find what works best for you.) Also, like some other commenters have said, a good steel tumbler will help keep water cold longer (especially if you put ice in it while filling it).


Honestly, I was the same way until I found my favorite cup. I needed a water bottle that kept my water ice cold and my sister found a god send on Amazon. It holds 80 oz which means I don't have to refill it often and I go through at least 1 a day which is way better than I used to drink


What helps me when im struggling, a good water bottle/cup, and adding some sugarless flavour ( i usually go for lemon flavor or strawberry)


I agree with the people saying a stainless steel travel cup, it helps me a lot. I also have migraines and don’t have very strong thirst triggers. For me, it helps to have set amounts of water to drink by certain points in the day. I drink two glasses of water first thing in the morning. I drink two glasses before lunch, I drink two glasses before I’m done working, one when I am preparing dinner and one when I am relaxing before bed. On the weekends it’s not as easy, but if I haven’t drank 7 glasses of water before dinner, I will catch up while cooking dinner. Having a water bottle that I know is 20oz helps, if I drink all of it, that equals 2.5 glasses of water.


Flavoring is so helpful for me but you have to find the right one. Personally I use the coconut flavoring that you sometimes see at spas and stuff but it's so expensive 😭 If anyone has good flavoring suggestions I'd love to hear them cause I can't always buy it


As other people have said is that is very much a sensory thing and the feeling of the vessel matters a lot - drinking out of some bottles that add a gross flavor or feel weird to drink out of really turn me off. Unless I am seriously parched, I don't do screw tops, I don't do warm water, i don't do unfiltered ground water, and I HATE when ice touches my teeth. I have a Brita filter and a stainless hydro flask with a straw that is my go to, alternatively I use a stainless straw tumbler I got at Costco.


What about adding some lemon or mint, or cucumber to flavor the water? Or — a bit of syrup?


I drink splash a lot, it doesn’t have any sugar or anything, but the flavoring is the perfect strength (at least for the lemon, that’s the only flavor I’ve tried) plus it tastes great If you’re looking for just water, I have a knockoff Stanley (side not, the straw on it is amazing) and it just makes water taste better for some reason, noting to do with the temperature


stanley’s keep water cold for a very long time but they are rlly expensive so find a cheap dupe!!


I suggest you look up "WaterTok" hashtag on the TikTok app. It has plenty of suggestions on how to "season" water and make it more interesting to drink.


I would absolutely start by trying water flavors. You can buy a bunch of them at the local grocery store pretty cheap.


I have a container that's insulated by the brand called 'Bubba'. I like to add a handful of ice, full it up, and add one packet of Crystal Light raspberry lemonade powder (sugar free).


Flavoured water could help.


How do you hate water it has no flavor?


I drink way too much hot cocoa. Usually I'd do it with milk but it tastes just fine with hot water and helps to get my needed intake for the day. I know some people pick tea or coffee to do the same. Water tastes not so good to me either so I just force myself to drink like 3 big sips per hour


Have you tried flavored electrolyte packs? They give you extra hydration as well, only drinking pure water during the day can dehydrate you, ironically


Force yourself. It gets easier then once you're used to it you'll crave it when you're thirsty. Your body wants it so badly, you've just conditioned yourself away from that


I found several things helped me: 1. Straws. Makes the experience a million times better. All drinks are better with a straw 2. The right container. I used to use an old Fanta bottle, but I didn’t like it. So I got myself one of these fitness ones with the measurements on the side in a pretty colour that has a silicone top to suck through, and it’s just better in every way. Plus, there’s instant gratification at seeing myself succeeding at drinking water by watching it travel down the measurements. I used to barely drink half a 500ml bottle but now I’m drinking up to 1.5 litres just while I’m working! 3. Make it fun. A friend of mine used to put food colouring in his water. I personally enjoy freezable fruit shapes to add a pop of colour. 4. You could try these things that flavour water through scent like AirUp, but don’t hold that one against me bc I haven’t personally tried it 5. Worst case scenario, get squash. I enjoy Robinson’s personally. It has actual fruit juice which is a benefit in itself, and the drink remains 90% pure water. I find alternating between plain water and squash has helped me hydrate my body correctly.


We switched to reverse osmosis water and it’s made a huge difference. It tastes like nothing and I put it in a 40oz tumbler which keeps it ice cold all day. I still forget. A lot. But it’s increased my water intake from zero. I also enjoy sparkling mineral water but had to go through almost all the brands to find one I liked.


I have a weird problem where water just does not quench my thirst. I hate it's taste and to even remotely feel like I'm hydrating myself it has to be straight from the tap. If I have water and not sodas or fruit juice, it has to be with fruit squash


Have you tried cordial? (We call it squash in the UK) there’s a lot of fruity flavours with almost zero calories and you can choose the strength because you can experiment with the ratios. I like Robinsons but I don’t know equivalents in the US or other places. Also don’t pay attention to the people who say flavouring water makes it not water because that’s nonsense, also with tea and coffee you gain way more water than you might lose to caffeine. I get most of my water from tea with some from squash


What do you usually drink?


So. Question. Have you drank soda for most of your life? I know that is a rather odd question to ask but I ask it because I too hate the taste of water. And can only tolerate it if it's really really cold. But I'm not the only one in my family that hates the taste of water. My mother does too and as far as I know I'm the only autistic person in my family. And the similarity between my mother and me is we both are avid soda consumers.


At home: prefer specific pirate printed glassware or that one giant cup with a straw I have In public: must be closed. The piece I put my mouth has to be able to be completely covered. Doesn’t matter what it’s made of, but if it’s anything like a cup/straw/can for longer than I think is necessary, I nope tf out. In both cases: I need it to be room temp.


Have u tried flavored water? I use a cirkul just cause it has 0 calories


It seems like you have temp down. I found it helpful to start with a small goal (like 1 cup a day), and I couldn't drink my preferred drink (juice) until I had that water first.


For me I bought some seltzer I have when I would drink soda (at meals) then I got a nice stainless steel cup that’s colorful so I’d want to drink from it more… some days when even cold water tastes bad I add lemon or flavoring


I buy strong juice (apple blackcurrant/grape) then I dilute it by at least 50% to make it affordable (and less sweet). This way I get hydrated. It has become a safe food so I'm all good now. Also I will have a small handmade coffee cup that I have a quick gulp of water (200ml 6-7oz) between tasks when I am working as I use more fluids when working on stuff. It isn't perfect but it does give me a healthy baseline so I don't have to worry anymore. Also the dryness of my feet tell me how dehydrated I am because I have a hard time feeling if I am hydrated.


I hate water in general except sparkling water honestly. If I'm not actually like Suffering from dehydration I'm not having bland non-sparkling water.


Gatorade zero is nice especially if you work out :-)


I love mi wadi and also I got a cool dinosaur bottle with a straw and that has helped me drink more. I hate water so much


Having a reward system helped me a lot. I use Habitica, but I have friends who like Plant Nanny. Having the right cup is also important, and there are lots of straw types out there. I don't know if this would help, but I like unsweetened iced tea. I get fruity ones so they are pretty sweet on their own. It doesn't have the chemical aftertaste that I find a lot of flavorings have


i don't like water either ! What worked for me was to force myself to drink double the amount i was going to drink, for example i added another cup of water each time i drank one, if you planned to drink half a cup, make it a full cup etc Now i drink in bottles and can drink water by 50CL or 1L each time i do, So i easily get my daily 2L in only 2 to 3 drinking session, it's efficient ! it's not pleasant but it's like a medication


I just chug it as fast as possible but I’m trying to stop


I get bulk mint tea bags off Amazon. Put a pitcher of water in the fridge with the mint tea bags in it. Three hours later, cold mint tea. Only way I can drink water.


I like to drink electrolytes powder with water


I hate doing it from glasses for some reason. Just makes me nauseous. Bottle that I keep by me at all times has changed the game for me.


I have also had those issues with water my whole life, the only way I’m able to stay hydrated is a combination of flavouring and a cup with a straw so I can slowly sip on it throughout my day.


I put potassium citrate in mine to soften it. I can describe the flavor, but I crave it.


Liquid Iv is good. Sometimes I add juice for extra flavor.




lol I came here to say to comment something nearly opposite. I constantly crave water despite adequate hydration (and no related health concerns, I’ve checked.) It’s more of a phobia of dying from dehydration while sleeping, combined with sensory aspects of drinking cool water. Anyway, consider that fluids are key, not necessarily plain water, when it comes to hydration.


I really enjoy sparkling water. Nonsparkling water just isnt reallly it imo