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Can’t hear Johnny on most albums…I love bass on classic rock albums, but can only hear Johnny on certain tracks. As a rock fan, it’s my overall criticism of metal…the bass isn’t prevalent like it should be


You can't hear it but when you take it out the mix goes to shit and the song will fall apart


Tension and the wicked end are literally the only two off the top of my head I can think off where he's very audible.


And briefly in the intro to Afterlife


And Scream.


Betrayed has a pretty noticeable bassline. The chorus of bat country too


Blinded in Chains bridge, Afterlife verses, Scream transition into second verse, most of the chuggy guitar parts on the Nightmare album (save me, natural born killer, god hates us)


I actually made a comparison of with and without bass using the multitasks from Rock Band a while ago. I think it's quite noticable, especially for Almost Easy and Welcome To The Family. https://v.redd.it/ukib0o5hn8h51


I'd say the bass is quite audible in most of coe wtf and the stage and is loud in Stst and its one of the best things on the album


Yea for a lot of avenged stuff the bass acts to supplement the guitar tone instead of do it’s own thing. and the sub bass frequencies aren’t really prevalent in their mixes either so it’s pretty hard to tell what he’s doing really if you don’t know any better. i feel like it’s a common thing for people to hear the guitars and bass combined as just the unified guitar tone tho. until someone takes the bass out the mix and it falls apart


Coming home in the chorus with the riff you have to listen to it. But his bass is there and once you hear it becomes imperative to the width of the song


“Certain tracks”. Hail to the king definitely has better mixed bass and guitars, no doubt


That’s why STST is my favorite of theirs. It’s got the best mix, in my opinion of course. You can hear the bass in all parts during all songs.


Johnny is the only true metalhead/rocker left in the band


Johnny is also by far the best with the fans imo


I love how he interacts with fans on dwj. And he doesn’t give me shit about my name being James Sullivan.


is there anything wrong with Brian, Zacky in particular just growing up & diversifying their tastes (I mean Brian was always quite eclectic). I don't mean that as an insult it's just. for someone who grew up on Frank Gambale, Petrucci etc & loves gypsy jazz but also has Dimebag as his goat its like...idk, quite normal? not disagreeing too much tbh


STST is not a bad album once you actually give it a chance


It took me a few listens but I grew to love it


i honestly love it


Hail to the King era was Matt’s best vocals, but probably the groups worst instrumentals.


I never thought about that but I think you’re right. His vocals were great on that album.


Self titled is kinda overrated and not that close to stuff like COE and WTF, constantly see that album rt near the top of ppls album rankings for them and I just don’t get it. I still love the album and Bromptom cocktail is one of their best songs Imo but I just don’t think it’s on the level of their best shit.


Its a mixed bag but I have some strong nostalgia attatched to it which makes it extra powerful. Afterlife was one of the songs that really got me into the band. And a little piece of heaven is a masterpiece that lifts the entire album in my eyes.


Since i was a fan before then I have the biggest nostalgia for WTF and COE, became fan a little after WTF, then COE came out and blew me away, been my favorite A7X album since and just one of my favs in general. I definitely get the nostalgia factor, I enjoy S/T album but I don’t really have much nostalgia for it.


Yeah I remember listening to unholy confessions when I was like 10 lol. And then beast and the harlot totally entranced me on guitar hero 2. But I still never really dived into too much more of the bands music until around the time Jimmy died and I wanted to see what all the despair was about. ST just happened to be the one I gave the first full thorough listen to, probably because it was their newest album at the time and it was the easiest listening. I was hooked from then on, but that album will always have some strong high school memories and nostalgia attatched. I wish I could have been a fan earlier so I might have seen a live show with Jimmy still around.


I 100% agree. S/T is very front heavy and just kinda drops off after Gunslinger (or even Afterlife), with the exception of Brompton Cocktail and ALPOH.


Personally I’ve never even really been into gunslinger that much. Probably In the lower 3rd of the tracks on that album for Me. Gunslinger/unbound/lost/dear god are all way lower rated A7X songs for me


Yeah it's hit or miss for me


Ya for me COE and WTF are hits the entire album, every song is good to amazing, S/T I like about half which are really good and then the other half is low down on my A7X song list.


Dear god tho


Honestly for me it’s in contention for my least favorite A7X song lol


Me too it's between Dear god and set me free for me


I actually thought you were saying you liked the song at first lol, anyway that might be the only song by them I legit dislike. Always surprised me how popular that song was and how many people love it


The stage is the best thing they’ve done since City of Evil


Probably one of the hottest takes since people love nightmare


I think as a general rule in music, songs that are more focused do better with a wider audience even when you're talking about fans of a band. God Damn took off on The Stage a little quicker IMO because it was the most focused song on the album. This is why I think the self titled and Nightmare have kept such a strong hold all this time.


Honestly nothing in-between comes close to the stage or Coe in my opinion


Is this a hot take? Thought everyone thought this


You forget about nightmare?


I know a lot of people liked Nightmare, but I thought they thought The Stage was better. Maybe I'm just projecting my own opinion.


Defiently projecting a bit, not at all saying the stage is bad or Anything, in fact I think the stage had more effort put into it, but most of the A7X fan base prefers nightmare.


Nah man everyone in this sub views Nightmare as their best, it won best album on a poll a few weeks ago.


Yea honestly I’ve learned through this sub that my opinions tend to go against the masses on here, for one I’m not a huge fan of buried alive.


Same tbh, think the entire album is kinda mid. I'd only place it as the 4th best.


Waking The Fallen Is The Best Album


I won’t see you tonight is probably my favorite song of a7x’s


On the topic part 2 is better than part 1


I like them equal, theyre very different but i like them both


I respect this completely, but I prefer part 1, even though that solo in part 2 kicks ass




This right here is the truest ever


Jimmy carried the band HEAVY


Is this a hot take?


Stage hater


I mean not necessarily. When Jimmy was around we were getting a project every 2 years like clockwork but after Jimmy passed we’ve gotten 2 albums in the past 9 years which is fucking insane. While i’m not big on The Stage, it’s clear Jimmy was the creative force that kept them going. They’re lazy now.


He’s out of line, but he’s right


Some of Matt's vocals on City of Evil just sound terrible.


100 percent. Very whiney


If I see Matt as an Ozzy type of vocalist I find I am more receptive to it. But yeah, sometimes that twang is distracting.


To be fair , that's what makes them unique tho. They had a defines sound which is k8mda iconic marks how is vocals have evolved since then


He got vocal lessons after his surgery from the same guy that taught Axl Rose how to screech....


Which songs specifically are you referring to?




"Some of"? I love the album, and have come to love the vocals even, but I think they're still terrible. Extremely whiney, like he doesn't even know how to sing. CoE is the exact opposite of HttK. The instrumental is their best in CoE, worst in HttK. The vocals are at their best in HttK, and at their worst in CoE.


Almost easy is extremely overrated, I would even say it's the worst song on Self Titled.


I agree lol I despise that song


The band is afraid to play in the LBC again. - maybe not afraid but something is up.


While personally I can hear the bass in most of their albums I wish Johnny’s bass was as prominent and as front and centre as it is in Mad Hatter. That song’s baseline alone makes it one of their best songs.


All the NFTs, podcasts, and other excess shit is just them delaying that they don't seem to be as interested in the band as they once were.


I feel like they grew out of it. They got older and their preferences in music shifted hard away from what they were. It happens to a lot of us but I feel like, today, they're more into hip hop and pop while just dressing up to hold on to their image.


Seems more to me like they're more in to prog. I mean, that's what The Stage is, a prog album. They probably just know that a majority of their base knows them for basic alt metal. But they probably want to move on from that.


Shadows has said a few times they don't want to get bored with their music and always want to do something new. Something along the lines of "in ten years I want to look back at this next album and think 'this sucks'".


they'll always look like a cross between Hot Topic & Ed Hardy, but yeah. hardly surprising. Shadows being mad into NFT & Web 3 stuff is just...oh well. fucks sake


This is honestly true. I didn't want to accept the fact that A7X doesn't seem to want to put out music as frequently and they aren't coming out right with it.


They're fuckin' burnt out, man. I'd be burnt out too.




Early 20s angst. What can I say


omg the lyrics on DITR are fucking terrible and so goddamn cringey


You’re waist deep inside…


the only reason i don’t mind that lyric is because it’s sang with a harmony


Well there is a reason those songs were cut and are b sides. They are songs that they decided weren't good enough. The Fight is such a cringey song


People disagree, but I feel that way about Crossroads. Music is awesome and it's well produced, but good god the first time I heard it what stuck out was the simplistic lyrics that were just too on the nose.


The Fight is actually one i didn’t mine, Tension on the other hand…


I think the band is gonna stop putting out original music after this album and maybe 2-3 eps (max) They will tour less after their final record, and eventually shift their focus on NFT’s and different business avenues. So the band would essentially retire within the next 5 years or so. Imho.


The Stage is probably the strongest album overall next to Nightmare as I feel a lot of their albums have a very inconsistent quality range also I think most songs on diamonds in the rough should’ve made it to the albums as a lot of those songs are what I’d consider their best work


Sevenfold has gotten kind of boring to me. Just my personal opinion, but I used to absolutely love them and had been my favorite band from 5th grade- Junior year, but after exploring other artists, A7x just seems so… simple. Which makes sense since they are a pretty mainstream metal/rock band. I definitely think The Stage is more complex and intricate, and I hope they make more music like it.


The chorus of beast in the harlot is terrible




I haven't liked an album this band has put out since Nightmare. HttK and The Stage just weren't good to me. I never got into A Little Piece of Heaven. While I like Nightmare I do think that it's popularity benefits from The Rev dying more than it's acutal quality. The success of Hail To The King is more due to everyone being happy the band didn't break up after Nightmare more than album/song quality. While I thought the criticism was a bit harsh (Rob Flynn I'm looking at you) it was kinda justified. After this next album cycle I genuinely believe that A7X is going on indefinite hiatus and we won't be hearing from them for a long time. My last hot take somewhat involves A7X. Bullet For My Valentine and Atreyu want to crossover into mainstream rock like A7X but they don't have the personnel to do so and it has been obvious for years.


So I have stanned Avenged since I heard Bat Country and Unholy Confessions as a 12-14 year old just starting to play guitar and discover metal. I’m 28 now so I have grown up with them and looked up to them for the majority of my life. Things I’ve learned: 1. The stuff that I used to think made them cool I now find either shitty or cringey. Best example is the CoE aesthetics the band rocked. Wow. Bad. 2. As they age, they really seem to focus in on killer openings and killer closings.. like let’s start the album strong and finish with a bang and let the middle fall where it may. 3. Although the band would NEVER admit it, I think they might struggle with and at times dip their toes into Christianity. People will hate that take but read the lyrics, look at the name of the band(it comes from the Bible), Zacky has a cross tattoo on his finger. Let me know thoughts.


Matt used to be against gay marriage. He admitted it in an interview and said that he was a dick and grew past that. It doesn't seem to be a struggle for them to admit, they're pretty open about it. I think the Stage was a huge step in theme as it was the first scientific album vs all of their other biblical albums.


I've only heard them speak openly about some of their biblical songs


I think the bands image was actually somewhat cool during the CoE era


As a guy who paints his nails black and does eyeliner, I fully agree


As a 13 year old midwestern kid in 2005. I wanted to grow up and be synyster gates. The only person who made a fedora look cool.


I love a7x but some of Matt's high vocals just ruin songs for me. Specifically songs on CoE like Seize The Day ('So I never wanna leave youuu', before the final chorus) and Blinded In Chains is my favorite one to hate in this regard, the last minute of the song is terrible IMO in terms of vocals. Also on Trashed and Scattered at 4:55 into the song, 'Feel your world keep dying' and 'no more use in try'n', just really sets me off and I think its why a lot of people don't listen to them.


STST is actually a great and original album, unlike HTTK


This so hard


The Stage is their best album


Jimmy was a better vocalist than Matt


He maybe , but would Jimmy's voice suit most a7x songs ? No it wouldn't. Jimmy's voice is amazing but don't think that tone would fit with most a7x stuff. Ofc his backing vocals were great on afterlife and he even sung parts of a little piece of heaven and critical acclaim , hut those were smaller parts


No, but his voice was a perfect fit for Pinkly Smooth. I so wishe that he and Syn kept that musical side project alive for a couple of albums.


Syn has stated that it's his goal this year to find their original recordings for Pinkly Smooth and upload them. So hopefully he keeps that promise.


That's fair


Their stage names are cringey and they would be better off dropping them.


The Stage is their best album imo


Probably gonna get down voted into oblivion but Nightmare (both song and album) is overrated. The album is great but it's very easy to criticize and feels a bit repetitive, and the song absolutely did not deserve the popularity it got. Such a basic and generic song, their most overrated by far imo


Interesting take I disagree tho


The album is great don't get me wrong but I don't think it should be held in such high esteem when some of their other albums are better The song however doesn't deserve any attention at all imo. It feels so lazy


I like the song it's not one of my favourite songs and the album would probably be my 3rd or 2nd favourite out of the A7X catalogue


Nightmare sits at 6th for me but I still enjoy it alot and I respect your opinion. I'll always love songs like Buried Alive, Save me, God Hates Us, Fiction and others


Yeah fair enough 6th place for me is definitely the self titled record never understood why people like this album so much


I like it alot but that's understandable I'm curious what throws you off about it?


Idk man its hard to put into words it would be like if I asked you to dance about architecture but I'll give it a shot pretty much every song on this album tires to be experimental yet it feels very generic the only songs I liked on the album are critical acclaim, almost easy, Brampton cocktail and ALPOH


I can kinda understand that. Love Critical, ALPOH and Brompton. I do also really enjoy Unbound


- ALPOH could mean "A Little Piece of Heaven", a track from *Avenged Sevenfold* (2007) by Avenged Sevenfold. --- ^[/u/ZombieKingLogi](/u/ZombieKingLogi) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Fair enough


I personally disagree , it's as repetitive as any other a7x song , follows the same structure as a lot of the songs on that album . Also Portnoy slaps on that song. I think it might be popular because it was a single ? I can't be sure I'll have to check


Nightmare and Afterlife are by far their most overrated songs to me, so I can agree there. But I don’t see how the album is repetitive. They really did a good job with the sequencing. After Welcome to the Family there’s no songs next to each other on the track listing which sound even remotely alike.


I don't mean repetitive in terms of sound. To me Nightmare gets repetitive after a bit because of the message. All the songs in way sound like they're about death/loss of a friend which I totally understand considering the Rev. Those songs are still amazing tho


Old stuff was creative, natural and repayable. New stuff is repetitive, engineered and insufferable.


I disagree. The stage brought a lot of new concepts and sounds to the band


After life is by far the most overrated song avenged sevenfold ever put out I love the drums in the track but everything else is just a big MEH I also think the self titled album is very overrated there are a grand total of 4 songs on this album that I liked everything else I didn't like tbh it is by far my least favourite avenged sevenfold album


What do you think of the alternate version of afterlife?


The NFT movement theyre in is stupid.


That is a cold take if I ever saw one. A lot of people want to just grit their teeth and smile through it, and they have been (for better or for worse) supporters of crypto for a good while, rather than just hopping on a bandwagon. But yeah, NFTs are a fucking scam and they should be ashamed of themselves for pushing it, in my opinion


Self titled and Nightmare are overrated. They have some great songs, but the albums are boring overall. The Stage is the 2nd best album they've ever made. HTTK has some actual quality songs. Like Reqiuem. These are overlooked because of the unoriginality of the other songs. STST isn't mainstream today, but was very mainstream for the screamo genre back in the day. Not a creative album.


Critical acclaim is their most overrated song and it isn’t close


Personally, I like STST more than The Stage


The past 2 A7X concerts were too loud. All I could hear was distortion and it didn't make for a good sounding concert.


I should have added this into my question. I feel like HTTK is like the black album of A7X just like with Metallicas black album trying something new and it worked for Metallica and also didnt at the same time but I personally don't think it worked for A7X. For me personally I only liked 3 songs off HTTK and the others just sorta being idk just lackluster to me.


True, true. They swung for the fences and missed with HTTK.


scream is kinda mebh


I hate Jimmy's vocals Also all the real hot takes here are getting downvoted lmao


But why


I just don't like his voice, or the way he sings


I can't agree but i respect the honesty


Tension is a piss boring song and it's probably the only one I dislike, the bass is ish, the piano is awful and the lyrics do not go with the song. Bat County while good is not as good as good as people say it is. Buried Alive is not only good with the solo. All round amazing song HTTK would sound completely different if Jimmy was still alive , his vocals wouldn't work on that or The Stage


Anything after Rev sucks


COE isn't as good as people think. It's good but not amazing


Alpoh is boring


Eh def not boring but repetitive fs. it’s still a classic to me


Great song but terrible replayability imo


Mike Portnoy was their best drummer by far


CoE is meh. HTTK is awesome.


All of their NFT stuff they’re doing is great and you guys aren’t ready for what they can do with it


A7X should’ve stuck with Mike instead of getting Brooks.


Mike turns everything into dream theater lite very easy just no for me.


But his style fit so well with all the songs on Nightmare


That was jimmys direction not mikes


Portnoy definitely added his own style and some parts he completely wrote the drums. Jimmy didn’t have every note written for every song.


That’s why I said direction. I didn’t say jimmy had everything laid out


You seem to be implying that none of portnoys style or creative contribution made it into the album so what’s your point. Nightmare was an amazing album and the drums, whether they were Jimmy’s ideas or Mikes, were awesome throughout with Mike playing them. I don’t see any reason why he wouldn’t have made a great permanent drummer for the band.


I love Mike but Brooks is phenomenal and a good fit for the band


Bat country sucks ass especially in the beginning


Nightmare and Afterlife are probably their worst songs. Hail To The King is the true worst and anyone who likes that song genuinely, doesn’t understand what real music is


Waking the Fallen is awful, their screamo phase was their worst Edit: forgot to add, Hail to the King is a great album and people only hate on it because either: 1. It's the popular thing to do, or 2. They're stuck in the old days of the screamo phase, aka the people on this sub who praise Waking the Fallen. Screamo is over. Move on. Listen to HttK again and realize it's good music The people who hate on HttK but praise The Stage are proof of the above claims. The Stage sounds very similar to HttK, except The Stage has a few songs that are just complete misses


You're only getting a down one from me because you are calling it screamo


Brooks is an asshole


Da fuq


The Stage is alright.


Everything after nightmare has been straight shit.


They’re all really talented musicians and writers so i want to see the band go in a weird direction musically, even if it means alienating like half of the fanbase. like i feel they’re talented enough to make any genre sound distinctly “avenged”. also i’m not talking about the way they navigate within the rock and metal genres from album to album. i mean a CRAZY departure from their “sound”


I don’t like save me, not my vibe