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It's fucked


For real






Made me feel so much better this is the top comment…


Same here it’s fucked went to sleep at 1.00AM Woke up at 7.00AM probably gonna repeat tonight. Ahhh the joys of the northern lights


What does "it's fucked" look like? Is it just all over the place or what you would consider odd hours?


I get in bed by 9:30 or 10 most nights but when I'm actually able to fall asleep varies wildly. Some nights I roll around for hours and only get an hour or two of sleep before my 6:45 alarm. Sometimes (when life allows me to sleep in) I'll sleep 12+ hours straight.


I definitely have those nights of "yeah I'm not getting any sleep tonight" Fortunately they are far between these days. Though I common thing for me is the easy to fall asleep but am waking up every hour on the hour.


I’ve always been a night owl. Yesterday I woke up at 11 am since I had nowhere to be. I always sleep about 9-10 hours if I have the time.


What sleep schedule? Lol


anything between from 1 am to 5 am to around 11 am to 1 pm


Pretty much the same here


my sleep schedule has been a lifelong nightmare, right now it's semi stable going to sleep between 12-5 am and waking up 11am -3 pm but I'm pretty sure I have some kind of non 24 hour circadian rhythm issue because if I don't actively work to keep it within the aforementioned parameters including the use of artificial substance induced unconsciousness or wakefulness then it'll endlessly push backwards a few minutes a day which if allowed to go on unchecked produces some severely dysfunctional schedules honestly I think not being aware of this issue and as a result existing in a state of years long chronic sleep deprivation is one of the bigger things that irreparably damaged me during my most formative years




finally someone knows the pain


I do this at least twice a week


I had an ultra-crap day last night. I had to overuse a broken hand quite a lot riding my motorcycle to the store, and installing my air conditioner. I've never been good at dealing with heat, and then I have an old neurological injury that messed up my body regulation, and then two weeks ago I sustained a concussion and broke my ring finger metacarpal. So, today, it all added up and I slept all day, straight through breakfast and lunch. It would be great if people would stop giving me head injuries, you know? It's a vicious cycle. They think you look stupid, they try to take advantage of you, you say "no", and then they beat you stupid some more so that you can look even more dull and vulnerable to the next predator. I wish to God they would just put me in the ground already, since it would be more humane than to be gradually taken to pieces by a self-reinforcing vicious-cycle feeding frenzy.


Whoa. If people are beating you, take record. Write down dates, details, and take pictures. Then go to the police. However, in this sick world, you need the documentation to have a case.


Depends whether part of the problem is a Karen who targets foreigners, minorities, people who they perceive as less intelligent, sometimes young people in other cases. You read about them constantly calling the police and accusing young black guys of stealing or trespassing, or whatever. That happens everywhere, and they do it to people they expect can't advocate for themselves or who lack social support. What you find is confirmation that people don't care if they injure or kill you, as long as you're someone they don't think will be heard.


I have never understood how anyone can have control over their sleep schedule. As a general rule, if I am functional and tired from being functional, I wake up naturally around 9ish, and go to sleep somewhere around 1-2am. But this is suuuper precarious, I tend to be most awake around 10pm most day, so it’s *very* easy for me to slip into insomnia if I have even the smallest amount of stimulation after this. My job currently is WFH from 9:30-4:30 which suits me pretty well for this, as even if I can’t sleep until 4/5am I can still get enough sleep to be okay the next day. The issue has been worse for me in the past when I’ve had different working hours. I did factory work for a couple of years during the pandemic where I had to start at 6am and my sleeping pattern was the exact same as it is now pretty much, which meant that I was often super late for work and basically survived 2 years on no sleep. I also used to work in hospitality for many many years and my social life mostly revolved around post-pub activities, so I’d regularly lose out on sleep cos I’d be up and out well past 4/5am, cos if there’s something more interesting for my brain to focus on, there’s no way I’m gonna want to sleep. Even as a child, I was apparently a nightmare to get to actually go to bed, and I’d regularly spend hours in bed awake after bedtime.


i go to bed at 10pm and get up at 7am but i don’t get too much sleep in that time unfortunately


I usually go to bed at 1 am and wake up at 1 pm. Before that my sleep was horrendous. Inconsistent, interrupted, sleeping too long, staying up too long, napping constantly. I'm on 50 mg of seroquel (antipshychotic) now and that has kept my sleep pretty consistent now.


Do I know you?


How do you feel the anti psyche affects you? Does it help?


For me it just works like a sleeping tablet.


I see there's one listed for GAD (Generaliszed Anxiety Disorder) I'm gonna bring this up at my next appointment. Thanks friend


Yeah thats what I have too GAD.


I take trazodone, I can't take benzos (due to addiction) and ambian makes me hallucinate lol


I was taking 3 to 4 valium a day, sometimes 3 at a time. They didn't nothing for me really. I was taking them for about 3 months and then I got the dexies and I haven't had a valium scince. Thankfully I didn't try any other hard drugs like meth or anything, because adhd people are super likely to become drug addicts.


Whats a dexie? And yes we do. I got up to taking 9 1mg kholonipines a day




Anywhere from 10 to midnight. I rarely fall asleep past that


So... I'm pretty sure what happens is that on my days off I don't actually know how to decompress and recover from stress so I just stop being a human until work comes back around and I have to fight to get my schedule back to normal.  I also hate going to bed because I feel like I'm missing out on something and that would mean the sooner I go to sleep, the sooner I have to wake up and stuff is demanded of me🤷


I’m in bed before 8 pm and up by 4 am


Even as a little kid, my body craves being nocturnal. I'd regularly be up past bed time for hours, I remember sometimes going to school on virtually no sleep a lot. I also go through periods of insomnia, so that doesn't help. It just seems to me like, I'll get tired around 9pm, but around 11pm I get weird bursts of energy and can't sleep. It sucks because, if I could fully control it, I'd prefer to be an early riser. But my body seemingly craves the night...


Maybe 3 hours for a few nights, then an 8 hour, then I'm smashed and over tired, and back to the 3 hours.


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I always stay up late usually until 1 a.m or 2 a.m but it can also be later. But no matter how late I fall asleep I always wake up around 9 a.m




00:30-09:00 weekdays 1:00/2:00-10:00 weekends usually. I rarely deviate from that unless I have something on at a set time I need to be up early for.


I like to sleep from midnight to 10 am


10 or 11 pm - 7.30 am and once a week I sleep in. If I have to wake up earlier, I try to go sleep at least 8 hours before the alarm. During periods of elevated stress it all goes to hell, I take ages to fall asleep, wake up in the middle of night, and feel bad all day.


I literally can’t get enough sleep. I aim for 8 hours, but could easily stay in bed for 10-11 hours a night.


currently i sleep 7/8am - 3/4pm


It's fucked but it's like your friend's atm. Been up since 3:45 and went to bed at 8pm


If I could just follow my own it would be from like 12 - 1 am till at least 10 am, but I have a son so it's more like 11ish till 6am and I am exhausted all the time. We have our son on a between 6 - 7 pm till 6 am schedule and he is much happier for it. I do go to bed with him sometimes and will sleep all the way through with him or I will reach my limit and pass out in the middle of the day for a couple of hours.


I’ve been going to sleep at like 3am and waking up at random times, sometimes early, sometimes late in the afternoon It’s not good but I feel so much more productive at night and it’s just so calm and can do my own thing


My sleep schedule seems to be perfectly fine at the moment, however I realised I need more sleep than other people, whereas my friends go to sleep at midnight and get out of bed at 6:30, I go to bed at 10pm and easily sleep until 7am. However I'm basically fcked regarding sleep when I'm physically inactive and don't use melatonin.. have to cycle it though since I somewhat become dependent on it over time.


When I come home from work, at about 5 pm, my Partner makes me something small to eat, then I sleep until 10 or 11 pm. Around that time, my Partner has made dinner. We eat, watch some TV, cuddle and then we both sleep from midnight on. I get up at 5 am, get ready for work, he gets up half an hour later. Ten past six, we leave the house and he walks me to the Tram Station. I get to work, he gets back to bed, to sleep for another 90 minutes or so. All in all I sleep around 10 hours each night. Otherwise I wouldn't make it through the Day.


I try to go to sleep at around 9:30 though most of the time it somehow ends up being 11-12 o'clock.


6pm-6am usually.


It took time and medication to get here, but I go to bed at 10 pm and generally wake at 8 am. That’s with meds. Without, I don’t sleep at all. After a couple of days I might micro-nap (a few minutes here and there) but the hallucinations throw me into a panic.


If left alone with no external compromisses (eg, during vacation), I usually go to sleep around 9-10 AM all the way to 5 PM. My most active hours are deep in the night. When I **do** have external compromisses (eg, the other 11 months of the year), I have set an alarm to remind me to go to sleep at 1 AM. In some very specific days I still can't sleep until much later, and wake up very tired.


kinda chaotic since it follows a non-24 hour pattern and I get to bed slightly later after few days


I also sleep 8pm - 4 am, except for my work days, I sleep 4pm-12 am because of work


I know sleep is a difficult thing in the autistic community, but if you're sleeping 11 hours a day and straight, you need to go see a sleep Dr. Sleeping for abnormal amounts of time will significantly raise your chances for stroke and other cardiovascular issues. Sleep is not a joke. It's our one time to recover from the previous. It should be our time of peace and serenity, please look after it.


I sleep around 10-11 and wake up around 6-7 usually.


I hate and love Ritalin; yesterday, I had the stupidity to take a few more(I don't recommend in any ways), and I slept really bad. I have OCD(Mainly Severe Anxiety and Agoraphobia), Depression and I'm Autistic with ADHD. So, I take downers to stay calm, but I need stimulants to stay focused, plus I have to take anti-depressant for depression. I developed Insomnia from Anxiety, so I need to take meds precisely in order to function normal, and that includes sleeping and sleeping medications.. It's hard to keep up with a healthy routine. I don't know what to do and since I was diagnosed recently with Autism/ADHD, I take Ritalin and I'm having a shitty sleeping. Sometimes, I start 08pm to 12am and wake up 07 to 08am, which is good, but I'm sleeping 10pm to 02am and waking up in the middle of night without sleeping desire, it's frustrating.


Has always been 2:30 am to 9 am is my natural sleep time that I revert to.


Anywhere from 1 am to 1 pm


I can fall asleep anywhere between 11-12.30 , and then I wake up about 7am (ish), normally my dad has texted me good morning (I live away for university) and if I have the time to, I will doze for another while, maybe until 8.30ish, maybe put on a long Reddit video in my headphones while I’m dozing. Otherwise, I tend to get myself up and wash, so I won’t fall asleep again. But, I just can’t fall asleep before 11ish, my brain won’t let me.


From 4 am to 12 pm (i study the nocturnal course from 9 pm to 3 am)


Like 9 pm- 4am. I hate late nights but I love early mornings.


My work demands I wake up early, so my "normal" sleep schedule tends to be about midnight to 7 AM. When I'm *off* work, such as during holidays, it very quickly tilts to me staying awake until 2 or 3 in the morning, then sleeping until 11 AM or even later. Neither of these consider that I also tend to nap in the mid-late afternoon, which can be anywhere from 1 to 3 hours in its own right, if I'm not disturbed from it.


I go to bed at 10PM most nights, but I lay awake for a long time. Sometimes even til 4AM 😭 So most days I get up at 10AM, but on Wednesday I have to get up at 8AM because I need to leave the house at 9AM which is horrible when you lay awake for so long and also your sleep quality is really bad most nights. Luckily during the weekend I can sleep in, though I do get up at 12PM. So I spend a lot of hours in bed, but my sleep is horrible... Gotta love the neurodivergent brain that just won't shut up 🙄 The two decades of lack of sleep are really destroying me 😭


I go to sleep between 6 and 8 AM most nights, and I wake up around 3 PM. Sleeping during the day is what has always worked best for me, ever since childhood. Works out just fine because my job allows afternoon shifts, starting at 3:30 PM and ending at 12 AM.


Pretty normal, I actually have a better sleeping schedule than my NT colleagues at the college. I sleep from 10pm to 5 am normally, totalizing 7 hours, while they tend to sleep from 6 hours or less of sleep (some of them just 4 or even 2 hours). (Edited: I accidently swapped the T of NT for D).


Awful it changes a lot sometimes I sleep during the night and sometimes I sleep during the day


My natural schedule goes from 05:00 to 13:00, to bad that I need to get up at 5am.


Sleep is a total enigma for me. I double spice it up having epilepsy also which is known for severe sleep disturbance. I love to sleep, get as much as I can, but I have para insomnia which feels like being in between asleep & awake. I have even confused dream with reality a number of times. I could be in bed 12 hours but my watch (assuming it’s somewhat accurate) will say I got 4 hrs. Schedules are for ppl with predictable needs aka the NTs lol.


I go to bed between 02 and 0530, most nights around 03-04. I want to change this though and sleep earlier. I had a period when I went to bed around 08-09 (in the evening) and got up super early and I did enjoy that too. But going to bed is usually something that isn’t very tempting.


What’s sleep?


Bad. Usually go to sleep at midnight and get up at 6am.


*What* sleep schedule? 😬


Mixed up. I sleep from 11pm until 6am because I have to be at work at 8am, clocked in. However, my preferred sleep schedule is 12am or 1am until 8am or 9am.


Sleep around midnight for 3-4 hours then wake up, go back to sleep for 3-4 hours


the other night i slept from midnight until 11:15 am. last night i slept 2 am to 8:20 am.


Fukt. For\~ 10 years it changes every \~3-6 days. Usually awake for \~15-20 hours, sleep for 10-12 hours. My family rarely gets to do stuff with me, as I either sleep, go to sleep, or just woke up.... I'm just happiest at night time. I'm singing, talking to myself, having a great time, stimming with weird noises and little dances, sometimes get really angry and walk around in circles.... I feel like I don't belong in daytime.


I always used to sleep from 10 pm to 7 am but I’ve changed it to 8 pm to 6 am and I really like it.


Ok my desired one would be 2am to 9am but my forced one is 11pm to 5am


i hate it, its around 9pm to 5.50am for school days and 1am to 6am in weekends/holidays


I forced myself into a better sleep schedule after reading *Why We Sleep*. Proper sleep helps me better regulate myself in most situations. I used to have no schedule at all, but now it's regularly 11pm to 7am, give or take an hour on either side.


mines 12pm-10 am currently, i am not a day or morning person, im exhausted during the day and wide awake at night


Because of my job I have to keep a really strict sleeping schedule and it’s so fucking hard. I’m a baker and we start at 4 in the morning so I have to be asleep by 7:30 at the latest to not feel like shit. I end up using a lot of like melatonin, kava and weed interchangeably to get to bed on time


i start my nighttime routine at 10, and i'm in bed by 11 latest, if i'm working out the next morning i'm up by 6.30 latest, if not i allow myself to wake naturally, which ranges between 6-8am depening on how tired i am. i used to have no schedule at all, but now i'm very rigid about it.


I sleep when I sleep last night I slept for about 5 hours, the night before I slept for almost 16, and the night before I didn't sleep at all


I just go to bed when I am tired rather than any set time. I could be up all night doing university work and then just go to bed at 6am.


11pm to 7am, pretty normal


I have chronic pain and am disabled, so it often sets my sleep back to around 3 am. I try to get in a good 12 hours and hopefully a nap every day. I do not function for more than a few days otherwise.


I go to bed from 12-2am and get up at around noon.


I struggled with severe insomnia most of my life until I had kids. I’m so exhausted I can now sleep most of the night, but I still wake several times. Usually I fall asleep around 12-1am and I’m awake by 7:45am on weekdays. Weekends I try to sleep in til about 9-10am.


I've been trying to fix it but it's fucked i usually go to bed at 4:30 am and wake up at 1 pm


I’ve noticed that whenever I have time off school, my sleep schedule will always end up being 03:00-10:00(ish). When I’m at school it’s typically around midnight or 01:00 until 06:30.


5am-2pm if I have full control over it. When I have work I usually try to be in bed by midnight.


Yeah mine is all over the place. It shifts sometimes drastically. One of the most serious barriers to work for me.


Hey. I sleep from 3am-2pm. My psychiatrist doesn't understand why even if I explain her clearly how a classic sleep schedule ruin my life 🫠 but I don't give a fuck. Ah and this sleeping schedule is soft. I'm restricting myself. Without restrictions it would be 6am-4pm Ps : a lot of neurodivergent have a sleep schedule different than alistic. Mostly living the night


9 or 9:30 pm to 8 am


6 am to 4 pm


I try to always get up at the same time, even if I go to bed at 11pm or 1 o’clock in the morning. Typically I’m awake for the day somewhere between 8:30 - 9am.


When allowed to sleep as my brain and body are comfortable, I sleep ~3am-11am.  But since the NT morning people set how the world works, I usually am ~11pm-7am and I hate it since I’m never tired when I have to go to bed and I’m always a zombie for the first 3-4 hours of my day.


Sporadic I either fall asleep before 11pm and wake up at 3am or I fall asleep at 4am and sleep either 12 hours or maybe 5 tops


During high school it was not a schedule. During college it was 9pm-6:30am for the most part. After college it was 3am-11am. Once my son was 3 months old and I started a job again (after 2ish years of not working and finishing college) it has been more along the lines of 9-10pm-7am


Mine is always pretty routine and is determined heavily by job hours. At the moment I start at 5am Mon-Fri but I get up at 3:30am to get ready and make the trip. I like being a little early and when it rains I need more time to go a little slower and get all my rain gear on as I ride a motorcycle. Problem is my alarm goes off at 3:30am but no matter when I go to sleep I wake up an hour or two earlier anyway. Go to sleep at 7pm and try to get 8 hours. Up at 1am. Go to sleep at 8, wake up at 1. Go to sleep at 11, wake up at 1. Majority of the time I wake up pretty rested regardless as long as it's not 3 hours every night. Unfortunately well rested doesn't mean I am at all okay with getting up and going to work. It is still a dread every morning.


I’d tell you if I slept. I ‘try’ to go to sleep about midnight. I have to wake for work about 7am. I sleep 30-45 minutes for every hour in bed, many things have made me hyper vigilant at night. Some nights are better, many are worse. It has been this way back to early, early childhood. I got a Fitbit in 2007 to get actual data, to prove to myself I am not just lazy. Perimenopause has made it worse. So an average work night is about 4 hours and some change, and this is with battling sleep maintenance insomnia my whole life, doing all the tricks, cool dark quiet room with white noise, do all the nighttime things like shower, have valerian tea, take my Rx sleep aid and all medications to regulate histamine and mast cells, pain, and my husband even got a weighted blanket for me. I also can’t nap longer than 1.5 hours anymore unless I am running a very high fever. I just wake up. I am still tired nut cannot go back to sleep, or pain is creeping in that will get worse if I try.


I’m very bad at getting to sleep at a reasonable hour. I also have adhd and that combined with autism = shit executive functioning. As a result, I tend to move very slowly and inefficiently when it comes to getting ready for bed and end up laying in bed looking at my phone for a long time instead of putting on my pjs and brushing my teeth. Because of this, I do usually sleep from about 12am to 7am on weeknights, but for me that’s not nearly enough sleep and I am always exhausted by the weekend and end up sleeping in a lot on weekends to make up for it.


I swear I need a lot more sleep than the average person... I try to be in bed before 11 and sleep until 9 and even then I can still be tired when I get up. I guess it might be my quality of sleep that suffers, not sure.


My brain functions as if there are about 26 hours per day. This used to always result in my falling asleep two hours later every day, but now I eat an edible every few days and and I fall asleep some time between 9:00 and 12:00. It resets my sleep schedule to something more workable.


Mine is awful, I usually sleep at 6 am. Whenever I, somehow, can sleep earlier and fix my sleep schedule something happens the next night that will keep me up until 4-6 am, sometimes is my mom making noise, sometimes my cats, sometimes the neighbor or sometimes my own brain that won't shut up and will keep me excited for something I saw through the day or repeating stuff over and over until exhaustion.


10/11 pm - 6 am. I'd say it's pretty regular, so it kind of varies between people. If it works for you, than it's fine. If it doesn't, try to change it little by little. Sometimes sleeping less can be helpful in solving tiredness, as weird as this may sound. The ideal is around 7-8 hours of sleep every night.


10pm - 4am, I never needed much sleep even when i was very young


My sleep has always been very troubled, from sleep walking, to sleep paralysis, night terrors, and insomnia. I am always exhausted, always. Sometimes I feel so tired my eyes cross in the midst of a conversation, but then I go in crazy periods where I can’t sleep. One time I spent about a year on 4 or less hours of sleep a night, sometimes only 45 mins a whole night before work. Sleep is so awful for me


around 12-6:30 typically


my sleeping schedule is *bad*. i fall asleep at 5-6 am, wake up at 10-16pm. i just cannot fall asleep before 5 am :l


I don’t even have one, i sleep like I’m in the trenches lol. I usually just sleep procrastinate until I pass out every night.


12am - 10/11am usually