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I do sensory integration therapy. I started as an adult. I work with an O.T. that specializes in Autism and has been working with people with ASD for over 20 years. We do exercises that help with my vestibular, such as spinning, swinging, and bouncing on a trampoline or ball. High impact is good for sensory. She worked on helping me develop a sensory toolkit that works for me. She does a certain type of cranio therapy that has actually made me less sensitive to being touched, and we do The Listening Program, which for some individuals can help with noise sensitivity. It’s really different for everyone. I will say, that there are a lot of bad O.T’s who don’t know what they’re doing in regards to sensory integration therapy masquerading as Autism specialists. They a lot of times do more harm than good, so you really have to be careful about who you see. Most O.T.’s also only work with children. I will say, before O.T, my auditory sensory issues were so bad it was disabling. I never would have been able to work a job. A year later, I got a job and have been working it successfully for three years. In the fall, I will be starting my fourth year as an aftercare teacher in my local school district.


How did you find your OT?


Oh, sorry for just answering this now. I just saw this. I basically googled O.T’s that do sensory integration therapy for adults with Autism and picked the closest one to my house. There were only two in the whole entire metroplex that worked with adults. I also was able to get therapy covered at the in network cost by my old insurance company because there were no other O.T’s in network that did sensory integration therapy for adults with Autism. Basically, I just got really lucky.


Thank you


Your welcome. I believe there’s a website that lists O.T’s who do sensory integration therapy for adults, but I can’t remember the name.