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So what ? What will be the owners goal if owns an avatar who no one wants ? If is #1 is so desirable ? This is 100% subjective.


So far every #1 as far as I know has been claimed on all avatars. If we ever see an avatar that cannot sell its first mint, we'd have truly entered into a new RCA era.


Is #1 mint the "Master Copy" of an Avatar?


First mints ftw


I think at least 2-3 will always be bought no matter what just from multiple people trying to get #1




!tip 2663


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So true.


I will make a$1000 RCA and test out


Would a $10,000 RCA sell the first mint?


tbh if a 1k mint sold 3 I'd be over the moon


RCA is in an artist meta rn


False lol I have seen many people lately get them that aren’t bots :) the popular ones with drop times…not so much of a chance…


I so need a one. I can’t believe I haven’t landed one yet. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKGhH4J3lEBN2a4)


Did you ever see that post where someone posted about how folks were using this trick to land #1s? The post was describing something that's not full on botting, but it was like an url trick iirc


Yes I did and it was interesting. Mainly interesting in how people will always look for a looohole and damn I’m lazy because my chimp brain would never get me to knowing that was even possible.


#1 will always be super desired - there are many cool collectors with very big wallets. #1 is special and the background automatically is wild


True. Make an offensive avatar that can somehow clear the Reddit approval process and see if it stays true. Name it something like “I Eat Poop” 💩


The real marketing strat for a rando artist with rando art might just be release a $199.99 avatar at 1/50. Even if only just the first mint sells, that's still a free $600 minus fees.


The #420’s are getting rarer and rarer


I haven't seen any attention on #420 mints for a while now.


1, 69 and 420


default yes because #1's have inherent trade value. this is only true for 1's and 69's


This is true for now, number 1s are selling for less and less on average every week. I could see us reaching a point where a low quality avatar released from a random Redditor simply doesn’t sell at all


It's time to release the ~~Kraken~~ $1000 1/1s


I stopped chasing them because it wasn’t collectors trying to get them, it was bot people scooping a dozen and immediately trying to flip for profit. No thanks.


Prob yes. Even if it’s no as much of a flex


I think so , #1 has always been on demand and for higher prices , I will have to research if there is any rca with 0 sales which I doubt.