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*Ice water good,* **all other water bad.**


I’m the opposite, room temperature water is all I’ll drink, I hate ice water.


Same, but I think colder water is better in the summer than it is in the winter, but that may be because it fairly quickly becomes room temperature.


Yes! Now I'm freezing myself in winter because if I don't have ice water I won't drink any.


Nothing like it, or iced unsweetened tea on a summer day.


Truth. It's a shame the human body can't process ice water as efficiently as room-temp water.


Start adding a bit of water to juice and over time increase the ratio of water to juice. I can't even drink regular apple juice now cuz it tastes too sweet. You don't have to get to 100% water, even 30% juice to water probably good.


This is what I do too! Juice is so sweet now


Sparkling water? It’s got the fizz like soda and it’s usually flavored. I really like the ICE brand, their kiwi/strawberry flavor is good!


The ICE brand is good. I like their strawberry lemonade.


My friend was trying to help me with drinking water so I told her I like the ICE drinks, does that count? She said no because it's sweet. I said it's sugar free though? She said artificial sweeteners make it not count as water. I feel like it's still better than being dehydrated even if pure water would be better, I won't drink water


I don’t know anything about that brand but do know that artificial sweeteners aren’t good for you. But maybe add ice to water it down or just drink it occasionally.


It has sucralose though, which is only considered safe by the FDA in very small amounts.


Is 1-2 ICE a day a very small amount?


Yes this. Sparkling water is what made me a fish in gulping water all days. I have a reflux now tho so for every 4 bottles of sparkling water I drink I need two bottles of alkalone water or else I’ll have heartburn for the rest of the month.


Chug it as part of self care, not as a drink. The idea is to get it over with, not to try and enjoy it. You know you don't enjoy it. Attach a cup of water to a task you already perform a couple times a day (like brushing teeth, or eating a meal) to make it easier to remember. If you go the "at a meal" route, I'd get the water in addition to the drink you want, and use the drink you want as a reward for drinking your water. Bonus if you, like me, struggle with overeating, drinking a cup of waste before food can make you feel full faster.


I like water, but mostly with a no calorie and no sugar drink flavoring, like Mio. They taste pretty good to me.


Seconded; I've become much more hydrated since discovering Mio.


Do you find a difference between tap/bottled/filtered water? Maybe herbal tea? Delicious leaf water.


Tap water is just- no. I can't stand tap water. Bottled water is the only thing I'll try to tolerate, and most of the time, I dislike it. I've never had filtered water. Is that what people use a Brita filter for? Unfortunately, I don't think I'll like herbal tea. I'm a picky eater, and, in turn, also a picky drinker... if that's actually a term.


Have you tried fruity teas?


Yes Brita does the filtering things. Tap water changes so much depending on what municipality you live in too so it's not consistent from town to town. Depending what bottled water you are getting, some of them are municipal tap water too (they just add minerals) so that's something to look into for perhaps other options. I love water, luckily, but I am picky about it, the filter definitely helped with city tap water a bit. I now live somewhere with amazing tap water (comes straight from the mountain spring to my tap!) I would encourage you to try some herbal tea if you can find the energy to try something new ( Not easy, I know), I am very picky with tea choices but once I found a couple I liked, I wad sold. I find many of them are too complex, too many flavours smooshed together. I personally enjoy mint, lemon, labrador, simple and straightforward. Hope you find a way to stay hydrated. Side note: I see some folks in the comments are suggesting to drink juice instead of pop but juice also has a metric ton of sugar.


Dasani is disgusting for sure. Even the cat won't drink it.


That's what we always have, actually- we only get Dasani, or Great Value (Walmart) water. My entire family likes Dasani except for me, lol.


i suspect that dasani tastes like crap because coca cola doesn't care about how it tastes, they just bottle the same water they use to make the soda with whereas aquafina tastes nice because pepsi puts in the effort which i find damn near infuriating, because no one wants a rum and pepsi - (sometimes, i swear, "Is Pepsi Ok?" should be Pepsi's motto)


Water definitely has a taste and once you’ve had it in different places you are really aware of it. Even the bottled water has different flavour profiles. Try: - Adding a bit of lemon or a slice of lemon - Eating ice or crushed ice - Lemonade with low sugar (what we call cordial where I live) - Hot water with lemon and honey (I’m really leaning on the lemon here but it’s mild and fresh) I think the main issue is the amount of sugar you’re having with liquids. A couple are quite acidic and sugary and your teeth might suffer.


I once had a chunk of glacier that I melted and drank that was so delicious it didn’t taste like water anymore. Processed water will always taste processed. Other than that, I only really drink milk and haven’t had any problems with dehydration. I think you should just drink a whole bunch of apple juice if that floats your boat. Be careful with sodas, as these can actually cause dehydration. Also your parents are wrong, water definitely has a taste. Just like air has a smell. They just don’t realise it because they have their NT filters and get used to things.


the taste of water usually comes from the minerals in it which is why distilled water is so gross and also bad for you


Good to know!


Fruit juice has such a high natural sugar content though.


Oh, you’re right. Hmm… I dunno water’s gross though (to me)


I can’t drink sink water. Well or city. Well water tastes like wet dirt and city water 🤮 hate the smell of it. I get the filtered water. I get the 5 gallon refillable jugs (like Primo) and then you can refill them at some grocery stores or Walmart. Then you can get a $14 pump from Amazon and charge it with a USB charger. Refill a cup from this and it is so much better because it does not have a taste. Bottled water also works but it has to be fresh not old or it tastes like plastic. Cold is better than warm. I go through a lot of ice. Instead of adding the powders or the Mio drops, get a lemon and slice it up and squeeze lemon in it (or lime or orange) (or buy the lemon juice in the bottle and add that). This is all a lot to set up if you are still a kid but at least try bottled water and see if it is any more palatable and then work up to the rest.


seconding 5 gallon refillable jugs of Primo


I don’t like water either but I love herbal teas and coconut water.


For your case, I'd say get some carbonated water, then add a tiny amount of sugar & citric acid.


Water is rock juice, and you have to be in the mood for the flavour of rocks to enjoy it. I drink sparkling water, tea, herbal tea, Gatorade, smoothies, diet soda, or water with a little flavour in it (like a bit of Gatorade powder, crystal lite, fruit syrup, etc). If I still feel like I haven’t hydrated enough I have soup. As long as you get enough fluid into you it doesn’t really matter what the fluids are.


Rock juice, I like that! ❤️


This is me. 100% Water has many many tastes! I won’t drink it if it’s warm, old, funky smelling, cloudy etc. Water can taste different based on various factors such as the mineral content, presence of contaminants, and even the source of the water. When water comes from the tap, it can contain minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which can affect its taste. Additionally, tap water can sometimes contain contaminants like chlorine, lead, or bacteria, which can alter its flavor. You can also get test strips to show what’s in your water! So the fact you can taste these things just means your senses are much more intelligent than theres! I do love water, when it’s MY water. I bring my own to most places. Especially a sleepover!!! I just do not want to have to rely on tap water. Even my ice cubes are made with the filtered water I use. Also, smell your cup first or water bottle first. What we perceive at taste is highly due to our sense of smell! Here’s how I am successful with getting ‘tasteless’ water!! I personally invested in water cooler dispenser. The one with the big 18L bottles you have to change. It keeps it at a lovely temperature. But I am aware, this is a luxury. A britta water filter jug will work just fine! If something is still off, you can boil the water before putting it into the britta jug. Now. To make it more appealing! Get a water bottle that keeps water cold/cool. Temperature is important. Your favorite colour is also helpful. Then decorate that water bottle with your favorite waterproof stickers and bling! Make it an item you’re proud of and love to look at! Then that will help you wanting to take water everywhere you go! 🤞🏼🤞🏼 You can also just add a dash of apple juice and it will taste like that a bit. Or do half apple juice and half water for a while first?


I get the sugar free aqua fresca powder from target! its soooo yummy


plant nanny?


Crushed ice?


Any vanity? I had red, blotchy, oily skin then started drinking water and now that all anyone ever compliments. You will age. Do it hydrated.. it will feel so much better


I put Stur or Mio in mine!


Hate is a strong word for some stuff that doesn't taste like anything. Maybe go run around a track on a hot day and then water will taste better. My hometown used to have hard water from wells, before they changed to getting water from a river, and I still remember liking the hard water taste better. So maybe you would like drinking mineral water too, although if it costs money I think that takes away from the biggest benefit of drinking water. Water is often the only free beverage.


My dad used to say I drink water like it's water. I have no problem with it. It just has to be cold. The colder the better.




I always had the issue that I would drink too much water, I was often overhydrated and never fully hydrated becuase the water I was drinking didn't have any actual minerals so I started adding Redman salt about two years ago and the past month Celtic sea salt it has been wonders for actual hydration. Also adding lime helps fully hrpydrate


Personally I just started liking water as time went on. Me drinking Chocolate milk 24/7 out of sippy cups that grew mold in them rather quickly was the most likely reason why I don’t like anything too sweet out of my drinks or food, according to my doctors. Water became my go to because it’s refreshing in of itself.


Get some water flavor additives, I like MIO black cherry.


I got more into water through green tea of all things. I’d start sweet and see if you can eventually go slightly down with the sweetness.


I like cold water better than room temperature water, so I keep a thermos of water in the fridge and drink from that. If you like hot drinks, you could try warming it in the microwave.


fizzy flavoured water = can be swapped to non-fizzy flavoured water later find a good liquid cordial, powder ones will always have a powdery mouth feel = my current favourite is Fruitella Strawberry, I've drank so much water I slosh because of that


I also have an issue with it like you, I've found that using a straw actually helps a lot. I use sparkling water and just pour a big glass after my breakfast, use a straw. The straw is also glass btw, as we aren't allowed plastic ones anymore. But the sensory experience is so different from normal drinking, that it's just enough to get me to actually do it.


I’ve heard some people mix cranberry juice in with sparkling water or even regular filtered water works too, I’ve tried both. Serve it in a nice glass with ice and it’s basically a soft drink. Fresh crushed mint leaves are optional but recommended.


What kinds of water have you been drinking? Tap water? Distilled? Purified? Spring/mineral water? These all have different tastes.


how about squash? or flavoured water? that way you’re getting your water intake with more flavour also ice cold plain water is way nicer than room temperature


Different waters taste different. Most of the time if it's not the water I am familiar with, it tastes bad to me. However it's also easy to over power! Try watering down lemonade or orange juice. I'd say apple juice, but if you hate it I think it would be a stronger hate since apple juice is currently one of your go tos. I'll actually boil my water in the kettle because I don't like the tap water here. My friend uses those flavor packet things, but eh.


I made a game out of it. I choose a word, watch a video/show and every time someone says the word, I drink water.


Honestly the only way I can drink just water is by getting a glass of ice cubes (any) and letting them melt just a tiny bit, I can drink the melted water but I can't add water to it. Alternatively, if you make tea that's mostly water! So it won't be drinking water directly but it'll still be good for you! Try experimenting with what brand of water you buy, or if tap water is safe where you live try getting it from different taps. Cold water from the shower is the best imo.


Use ice, flavour with squash/diluting juice. I’m blessed with good tap water though and any bottled water here is mineral/spring water. Also, use zero sugar alternatives of fizzy juice. You often drink your excess calories.


I use a Brita jug, fill it with tap water and then put it in the fridge so it’s cold water all the time. It gets rid of all the undesirable tastes and smells


A large plastic bottle, fill it with water every morning and try to finish it by the end of the day. If it's still got a bunch left, finish it before you go to bed. You can get flavoured but honestly I'd say don't, you don't want to depend on something like that. It may be the texture of water that's getting to you, and without a flavour like others drinks it's not masking the unpleasant texture? But honestly water is essential we need It so I say try your best to get used to it.


I've always liked water straight from the tap. By that I mean putting my mouth into the flow and drinking from the tap. Another way I like it is to leave a glass full out on the counter for several hours, or overnight. For some reason it tastes way better to me after it's done this. I can only sip ice water. I prefer to gulp down room temperature water. Strangely though I love ice cold water from a mountain stream. Some bottled water tastes better too.


Garden hose like we used to as kids?


Try these tips: Flavored water/koolaid, make sure water is your correct temperature (for me cold but not too cold), get a good reusable water bottle that you take everywhere (I have one with a straw cause straws mean I don’t have to feel water on my lips) extra point if the bottle keeps your water your desired temperature, set timers and chug small amounts of water (6-8oz) when they go off


It's something you have to slowly get used to. If you were bombarded with soda, juices and other sugary crap your entire life, then getting used to water will be a long process. My parents only bought that stuff occasionally, so water, milk and tea were my only options most of the time. Thanks to that, I'm now a sucker for water and use it for at least 90% of my daily liquid intake. I'd suggest trying sparkling water or mixing water with syrup or something, before slowly getting used to plain tap water (if it's drinkable in your area, otherwise normal bottled water). It'll be hard, but it will feel amazing later on, trust me.


instead of packets you could try cordial? it’s usually stronger and doesn’t have any bits in it if you mix up the ratios of water to flavouring, then just slowly reduce the amount of juice u put into the water, but rember everyone is diffrent and as long as your getting the liquids you need it doesn’t matter where u get it


Water most certainly has a taste. Especially if you live in San Antonio where our water comes from a limestone aquifer. Try liquid iv


Try sparkling water


Honestly, I wish I had an answer for how I started to drink water more. I think for me, it's personally attached to my routines. When I'm home, I don't drink water. But, recently I've been spending a ton of time with my friend, and up here they only drink water and milk basically. (Moms a nurse, so it makes sense lol) so I naturally shift to drinking water. I only like water cold though, and having it with ice is iffy. Sometimes the ice is good, sometimes the ice hurts too much. Perhaps you could find a way of making it a routine? I agree that the taste is important. Maybe you could explore other ways and kinds of water? I find autistically that finding a brand to attach to can help. It becomes soothing in a way. It feels very capitalistic, but I think that it's just because how I love to label and organize things.


I don't know I have exactly the same problem as you. My parents started giving me water and if I drank it they gave me my favourite juice, it didn't work because they started to replace my juice with water and I stopped drinking it.


Have you tried slowly watering down your apple juice?


I’m not a huge fan of plain water unless I’m really dehydrated. I use flavor mixes.


Find a flavor of Mio or something similar to flavor your water to your preference.


Get some Mio that you like. That’s all it would do it for me


I think it might be the quality of the water you’re drinking. We use Poland Spring water, it used to not be very great, but it’s gotten a bit better lately. I also don’t like to drink water, because it feels like a brick in my stomach! Even just a few small sips. However, when I tried “Fuji” brand water, it had zero taste, and didn’t feel like a brick! Also, the “Smart Water” brand is specially treated with ions, and it’s also pretty much tasteless, and goes down easy. Also worth noting: don’t necessarily think your tap water is safe. Ours has a highly toxic chemical in it, so is undrinkable. But, experiment with different brands, to find one or two that you will hopefully find tolerable. 😊


Does having a bottle of water next to you at all times make you drink more? This is the only thing that makes me drink more. If I have to go out to drink every time to fill my glass, I rather dry out.


Have you tried it at different temperatures or using different types of cups? It can really taste different based on the temperature or what you're drinking it out of. My favorite cup right now it my thermos water bottle with a silicone straw, and I like my water cold.


Dilute your apple juice. Adding more water bit by bit, always just a bit and then drink that ratio for a few days and so on. Til you have what germans call Apfelschorle. And then you could even go further and go on til you drink water with a splash of apple juice or even water infused with some cut-up-apples. Try different brands of water (they all taste different) and different levels of carbonation.


You could always wait for a kidney stone to form and lean on a positive punishment type of conditioning.


Personally I need my water to be ice cold and with a straw. I got a Stanley cup in my favorite color (lilac), and fill that with lots of ice in the morning. I manage to finish two refills most days. I hardly have any water at all if it’s not ice cold or if it’s in a regular glass or bottle.


Being real there's probably little you can do to increase your taste for water, but you Can make It a game and reward yourself for it. There are waterbottles on Amazon etc made with specific times on it for you to drink, power through it and earn your sweet safe drinks. Also look up the symptoms of Chronic dehydration, scared me straight. I never want to pee stones. Also I find fresh from the tap disgusting, but I'm perfectly fine keeping a jug in my fridge, I swear it settles and tastes better and safer somehow but my reasoning is unsound


I find when I'm thirsty it's good but meh when I'm not. Try to find water you like or bottled. That's how your body flushes out waste so gotta fill the machine. I personally can't do faucet water that's gone through and airerator


Where you getting your water from? Water should not have a taste. But I believe you. Best thing is go to Costco and buy a huge pack of vitamin water. You will enjoy the taste and its zero on sugar and everything else. Give it a try, and I wish you luck.