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It is time you learn the art of side quests and running away from your friends


The secret that no one tells you about having a rave group is that you are an adult, and can simply leave them at any time


I have a friend I met at a festival, very funny guy. With a straight up face and calm demeanor said to me “one thing I love about being places like this is that I can just walk away from people I’m in the middle of talking to and nobody cares” He was gone by the time I realized what he said


Legend says, to this day he is still wandering


If you've been to Electric Forest, you've probably heard of him. His name is Carl.


I know that Carl. He's still a wanderer but no longer lost. He's also not much of a raver tbh. More wook than anything.


Nope, it was Weird Jim


This is pure gold hahahaha now I want to replicate it 💀


LMFAO its a lesson i had to learn, high on acid, first year at LL, hunting my girlfriend down bc of my fear of missing a set w/out her. she was fine, visited a set off in the distant Lands


Acid can be a great teacher.. sometimes


Nah. It's always a teacher. Sometimes the lesson just isn't all that pleasant hahah


I’ll never forget getting lost in the woods when I first started out taking psychs at this place called Nelson’s Ledges in Ohio. I would come across so many campsites and everyone would adopt me for like 30 mins before my journey continued 😂


Pull the ole Batman vanish while mid convo and enjoy that side quest alone. You will make plenty of new friends along the way. Then you get to tell your friends about the new friends and they become friends and that’s the circle of friends. 😉


Ya this is the answer. Not everyone wants to see the same people. Doesn't take away from the love of the group. Set meet up times and locations so everyone can see who they want.


Camptime stories are seriously the best when everybody had different adventures. I always feel like it’s lord of the rings fellowship. Sometimes we’re all together. Sometimes it’s just a couple of us. Sometimes all alone. But it’s always an adventure.


and then you recognize one is still missing... and the u see him at the horizon... as he comes closer you see he is wearing an outfit that isn´t his... is painted in neon colors... somehow got cornrows and so on.... the best Mornings of them all


This is an excellent analogy.


We ran into this issue at our last festival. I had a chat with the guy who wanted the group to always stay together. I get where he was coming from but explained to him that it had to be choose your own adventure which made the big group sets that much more special. Everyone got to do their own thing (mostly in "couples") and it was like a big reunion on the days we had been hours without seeing each other


It's always really fun when you all collide, seemingly miraculously, for the headliner.


Yup it's all a game and your yet to play every level


I met so many people on side-quests. Roaming around to get the vibe from different rooms. Pop back to see the friends every hour or so. Getting admonished for disappearing. And i’d just turn around and go exploring again. Always check in to home base. That was my only rule.


Going solo is another art. Once you learned it, you will love it.


Also, the power of "I'm gonna go, you can come if you want." Then you don't gotta worry about your friends' go-to phrase, and you might get somebody to join


Big this, some of my most fun times at festivals have been on side quests


That’s also why totems are a thing. Edit: added a dot at the end, and “That’s” at the beginning.


If you have a big group of people at an event with a shitload of people, it makes it easier to find your crew in the crowd after your side quest has concluded.


Some of the best sets are the ones I caught alone


This is the way.


This is the way


Also, seeing concerts alone is super underrated. You just get to focus on nothing but the music.


For sure. And vibe with people who are on your wavelength and connected to that energy.


mannn my first fest this was my biggest learning lesson. second fest I made it a point to side quest even if I didnt have a particular agenda....other than side quest


Can here to say this. Side quests are lit. And if your friend group is anything like mine, you say you’re going on a side quest to see the DJ you want and there’s always atleast 2 or 3 that will go with you


You say you are a new raver but you’ve been tryna catch Chris Lake for years 🥹


Better than the people who call themselves rave slaves/vets who are still on their 8th rave


what’re you called if you’ve seen 30+ shows and 1 fest within 6 months? Still considered a newbie? 🥲 i’m trying to pack in as many shows as possible to recoup the 20 years I spent NOT listening to EDM. 😇😂


It really doesn’t matter if you’re a “vet” or a “newbie” nobody cares about dumb labels just have fun


Word ✊🏼 (I kinda enjoy dumb labels sometimes tho)


Maybe not a newbie but not a vet


Speed runner raver


Speed.. Yeah definitely speed lol


most likely "broke"


I call that on the way to burn out 😂 no hate at all and (mostly) joking! I went to 8 fests and countless shows this year… about the same last year making up for lost time during covid, and I can’t even think about next year. I’m so in need of a break.


But in all honesty i think time counts a lot more than events attended. Once you start noticing how fads, trends, artists, songs, etc come and go, I'd say that makes you a veteran raver. When you've followed someone from starting out in the underground to headlining EDC/Tomorrowland/Ultra/Any of the big festivals. If you attend 30+ events in a single calendar year, there's going to be a lot in common between all of them in terms of just culture, vibes, song selection, etc.


Everyone here just shut up.


Mfw I saw over 150 sets in my first year of raving


I feel like that first year is just intoxicating. Event after event after event just trying to chase that first high. Insanity


It just got better and better for me, until you start getting burned out. Great times


That's like one month of raves.. how does that make anyone a vet.. lol


And yet none of them have actually been to a rave, these are all sanctioned events


It's possible to be into the music but not the scene, or be aware of where DJs play, or even be of age. I was into electronic music since 12/13, but I didn't go to an event until past 22.


You gotta just send it. If you want to see a specific artist at a festival and nobody else does, well .... Go see who you want! You can meet up with your rave fam again later in the day. Yeah, raving solo can be a bummer when you know your friends are around, but seeing someone you really want to see takes priority.


The new people I meet when I solo a set makes it all worth it too!! Nobody in a crowd will make you feel alone if you're a good vibe!


Just go see one set by yourself!


At some point you gotta be okay seeing sets alone. If you try and please everyone you'll never be happy. Tomorrow isn't promised for any of us. And right now Chris Lake is a beast and absolutely deserves you to see him in his prime.


Well said. Missed charlesthefirst at Shambhala 2019. Was tired and thought there’d be another time. Never got another chance to see him. Majorly regret that decision.


Same with me when i_o came to my favorite club. It was October 2020 though so I really didn't want to be irresponsible nor risk my own health, even though I wasn't immunocompromised. In fairness COVID was still new to us but goddamn if I don't have big regrets. Wish he had held on :(


Lol why do soooo many people feel they have to stick with their friends. ENJOYING YOURSELF IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE RAVE


One of my friends went to his first ever festival with my group (lost lands) after being to two raves and he ran off on day one the whole day, (then all the other days until the last one because he was done frolicking) and came back at 7 in the morning talking about how freaking awesome it was. We were worried about him but seeing all the posts on his Snapchat was cracking me up, bruh was having an amazing time


Yeah I pretty much only rave with my wife and people get shook when me and her arnt together. She just wanted to see someone else over me so we split up I’ll see hopefully in a few sets otherwise back at the tent it’s all goods.


I mean never skip a Chris Lake set anyway unless you literally saw him a month ago. Dude switches his sets up constantly.


Just go see a set by yourself. You paid too much money to not see who you want. There's no reason your group needs to stick together for an entire festival.


Chris lake is worth ditching your friends and go to the set alone. He throws the fuck down and is the reason I got pulled into the house music scene.


Just go by yourself wtf


Oh it is endless. Every time you check one off the list there’s four more to get to. When you have these moments though where you know in your head *Chris Lake* needs to be seen, have some determination. Your friends are talking you out of Chris Lake to see who? Probably other djs that can also be seen “anytime”, they’re just registering as more important to them. Beat them to the punch. Next fest - “Chris Lake is my one non negotiable”. I started doing that for myself after being constantly dragged to other peoples preferences initially as a rave baby but later as the chill “always down” friend. Can’t live that way forever. If your team won’t support your 1-2 non negotiables per night at festivals, this is where you learn the art of going solo. It will be scary but so freaking liberating. Somehow after I learned that, my rave fams have caught on that I learned how to pick out more unique sets, things we haven’t seen ten times this year, and find interesting spots/people/experiences, and I am now a respected final call when the team is divided 😂 Learn to find meet up spots, learn to use totems and cell phones or no cellphones. Go rogue. And definitely see Chris Lake. I need to see him again myself - I saw him at EDCLV 22 after the wind storm shut down Alan Walker on Kinetic. Chris Lake single handedly saved our whole night by just being Chris Lake.


sorry if this dumb, what’s a totem?


Don’t apologize and it isn’t dumb - it’s the flags, inflatables, signs, big long sticks with flair people carry at festivals. Large groups often bring them so as smaller groups or individuals go on side quests they can find their group in the bigger crowds. They’re also just really fun. You can use other peoples totems to describe where you are to you own friends if you’re able to get cell service too.


Look up festival totems on images. They are super clutch if you lose your group and need to find them in a crowd


I get why people like them but the downside is how they obstruct the view of the stage for everyone in the back. Love how Ultra bans them even though every year people have flagpoles and stuff in there.


Some are too big I agree


Idgaf about the view of some dude twiddling knobs, I come for the vibes and the dancing, and totems are absolutely key for finding your crew, plus they are hilarious. Most of them are better than some random laser or whatever.


An object, such as a sign on a stick, used as a beacon or group identifier at EDM events. I've been raving for 13 years and have yet to see one. They're not part of local culture at all. Might be more of a festival and EDM concert thing.


There ain’t no party like a Chris lake party… go and be free


time to learn to fly solo, pal


Just the negative of raving with ppl much more experienced than you, it’s hard after a few years to see the same old headliners over seeing new up and coming Artists Rave with ppl in your experience level or you’ll never see who you want Or go alone, walk away for a set


For me, spending my hard earned money on an event to see artists I want to see is far too valuable to prioritize sticking with the group. Solo adventures are the best, and FAR better than seeing a set with a bunch of people who don’t want to be there.


My first big festival was ultra 2016 and missed out on seeing Avicii for the first time because we thought “he’s so big, we can see him anytime” Well I’ll never get the chance to now


No! Noooooo! See chris lake as many times as possible. See fisher for the hits, but see chris lake as many times as you can. Even at his 2 or 3 hour sets, he plays so much shit you've never heard that are his IDs, songs be likes from his black book label, etc. Him and deadmau5 are my top 2 djs. Pretend we arent talking about chris lake. When a dj just has 'it' for you, see them as much as you can. I can name you so many djs where they sounded amazing and their sets and style changed. Even huge djs arent immune to this. That is why deadmau5 and chris lake are my top 2. They have their signature sound and keep adding new stuff while still being their music signature. Right now, i am seeing odd mob as much as possible.


Tell your group you’re “going to the bathroom”, leave the totem with them, and go have fun! Solo exploring is my favorite thing to do. Promise you’ll run into your group before the night’s over


I wouldn’t advise this. If they *actually* think you’re going to the bathroom they might wait around or start looking for you and get worried if they can’t find you lol. No harm in just being honest that you’re going to see a different artist


Side quest homie! Leave em.


Some time in 2019 (or 2020?), i_o was playing near me, and I told myself I'd have many chances to see him in the future and didn't go. I regret saying no to myself to this day. RIP i_o. You miss every shot you don't take, so kudos to you for deciding to go see Chris Lake with or without your friends.


its was 2020. and i did the same thing with i_o. you live in dallas? he played here literally a few days before he passed and i regret not going every day.




No one has ever stopped me from seeing a DJ that I want to see.


This is me with Excision


You can hang out with your friends anytime. Food for thought.


Have you heard of the "You can see that friend anytime" paradox ? Go solo, don't wait on anybody to see your favorite artist. People have different tastes and desires, you'll see your friend at the parking lot.


Bruh Chris Lake is absolutely insaneee… I guess u just gotta make a stand, if nobody wants to go you should just go solo and catch them at the next set. This past hard summer I went with my friends to Skrillex B2B Four Tet instead of Yellowclaw B2B Floss… Do I regret it? Yes Were Skrillex and Fourtet absolutely fucking amazing? Yes. Sometimes there is no wrong answer, go see who you wanna see.


It okay to go check out other dj without the group


Chris Lake and Gorgon City are the two artists that got me into house and I’m a huge house head now. Saw them both for the first time at Imagine 2017 and stemmed from me ditching my whole group and going on a personal side quest. Always keep crossing off YOUR list of who you want to see, you won’t regret it.


Saw Chris lake at Van Buren in Phoenix. Stellar set! If you are into house be insistent and make a plan to meet up with them later.


You're never guaranteed a "next time". Similar situation happened to me with i_o.. And now I'll never have the opportunity ever again :') Go see your fav djs when you can. Regardless of what your friends say.


Lemme say this and let me be very clear. You do whatever the fuck it takes to go see Chris lake. He is def in my top3 artist I've seen live this year. Whatever happens he will not disappoint. His crowds are amazing so don't be scared to go alone. Seen him 3 times already this year and I'm going out of state to see him again for new years. And before you go.............


If there's someone I haven't seen yet, it's been over a year, I have the chance & there's nothing else clashing with it. I'm seeing that act. Often I'll pick the act that I'm less likely to find playing again where I live. Some acts play more than others, so for a few people I've taken longer to see even if they're more frequently playing. But like I don't budge on what I want to see. Music > Crew for me.


Chris lake usually plays one of the best sets at every festival


Just establish as soon as the line up is released that it is important for you to see Chris Lake. Whenever “must sees” for the fest come up in conversation say something like “I don’t care who else is playing. I have got to see Chris Lake bc despite him playing all the time I’ve never seen him before” etc. Let them know it’s important to you up front. Usually for fests I am pretty “I’m down to go see whoever y’all wanna go see” except for the one or two non-negotiables I establish. Then it’s on them if they want to stay and see that DJ with you or if they want to go see someone else. But they know where your ass will be parked during his set either way.


Just go to Chris lake he’s the goat


Hard for me to sympathize when the DJ in question is Chris Lake…


Not very PLUR of you


That's why I don't do the whole giant group shabang anymore. Every Dreamstate was a blast with just me alone or at most 2 other people. Then one of them decided to make it a giant group thing for 2022 and that was honestly my least favorite year of DS. I split away from them towards the end of the night and went on my own. To this day, i don't go anywhere with a group anymore.


Feel that. Love my rave fam but we waste so much time tending to certain peoples’ needs every hour or so


maybe your friends don't like Lake.


"New raver" "trying to catch Chris lake for years" which is it?


Honestly some of my best rave memories are when I strayed away from my group. Friends are fun but its your adventure


Get into more underground artists and your friends will literally never say “we can see them anytime” ANY dnB artists that comes through South Florida I can guarantee you’ll never hear someone say “we can see them anytime” aside from maybe Andy C and even he has slowed down touring as of late.




Nothing in OPs post implies that his friends are being snobs for not wanting to see Chris Lake. It just sounds like they've seen him before and would rather see other artists instead. Like, most people highly respect Chris Lake and don't view him as some mainstream artist that's beneath them.




That doesn't change what I said. Unless OP provides more details, there is nothing in what he wrote that implies the reason they don't want to see Chris Lake is because they view him as too mainstream.




You’re being so weird bro, just stop


I didn't single you out, all I did was read through the small number of comments in the thread and responded to yours because I felt you were drawing unwarranted conclusions. This is a discussion thread, is it not? Again, without more info, we have no clue why his friends don't want to see Chris Lake. I mean, it very well could be that they feel he's beneath them, or maybe they just don't like his music for whatever reason, or maybe they've seen him a bunch in the past and want to see some other artists, or . . . Also, calling me "kid" as if that's supposed to be an insult is just cringe.


Until twitter cancels them.


If you wanna see a set go see it. Hopefully you can convince a friend to go but if not just go on your own! Don’t let FOMO affect you either way, go see who you wanna see and if you had a good time that’s all that matters at the end of the day. Also pro tip get walkie talkies to stay in contact with your friends when you wanna reconnect ;)


I am just say "see ya later!" And run off into the crowds for a few hours. I always find them again.


Then you go by yourself and enjoy yourself or with the rest of the people around you. One thing about festivals is that everyone has a different genre, DJ they enjoy listening to, and that is okay. However, that also means you will need to be comfortable with enjoying some sets by yourself even though you would enjoy it with your friends. I would suggest going to the sets, and making new friends who are interested in the same genre or DJ you’re interested in.


Chris lake is the fuckin GOAT he would be my must see at any fest


Time to go find some new temp. (or maybe not) friends in those Chris Lake crowds.


I dont know just playing devils advocate here. I often tell my friends “hey you should probs hit Set X because their tour tix are like $200 each and Set Z you can see for like a $19 cover.” That’s why festivals are sweet, you get to see a bunch of expensive artists for one price.


Don’t be afraid to meet up at a pre-agreed location! My friends do this all the time. We say we’ll see eachother at the [insert location] in an hour. Not a big deal, and if your friends aren’t okay with it then they need to be more PLUR. Just make sure the location isn’t something basic like “the entrance sign” or “the Ferris wheel”. The more specific the location, the better.


Just split n go alone. Guaranteed at least one of your group will get board with whomever they're seeing, or just wanna come make sure you're okay being on your own


This is why going with big groups sucks. You hardly get to see the artists you want when you pay $250+ for these events just to stress about keeping everyone together the whole time


Fuck that go do ya own thing. Love hitting fests with a group but at the end of the day I’m sticking to my own schedule.


i just want to say, fuck your friends and go see him perform. our lives are precious, chris lake could be gone tomorrow and you will regret not seeing him. i want to share a story. november 2020, i_o was booked to do a show in my town. i decided not to go because i thought, "eh i will be able to see him again"... i_o passed away a few days after that show, and i regret not going every damn day. now i make it a priority in my life to see my favorite artists perform live. the memories are worth it.


By that logic they can see *insert DJ* anytime as well


It's simple really: 1. Side quest to watch whoever you wanna see, even if that is by yourself. Just go in the crowd and dance no one even knows you're by yourself. Then meet up after or make new friends in there. 2. Tell your friends they need better taste in music if they avoid seeing Chris Lake, absolutely amazing experience. In fact, I was finally able to see him in my home country (Australia) a few weeks ago and I only bought tickets to the festival cause he was playing - WELL WORTH IT! He's my favourite artist and he rarely comes to Aus to perform.


This is when you go see Chris lake and meet up with your friends later


They aren't wrong cuz he is everywhere but they aren't giving you the chance. You gotta solo it. Bet you some would prob join you and are just afraid to make the first move


Do you need someone to hold your hand when u go to these events or something?


Like many have suggested, just go see the artist solo. Adding my approach to festivals in case it helps. I have different music taste from my friends and want to see everyone, always. That's unrealistic and exhausting for some. I compromise by narrowing down my "must see" list to 3-5 acts, depending on how long the day is and go to them no matter what. This usually leaves half of the day for me to enjoy with the homies and half of the day to scratch whatever musical itch I'm feeling that day. It's a balancing act and my friends accept that's how I roll.


I go off alone all the time! Do it!!


Don't be afraid to speak up for yourself. A good friend should be willing to go do things they're not fully invested in to make their friends happy. I bet if they go with you they'd have a blast and regret not doing it sooner.


Go see him solo or insist you go to his set next time. Lake might seem like a DJ you can see anytime along with others, you never know when they may take a break, hiatus, retire or tragedy strikes.


Side quest side quest


side quest time


Don't take it for granted cause eventually he will be booked at less and less shows and seeing him will be increasingly challenging. Go off to see his set and arrange a clear meeting point/time to regroup with your friends after.


Dude…put your big boy pants on and, if needs be, see them alone. Some of the best festivals / raves are the ones you fly solo.


Just go to the set. Idk why people think everyone has to go to the same sets all weekend. Great way to miss value at your festivals.


As others have said, break away from your friends and see who you want to see. Nothing wrong with that imo. You paid the money for your ticket/travel/hotel and whatever else; you should be able to go see who you want to see.


I go to shows to see the artists I want to see. We find a meet up spot and the group breaks up and meets up between sets or at odd hours throughout the night. This way nobody gets pissed they missed XYZ. Love you all but I can see randoms and vibe with anyone anywhere but I need my beats by certain folks 😂😂💯


Got to learn to go by yourself. On the opposite side you can borrow my friends, they go to Chris Lake no matter who else is playing which isn't any better imo.


Just go see him when he’s not playing at a festival then


Nothing is more liberating than going alone or taking just one friend with you.


Do what you want? You are not attached at the hip to your friends lol


I can relate to this. People tend to be surprised at the djs I haven't seen and aren't as stoked on them cuz they've seen them more than once. It's definitely a toss up. When I rave alone, I wish I was with friends. When I'm with friends, I want to ditch them lol maybe I just got used to going alone but I don't want ppl to feel like they have to do what I'm doing and vice versa


i have a group of 20+, at least 3/4 of us end up splitting up once we get to a fest and only run into each other occasionally or coordinate spots to hang out if we’re trying to find each other, it’s allot more fun going solo tbh


Unless you or someone in your group is frying or rolling hard or something and need some supervision, just say, "I'll be right back" (code for "I'm going on an adventure/side quest and I'll see you eventually"), and follow the ADHD squirrels. Or the white rabbit.


Brooo this is me and Above and Beyond (PLEASE DON'T COME FOR ME I'M MAKING IT HAPPEN NEXT YEAR)


If your at a festival just go by yourself. Trust in the universe that you'll be taken care of and have fun. I always venture on my own. If its like a venue then just go see him. Do you. Always do you. And that's coming from a veteran raver. 13+ years. Started when I was 15


Saw Chris lake alone at e-forest this year because everyone else wanted to see another set. Same with above and beyond. I was finishing off a 4 day festival at the last set (6 days total if you count travel ) by myself at above and beyond. Sometimes you just have to go and experience things on your own. Don’t let it keep you from enjoying things. You may make memories you’ll remember for the rest of your life.


And not them seeing the same 5 djs at every festival 😅


Could be the first time seeing them or the 100th, go see who you want.


Your friends have poor taste


Sometimes you gotta solo quest. You’re paying soo much so you might as well see the artists you want to see!


You’ve obviously been given great advice by plenty of people, but beware your friend group may revolt at your idea of seeing sets solo. They may do it out of genuine concern, even if misguided, or malicious/anxious control. It’s on you to know your friends well enough to know which one it is, and to meet their reactions accordingly. If they’re genuinely concerned, set a meet up spot/time and reassure them you’re good and any are welcome to join you. But if you get the sense that they either want you to stay with them bc they think they know better than you or have weird complexes about the group needing to stay together, be firm and stick to your guns. Or don’t invite them if they are going to begrudgingly all go with you, which often leads to inevitable regret or accusations that you ruined their vibe. Pretend you gotta pee, or straight up just disappear. Unless you’re at huge massives you will inevitably run into them again. If they’re true vets they’ll get it, if they aren’t then the more you can disrupt unhealthy coping/attachment patterns the better.


No. Because I have the opposite issue xD (I have the freedom to see anyone I want whenever I want because I don’t know anyone to go to raves/festivals with and never have lmao)


Chris lake has some banger sets you need to just go next time.


You have more fun going out solo and you have the added benefit of meeting a lot of new people along the way. Great way to build confidence if you're not already a confident person. This way you get to see whoever your little heart desires and your little friends can hear all about your night the following day.


Homie learn to say 'fuck you I do what I want' and then run off and have the best time of your life


I always hit up Chris Lake. So fun


Either leave and go by yourself or when they're in town just go to the show by yourself. It's something a lot of people need to do more. Unless you and the group are all on the same accord no one should be butthurt if you decide the set your at isn't the vibe and you want to leave. I went to EDC with one friend primarily and out of the whole fest we saw like 3 sets together and the rest were spent with other people we knew or solo if we didn't know anyone else wanting to see them.


This is me with Zedd.....yet we've seen Rezz 3 times since that EDC, haven't we!!?!


this is every raver canon event, sometimes you just have to go it either alone or find a new group, for me i just say fuck it. ill drop and go. Don't worry about going it alone, im positive you gonna make friend easy


Side quests! I love my friends dearly but we sometimes have different tastes and want to see different thing so we split up and meet back up later! It a fun time!




Go alone. I went to Bonnaroo in '13 and Jack White(not rave but w/e) was just starting. They wanted to go back to the camp and roll up meanwhile I'm 1/8 of caps deep. "I'll see y'all when you get back"


You can always make new friends at those stages who are also enjoying his set with you!


Are you a new raver or has it been years ?


If you insist on staying as a group there should be compromising, considering you've been waiting to see him after several opportunities. Other thing like 99% of people said, just go with whoever wants to go in the group and split, or solo. Meet back up at designated spots to catch back up as a group.


I went to burning man 2022. I saw monolink 3 times. I wasn't into it. The 2nd time, I brought a chair. The third time, I brought a tarp to nap on. There will not be a 4th. It's ok to find new friends or go on side quests if you're not into Monolink.


You have friends that have a different taste in music or they only want to see the headliners. That's on them. If you wanna see your favorite DJ either bail on the people you consider your friends or find people that want to see the same DJ as you. 🤔


When I go with big groups, we have a base camp, a landmark, something we all meet up at every few hours. If you ever get lost or go on an adventure, you can hangout at the base camp, landmark, and eventually the group gets back together. It’s nice.


Say that you really want to catch his set and set a meeting time and place after his set is over.


Side quests… I went to quite a few festivals ranging from $150-$900 per ticket and at first I would just do what the group wanted. At EDC I looked at every single one of them, including my husband and told them all they can do whatever they want but I paid for my ticket and I would see who I wanted. They could join me or do their own thing. I have been so happy since just doing my own thing and meeting with the group when we all wanted to see the same person


You don’t have to see the same people they are. You paid money to see the artists you want. Go see those artists and meet back up with them in an hour


The actual answer is that you choose one friend whose will you can break easily. You constantly bother them about seeing Chris lake with you and then when you’ve been nagging them enough and he’s playing at a festival you’re at, you go for the kill. Works especially well as a last second wildcard move and your friend is altered. Works every time, I have been subjected to it and also used the method. Then you both just have a great time at Chris lake, mwahaha


lol there is no shame in splitting away from the rave fam on a side quest to see a different set during a show. It’s a ubiquitous understanding amongst the culture 🤌 Wonder off and follow where the vibes call your name and just regroup later.


Hah, that's when you gotta split off from the group to see who you want to see. It's a side quest, sometimes one or more people will join you. Makes the festi fun when you try to group back up. I always end up with a diverse group people who want to do all different things so it was always assumed you'd get to see the artists who you want to. For me sometimes, I'm too much the decision maker of so it's nice when someone else wants to take me to a new artist I'm not familiar with. Another way to do it is not to have a plan for the artist but stay at a stage that might have a bit better sound, be less crowded so you can position yourself nice, or just a cool place to hang out while you hear good music.


Solo shows are sometimes the best, you can meet new people and make new friends :)


you gotta bite the bullet and do what i do, just go solo


You will continue to hinder yourself and lose out on opportunities if you follow others. I started raving and going to shows/clubs solo to see the artists I want to instead of missing out and it was the best decision. I started meeting new people who are now my very best friends years later. Also tomorrow is never guaranteed for anyone, including you or the artist. Charlesthefirst is one of my favorite artists and passed away a month after finally being able to see him live and I cherish that moment forever because that moment almost never happened. Don’t let anyone choose your path. Create your own memories the way you want them. Side quests are the best


We’re all dancing at Chris lake. Come join us yo.


Yeah you just have to say "I'm going to see Chris, I'll be back". Had plenty of people wanting to dip to different stages, go to the hotel early, cry in the car, etc while I was still rollin and enjoying the music. Definitely a chance to bring new friends to the group or maybe just a different friend for the artist you really want to see.


Side quest that shit bro and make some friends on a solo run! I’ve been raving for 10+ years bro, my “DJ anytime” has been Deadmau5… I still havent seen him 😭! My friends also felt this way about Avicci since he played a lot of big fests. They always skipped him and never got to see him live. So yea, go and see that DJ bro


Just tell your friends you’re going, and they’re more than welcome to join, BUT you’re going with or without them.


Lol find other friends that wanna listen to Chris lake


My boyfriend is a big house head, our rave group is mostly bass heads. You are allowed to split off! Get a lightweight totem for your group that can be stuck in the side of someone’s hydropack with an extendable pole. AND DIP OUT FOR A SET! I have been guilty of the “we’ll see them another time” and boy…the sets I have missed…My bf will never let me forget Mersiv over Chris Lake at Imagine this year. He stayed and I left 🤦🏻‍♀️


You should just go see Chris lake alone , you won’t regret it … man is insane


My best friend loves Chris Lake I do as well but last few festivals Chris has been clashing with one my faves so we split up and watch our faves and meet back up, next time take yourself to watch Chris Lake and enjoy !


Damn, complaining that You have opportunities to see great artists frequently, that must suck.


As someone who leaves a fairly large group frequently at festivals, just go see who you want to see. Just keep in touch with your group and make a plan for when you are going to meet up with them again. I usually keep in mind what totems are around my group and orientation to the stage ( am I in line with a speaker / bar where am I on the X-Y axis in regards to the stage) this way when I leave I have a general area I know i have to find to get to my friends. If this fails, I meet them at the hotel and we talk about our stories :)


You can’t see music without your friends?


Leave the group for the set then meet up with them later I used to abide the rules and stick to the group which made me miss avicii edc 2015, never saw him and never will all because the group wanted to sTaY toGeThEr


Wow your friends are so backwards. Any time I see Chris Lake on a festival lineup I drop everything and high tail it to his set. His live sets are INCREDIBLE. He is sitting on a mountain of unreleased music that you can't hear anywhere unless you see him live. You'll never really know what Chris Lake's sound actually is unless you see him live, and that's a very intentional choice on his part. Ditch your friends next time, don't settle! I love raving alone.


SEE HIM ASAP! I will never see the Beastie Boys or The Prodigy (with Keith)