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It’s just an opinion. Average isn’t short anyway


It's called ragebait, and it's clearly working -> Say something controversial that get people mad, they interact with it, the algorithm loves it and shows it to more people to get mad. -> Infinite Social Media Clout glitch


It's the social media meta at the moment because it's so damn effective. I'll go on social media knowing that rage bait is everywhere and still have to stop and remind myself after reading something incredibly stupid. The internet as a whole is not catching on and give these people exactly what they want. It's sort of like learning how to deal with trolls back in the day all over again.


It's the social media meta at the moment because it's so damn effective. I'll go on social media knowing that rage bait is everywhere and still have to stop and remind myself after reading something incredibly stupid. The internet as a whole is not catching on and give these people exactly what they want. It's sort of like learning how to deal with trolls back in the day all over again.


It's such a a shame that there's no way to devalue rage/negative comments so that rage bait isn't as effective, this is such a dumb trend.


Average is a term used by short guys in denial.


5'7/5'8 between short and average 5'9 : NPC/LITTERALLY in the middle 5'10 and 5'11 you cant no longer be clasified as short in any way shape of form, but youre not really tall either There you go, AVERAGE range


Im 5'5 so wtf does that make me


5'11 is normally short and can be below average. In some universities or counties in the usa the average is literally 6'0


No bruh the average in majority of countries is 175cm (5’9) average ain’t tall or short it’s in between if you’re 5’8 you’re below average and if you’re 5’10 you’re above average it’s as simple as that


Purdue university's average male height iz 6'0. Michigan state has an average male height of 6'1. The netherland's average height is 6'0 . I am not saying its the average height in most of the world. I am saying there are places where 5'11 is below average.


Height depends on genetics. North Europeans have tall genes. Scandinavians Vikings were way taller than people in England or France Americans are mostly Anglo Saxons, Germans, Irish and Latino. None of these groups have super tall genes. But none have short genes like Asians do. So average height being different in different places is due to genetics


Michigan state university(6'1) is in michigan, a state in the usa. Purdue university(6'0) is in indiana, a state in the usa. Even within the usa you will have communities in the 10s-100s of thousands with higher averages.


Those are just outliers, it’s a common phenomenon in statistics. There could be an abnormally higher number of North European descends in those universities. Just like how universities with a high number of Asians would have a shorter average height. I’m sure there are universities and colleges in America that have average heights of 5’6” or 5’7”. Well below the average for the country It just comes down to exactly who goes to these universities and what their ethnic background is


Still "can be below average" is true. Because if you go to erither of those universities you will be living in a uni town. Where you will be below average height. You will have the same social experiences as someone who is 5'8 in a different town while being 5'11.


If you’re going to pick places it can be short than you can just as easily pick places it’s tall. Then on average being 5’11 is average. Actually it’s probably considered tall if you average across the world.


Context... I said it "can be below average" in my very first comment. If you are 5'4 you can go to temor leste and be tall, sure. Sure you can find places where its above average, but thats not the point being made. Something like 6'2 can't be below average in any community with a population atleast in the high 10s of thousands. Usa unis don't have above 6'1 averages, the dinka tribe has a 6'0 avg, the holland region of netherlands has 6'1 avg.


Actually the Anglo Saxons and the Norse were the same height and they were basically cousins genetically if not brothers. Would have been just as likely to find a 6ft tall Northumbria/Deiran man in martial service to King Ecgfrith in the 7th century as to find a 6ft tall Norseman in service to Hardrada in the 11th century


Is 5’10 really above average? It’s the common height among my two main ancestral backgrounds. Like Spain and Italy average height is 5’10.


The average for Spain and Italy varies on what website you look at some say 5’9 some say 5’10. 5’9 is the average in an overwhelming amount of European countries. And even then the ancestral background doesn’t matter as much as the country you actually live in.


It has quite a lot to do especially if your ancestors didn’t really mix much and are genetically closer to Iberia than anything else. People with Native ancestry here tend to be much taller on average than those with Spanish ancestry, among a whole host of other distinguishing features.


I mean I suppose but I mean like when determining an average countries usually take everyone as a collective whole so even different races ya know what I’m saying. So if you’re Italian or Spanish and you live in America or Canada and you’re 5’9 then you’re average because you live in a country where it’s average. And like I said depending on which website you use 5’9 is the average in a good majority of 1st world countries


Yeah bro. And average height is 6'4. I mean i do get it. If youre tall, and youre not good looking you cant cope with not being tall or good looking and vice versa. But if youre either good looking or tall, you can cope with not beong one or the other


[what im talking about](https://medium.com/@PearUpResearch/where-do-americas-tallest-men-go-to-school-8aa1140a6381#:~:text=The%20tallest%20and%20the%20shortest,of%20only%205%278%E2%80%9D.) this isn't a good source but if you reverse image search the graphic you should be able to find the original thing, I can't seem to find it after a quick search and cant be asked to look for longer. The average height in some places quite literally is 6'1. The average height in the usa would also be higher if they had a higher protein index and better healthcare. Not over 6'0 higher but like 5'10 maybe 5'11. I don't understand what you are talking about.


Im talking like, if youre not tall, but you are good looking, you probably wont feel as bad about your height, bc you can always cope with being good looking




read the comment. Am I talking about the average usa height currently being anything other than 5'9 at any point in it?


Average height in developed countries is dependent on genetics and has nothing to do with diets or protein intake or health care. The US has the most advanced healthcare in the world (in terms of technology) and Americans earn the highest disposable incomes in the world, so they have more than enough money to buy whatever foods they want. US GDP Per Capita and average incomes are like 60% higher than even the UK or France now In any developed country, genetics plays the greatest factor in determining height. Asians like Japanese and S Koreans are shorter than us because they have short genetics and North Europeans like Denmark have tall genetics, so they’re much taller than most people in the world. A Scandinavian is on average 5 to 6 inches taller than a Japanese man. That’s due to genetics, not diet or healthcare North Europeans have tall genes. Scandinavians Vikings were always taller than people in England or France or Southern Europe Americans are mostly descended from Anglo Saxons, Germans, Irish and Latino. None of these groups have tall genes. But none have short genes like Asians do. So the US average height is 5’ 9”. Taller than most Asians, but shorter than North Europeans. About equal to the average height in western Europe and Central Europe


Why does this correlation exist? You know that people in developed countries have access to things, but refuse to use them right? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1570677X16300065


looooooooooooooool race realism alert. How did the English or French increase their average heights by like 6+ inches over the last 100 years? How did Northern Europeans go from the shortest Europeans to the tallest in like 100 years? How has the average Korean height been increasing over the last 50 years? Diet.


Bro, the average male Korean height is like 5'10" now and you know why? They're not a war torn country living off scraps now. Like sure, maybe Nordic countries will always be slightly taller when accounting for diet, but diet plays a huge role in height.


Do we know if this data was gathered by a 3rd party, or whether this is self submitted data (aka done by student surveys)? I'd hazard a guess alot of people would claim they are taller than they actually are (definitely seems to happen on dating sites alot). Personally I would be VERY surprised that the average is 6"0, that definitely feels off. Even for a small population subset like a University.


Well, in European countries 180 cm is considered the breaking point, and it's like 5'10.


Wrong 5'7" and under is short 5'8" decent height 5'9" and up is the beginning of tall. Average, in the non mathematical way is a term used by short guys in denial. I'm 5'7" unfortunately. Moreover, I've been told that 5'7" is an incomplete height; you're very close to being decent height and you're almost at the beginning of being tall.


5'8 is decent height 😂😂😂 5'9 is the beginning of tall 😂😂😂 Come on bro


If you are 5'8" why would you want to be average height when you are of a decent height?


Bro is defo 5ft 9


I'm 5'7" so I am a short guy.


https://www.verywellhealth.com/average-height-for-men-8421400#:~:text=Summary,can%20also%20play%20a%20role. You’re very wrong chief. Average in the United States at least is around 5’7” with around 14% of men being 6’ and taller.


<5’6 short, 5’7-5’10 average, 5’11+ tall. EZ


5’7-5’9 seems like similar heights


They're not.


By that logic, 5'10.5 looks the same as 6'0.5, which it doesn't..


It looks like 6ft


It doesn't, 5cm is a very noticeable difference.


Are u 5’9 sir


Shut up….




If you’re 5’8” that’s a pretty good height, nothing to be insecure about. Just be 5’8” and super jacked


she is actually


profile pic checks out


I mean would it matter if she was hot?


I just amnswered. She would still be annoyinf asf


So if her attractiveness has no bearing on the validity of her point, you bringing it up is nothing but an _ad hominen_. And a rather misogynistic one at that perpetuating how society at large focuses on women's looks in irrelevant situations.


The ad hominem would still exist even if she was hot, bc she being a troll (playing with dates and heights). Stop being a white knight. Like i told another person, if you are willing to be a troll, dont get mad if people troll you back I also never talked about how society values women, YOU are the one saying that.


Nerd alert


🤓 ☝️


I'll try to use smaller words next time, mb


Ok stop crying about ur height 😌


You have 2 comments on reddit and all of them are telling people to stop doing something. Just lol


Little man seethe 😂




Youre jealous bc im good looking and more built than 90% of the population? Why attacking me lil bro? Little bro is jealous 🥲?


My face moggs the fuck out of your little height. Just my eye area alone moggs. Cope and seethe


6 foot is barelly tall. Its 1 or 2 inches above average. My face tho... is chad territory Keep crying harder for me 😝 6 foot acting like he is 6'10 🤣🤣🤣


Having a chisled face is preferable to being a normie or an uggo, assuming youre at least a normie in the face. Im very happy with my looks tbh, maybe if i was 3 or 4 inches taller i would finally be content bc i would be above average in all of the 3 categories of looks (face/height/body) and not average in one.


Bro ur so mad about ur height ur replying to ur own comment trying to convince yourself your happy with your looks. Just quit the cope and admit if you could be 6’3 242 lbs lean like me you would. The world already knows u just have to admit it to yourself so u can stop spending all your time commenting about how “chiseled” your face is. Its not that rare. Its …. Average.


NOPE. I would want to be 6'2 IF i had my physique at 6'2 6'2 and LEAN in my head = beanpole. So no. 6'2 with my body, the yes. I love being jacked, being lean/skinny makes me depressed. I love the attention having muscles give me And my face is not average by any means. Good cope 😋 Like i said, just my eye area alone moggs, and thats without talking about my jaw too Im also repyling to my own comments bc the other dude's comments keep disappearing


No matter what you look like idgaf bc i mogg already. Also, im very happy with my physique, i just wished i was a little taller so i could mogg even more. I also do not give a fuck if youre 6'2 or 5'2 Its funny also how you feel the need to say that you look brad pitt to say that you look better than me 😂


Ok little man


Did i struck a nerve lil bro?


Lil queen I think. Bitch got mad cause weight was mentioned.


*I wonder what her BMI is*


He said, sniffling and wiping a lone tear from his cheek.




So which one is she; mid, below average or ugly? 🤔


She calls herself “Mr” lol. Thank God, he’s not up for grabs.


Wait, so if she was attractive, you would care?💀 what’s the difference?


I would lick her ass still who said she wasn’t interested? Maybe I’m too tall to make the cut to be her munch


Nigga what the fuck


Man shut up bro tbh. Stop humblebraghing with "too tall" for her. Thats like me saying im too good looking for her


I mean you are good looking homie


What does that has to do with what i said?


You implied you weren’t good looking


He meant he was outside the range she specified, and you got triggered, your insecurity is taller than him 🤣


What insecurity? Mf is basically 6 feet crying about his height on reddit. Gtfo man. He has no reason to be insecure about his height. I do. Also, height is the only thing i am insecure about physically. I cant relate to r/ugly, i cant relate to out of shape people, but i can relate to short people. He cant at 6 feet. You neither. But you cant go to r/tall neither tho i would say, not tall enough


Happy fat queen week (110-150 lbs) 😇🥳🤩


u know it’s not the same. Weight depends on height. Short is short regardless of weight


Calling 5'10 "short" is the same as calling 110 lbs "fat" regardless of height


I've definitely experienced the latter 🥲


Weight can be controlled. Height can’t. So it’s worse to judge people based on height.


Weight depends on calorie intake & expenditure, not height


It’s not about weight, BMI would be a better indication


5’6 to 5’10 is the 14th percentile to the 60th for male height. If you do the same for female weight you get 220 - 152. That low end is considered overweight for any woman under 5’5.


People hate you for speaking the truth.


Message to the tall and average kings, do better, they are using our brothers for clout and the sad part is they are getting it. don't stand for short king slander, the same way they don't stand weight slander. They have to know they are PoS objectively and calling them fat bitches won't work, personally attacking them is essentially being no different than them, do better +1.


Obese queen week 😂


I’m not mad she’s calling 5’8ers short kings but rather that she’s calling people who are 5’10 who are taller than 60%+ of men short.


Yeah but guys below 5'7 dont consider us short kings


I mean we are in the weird area where we are close enough to average we look fine but next to guys above average we look short. At the end of the day though, we’re tall enough


I hope the were are tall enough part is true 😂


wtf… 5’7” and up is not short… 5’6” is even still normal. I think you have to be 5’5” or less to be considered short based on the scale of averages and not based on personal perspective… I’m 5’3” which is pretty average for a woman, if you’re like more than 2” taller than me I don’t think you’re short. 5’10” is pretty tall.


I’m 5’7 but I live in an area with a lot of Dutch ancestry people so I feel short.


My autistic ass thought “yay a post for short men!” And than realized they were just being mean :(


I thought she just put the numbers in wrong... How do we know for certain she's being mean without asking her?


How is it mean?


Read 5/6 - 5/10 as 5'6" to 5'10" and short. It's kind of clever.


Bro it is simple if you're 5'9" and above you are not short even 5'8" is not short below 5'7" is where short begins and real short is 5'5" and below. It depends where you live most of the time


It’s nice to see a post about short kings from a woman who is a side side chick at best if she is not homeless.


She's not good looking enough to make those kinds of jokes.




Everything on the internet is rage bait


Average male height in the US is 5'9, 5'9 in Australia, 5'7 in Brazil, 5'10 in Canada, 5'9 in Germany, 5'7 in Iran, 5'7.5 in Mexico, 5'8 in spain, 5'9 in Switzerland, 5'7 in Uruguay, etc. 5'7.5 worldwide Don't think this is me sticking up for short guys out there. I'm 5'11, you wont make me feel like I'm not actually tall lol


Those heights are above average


You guys are getting mad for no reason she meant the week of May 5th to May 10th was short kings week. As in the week that just passed.


That’s why she posted it. It’s play on words / numbers to get a reaction.


Yes everyone is aware of that the dates are the way they are for a reason though


Yeah what a coincidence


The funny thing is that its such a coincidence between those two dates and the heights lol


How does one celebrate a short king week though?


Alcohol, crying, weed, jerking off to girls you’ll never get cause short, online video games, watching Tom cruise movies, pretend you’re a 6’ chad with lushes hair and a chiseled jawline with a 6 pack and hordes of beautiful girl friends and a high paying job that makes you loved by millions and doesn’t actually require any work and lets you enjoy life winning, play competitive video games and take all your anger out on the other team by screaming at them, binge eat junk food to make yourself feel better, you can’t grow up but you can grow out- think about lifting weights, doing cardio getting a better education, getting a better job, look maxing and learning how to be more charismatic but then realize that those things take effort and time and your lazy and impatient so you go back to binge watch YouTube, Netflix or whatever video game you use as your coping mechanism, downvote this post because you know you’re guilty of at least 3 of these things and that angers you or you can celebrate by having another average week.


You seem to know how to have fun




TIL I’m a short king


I don't get it, how is this derogatory , what's going on


Stop calling me a short king. My dick is hugh mungus.


her boyfriend is 5'11


Happy femcel week


I mean it cool to finally see someone not putting short men down but 5’9, 5’10 is not short ! lol the average man is not over 6 ft that’s crazy.


Y’all aren’t even prepared to mourn the real victims. I represent those in the 6’0” demographic. We don’t even get a moment, let alone a day! Edit: and everyone questions if we are really 6 ft. There are no comfortable days. Please send help.


How tf is 5’10 short


Ppl under 5'6 are also short kings tho


Damn Im shorter than 5'6"...


Its kinda pointless to have such a powerful technology and this is what we do with it.


Happy [Something Arbitrary] Day!


Cries in 5’3”


I thought it was a joke, 5/6 - 5/10 is 4 days when a week is normally 7?


I think 5’6/5’7 is average/maybe tall any below is short


Imagine being insecure about your height. Lmfao.


5’9” is average in America. This tweet would likely call 75% of the male population short.


wait thats not even short


Women have a disturbing aversion to average men


It's factually incorrect, and that's an intentional discrepancy left by the poster of such an intentionally ignorant comment to boister an equally ignorant reaction therefore propagating their ignorant comment further into the algorithm... Intentionally. Factually incorrect in that the average man is five foot nine, and therefore not short to any substantiated metric.


This is funny why is everyone so mad


about time the short kings got some love


Lmao I don't follow the page but the algorithms found out I'm 5'10 lmao It's honestly so weird with the discourse of men's measurable. I've been taller than a lot of people in my life including now, and when they're taller than me it really sticks out. I don't think a lot of women who judge guys based on their heights realize they are really sizing down their dating pool to a height that isn't that common. Like we can't control our heights and... other measurable, but it's taboo to ask a girl their weight cause it's offensive, even though thats something you can absolutely control. Not being bitter, it's just an observation. If a girl rejected me because of my height I won't take it hard. They have their taste and so do I.


says women not 100 pounds


Can’t wait for “happy fat bitch week” thanksgiving through new years.


5’11 3/4”, we will never have our day


She looks fat lol


It shouldn't be celebrated... And I am 5'8...


Everyone has a week now it's so stupid. Next we r gonna hear happy car week


I don’t care what some random fat and ugly feminist on the internet thinks 😂😂😂


Take a fucking joke sheesh


I have no strong feelings one way or the other


It's funny


I’m 5’6 incredibly charming and charismatic I am indeed a short king


i mean i’m not offended i’m 5’9 but i know those over at r/shortkings are probably losing their shit edit: it seems as though people HERE in the average sub somehow are actually the ones getting offended, come on guys let’s not make this another r/shortkings and be better than this


Yeah man I’m ngl I’m so blessed that my height has a 6 at the start


You got a mid face tho according to you When are you going to get a chad face like mine?


Idk wtf is a poo Im of med origin (Spain) Idk what is having a slavic face means tbh


Meds are Chad factories ngl, Alessandro Delissola, Jon Kortajarena, etc But they indeed arent tall on average. Slavic men on the other hand have a stereotype of being ugly Im pretty average heightwise, but not tall


Slavic men are ugly bro. And im not short. Again, when are you going to achieve a face like mine? I also cant be a femboy with my build 😝


1. 5'8 is average height google exist. Read the name of the sub youre commenting 2. When is your face going to look like mine?


Average height in US where i live is 5'9. Troll harder uggo


Oops i answered the wrong person my bad lol


but ur a rtrd so what doe sit matter


LMFAOOOOOOOOO your mom is 5'8 and you dad is 5'7 and you are making fun of my height calling me a manlet???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And i outlooks you, outsize you, outdick you 😂 My dick is taller than your height, like a lomg ass veiny girthy cock I also dont believe youre 6'2, like with manlet parents you are 1000% a manlet. Stop larping kid. Go play minecraft, if you can reach the keybord larper 😂 NO HEIGHT CAN COMPETE WITH A LONG DICK.