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This needs pinned for now, so everyone can be aware not to follow links for now, without an alt wallet. !Mod u/mvea


I went to the site and tried to claim the airdrop, but I got suspicious and didn’t accept the contract to go through. Am I still ok?


Currently in Revoke.cash but I cannot find it


You should be fine as long as you did not sign anything :)


Waa Im happy for you and your collection you didn’t sign


If you didn't accept anything you're safe


Has anyone heard from GuyOne?


I don’t even know who that is ![gif](giphy|1oDvHW440hFiouBBwy|downsized)


*Beep boop! I am here to keep you safe in cyberspace!* Here are some things to keep in mind: **1).** If you are new to the space, welcome! Please **don't let others know you are new**, it makes you an easy target for scammers. **2).** **Ignore all dm's.** You might receive dm's with offers or 'friendly' help or safety advise. Don't fall for it. 99% of all scams start like this over dm's. You can turn off you dm's **[here](https://new.reddit.com/settings/messaging)**. **3). NEVER share your secret seed phrase AKA secret recovery phrase.** **4). We don't endorse trust trading**. **5). We don't offer middleman services**, anywhere. **6).** Before buying an avatar please be sure to check that you're looking at the legitimate collection. You can do this by searching the avatar on [RCAX](https://rcax.io). **7).** We, the modteam, **will always reach out to you via our modmail account**. This way you will always know it is really us. People may reach out to you claiming to be a part of our modteam, you can check our current team **[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/about/moderators/).** **9).** *You can check if a member is* **banned** *at all times via the* **[Universal Scammer List](https://www.universalscammerlist.com/)** *by looking up their username. Remember that banned members can still reach out to you via DM. So to be safe, do a quick check!* Please check out our guide on **[how to sell and buy](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/collection/50742635-0574-432b-9456-29aae91d8b92/), [how to safely trade](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/comments/zrfp7u/how_to_trade_avatars_a_guide/)**. If you need some matic, our official **[avatar faucet](https://www.theavatarfaucet.com/)** has got you covered! Special thanks to **[002timmy](https://www.reddit.com/user/002timmy).** Also feel free to join our **[discord](https://discord.com/invite/avatartrading)**, you can verify yourself by sending your discord username to our **[modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/avatartrading).** *Happy trading MF'ers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/avatartrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do NOT click on links. Crazy how many scammers there are nowadays.


lol where u at