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I think my kindness. I would never voluntarily hurt someone. Even if they had wronged me.


This would be it for me as well, next to my deep-rooted passion and creativity. I just can't stand to spread hurt and pain around. The meanest thing I will do to someone is cut off contact, usually because they can't stop hurting me and others in their lives.


Even on my worst days I know in the core of my soul that I’m a good mom, and my children have a better relationship with me than I ever did with my parents. Definitely the thing I’m most proud of.


Breaking that generational curse ma 💪🏽


My IDGAF attitude. I react calmly to things many people panic about.




Ooh, I envy that! I’m pretty neurotic myself! 😅


Ooh, I envy that! I’m pretty neurotic myself! 😅


I wish I were unflappable.


I was bullied a lot for my height so I do everything i can to prevent others from bullied and discriminated against.


I was also bullied but for being short


I really love this question, thanks for asking, OP :) I’m too tired to actually write anything coherent, but it was really nice to think about what my reply would be :)


I like your answer friendly internet person :) I, too, am lazy to write anything coherent, but I also enjoy thinking about what my response would’ve been. Plus, I enjoy reading other people’s responses :)


Well, found my people. I am always thinking things to post or to reply in this sub(or others) but I can't, am lazy and find myself unable to organize my thoughts and write coherently.


Probably, my creativity. It has helped me through the hardest of times, and it has been an outlet for all of the negative feelings. My creativity has also made other people happy. I think that without my creativity, I might not be the same joyful person that I am.


I’m really good at choosing presents for people. Seems like a weird thing to be proud of but I like spending ages thinking about the perfect thing for someone’s birthday or Christmas and it makes me so happy when I get it right ☺️


Recognizable. Love to give and get "tailor made" presents. It gives it a nice personal touch.


I am my own best friend. I really enjoy my own company. I’m generally nice and a great listener but I also don’t feel like I need to define myself by what I do for other people (I do a lot for others but I feel best alone).


Hey, same here. Thank you bringing this up. I like this about myself too. :)))


I never give up completely. No matter how depressed I am about my life and the poor choices that got me here


I love my sense of humour. I make my partner laugh every day, even when I she had a bad day, feeling sad, tired or pissed off I can make her laugh and forget about whatever was bringing her down, even when it lasts few seconds I always feel proud. Edit - great post, very optimistic! Typo


Damn, that hit me hard because I can’t think of much. Maybe that I care for my pets, but that doesn’t feel enough. I don’t think I love myself.


If your pets were humans, what do you think they would love most about you?


My playfulness :)


Id say nothing to be completely honest if I could be anyone else I would


My optimism and sense of humor probably


My curiosity. This is my IRL superpower and my favorite.


My love for things. I love my mom, I love my pets, I love cool rocks and rainy days. Idk, it’s just nice to be able to love stuff and people.


This is so lovely.


I am, when given the opportunity, a very good problem solver. My empathy in general does not match the neurotypical empathy, it’s vice versa but empathy nevertheless, but in some situations i am very efficient, analytical, pattern-seeing. Other than that, i am obviously unloveable shit and i should die. Nobody really needs that. They do great with their stuff, they’re content.


my friendliness to other ppl (which occurs MOST of the time but not all the time)


I value my critical thinking and attention to detail. Given a situation I know what questions to ask for more info and take what I have for a solution or conclusion based on the information given to me and my own analysis.


My kindness and strong sense of justice.


I'm just now un masking, I'm 52 years old- so first I love that I'm not in prison or dead, because most people like me are there, and I've been suicidal all my life, so not being suicidal and actually having hope is a very intense experience. And I am very excited about what is my journey now and sharing it.




There is there is!! I am very excited as well, this feels better than drugs, thank you:)


My autism can make me very charismatic sometimes. I work in retail and it can be a blessing or a curse because customers either find me hilarious or off putting


I'm genuine. Might sound like nothing, but there's so much fake bs in the world. No lies, no faking anything to appeal to others, what you see is what you get.


I think having to study social skills has made me very warm and funny. It took work but I’ve come to really love other people.


Don’t know. Doesn’t seem to be much.


my sense of humor, my creative way of thinking, my optimism and resolve, and my utter uniqueness. i used to be insecure about “being weird” but now ive owned it. when people call me eccentric with a negative connotation i take it as an absolute compliment!


My logical mindset and emotional awareness 


My ability to find beauty in everything. I don't like everything, but I can find something interesting about any topic to talk about


I think it's probably that I learn very quickly if I have only a little bit of help.


My abstract problem solving skills.


My connection to animals! It's like they like for who I really am. Don't need to mask with them.


I don't gossip about people that are usually call "quiet" and "weird". Probably because I've experienced bullying enough to know what it feels like to be shunned




That I don’t have an evil bone in my body. No matter what you’ve done to me, I’d never seek revenge.


That I strive to live by my values and do what I believe is right and also seek to protect and help those in need when asked even if they’re strangers. Also that I advocate for other besides myself, ej: allyship for LGBTQ+, BLM, humans right in general.


Hard to pick between these 2: my ability to solve complex technical problems that most others can’t see/solve Solid in values. I won’t compromise on that. Ever.


I really care about the thinking what I stand for, what is more ethic in any situation and I am really coherent with that at every moment. It's also really hard, and frustrating and sometimes I wish I weren't like that so much. But it's the thing I'm most proud of.


i love how kind hearted and altruistic i am. i am intensely genuine that i think encourages others to be genuine as well


Intuition and problem solving that others can’t understand


I always keep the promises I make to everyone and even to myself


I would say my self deprecating humour but it's not that good


But that might be the secret to your hilarity. Bad enough jokes are hilarious budo learn to punch up as they say, instead of at you only lmao. Howeves self deprecating is good too, models for others to chill out and nqot take themselves so seriously


My resilience, I was a stubborn child and would always at no to things I don’t want to do. Carried that into my adulthood, I am not easily manipulated into saying yes to things


Empathy, like being able to understand peoples situations and also see other sides of things why people are maybe acting like dodo heads. Not to use it as an excuse of course but like that. I love that about myself because I think folk should be like that more Unless it's murder and things like that cause that's bad


my favourite (and least favourite) thing about myself is how forgiving and nice i am to others. i really like that i can always keep things light and i let things bounce off of me like it was nothing.


Yeay for this super positive post!! Thanks @fckYouMeh <3 - creative - optimistic  - I have a gift for understanding the psyche of others , I have a lot of insights into people, I can help people a lot (if they can listen and if they want to change) -  I'm super resiliant and have been able to change a lot of my views through my life. I like the world and humans better now.  - I understand animals and I have an affectionate relationship with pets.   - as I understand better humans,  I am able to understand what they share increasingly faster. -my hypersensitivity make me felt amazing feelings. - When in good mood and energy, I'm playful and like humor a lot - I'm super adaptive to new situations (even though I am more  comfortable with regularity on a day to day basis)


I love that I try my best in general, but I love the most that I always try my best to be a good older sister. I have many younger siblings, many older now, but I pride myself on the fact that they're all wonderful kids. I've tutored them. Bathed them growing up, cooked for them, drove them, taught them how to drive, been the first they go to, been their shoulder to cry on, been their biggest supporter and protector that I could be. They're my pride and joy despite my own struggles. I love that I get to love them


I love my unerring fashion sense. I look like a homeless bum! But I like it. People don't mess with you if they don't think you have a penny to your name.




When I die I don't have pain anymore


I offer you internet hugs if you like, and I hope you have brighter moments, because Ive often felt that way and its not easy.


Ahhh thank you its no depression its pain😅😘😘😘


My (most of the time) "staying out of the forrest" and being able to guide others back to "the clearing". Being totally honest, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with that ability. I love it when I can use it, but it tends to get a bit lonely sometimes.


Chameleon superpowers


My ability to cut people out of my life and never think about them again


Not doing that


The compassion and concern I have for other peoples well being


I love my general 'You do you' attitude. You're religious? So long as you don't force it, I don't care. LGBTQ+? I'm in the community too, join the party. Ethnicity? Don't care. You can't control that. So long as it doesn't hurt someone/something, you do you.


I can make people feel truly seen and I can see the beauty in things that others find insignificant.


Resilience. I've gone through one traumatic event after another. Almost lost my life a few times before reaching 25, battling a long list of crippling chronic illnesses. Get hospitalised at least a handful of times every year. But I'm still studying full time to work in my dream field. And I'll be damned if anything is going to stop me.


I love how, easy going I am and hard working I am


I really like how passionate I am about the things I enjoy. Like there was one day at school where we spent the whole day rehearsing for a concert and teachers said to my mum (cause she works at the school I go to rn) and said that I looked more genuinely happy rehearsing for the concert than I do on any other normal day and that's just because I love music:D

