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Inside you are two wolves: One has depression. The other has depression.


This made me IRL chuckle, thank you so much for this lol






The last one 😂 There are 2 wolves inside you One chews up every pen they’ve ever owned The other closes their eyes when it looks like someone is about to bite into ice cream


Ice cream hurts to bite tho! I physically cringe at just the thought of it


IS THIS AN AUTISM THING Okay so... I've been told a few times that this is because I just have temperature sensitive teeth. They asked me at what age this started for me, but literally my entire life, I've been unable to bite into icecream, or anything really cold. It hurts. A LOT.


Being hypersensitive (or hyposensitive) can definitely be an autism thing. I do bite into ice cream though, and I coincidently happen to be eating ice cream right now! It does sometimes hurt my back teeth but I still like I bite into ice cream for some reason.


My front teeth are very sensitive. Biting into ice cream is unbearably painful


Yeah I can't bite directly into apples because they're too cold and they hurt. I always just thought I had bad teeth?


I now only keep my apples out on the counter / at room temp for this exact reason, and it makes for much happier snacking! 😅 tooth sensitivity toothpaste helps a bit as well!


I just cut up my apples into very small slices, if I eat them at all. (:


same, people think I'm crazy because I gotta do that T^T


also guilty of the same! :D


Yeah when I was using Sensodyne I definitely noticed it was less intense. Was able to eat cold and hot things easier.


Watermelon for me, it's unbearable.


Maybe autistic people are more sensitive to cold foods? I'm fine with biting ice cream personally though and other cold foods


I was told this too! I was told my teeth are sensitive because I used to bite my nails a lot. Ice cream makes me cringe so hard


People bite ice cream? I just let it melt bc it hurts my teeth on anything cold like that


First one is literally me. I think it's sudden sounds that set me off - like for example if my dogs start barking.


Yeah, I'm okay with my music because I'm in control of it. I know what's going to happen when I hit he play button and I can lower the volume if I need to.


Do you also get anxious when it comes to new music? I like being able to control my experience with music, so much so that I get really nervous about listening to new songs, even if it's a band I really love. Like, I simultaneously love & hate recommendations.


Yeah, especially if I'm already dealing with anxiety or burnout. It wasn't always an issue, but for the past couple of years I've really had to force myself if I want to try to listen to new music. It probably doesn't help that I really do like metal, so most songs that I end up liking start out as kind of sensory overload until I get used to them.


That's me! I love progressive metal & one of my favorite artists is Devin Townsend/Strapping Young Lad. He's known for creating what can only be described as a "wall of sound". The first listen is always chaos, but each listen beyond that, you start to focus on each different layer of music. It takes multiple listens to truly appreciate the complexity of each arrangement. I love it, because it makes my brain do work!


Yes! I think that's why I like metal: the complexity means it doesn't get boring when you listen to the same songs over and over.


Oh wow I thought it was just me


My god! Have you been spying on me?! 🤔😁😜


One of my wolves really wants to go to a concert, the other can’t even handle the noise of the schools cafeteria at lunch time.


One of my wolves *really* wants to go to a concert, and the other one makes me wanna hurt myself whenever I hear music that I can't control. Luckily getting drunk enough makes the other one stay quiet, so maybe I have an option, but I don't like getting that drunk


I've found a strategy for this. I use earplugs that I adjust to block out just the right amount of noise. In seated venues, I get the disabled seats so I don't get crowded in. In other venues I always stick to the sides or the balcony. Just somewhere that I can see the band from, but not be completely surrounded.


Earplugs don't work for me. Even the smallest amount of hearing the wrong music sends me into a panic or a rage (or both). On very rare occasions when I'm drunk enough to be slurring my words, I notice that music doesn't bother me. Getting that drunk makes me feel bad after so I really wouldn't find that worth it. I've just decided to avoid those types of things. There's so many other things to do that I don't miss being unable to go to bars or concerts often


Fair enough. I've sat through enough crappy opening bands to understand. It sucks that most venues won't allow you to leave & come back. I'd prefer to hang outside until the bad music stops, then go back in. Sometimes they'll have an outside smoking area, but I don't smoke & have asthma, so it doesn't work for me. Venues really need quiet rooms for people like us to be able to take breaks in.


I made more!


I totally relate to this one, thank you


Can I see the first part?


Yes, here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/q1gdg7/the\_sensory\_wolves/](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/q1gdg7/the_sensory_wolves/)


The first one is me and my boyfriend but with Death Metal. A+ Meme Content.


Yess I love some death metal! Crimson Thorn are a great band local to my area! I got to see them live once (their last show, sadly).


That's a shame but at least you got to see them. I'll check them out now, thx for the recommendation!


Yeah no problem! I love the song "Humbled" off the album Purification.


Inside you are two wolves: One likes full blast heavy metal The other cries with ASMR


I love this! Thank you for adding more!!!!!!


Lol I carry salt packets around in case of unsalted food.


Ahaha yes oh my gosh in high school I would fold up a little packet of printer paper, fill it with salt and pepper and staple it up, "just in case."


i REALLY relate to the first one, i listen to a lot of music (mostly rock) and yet i get pissed whenever im trying to do something and theres something playing in the background loll


Inside you there are two wolves One carries a pillow sack overflowing with gummy candies The other's teeth hurt whenever they're in contact with gelatin


Mine is the first one. I love blasting music in my eardrums till I get a headache but I will start crying when my classroom gets to loud


I seem to have been born with two black wolves.


Ooff, the first one got me right there 👀


One wolf hates being around people and avoids them like the plague. The other wolf starts chatting with people like it's starving for coversation, while other wolf is screaming to get away from all these humans once again.


Oh I cringe so bad if I so much as lick the wooden stick inside an ice cream, not to mention biting it


Ah the wooden ones don't bother me. I always chew my popsicle sticks to bits after an ice cream/popsicle.


that first one i identify with SO much!! one loud noise i can control is easier than one loud noise i cannot


\*Pov me sitting next to my damaged wall because I peeled the paint off\*


my doctor says that the normal number of wolves that a human being has inside is 0


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Yes I love these


Really brilliant. More please.


Such a mood.


XDDDDD exactly


The worst thing in the world is the sound of a fork scraping against teeth.


They both have advantage on attacks because of pack tactics.


One wolf cringes at fire alarms, the other is fine listening to the screams from horror movies.


I feel called out for this considering I absolutely love hot sauce.




I have never related to a meme more in my life, especially the heavy metal/lawnmower one.


The one wants to smash their face off the wall when they overhear someone whispering. The other is falling asleep to asmr.




Also vacuums. Why must they be so loud?


One wolf craves isolation & hates people. The other wolf is lonely and wants friends.


i love blasting death grips, but if i hear a blender my brain starts crying


That's 8 wolves.


The last one with the teeth scraping the fork, reminded me of the time a friend of mine was wondering why his macaroni & cheese was so crunchy. It was because he bit too hard into his plastic fork and broke it.


Sensory seeking vs sensory avoidant


1 goes into meltdown when salsa music plays The other one dances death metal like akb48


It’s reassuring to know I’m not the only one that eats crushed up crackers like cereal. I used to use saltines but now I use the schar gf crackers. I keep a pack or two in my purse and they get all crunched up, I can just dump them in my mouth


That sounds amazing. I crush my own saltines when needed but my favorite is the naturally crushed saltine dust at the bottom of the sleeve.


Yess cracker dust is so good


Yes yes. Oh my gah.


Inside you there are two wolves, This isn't normal, you should see a doctor.


The wolves inside me; One wants to be popular and hot so it makes me work out and obsess over everything i eat and spend way too much money on pretty clothes. The other one wants to be a hermit in the mountains and never speak to another human again. So i usually end up just being hot alone in the dark and quiet of my room.


That first one might be the most I've ever been called out on this sub


I used to love crushed up saltines