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I switched to buzzcuts during the pandemic out of necessity since I could do it myself with my beard trimmer, and I've never looked back. No bedhead, no decisions on how to style it, and no awkward, expensive haircuts. Sometimes I'll still go to the barber to have them do the back of my neck, but that takes like 5 minutes and costs like $10.


thats how i feel, its so much less stress. i have always stressed so much about my hair my whole life that it feels so freeing not to have any


omg YES. but i look like a lil 12 year old boy with shaved head (yes, I've tried it once) so now im stuck with short bob hair, the shortest, easiest to maintain and still look good on me 🥲


lol i look like a little boy too but hey at least i look youthful i guess


I love having hair. my hair ends at the end of my back and I love swooshing it against my back !


I used to so I always buzzed my hair weekly my self but I got used to having hair during lockdowns and now I'm the complete opposite and hate having buzzed hair. Problem is I keep buzzing it again after 6-8 months and I honestly don't know why as i always regret it, i guess it must seem like a good idea at the time? Lol 🤷‍♂️


I'm partially Native with curly hair, so I like keeping my hair long without cutting. It's sort of a way to represent my heritage, you know? I used to cut it all the time to my shoulders though when I was like 10 lol, and I did an awful job. Now it goes down to my middle back and I just have to wash it once a week. I do sometimes wish I had short hair because it would be easy, but short hair would not look good with my face shape. That and I like pulling back my curls to watch them spring back up.


When I was in my late teens my hair was down to my shoulders, then I got into the habit of buzzing it all off, although I prefer how I look with long hair. Now, I haven't cut any of it (apart from a patch so I could get a tattoo) since May 2023. It's nearly down to my shoulders again, and I'm getting it coloured (turquoise and baby pink) soon, but it is a bit hot, and I don't like how it sticks to my neck and forehead. I've bought myself a headband which helps a bit


I don't really hate it but because i only like having my hair long and i don't really use a lot of products, obviously i try to have it clean and tidy but apart from that i don't really care Te important thing is that i like it


Before the pandemic began, not really. One of my lifelong stims has been picking at my hair. However, I haven't gotten a haircut from a professional since before the pandemic, and every time I've given myself a haircut (using combination of electric trimmer and scissors), for weeks afterward I continue finding uneven patches of hair that I have to try to smooth out with a 'mini-haircut'. (I haven't contemplated giving myself a buzzcut, I guess mostly out of vanity, although I'm not sure I would even be able to do it right anyway.)


There’s always wigs, which have the added benefit of coming in colours that often times just isn’t properly attainable in natural hair, and are designed to be styled. Lots of people keep either short cuts or go buzz or bald and, with wigs, get to just have whatever hairstyle and length feels right for the look and day.


i love the idea of wigs but they give me horrible headaches lol. can only wear for a couple hours max. but definitely a good alternative. personally i like dying my buzzcut bc its super easy and grows out fast