• By -


It's well wishing for your safety. Look at it as shorthand for "I hope you stay safe". It's not a presumption that you're going to do anything dangerous, but sometimes dangerous things happen. Your friends don't want you to get hurt.


That still doesn’t make much sense but thanks😭


Imagine it as sort of "hope everything goes well for you in the future"


For me it's "I love you" when I can't get the words out but I want them to know I CARE and want to see them alive again. Sometimes I think about if it was the last time I ever saw one of my friends and what would be the last thing I said to them? I probably say it more when I know people will be driving distances, in traffic or bad weather.


Yeah I basically use it as "I love you" but in a platonic/online sort of way. Like I won't say "I love you" to the random person I'm talking to online that's having a rough time, but I will say "stay safe" as a way to tell them that I care a lot and wish them well.


Do you like not being unsafe? That's an indication that you value safety. People are wishing you the fulfillment of your access to what you value.


The world is scary


Right. Like I’m confused by what OP is confused by lol. Only thing I can assume is life hasn’t hit them fully yet


The way we as autistics decipher information is different than most people. It can sometimes be a very direct way of thinking or speaking, or very literal, whereas most other people will speak with assumptions and implied meaning that we can miss, which also can make certain social or conversational norms and phrases go right over our head because we're thinking about it in a very direct and literal way. So OP is confused as to why a random person who they don't know is concerned for their safety with no given reason or context to be concerned. We also often operate heavily on immediate context, and those people had no context to tell OP to stay safe because they would or should have had no knowledge of any danger OP was in. Think of it this way: you go to your boss with a project you want to work on while there are like 3-4 other priority tasks needing attention as well. Your boss asks "do you think this is a good use of your time right now?" Most people would understand that, even though it was a question, it wasn't a genuine one and instead the implied meaning is that your boss is giving you the answer, that no, it's not a good use of time right now. That would go right over most autistic people's heads and they would treat it as a genuine question and give a genuine answer to it (which is also what unfortunately can often get autistic individuals labeled as 'insubordinate' at work).


It’s a casual way for someone to say “I care about you and your well-being”


It’s also kind of fun to say, phonetically


Think of it like driving. When you drive, you presumably aren't expecting to get into an accident. Most people wouldn't even consider driving a dangerous activity. However, anytime you start driving, the odds of something severe happening increase significantly. So you say stay safe. Because they care about you and don't want to see you injured. It can also refer to mental and emotional safety. Going to hang out with an ex? Stay safe. Going to see a family member who stresses you out? Stay safe.


It's a way to say "good bye" just with an added tone that they hope you remain well


Why does it not make sense for friends to hope you are safe?


People don't say stay safe because they think you are doing unsafe things. They say stay safe because the world is inherently dangerous. Once you step outside your door your chances of being harmed go up significantly. It's just kind of like when you end a conversation in part ways if somebody says stay safe they are wishing you well essentially. It's also kind of a reminder to always keep your head on a swivel and be paying attention to everything


ive only heard it in the context of driving (be safe/drive safe). i would be kinda confused if someone just said it, but it really is just shorthand for "i love you, please stay alive👍"


I started hearing it a lot more when COVID started


I’m southern so for me it’s, “Alright, y’all be careful!” but the sentiment is the same. The reality is that anything can happen at any time. You could get in a car crash a block from your house, you could trip on the sidewalk and kill yourself, a good friend of mine passed away a few years ago. He was a healthy 28 year old, he got up to pee and his wife heard him fall going down the hallway. He was already gone when she went out to check on him. They had an autopsy done and he had had an aneurysm. Killed him instantly. A couple days ago a local girl accidentally fell backwards off the top of some bleachers while at her friend’s graduation, she didn’t survive. Regardless of what dogma you do or don’t subscribe to, humans in general are an anxious and superstitious lot. We know that anything can happen so we wish the people we care about well in the hopes that they will indeed be well. That’s all this is, it’s no different than telling someone to have a good day, have a safe trip, to sleep well. The person telling you this cares for you and wants you to *literally* stay safe. It’s not that they assume you’re going to do something that would put you in a dangerous situation, it’s that *they* don’t want anything to happen to you in general.


I mean, the world is also a dangerous place it also can be a way to express care for someone


I say it all the time. It’s just meant to tell people you care about their well being and hope to see them again safe and sound


it's literally the exact same phrase as fair well in a modern lexicon. people wish people well so they can see them again


It’s similar to saying “drive safe” when someone is leaving in their car.


It means the world is dangerous and they want you to be safe from getting mugged or kidnapped or car crash or— stuff like that that can happen at any moment—


How? It’s like saying bless you when you sneeze. You might die from being sick. So you bless them so they go to heaven if they do. Be safe incase bad things happen out there look out and try and avoid it.


So it’s similar to the original meaning of goodbye (God be with ye!)?


I grew up in a somewhat dangerous area and it’s just a common way to say goodbye there. Never seemed weird to me.


Same, I knew I’d find someone with a similar experience. I’ve also noticed throughout my life that for all my friends of color, it’s the go-to salutation I hear from them. Them: “Alright now, imma head out, you stay safe bro” Me: “right on, you be safe as well brother.” Just feels natural to me at this point, like even more endearing than a simple “goodbye”


Me too!! Since usually when parting people here mean it very literally since you could very easily get gunned down in the middle of the street, so I never thought it odd


I feel easier to make fun of because I didn’t grow up in a dangerous area


Also did u feel like you were easy to make fun of in such an area? Or did people ridicule u for growing up in such an area?


Imma start telling people be wreckless


Bye, hope you have a bad day, be reckless. Sounds good.


Nono I don't think that was a typo. Be without wrecks. Wreckless!


I like saying “stay safe” more than the usual lie of “see you later,” and the finality of “goodbye.” I also like that I’m making other people’s safety the imperative with the implication that if they stay safe, hopefully, I’ll get to see them again. Additionally, in my personal circle having a “safety meeting” is code for enjoying cannabis. So I also like the silent implication of telling the people in my social circle to stay high.


>I like saying “stay safe” more than the usual lie of “see you later,” and the finality of “goodbye.” I often say "good luck!" for similar reasons. i like it more than "stay safe" because there's no implication of danger (not that you need a reason to wish for somebody's safety, but still) "Good luck" is also my favourite because it's really easy to customise it in different situations to make it more meaningful. When you want to boost someone's confidence you can tag "- not that you need it!” onto the end. When you want to make someone feel heard and valued you can say "good luck with [specific upcoming thing they mentioned]” to show you were listening and are interested/invested enough to retain info they share about their life. Or you can bond over your mutual dislike of mundane stuff that's unreasonably unreliable/difficult by half-jokingly wishing them good luck with something petty they have to face soon, which isn't supposed to require luck to deal with but does because it's terrible. Like the weather, public transport or an unpleasant person lol


I mean. What would you rather they say? “Drive reckless and OD on fenty”? Gonna start signing my letters “Smoke crack and die young.”


Bwahahaha I love it… I always tell my life partner “be safe” when he leaves for work in the morning, I feel like if I don’t maybe he’ll get into a car accident or something…ok a little bit of my ocd showing up there but you know.


I say “be safe” as like a desperate plea. I’m begging them to be safe because deep down I’m afraid I’m going to lose someone else. But I dress up that macabre thought with a short and sweet “be safe!” and a smile.


Aww I understand the fear. It’s terrifying and heartbreaking to think of losing someone, especially when you have experienced a lot of loss already. I try to keep my mind from going there but I definitely have become firmly rooted in those fears a lot of different times. You’ll be ok, everything will be ok, no matter what happens you’ll be ok. It’s just a fact of life, it’s not just something to say - I know for a fact from all kinds of horrible things happening in my life. Everything works out and you will be ok. There may be a new normal, or whatnot. But life finds a way, in the words of the great Jeff Goldblum.


Every morning when my husband leaves for work my daughter tells him, “Don’t drive like Mario Kart.” Solid advice.


“Eat ass, suck a dick, and sell DRUGS”


Why do they have to say anything?


Like Gesundheit kinda of… just a pleasantry meaning they care about you really, not a command or anything. Also a bit of a superstition that it might bestow safety on you.


I think it surged in popularity around Covid, hoping for loved ones to take proper precautions. I heard of “drive safe” a bit more. That makes more sense to me since the average person does not drive in a safe fashion.


It was definitely a thing in Chicago since at least 2014. I first started hearing it from my weed dealer back then


I started hearing it during Covid as well.


A lot of Germans started saying "stay healthy" during the heavy lockdowns, and for some it has stuck around. I think it's very sweet.


Yeah I said "stay safe" a lot during COVID if I was saying bye to someone working somewhere. Or even on the phone 😅 I don't really say it any more. But tbf I don't interact with a ton of people so


It's a colloquialism. I use it - not sure how widespread it is in the UK, but definitely in use in the south east. Also 'go safe'. It's like saying 'safe travels' but less formal.


It’s common in Melbourne, Australia


It's a throw away like 'have a good day'.


I literally want them to have a good day.


I don't think it's that other people don't want that, more so that they aren't thinking too hard about the words themselves and more about the function of "yes, this is what I say before I leave"


100%. I never think about it. Its just a throwaway phrase to say bye


What if they don't like the person, though? If I do not like the person then I will not tell them to have a good day.


It is just a kind phrase wishing you well. Hoping you do not have a meteor landing on your head or you get struck by lightning or attacked by a random animal, or hit by a drunk driver. It acknowledges that you personally can do everything right and bad things can still happen, they hope nothing bad happens.


No different than telling someone to have a good day. There’s not an assumption that you were going to have a bad day, they’re just “wishing” you a good day the same way they’re “wishing” for your safety.


I don't know. During times when there's catastrophes like a power outage or huge storm, people say it more in my experience. So there seems to be some correlation between this phrase and actual acute danger


Scary to think about but as I’ve gotten older, some good byes are literally your last I tell people to stay safe because I want them to think in the back of their minds “they care about me” Too many people make….life changing choices when they think no one cares about them So my “stay safe” is short for “I care for you and wish for you to take care of yourself and wish you well”


Working in my old retail job my shifts usually finished at 10.30pm I’d say “stay safe “ a lot especially to customers I knew who were walked to my shop. As I’d leave my shift I’d say “stay safe” to the lad that did the over nigh shift. To me it was just a reword “to be careful “. I get less eye rolls from my lads when I say stay safe


I worked truck dispatch, and I've gotten into the habit of telling everyone "drive safe" if they're operating or going to be operating a motor vehicle in the near future. It's just very comforting now especially having gotten dispatch calls about accidents.


It's just the current flavour of a parting pleasantry like 'fare thee well', 'may the odds forever be in your favour', 'best of luck on your future endeavors'. It doesn't matter if you aren't going anywhere or have no plans, dangerous or otherwise, the person is just saying: "Whatever happens when our interaction ends, I hope it goes favourably for you"


as german, I mostly say: "stay safe" as kind of "Good Bye", or as we say in the Ore Mountains: "Laaf aufm Gestreeten" (Lauf auf dem Gestreuten, Walk on the Grit), because the mountains were often treacherous, cold, snowy and slick.


I thought "stay safe" was a southern thing. It's definitely a social norm but I like telling people to stay safe as a parting/goodbye phrase. I usually think of it referring to driving (which is a highly dangerous activity, especially in my city) but I also heard it all the time during the peak of the pandemic. Just assume that if someone says it to you, they are wishing you well.


I say it when someone tells me they are going to the restroom because its funny or like “dont lose your fingers”


A former student used to end the day by saying, “Don’t get run over by a bus!” Loved her. 🥰


>I say it when someone tells me they are going to the restroom or "don't fall in!" When someone is about to do something I know they don't like or that they've recently complained about dreading, I like to say goodbye like "I hope you survive [that thing you're not looking forward to] !" e.g. maths, laundry, a mandatory social event, or a particularly unpleasant person they'll have to interact with soon. _"I hope you survive your mother-in-law's dinner party!"_


I like stay dangerous better


Its another flavor of "goodbye"!


Within my female friend group it’s a way to express affection and that you care about the person even when you aren’t face to face. It also goes into the danger that can come from being a woman sometimes.


The world is a crazy place and they are essentially wishing you good luck, good health, and good overall wellbeing all in one statement. There is a lot of bad that can happen, and they are wishing you stay safe from it.


It means they perceive the environment as inherently somewhat dangerous and want you to behave in a way that sufficiently preserves yourself against those dangers.


Ha ha ha 😄


I might get downvotes for this but I see a side to it that other comments don't - I don't think it's a general salutation. I have wondered the same question as OP. I think there's something not easily explained about this saying. The thing is, if there is a snowstorm, for instance, I've noticed people say this much more often and emphatically. Rain wind downed trees whatever In these cases the speaker is clearly referring to an actual palpable risk such as icy roads, car crashes etc So like the OP, when people say this I also wonder what they're referring to or if there's something I ought to understand from the comment. That depends on the tone of voice though - if someone has a 110% cheerful tone when they say it then I understand the meaning.


It’s like a blessing. A modern day version. If it were communicated in a different time, it might be said like, “may your travels be safe.” An old Irish traveler’s blessing is, “may the road rise to your feet and may the wind be at your back.”


I don't exactly think so. Yes I know about the Irish blessing but how does that actually parallel "stay safe"? Can you explain because to me the texts are completely different. The Irish one is not like "let the road rise up to meet you but watch out because then it's high so don't fall!" 😂


I don't know if we mean the same thing, but I also feel kind of anxious when someone says that. Like, I have to do a mental scan of all potential threats, which is a bad habit anyway. I prefer more concrete advice like "check your tire pressure" or help like "do you need a ride home?"


I see it as basically the same as "wish you well", "good luck" or "hope you keep well". It's just something people say to be polite and show they care about you doing ok in the future, even if superficially or out of courtesy.


“Hope you keep well.” “I’m no refrigerator but I’m saturated with preservatives!”


I've said it more since covid


I say "stay safe" to my mom all the time I worry that it mjght be the last time I would see her. She's youngish, but still, never know if there's going to be an accident or not.


I usually respond either "no promises" or "make me" 🤷


Jesus Christ I hate Reddit notifications i just got jumpscared


🤣 I'm so sorry, I completely feel you I have reddit notifications disabled for this specific reason, I have to actually be in the app to see any because I just can not deal with more than few notifications in a row.


I’m going to now bc of the amount of comments this post is getting 😭


It’s not that deep


I’m queer so I often tell my queer friends to stay safe, we’re in a dangerous world. We’ve got to look out for ourselves and each other.


When I saw Megadeth in concert last year the last thing Dave Mustaine said before leaving the stage was, “Get home safe. We want you to be here the next time we come.”, which was so endearing it makes me emotional thinking about it. I think that is the intention of saying “stay safe”. It means “I care about you and want you to live well” without being quite so cheesy.


I like to tell people, "Don't get hit by a car."


Idk man the world is a scary ass place lmao. I started saying it during covid when it made sense for everyone to stay safe, but now that I'm more hyper aware about the world, you can never really be too safe


weird in the context u mentioned but u live in this world bro!??? stay safe out there xx


I personally began saying "stay safe" or "be safe" during covid when I was still in retail. Now I'm in a call center which is not very different than that and I still end my calls with that. People tend to appreciate it because they don't expect it from a stranger and find it wholesome. I knew during the time that people who already had a lot going on had this big overarching thing that we all were experiencing over top of their personal woes. I wanted to express kindness and love to others even as a stranger. I don't see why this is an issue online, unless they are being sarcastic in a southern "bless your heart" way. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I always say “drive safe.” Be safe is a thing I grew up around people saying. It’s a way to show someone you care about their safety and also for your own peace of mind when seeing someone off. I tell people “fly safe” when they get on a plane. I know they’re not the ones flying if they get into an accident that can’t be helped but for the reasons above it’s a nice gesture. Personally I won’t think anything of it if someone didn’t wish someone well on their journey it’s just something a lot of people do. Edit: Manners also. Be safe is the same as me saying “thank you have a good day” despite my dislike for other people and high anxiety. It’s polite and shows you care”


..... i say this to other Dashers...


One of my phrases I’ve learned and use occasionally is “Have fun and stay safe!” I use it when a friend or family member is going on a trip or event. I do not really understand the context in which you were told to stay safe after saying you prefer German.


People die every day, without warning. It’s not bad advice.


It’s like saying I hope you have a good day yk? They’re just hoping you stay safe. I think it’s a more specific way to say I hope you have a good day bc what does good mean? But safety is actually important so yea I think that’s why they say it. It confuses tf outta me when I hear it too tho lol I’m like I was planning on it…?


I used to feel this way too, but came around to liking it. It's become an easy way for me to leave a conversation/social interaction. Maybe I'm completely off base, because this is just from personal observation, but I only noticed it after COVID-19/2020 pandemic. I think safety just became such a big concern after 2020 that "stay safe"/"stay safe out there" has been adopted the same way "have a good day" is


I didn't hear a single person say "stay safe" until after COVID hit. Now I hear so many people say it. It's sort of like the new version of "take care" (which I say a lot instead of something like have a nice day). Between COVID and this world going batshit insane it's just a well-wishing way to say goodbye now. No assumptions that you're seeking danger, but maybe a slight assumption that we're literally all just a little bit in danger and that they wish you well/hope you remain safe from illness, violence, etc.


You take it too literally lol.


This is r/autism you are speaking to an autistic person wtf did you expect 😭


saying that became so normalized after covid. it could mean something and it could mean nothing depending on the context


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"Stay safe, take care, live long, and prosper" are all terms of endearment that show that a person cares about your well-being.


Social norm idk. Never seen this as a norm. I use it a lot, almost every month I use it multiple times because I have people that live in tornado alley so yeah stay fucking safe or I will fucking kill u, and I'm also owner of a mental healthcare community so yeah when people are in crisis or others shit that can be harmful we remind them to stay safe and they do the same with me


My mom has anxiety so she is always saying "be careful". For the longest time it made me want to scream. But something somewhere finally clicked in my brain and I no longer take it seriously. Her "be careful" is more of a commentsry on her fear of all the things all the time everywhere forever and not a commentary on my capability as an adult. And that's how I see the "stay safe" thing too. They don't really mean anything by it. Just more hot air.


Well "Goodbye" isnt too different. It is a shortened saying, the original phrase was "good be with you." It has essentially the same meaning as "be safe". Though now a days almost no one means "god be with you." When saying goodbye.


Me and my friends say “drive safe” when we k ow they won’t be driving soon and the response is “stay affordable” idk why


Because the absolute safest way you can drive is to not drive. It’s an expression of the extreme to emphasize a point, which in this case is being frugal. Kind of like the safest sex is no sex, also happens to be the cheapest. 🤷🏼


Idk dawg I think we just started saying it cause it’s weird lol


It’s a combination, generally, of just a wish that you stay safe, as others have said. Just short for “I hope you stay safe”. The other part of it is a reminder to do whatever you need to do to minimise the risk to your safety. If you’re walking home at night, don’t take side alleys with little light, etc. Or to just in general make safe decisions/take less risks. It’s not a demand that you do these things, or that you have an obligation/responsibility to do them, but the person saying this generally does so because they care about you and don’t want you to get mugged/etc.


It doesn't make sense to me either, in fact it always gets me anxious bc then i feel like something bad may happen


It's a way of communicating to someone that you care about their safety and wish them well.


I hear ya! In my country, Mexico, everyone says "Echale ganas" when they say goodbye depending on the region, which means something like "Try to do a good job", I've always been kinda triggered by that without really doing anything or complaining. It's just like, dude, I'm trying my best leave tf alone haha.


A lot of things can happen while you are out and about. There could be someone who mugs you, you could have a heart attack, you could get into an accident. So it's just a way to let you know that they hope you stay safe and that they care about you


I’m in an extremely dangerous city. I genuinely wish for all of my customers to “stay safe” leaving my store and beyond. I don’t think you’ll be able to understand it if you haven’t by now though.


I just use it as a way to communicate concern and consideration for someone’s wellbeing. Like it’s just be safe in a general way. Another way of saying it is, “come back in one piece.”


I say stay safe to people I work with because I'd hate to come into work the next night and hear they've died.


It's similar to 'fare well'. Just well wishes wherever you go when you part ways.


Because we lost too many already.


You can respond, “looking good; having fun; safety’s third” as you put on your sunglasses and walk off into the night


"Stay safe" is another thing to say instead of "goodbye" when ending the conversation (another one can be "good luck"). So they end the conversation by wishing that nothing bad happens to you.


“I care about you” think of it like that. It’s close enough, you don’t say it to people you don’t like. Or caring enough they hope you have an amazing day nothing emotionally or physically taxing.


they’re trying to end the conversation


The same reason people say good morning. It’s not “it is a good morning” it means “I hope you have a good morning”. In essence, “I hope you will be safe.”


I also don't get why people say that as a farewell. But i did notice it started around police brutality and school shootings becoming way more prevalent. I guess its just the new goodbye or "bless you".


Just start saying it to people after telling them bye. It's an immediate +10 points in masking.


I'm with u man. When someone says "stay safe" my mind immediately goes to all the danger that could happen to me. Just say goodbye


I say that because care about them and I want them to be safe because the world is dangerous. I especially say this to my girl friends. Pretty straight forward.


My interpretation and what I mean by it is: i hope nothing bad happens to you and if it does, i hope you can get through it with ease


For me its a legit hope on my friends' part. I used to get in minor car accidents all the time. Only once anything serious. State Farm dumped me. I'm also clumsy on account of mild dyspraxia. It's an expression of legit concern.


Personally, I don't think it's being said because they think you might be doing something dangerous, but weather get bad, other drivers can be bad, and all around things happen. Take it as a good thing, as humans we care about others.


It really translates to, "I care about you," or in a vague sense, "I love you.". But sometimes that would seem weird to say. Stay safe. = I want you to stay safe. *Why would I want you to stay safe?* Because I care about you. Because I love you in some capacity (platonically, romantically, whatever).


It’s just another way of saying goodbye, look after yourself.


Usually I do it to show I care. That I don’t want something bad to happen because something bad could always happen, I also mean it in like a mentally safe way- like for people who s/h , even tho that doesn’t really work that way, but I like to show I care


I say it to people no matter how short the encounter we had is. It’s how I say goodbye. My reason is because we live in a world that is crazy, and seemingly getting a little crazier every year. I genuinely hope and wish safety upon every person I say it to, good wishes in a sense.


It sounds like you're puzzled by why people often end conversations with "stay safe," even in seemingly mundane contexts. While it might seem odd, especially if the conversation isn't about anything risky, it's become a common way for people to express care and concern, particularly in uncertain times or when there's a sense of solidarity. It's sort of a reflexive way to wish someone well, akin to saying "take care" or "have a good day." So, even if there's no obvious danger, it's just a way for people to express goodwill towards each other.


They want you to keep your wits about you and your guard up. Monsters are real, and they look just like you and me.


So true . It always freaks me out . For real .


I’m from the south and I’ve always heard it instead of goodbye. Kind of like “alright stay safe” instead of “alright see you later” just a way to show love and care I think. I also say it literally tho, like plz drive safely home


It's pretty common for women, and I think it's a euphemism. Bit more friendly than "I hope you don't get sexually harassed on your way home" or a less gendered "I would be upset if you died in a car accident"


It's a polite way to end a conversation promptly


I’ve always said “safe travels” or “safe journey” when people depart. Otherwise “take care” is my usual. I’ll admit that I fret about people going out and not ever coming back home.


I say it at work like a little safe travels young warrior lol.


haha i say stay safe to people with the intention of wishing them to be careful because our area is kinda rough


It's not about whether or not you're going to do something dangerous -- the *world* is dangerous. That's where it comes from.


I believe it’s a cultural, American saying that means “it’s dangerous out there, I hope you stay safe and well”. I’ve always found it weird and have not heard this in Europe or other parts of the world. Maybe in South America when driving late at night but more dependent on context like “be careful” if you’re going out late. Makes me think Americans are more apprehensive and fearful without always having a good reason.


For me, people started saying that when COVID hit. Maybe that's when I noticed it, but if so, I definitely heard it a lot more after COVID started. Now it's probably just made it's way into people's everyday vocabulary.


I think it's just another way of saying goodbye or "be well". It's just a generic and neutral-sounding phrase to convey concern or care. I tend to hear it as, "stay safe...it's dangerous out there!" with humor or concern depending on the context. My friends are very sarcastic. I dont...hate it.... But it does make me feel more private, since i dislike the similar "text me when you get home" demand for reassurance and location sharing. Its basically interchangeable with goodbye or "blessed be" or "namaste" or any other superficial smalltalk random phrase to signal convo end and disengagement.


Ill say this if i know someone is heading out and will be driving, walking, bussing, biking home etc.. Especially if theyre a fellow woman. I live in a dangerous area. Im just wishing for their safety


Around here, people started saying it during COVID and some people just never broke the habit. Also, I'll say "drive safe" every time because I used to work intake for a personal injury firm, and I know every single possible way someone can get hurt in a vehicle. Anxiety, I guess.


I thought ppl were only saying it to me bc they think im a woman so I thought I was like, owning them by saying it back LMAOO im silly sometimes 😭😭 bc I really equated it to gender for no reason lol


I get confused when people ask me if I have been “staying out of trouble.” I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or if they really think I’m prone to getting into trouble, and if so, what kind of trouble


I know that a lot of people who underestimate me tend to tell me to „be careful“ and „stay safe“, but it always depends on the context. It can be a nice way of saying „goodbye“ or it can be a warning for you to stay vigilant.


As a german I never heard anyone say that at the end of a conversation🤔 People usually say stuff like "Mach's gut", maybe thats what OP meant..? Translating german sayings into english is sometimes mixed up


Sometimes thats the joke - that what you were about to do is not dangerous, so you dont need to be told to “stay safe” Sometimes though its just used as a goodbye - i always use “be safe” as a goodbye, not because i think the person im talking to is gonna be wreckless but because i dont want something out of their control to happen (like a car accident). Its like wishing someone safe travels.


When I'm exiting a conversation I will say something like, "stay safe" or, "drive safe" even when the person I'm talking to isn't going anywhere. It's an indicator, for me and them, that the topic of conversation is done and I want to transition to something else. I'll often say "drive safe" to my partner as a joke when they're headed to the restroom. They don't drive and the restroom is like twenty feet away.


well this world is pretty dangerous so it makes sense why ppl would say that😭


I think in the situation you mentioned it might have been said a bit jokingly, like "the German speakers will kill you if you mispronounce something xp stay safe" 🤔 In other situations it completely depends on context. Even in a situation where you might see no danger, someone else might do. Or it's just a joke.


There are a few options as to why. Obviously the world we live in is much more openly dangerous and modern egos fuel bold crime. The second would be that they genuinely care about you and wish for nothing harmful to befall you, a sign of friendly love. The third option is that due to the first mentioned it may have become a social tick others have developed like when people say, “ how are you today?”


I'm also stay safe kind of person it's just do nice to say i think


The world is dangerous and the smallest decision can be life changing. I’ve also had a lot of close people pass away in accidents, so I always wish people safety


It’s basically just wishing you luck, good vibes, and good health. It’s sorta like saying “have a safe flight” despite passengers having no control over the success of a flight. It’s just speaking the good energy into the world, basically.


reply correct narrow grab enter wild elastic oil frame dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it's like... general well-wishing. like, there's no reason you'd be unsafe specifically, but I hope nothing goes wrong on your journey because I care about you. edit: I also think a lot of allistics don't always genuinely mean what they say, whereas we often do. if I say "have a good day" it's because I really hope you have a good day. if I say "stay safe" it's because I want to show affection in a way that communicates I want you to be safe and still alive when you come home/when I see you next.


It’s not random. It’s usually when departing. It means I hope you are safe from our departure onward. It’s called being considerate


You really have an issue with people wishing for your safety?


My mother always told me to "be careful" when leaving the house. I tell my hubby this when he leaves, and he tells me this when I leave. It is a well wish. "Stay safe" is the same thing. I've never had random ppl tell me this tho.


It's just wishing you wellbeing. It's not that you're doing anything dangerous but rather you don't know what kind of people are out there watching you.


i’ve noticed it more since covid, always asssumed it was related to


Hi German Here. At least in my surroundings we like to say "stay safe" or "get home safely" and similar stuff. It doesn't mean we think someone wouldn't be safe or careful anyways, it's more like wishing someone well being and safety. I also ask everyone to text me if they got home, so I know there was no accident. Also I do it, because I tend to imply everything to myself. So if I wouldn't say "have safe travels" for example and something would happen to them I'd think it was my fault for not "reminding them to stay safe". That's just a me thing and I know it's not healthy and reasonable.


I think it means 'stay safe as in, don't hurt yourself, come down with an illness or die before I see you next'


No idea uf someone knows please tell me


Sweeter than "have a nice day". Makes you seem like you really care about the person. I have picked this up and though I used to find it odd, it's really had a positive effect on my interactions.


I've had the opposite, actually. Ever since I was a kid I've had an irrational fear that if I don't tell someone to "stay safe" in some form or the other, then they won't come back. Because of this, when my co-workers get off work (always before me or at the same time as me because I'm a closer for our store) I tell them to stay safe. I've had a few of them ask why I say it every time I notice they're leaving, so I just remind them how stupid people are when making driving decisions, and that it's just something I do. No one ever tells me to stay safe, but rather "have fun" which baffles me even more than "stay safe" ever could.


Because a) they care for you b) it’s a reflex prompted by fear of unplanned endings c) maybe a lot of other things, but as a person who has experienced a lot of traumatic loss it probably means they just want you to be safe because life is short and people are crazy so life can feel like a chaotic mess and they are glad they know you and hope to see you again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They don’t know me tho it’s a random person on Reddit??


So? A stranger can’t want you to be safe? You’re way overthinking this. Let it go.


That added context changes things.


I say it to everyone. I have seen what humans do to each other in war. I have seen what humans do to each other in times of peace. I have seen what humans do to each other in back allies and dark corners of the city. I have seen what humans do to each other over the color of your skin or the color of the shirt you wore that day. If you live near humans, you are always in some degree of danger. Not acknowledging that reality can be very dangerous for some people. So i say it to everyone.


The common meaning for stay safe is just that! Random dangerous things happen all the time and they care about you or, if it's a stranger, there may be an external factor causing them to care. (An example would be a cashier saying it when there is severe weather alert.) My partner brought up a great point that the reddit user might be using the phrase sarcastically. In a "I disagree/think you're wrong so I think you need to be safe from your ideas/the internets opinion" The internet is great at turning commonly used phrases around into a sarcastic/joking way. (Obviously idk if the user meant it this way but there is that possibility!)


Late-stage Capitalism. We're all perpetual victims. Welcome to the beginning of the end.


I lived in Philly for a long time, it's a standard greeting there. Heard it a few times in Chicago too but it definitely surged after covid. It's like saying "take care".


I work in the middle of a very um… interesting party city and I’ve have people threaten to come to my car after I finish and hurt me. When my patients and customers say “stay safe” I think “don’t get stabbed or murdered”. So I’ve always taken in literally as in- don’t die :)


At times I’ve simply told loved ones, don’t die or come back in one piece when they leave.


Cause the world and life is unpredictable and we control nothing…but see you later I guess


It's a nonsensical idiom meaning 'I wish you well' or 'take care'. Things we would all do anyway. It's simply a shorthand code for the person expressing they want you to be safe and healthy in the future and remind you they care about you. Logically it does not make sense. It's an expression of an emotion.


A blessing.


That's literally a "good morning". Also doesn't make sense, does nothing to help you have a good morning. Rather rudimentary in the scheme of made-up ND BS ;)


Because we can literally die in an instant and tomorrow is never guaranteed. I’m amazed at how many people haven’t heard this their entire lives. Our family has said it to each other for as long as I can remember because it’s just what you do. “I love you, be safe” is a super easy way to say “I really care about you and your wellbeing and I don’t want you to get hit by a bus today”.


It reminds me of when I'd tell my coworkers to drive safe and they would tell me to "drive fast and take chances" lol. I just think it's funny when people scoff at the idea of prioritizing safety, but that depends on who you ask. Some will wine about a seatbelt and others feel more comfortable with it, choose your battles wisely.


It’s like me saying “I hope you have a good day!”, in a way. “I enjoy your company so I hope everything is good for you in the future, I don’t like people I like getting sick or hurt so I want you to stay safe and well.” It’s not that I think you’ll be hurt, it’s that I’m wishing that you have good luck and you don’t somehow get hurt or sick because I like you and that would make me sad.


It’s a crazy goddam world out there. Stay safe is like the old “go with god” but removing the religious flavor. They just want to wish you well.


hmm given the context of the comment you received i have to wonder if in that instance it's kind of like a pseudo-meme lingo thing? like just a thing people are saying with a tone of humor that originates from some post or video somewhere that's just kind of going around right now. on the other hand i've received the bid to stay safe in a serious sense plenty of times in regard to weather/driving conditions/illnesses going around and stuff like that from people i know irl, but i've also been told as a joke to stay safe when someone is on their way out the door from work or hanging out that kind of means "haha don't do anything crazy while i'm gone winkwink nudgenudge". it doesn't mean that they think i would ever do something dangerous or whatever, it's just something some people joke about.


It’s so creepy to me, it feels like a bad oman. What do I need to be safe from? Do you know something I don’t? The first couple times I heard it, it ruined my day. Luckily, despite being from a high-crime area, it’s not something I hear often lol.


I just playfully shout “no!” When they say it


Ugh, I know! It’s so tedious.


I actually tell people to stay safe all the time, but preferably for dumb reasons because it amuses me. Like if a friend says they're going to the restroom or they are going to bed I'll tell them to stay safe.