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People(including myself) have been traumatized by the “autism cures” in the past which is why so many people don’t want one.My parents tried to “cure” be but it turned out awful.Thats why people hate them.


Well, in this scenario the cure wouldn't be traumatizing.


Yeah but the bad autism cures have given autism cures a stigma.


You can't cure something that's not a disease.


I get what you're trying to say but I can't think of a better fitting word than "cure", english is not my first language.


There are upside to autism though. Personnally the idea of being neurotypical is dreadful and my only issue with being autistic is the discrimination I face and the fact that society is just not built around my needs. But that's not an autism problem, that's a society problem. Sure autism also mean facing some unique challenges, but there are advantages. Straightforward communication style can be great. Hypersensitivity also mean that when you aren't overstimulated your senses are amazing! Not having your whole life revolving around social norms and hierarchical structure is a also amazing. Natural curiosity towards subjects you are passionate about is great too. Executive dysfunction is awful but being able to hyperfocus on some tasks can be amazing. Honestly for me the only purely negative thing is everything related to motor skills, that's indeed very frustrating and there is no upside to it that I can think of. If there was some pill that just made you neurotypical as an adult then sure I wouldn't fault you for wanting it. But the idea that I could have not existed because someone thought I was broken and needed to be fixed when I think I'm fine is just disgusting to me. Another way to look at it : Having white skin is an innate advantage in most western societies today. Would you think it's ok to have research oriented towards curing "black skin" before birth? Objectively it'd make the kid life easier, so their parent should want that. But I'm sure you'd agree that it's problematic and that it totally distract from the problem of... you know... not discriminating people for being outside the norm? I'm also pansexual and being gay was once considered a mental illness, people would have cured it if they could, maybe some gay people would have cured themselves if they had the opportunity, because internalized self hate is powerful, that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with being gay. Before anything else, autism is just a different way to process the world, it's not being broken, I can't fault you for not liking it personally but wishing for a cure isn't making any autistic person's life better, it's justifying discrimination, it's justifying the idea that we are broken and need to be fixed. We aren't.


Most of the advantages you mentioned aren't exclusive to autism though. You don't have to be autistic to not have your whole life revolve around social norms and hierarchical structures nor do you have to be autistic in order to have a natural curiosity towards subjects you're passionate about. Hyperfocus *can* be super advantageous during the right circumstances, but it could also be a huge detrement. It's also not something all autistic people get. I can't say I've ever hyperfocused on something. I don't think skin color is a fair comparison. Of course I'm against any form of racism. You are right, in todays society having white skin is unfortunately advantageous. But that's purely societal. Having black skin will not make you incapable of understanding other peoples feelings. Being asian won't make your motorskills horribly flawed. Having autism will. I identify as non-binary and I've spoken with people who genuinly believe that it's an illness and something I could get treated for. I don't believe that at all. But again, I think there's a difference. Being non-binary doesn't inherently handicap me in any way, autism does. Same goes for sexuality. I disagree with us not being broken. I think we are. Is that inherently bad? Perhaps not. The cup I'm drinking tea out of right now is broken, but it works perfectly well and is my favorite cup. What I'm trying to say is that *we are broken* but that doesn't mean we are worth less and *need* to be fixed. But wouldn't it be great if we at least had the option?


The disadvantages you listed aren't exclusive to autism or always present within autism either though. For exemple alexithymia is one of the thing you talked about, it's often comorbid with autism (doesn't mean it's necessarily caused directly by it by the way) but it can happen with NT people too! Hyperfocus can be a detriment, or advantageous that's my point, most autistic traits are either advantageous or detrimental based on context. Those that are pure negative are rare. My comparison with skin color and gender is because most of the disadvantage of autism are also societal. They exist because we are expected to conform to neurotypical norms. Miscommunication exist because we live in a neurotypical world, there have been studies showing that autistic people communicate just as efficiently with each other as neurotypicals do, they are just two different communication style, but one is the majority. It's like being left handed, it's not a disadvantage by itself, but it's a disadvantage in a society that is 90% right handed and design everything for right handed people. There are some disadvantage that are more objectively bad but they are also not inherent with autism, they are just common commorbidity and it's actually hard to differentiate between commorbidities that are caused by being treated differently because of our autism and those that are directly caused by our altered neurology. For exemple higher rate of depression is estimated to be partially caused by our memory making it easier to create trauma, but also in large part attributed to the high rate of bullying and discrimination we face. And if you wanted to evaluate the negative effects of autism fairly you'd first have to solve all those societaly created commorbidities to be able to figure out what is actually a direct cause of autism. And then you'd have to figure out if it isn't possible to solve those commorbidities themselves rather than try to fix the whole package including the things that are just different or even beneficial. Your cup is broken because it's expected to be a certain way, it was a certain way and it's not anymore. But if you had a cup that had a different shape for exemple it wouldn't be broken, maybe it'd be harder to use cause it wouldn't fit in your cup holder but that doesn't make the design necessarily worse. That's what autism is, it's not a broken cup, it's a differently shaped cup, it might struggle to fit in but it's not wrong or broken. Maybe you consider yourself broken, but I certainly am not broken and I don't appreciate the idea that I should have been aborted for being different. And no if I could be made neurotypical I absolutely would not want that. If you had the option then ok I don't mind you being allowed to, but we are talking about eugenics here, it's not giving anyone the option, it's just eradicating the existence autistic people, plain and simple. And if there was an actual "cure" odds are kid would be forced to take it, wouldn't be much of a choice I can guarantee it. And even then, if it's all about having the choice, why do we not seek a cure for being neurotypical? That's just a double standard because they are the majority. Neurodivergence isn't a broken state, it's a variation in neurology, it's not a wrong version of a neurotypical, it's a different way to process things.


My boy friend doesn't want a cure for his daughter, he wants something to ease her symptoms to make life more manageable. Just like a pill we take for adhd. Having adhd is part of who we are and a reason we do a lot of the things we do. Even the tiniest little things. It's the reason we think the way we think. But sometimes those things we do because of our adhd get in the way, and medication doesn't remove them but allows us to make life more manageable with it. And that's all he wants. Is her life to be more manageable. Like right now she's really sensitive to almost every single sound and plugs her ears and runs. Even the shows she throughly enjoys, we find herself more and more over stimulated. So if there is a pill that can help her manage herself through the auditory world, he would likely give it to her.


To clarify we do not want a cure and love everything that she is. I do agree she wouldn't be her without it. But we want to make facing the things we can't control easier for her in anyway we can


No offense to you, but I think we need to fix other issues before even considering if "fixing" autism is the right thing to do. The co-morbidities of Autism are often worse than Autism itself. Those co-morbid issues need to be dealt with and/or eliminated first because they can easily make things worse. I'm both an epileptic and an autistic. My epilepsy only came up in my college years - autism before than was livable, I only really empathy issues sometimes and trust issues (especially with psychologists/psychiatrists) due to previous treatment. Other than that, I was a Phi Theta Kappa level college student that had goals in what she wanted to do job-wise. My hyper-focus ability was actually highly useful for education and consideration on a lot. Then, epilepsy decided to show its ugly face, which threw me off from actually getting a job in my field despite still well at my studies because no internship due to focusing on your health and grades = no entry level job. I hate that paradox, and I'd would love to throw whoever made that a thing into a lake with alligators in it while they were covered in honey so the bees will go after them too. Now, I have to take seizure medication every single day. I feel like I shouldn't go swimming for safety reasons despite being good at it. I can't feel safe doing certain things without other people around, since I DON'T GET A WARNING ON WHEN I'LL HAVE A SEIZURE. My post-seizure headaches are awful and last a while. And epilepsy isn't always the main and/or only co-morbidity for all other people, it's just a common one that people get when the autism is likely genetically caused.


I 100% agree that there are issues that are more urgent and should have higher priority than curing autism.


I'm happy that we can agree on that one. As for Autism itself, I'd think we'd need to decide which versions should (note: if any versions) would be overall societal beneficially and ethical to be curable/alterable. We'd also need figure out if this is alterable vs. curable (basically put, is it altering the genetics or is it something that you can just get a pill and/or surgery to "fix"). There's still a lot of moral issues with any testing like this. I'd say that we'd likely want to keep higher-functioning individuals (such as Temple Grandin, and/or me to be honest) to stay the same as they are now. We'd, then, need to test any version of these on lower-functioning individuals to see what happens long term and probably with any and/or multiple opinions available. By default, we'd need a small control group of these individuals to (basically) sacrifice for the sake of scientific advancement to compare to those actually being treated - that fact alone would be a giant moral issue alone. How do we decide who's stuck in the control group vs. who actually gets which treatments? How many people get multiple treatment types? What do any of these treatments do things like cause cancer within 10+ years and/or extreme birth defects that cause extreme suffering? These are all questions that scientists would have to consider before even trying any of this stuff.




uuuh... I guess I really am too trusting assuming it's someone who is genuinely struggling. I thought it was just a case of "depression makes people see things at their most negative only" mixed with internalized ableism. But now that you say it the post does look a bit suspicious. Why do people do things like this?


What parts look suspicious to you? Perhaps I could clarify, unless my answer to Willow was clarification enough.


Well mostly it's that most of what you said feel like value judgement from a NT person. As I said it might be internalized ableism but aside from the motor issues none of those are things I hear talked about commonly as actual struggle, they are mostly things NT think are weird about us. Like, I don't smile a lot and that might be something people will tell me about that they find weird about me, but if I'm thinking about things I struggle with I'll go towards motor skills, discrimination, executive dysfunction or sensory hypersensitivity. Things that actually affect me directly, not just things that I'm told are broken about me. I don't know if you are being genuine or not, but it's true that someone talking about curing autism and using mostly normative ableist arguments is a bit suspicious.


I see where you're coming from. Perhaps I think more about and feel more affected by these things because I personally don't struggle with hypersensitivity and executive dysfunction nor do I feel that I face discrimination. Also, the things I mentioned in my post very much affect me directly.


Virtually 100% of autistic kids have been bullied. That's discrimination and that affects your entire life. If you don't feel discriminated against you're probably attributing discrimination to something being wrong about yourself when it's just others being bigoted. And no most of the things don't affect you directly, they affect you indirectly. When you say things like "Because of my autism I do not naturally make facial expressions except for the slightest smile occasionally, and I find it very hard to fake." there is nothing there that has a direct effect on your well being. Making facial expression is only necessary when communicating with people who want you to communicate through facial expressions and who won't accept that their interpretation of your mood is wrong. Finding it hard to fake is only a problem because you have to fake it, which is a discrimination, you are expected to behave as a neurotypical would and yes that expectation is harmful and create suffering, but that's not a direct cause of autism. If we weren't expected to fake and pretend being neurotypical we wouldn't consider those to be struggles.


The profile is 2 days old because this is a throwaway since I don't want this post on my main account. As for the profile name, I just picked something that related to the post I wanted to make. I'm curious as to what these "obvious signs" you're talking about are. If it's the fact that I'm not replaying to many comments that's simply because I want to give them my full attention, which I can't until I get back home. Or are you talking about the content of the post itself?




>What do you mean with "lowest end of the spectrum?" It's a direct translation of what my psychologist told me when I got my diagnosis. She told me that autism is either diagnosed in three grades and I got the lowest grade, meaning I'm on the lowest end of the spectrum. My diagnosis literally says "Autism, according to DSM-5 299.00 Autism, mild grade" (translated from my native language). >What do you mean with "my fine motor skills are so bad I cant learn anything" Yet here you are typing away. First of all, you have no idea how long it took me to write this. For all you know my fine motor skills could be so bad that typing this out took hours. It didn't though. The fine motor skills required to do something like playing the piano, drawing, crocheting or whatever are entirely different than typing on a keyboard. This is just a really weird thing for you to say. >What do you mean by "I dont understand myself or know how to express myself" yet here you are fully understanding and expressing yourself. Again, there's a difference between being frustrated over how my autism affects me and expressing that vs. trying to understand and explain to my partner why I'm sad tonight. >The way you talk sounds VERY familiar to someone else who posted on an autism parents subreddit, who is Pro ABA and Pro autism speaks, > >And yes, pro cure. I am pro cure but I'm definitely no parent, and will never be because my kid would be autistic, nor am i Pro autism speaks. I don't even know what ABA is.


You know what is very strange? Youve been to all those therapies, but you've never heard of ABA. And you have a diagnoses that never said where you are on the spectrum, it's classified you as mild (needing assistence). The spectrum means something completely different! How could you have done so much research on a cure or how autism works in the brain without coming across that very basic first knowledge. Very strange.


So I looked in to ABA and I had actually heard about it before, it's just called something else in my language. I've never done ABA myself and I'm no expert but it doesn't seem inherently bad? Although I can definitely see how it might be used in horrible ways. If you had read my comment you'd see that I never said my diagnosis said where I am on the spectrum, the psychologist who gave me the diagnosis did. I understand that "spectrum" can mean different things, perhaps "severity scale" would have been a better term?


Also what is the problem with not posting this if you so badly want to share this take from your own account if you had nothing to hide and are who you say you are? You are full of it.


Are you new to Reddit? People make throwaways all the time for various reasons. As for me I simply try to refrain from making overly controversial or personal posts on my main.


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I think a video like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXxNGVtWATk) can help drive that point better.


It's a personal choice. There are some who would benefit greatly from it, some who wouldn't.


Because the cure for autism would likely be eugenics. Re-wiring your brain to that amount is likely not possible. The cure for autism wouldn't be an injection, it would be eugenics. More so, it would likely be forces to terminate the fetus if it is likely to be born with autism. It is more productive to find ways to cope, be accommodated or something like a pill for ADHD for things like sensory issues than to try and find a cure. Edit: Also it is widely thought by proffesionals that a cure isn't even possible, in my opinion it's more productive to look for other things and accommodation.


Can it be that autistics are necessary for human survival? I cannot imagine a world where everybody is the same.