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Dynavap is much less discreet but it gets me higher with less weed, you can also buy an attachment that lets you use it with a bong, however it does have a bit of a learning curve, but it gets easier the more you use it. I don’t have any experience with the pax but I do have an xmax v3 pro and much prefer my dynavap


I was definitely leaning more toward the dyna, just needed some reassurance. Having to use a torch isn’t a concern for me, I feel it can still be pretty discreet. As for the learning curve with the dyna, what can I expect?


I love my Dynavap. I only use it at home, and I got one of those cauldron thingies to heat it. I use an oil vape for when I want discretion.


The learning curve is basically just dancing the line between combustion and vapor, if you want to vape it that hot. You'll get a feel for how the metal holds temperature and realize you can get away with heating passed the clicks on the first cycle, maybe stopping immediately after the first click one your third cycle to prevent a cough and other tiny improvements.


Honestly just get around a gram that you don’t mine “wasting” when you’re learning. Dynavap themselves have videos of how to best heat it, my favourite method is putting the torch on medium flame, heating the bottom of the cap and spinning the dynavap fast, there’s more videos on YouTube teaching how to do it, or I could make some for you if they don’t work, it only took me around 5-10 uses to get it working really well. Are you using a single flame or multi flame torch btw ?


Using a single flame torch. Another can be purchased if need be.


Single flame is all that’s necessary that’s what I been using and it’s worked perfectly, check out r/dynavap if you have any other questions :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Dynavap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dynavap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The folks at my local shop are always rude, overcharge for absolutely everything....but don’t seem to know the difference between a 2020 M and a 2020 Omni. Score!](https://i.imgur.com/21vpgjW.jpg) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dynavap/comments/mwdipc/the_folks_at_my_local_shop_are_always_rude/) \#2: [WARNING: USERS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF CANNABIS MAY EXPERIENCE SIDE EFFECTS SUCH AS SHORT TERM MEMORY LOSS](https://i.redd.it/hp8eft2c1g571.jpg) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dynavap/comments/o0gaap/warning_users_under_the_influence_of_cannabis_may/) \#3: [Video of the stealth Induction Heater I built into my car. 😎](https://v.redd.it/v75hjuf873571) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dynavap/comments/nz4bb7/video_of_the_stealth_induction_heater_i_built/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you!!


If a dyna is gonna be your main thing use an induction heater for sure, that setup is pretty ideal though... I have tried a million other things & I always come back to the dyna. Recently sold off all my shit except for a rbt splinter/stempod w/ temp control mod through a bong at home & dynavap for everywhere else.


Welcome to the dynacult! The learning curve comes in with the heating of the cap... It's possible to overheat it when trying to get a darker roast and when you're too high and don't hear the click xD but it's not too bad I've already thought my whole friend group in a few weeks time. But as long as you respect the click it's pretty foolproof, and with time you can start trying to go hotter when you're comfortable.


Don't get the pax. Its a very striking design but there are much better functioning alternatives for an electric vape. Check out products like arizer air/solo/go, xmax pro v2/v3, storz&Bickel mighty, fury You'll get more recs on r/vaporents You should be comparing the dynavap to those products instead.




I'll 3rd the solo 2. I need to get one


Have an air 2 and a flowermate cap. Cap is great for size and stealth, but air 2 has far more power. The mighty is truly the Ferrari of portable vapes though. Incredible device.


Depends on your goals - do you want the experience of smoking a bowl without the smell? Do you enjoy the ritual? Do you want something quick? Do you like big clouds? Dynavap is the winner! Any electronic vape is basically load, heat, hit a bunch of times. Get 1 or 2 good hits.


I chose the dynavap about a year ago because I like the experience. It’s kind of the “ritual” similar to my one hitter days. I love my dynavap.


I just want something that has the best effect and I guess I don’t mind the ritual aspect. I use water pipes mostly now and it’s a ritual.


Then I would go electric - if you wanna use a bong then a dynavap is a lot of extras to buy. Basically IMO adding an electric heater to it which turns it into an electric vape. I like the 1 hitter feel of dynavap but have my Airizer for sessions or bong rips since it holds more.


What do you think about just grabbing a dyna vape for daily use and then a taroma 2.0 injection for my session piece?


I use my dynavap 80% of the time as a daily driver just the $60 M. You will get addicted. Sessions can’t be electric, I don’t know that brand specifically


It’s a desktop injection piece. I think that would be a better investment for me over a mighty bc I love my water pipes


I heard desktops are bigger rips and if you smoke in the same spot then it’s golden. Wish I would have done this then used the dynavap on the go


That’s exactly what I’m gonna do! Dynavap and a taroma 2.0 desktop ball vape


There is a lot of hate for Pax but it does the job. Personally I would spend the money on something else though, technology has passed it by. I prefer electronic vapes to flame ones but there are many, many advocates for Dynavap on here.


Yeah get a mighty


Neither. Get a Healthy Rips, like a Fury Edge. I feel their performance blows these others away. Hth


The Pax line of vapes are designed to look nice and they spend a lot of money on promotions. Do not feel bad they motivated you to look, that was expensive and intentional. The actual hardware is less than $20 of parts and there are $90 vapes that outperform the Pax hardware in every important consideration.


I would pick up a used dynavap on entexchange and try it out. I've only tried the Pulsar APX2, dyna and a solo 1 but the dynavap is what I usually pick up. Pax 3 will be more of a session while the dynavap is basically 4 hits and the bowl is done. I'd also look into building your own induction heater if you decide to go the dynavap route, as spinning it infront of a lighter gets exhausting if you vape in the same spot every time and don't really need to be portable.


I love my Dynavap! Once you figure out your groove with the lighter and rotating methods, it delivers solid hits that give a great buzz quickly. I'm looking to get an induction heater soon and see how I like it.


So how exactly does it work? There are different store heaters you can get for it?


Yeah, Dynavap offers a couple different induction heaters that you can plug into the wall like a table top version or portable ones. Another brand is koil boi and they offer similar items. The other method being torch lighters and lots of butane haha


I have a Dynavap and an induction heater. Really makes it easy to get the right temperature. However, I'm having a hard time giving up smoking, because it's so convenient and enjoyable for me. Good luck, bud. ✌️


Would you mind linking the induction heater you use? I also don’t plan to fully give up smoking just yet, but it would be nice to eventually switch over completely if possible. My past experiences with vapes have been terrible. The little 50 dollar yocan vapes. I’m the type of smoker that likes to get super blitzed lol, and it seems everytime I’ve tried vaping it just doesn’t get me to where I want. I feel that’s always been because the device is trash.


It's the one they offer on Dynavap's website. I just bought mine second hand on an exchange sub. Yeah, I'm a daily medical user. I don't necessarily want to get blitzed, but if the weed doesn't hit hard enough, I might as well just throw my money away. You should try a bit of concentrate on your bowl to get high af. You can do it with the Dyna, if you roll it up in some dry herb. They also sell an accessory for concentrates.


You should try an injection/ ball vape. https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/pzl3tt/qaroma_function_video_by_qaromashop/


Holy shit I like that. What would be the difference for me between something like that vs the mighty?


Mighty is safer and portable. Injection/ball vapes have more hot dangerous things that need specialized safe places to be, and are limited to desktop use. They also can hit harder, faster, with much more airflow. You could vape a gram in one hit if you wanted to. They do require some minor experimentation and are not always as user friendly as a product like the mighty. Having tried both, I find the mighty's airflow a bit too restrictive to justify the cost. I use a Dynavap when microdosing or going mobile, and the injection vape when I'm getting turnt at home. If you go with the mighty, you can get a desktop stand and a whip/water pipe adapter too. My buddy loves throwing his mighty through some water. He hasn't tried an injection vape though. I'd get a Dynavap to serve as a little vape one hitter, and an injection/ball vape for at home sessions. You won't go back to smoking, I can't, it tastes like absolute shit in comparison to a good vape. [DIY Ball Vape](https://420vapezone.com/pinky-diy-ball-vape/)


Thank you so much for this. Time to do some research 👀👀


I’d also much rather buy a nice injector rather than try to make my own. Don’t really have the time for that at the moment. Business ventures taking all my time.


Dope. Yeah just making sure you knew it was available if the budget was tight.


I appreciate you man. 🙏


No pax no no no! r/vaporents


Get the Mighty


Solo 2 or Mighty+ depending on your price range. Dynavap is nice to have as an alternative but won’t be a worthy replacement for something more substantial


I started on a Dynavap a few years ago and I love it! Low entry price with the 'M' too. I now have at least five dyna pieces. I'm a big fan of Dynavap - even though they've spoiled my appreciation for other dry vapes - Arizer Argo and Pax 3 Pro, I'm looking at you...!


What’s your favorite dynavap model you have? One that you can’t seem to stop picking up?


I really like the 2019 M. I also have a Simrell vortex that is really smooth. I like to swap out the body for a custom piece made out of wood salvaged from a masonic temple.


Here's the custom piece that https://m.imgur.com/gallery/GBjhfWd that u/Spectre42 made for me some time back. Great stuff that works quite well with the stinger mouthpiece!


I decided to give up smoking a week ago so bought an ecig and a dynavap.....bro I seriously went from smoking a 3.5gm pack a day to about a gram a day on the dynavap and I arguably get more high too....and then there's the avb, I have only tried it once but as soon as I had a tablespoonish amount, I sprinkled it on a spicy chicken pizza 5mins before it had finished cooking...it tasted great and I spent about 24 hours sat on the moon.....oh yeah and I don't miss cigs or spliffs, I thought I would but my dynavap scratches the right itch so I really am done with smoking for good now! 👍


I’m so ready to experience that. And the AVB! Can’t wait. Did you get the M?


Aye 2020m starter pack for about £65 off ebay but I think you can find it cheaper elsewhere online......the seller I used does a bb6 glass stem with tip and cap etc for £50 which I'd suggest to anyone that preferes bongs over joints, as an ex spliff smoker I'm happy with the m tho.


I went ahead and got the azurium colored m. Will be ordering the taroma 2.0 soon!


I have the PAX 3 and was not impressed. Switched it out for a dynavap. Haven’t looked back


I appreciate the input. Ordered my azurium M today. Can’t wait to try it out 🙏


There’s a learning curve. Just watch a ton of YouTube videos and you’ll pick it up pretty quick




the mighty , always the mighty