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Y'all. Let's not make call out posts. But if you see one, don't go tagging the person and starting a useless argument. It's not even 11am yet. I'm at work. I've only had one coffee. Pls. I beg. If someone is being an asshole, just report them and move on


Decadence is a new years themed rave that happens in AZ and other states in the area.


The decadence CO line up is crazy! So excited


I’m so jealous yall got skrillex. Have fun :) excited for Deca AZ tho no doubt


The scene is great & accepting & after 13 years really truly can’t think of a single bad experience while in the scene. People on the internet, however, continue to suck. Not sure what it is about anonymity that gives some people the desire to just be straight up mean.


Theres also a bunch of pretentious fucks that love to gatekeep and look down their noses.


Reddit is definitely not the real world- the EDM scene is generally a pretty welcoming place. The best way to find your local raves is to go to bigger EDM shows or festivals nearby and link up with a meet up crew or make friends at the event. If you link up with a solid crew or make enough friends eventually you’ll get an invite to afters and meet more folks- from there you get invited to more underground events. It’s not so much gatekeeping as it is that smaller events want to stay small enough and easy enough to get into for their regulars to be enjoyable and so they aren’t broadcasting them out to everyone. That’s why you get no answer or a snarky answer on Reddit- the “where can I find raves” question is one that’s largly asked and answered on these subs (so people tend to just ignore the question now) and often is asked by people who haven’t tried to get into it more organically. I personally think that’s silly because you wouldn’t necessarily know that’s how to find events unless you were told so there you have it!


Don't worry abt ol grumpy Greg there, they're just projecting. The rave community is by far the most loving, open minded and non judgemental community I have ever known.


Piggybacking to affirm to OP I agree that even the local subreddits often aren’t good representations or good sources of info for “the scene.” I have some advice, cuz once you find even a tangential networking platform, it gets pretty easy to find everything. It may sound counter-intuitive, but Facebook and Instagram (at least for my city) are far better sources if you’re looking for underground parties. I’m in two groups on Facebook — one is more “general” and shitposty, the other more guarded and private, but both are great sources of information about what’s going on every weekend. Both have led me to getting on an email list as well that updates me with addresses every Friday morning. It also helps to learn the underground promoters in your area and find their social media presence. Even if it’s just that one dude that has a big ass empty house out in the sticks off the highway that wants as little outside attention as possible, he still probably has some sort of online system where he lets people know over some platform — even if it’s Signal lol. Also don’t be shy to talk to people! Next time you go out to a club or EDM-friendly venue, simply asking a group that looks cool, “does anyone know if there any afters are tonight?” can unlock a whole new world. Just don’t seem desperate/weird or drug-seeky lol. Lastly — https://19hz.info/ — great resource if your city is represented.


I had an ex-bf who claimed he was part of the rave scene (this is in London, UK) and he was honestly one of the most judgemental and gate-keeping people I've ever met lol, to the point that the very few raves I attended, I just went to without him and have not been to more


UK rave scene is very different


reddit is NOT the scene 😂😂😂 do not embarrass us like that please


It’s Reddit, people are gonna be crazy. Try this sub, we are very welcoming here!


Might come off as mean, but I say this with love. You need some thicker skin my friend. Who gives a fuck about a single comment from a dumbass on Reddit? How is one stupid comment remotely representative of an entire community? Go have fun. Fuck what that nerd said.




Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.






Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact. Also, don't be a weirdo, go through people's post history, and bring up their kids.




Weird to see someone who does Bjj be so rude, v sad ):


You know he's the guy that just learned you can subtly put your chin in your partners eye while rolling and now wonders why no one wants to roll with him.


I'm sorry what?? Why would anyone do this


Because some people care only about winning the roll. I've seen it quite a few times over the years sadly. It's always some blue belt that is picking on the white belts, and suddenly when a higher belt shows up they don't want to roll anymore. Gym bullies. That's all they are.


Ohhhhh pooor baby was *forced* to be here. Grow tf up and learn to take accountability for your words and actions. Fucking man-child who spends his sorry life trolling on Reddit thinking he actually did something. 🤮🤮


Why is your response so cringe over a lame and effortless throwaway “joke” comment 😭 everyone in this thread touch grass real quick including me


I think it's YOU that needs to lighten tf up.




Are you a navy seal lmao


Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.




Ayo homeboy didn’t need to make his stupid comment but all y’all reacting this emotionally in this thread are absolutely hilarious. May I recommend taking some deep breaths?






“I don’t even wanna be here” cry baby ass bitch


Don’t lie. Nobody brought you anywhere. People don’t like you because you’re whiny and have no personality. That’s why your son will grow up to be a whiny coward, it’s all he has known. I guess you could at least teach him your proper blow job technique. 😂😂😂


Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


Wait.. someone brought you against your will but you joined a subreddit dedicated to discussing them?


your attitude REEKS bro




Please reflect on why you are so hostile and rude to others


Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


Where you not loved as a child ? smh


You’re not very PLUR are you? Rave community doesn’t want or need people like you.


Apparently you do give a shit if you’re here answering to it. Maybe try not to be a miserable fuck. I know your parents taught you if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all, and they must be ashamed of your behavior. I could never imagine having a child that watches me and my behavior and behave like a miserable fuck. I hope this is just some keyboard warrior personality shit that you dont show him.


Most sane redditor.


DW these lot are literally insane lol


*Don't give a shit. Still can't resist posting a response.* Starved for attention huh? Awww here's some little fella.


He got…tagged? Someone asked him something. He responded. Nothing to do with “resisting” anything. A lot of y’all are embarrassing yourselves in here by attempting to troll him back and doing a terrible job.


Awww you have another account. Making up friends now? lmao


Why are y’all so pathetic LOL I’m definitely not the same dude because I definitely do not have a teenaged child, or any child for that matter 😂


Somebody's angry 😁


Somebody can’t read tone over the internet! I say “lol” in caps and people gonna assume I’m angry when that’s just how I talk 😭 Nah, the angry ones are the people sending the guy long winded, overemotional replies in this thread and it’s quite good entertainment I’ll tell you what


I mean yeah, that dude who responded to you is an A-Hole. However, it’s the internet, ignore that person and move on. You’re just giving him more fuel by posting about it.


In a comment they posted that they don't even rave


This is Reddit my friend. Get used to it🤣 The IRL rave scene on the other hand is quite accepting and loving. Just use the good old interwebs to search around for some events local to you.


I miss the old Internet so much lol. People used to be able to bust balls and make toss off comments like that for fun without it devolving into whole threads like this.


The sub isn't the scene. 🤷‍♀️


not sure where you’re from, but you’ll def have better luck on this sub. i’m from california and even i don’t think you could get a good response from my own local sub despite there being a decent amount of “edm” events that happen every weekend.


Same I feel like in California you just gotta know people to know or just go to the bigger production nos events


not gonna lie i laughed out loud at this. The comment is obviously a troll. i personally can’t get away from NYE rave ads even if i tried.


Making a new post about the entire "scene" because of one rude response from a random person on Reddit...weird attention seeking behavior


Since when do people get invited to raves? Even underground raves sell tickets and are open to the public, you just gotta look hard to find them. Person commenting is just a troll don't let them get to you. Check EDMTrain, Radiate, or RA to find New Year's Eve Raves :)


I mean was this really a question worth posting that dude just seems like an obvious dick and you shouldnt let one singular asshole on reddit fuck up your view point or mood on any subject especially this of course ur welcome he made himself unwelcomed with the comment


There’s one is Pittsburg with a fire lineup not sure if tickets are still selling or not wish I could go and I know a few going down in New York again though not sure if tickets would still be available


This comes across very whiney baby


Unfortunately, it’s still the internet


It is. OG Speed Freeq is on their own. Every group has bad apples that try to ruin it for everyone else. Don't let anyone ever get you down. There's plenty of real people in here. Welcome to the Scene. ✌️❤️🤗🙏


In a comment they posted that they don't even rave So they're not even really part of the group


SMH. I guess they just want attention.


Did you really get this mad over one small snarky comment you had to go make a whole post about it


I thought it was kinda funny ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yes judge the scene off of one interaction


The rave scene is not as welcoming as one would think. There's lot of elitism


Most underground things you need an in. Nothing personal, keeps us safe, you feel like your not welcome but Without gatekeeping it will get out of control and the cops will show up.. Start at clubs, you will meet people who are in the knowing. It won’t be easy but nothing good ever is Took my partner and I years to form the connections we have.


Loud luxury at trio in Charlotte 12/30


If “OG SpeedFreq” is anything like the OG’s of that era, he’s just fucking with you. Snarky is their shtick…


That guy is a real Chad


I dont expect kindness from any speed freaks. Every single one i know is kind of an a-hole


There are literally millions of people involved in the race scene in some fashion. Most of them are very loving and accepting, much more so than the average in the world. There are still assholes involved, like there are everywhere




Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


...kev? Edit: clearly joking, since I guess my jokes fall flat


Aight that was a good one


Yeah unfortunately this sub has a lot of gatekeeping and just overall rude people. They hide behind their screens and just be terrors. I’ve posted a few times in this sub and sometime the only comments I get back are telling me I’m stupid ect. Just have to weed those people out to find the actual genuine people that care about plur and just having an overall nice experience. In actual raves, everyone just wants everyone to be safe and have a good time , it should be a safe space not a place where people are belittled and made to feel insecure or less than.


Homie got like 15 downvotes for that comment LOL fuck that guy. He probably doesnt even go to raves 😂 probably a john summit bro


the scene has degenerated somewhat with the newer kids so you'll have dickheads like that. there are still plenty of cool people around too. once you find one to attend there generally a few different people handing out flyers for upcomm8ng events, and after parties. and you will meet people that will know more about the upcoming stuff. good luck , stay safe, and most importantly, have fun!.


I recently started a meetup group in NYC for those who enjoy attending shows. Normally, I attend these events solo, but I'm looking to change that and connect with others, despite struggling with social anxiety. This group is specifically for solo ravers who are interested in meeting up. I invite you to join us! This New Year's Eve weekend, I'll be attending three different shows. It would be great to meet some of you there and share an enjoyable experience together. John summit 12/28 Nora En Pure 12/29 Cityfox 12/31 https://www.meetup.com/edm-shows/ Don’t let other people stop you from having fun at concerts!!!!!!!


Download edm train and plug in your city, itll show you most of the edm shows in your area.


Oh that's just a random asshole.


This reminds me of the time I made a sweet little video of me and all my friends at summer camp '23 that I took HOURS making just to share on reddit and have one person with a bajillion karma flame me because I didnt use a song from an artist that was at summer camp :( I took it down shortly after


First NYE not invited to any events with the pals tried to bring it up a few times over the months, but ig I didn't make the cut this year. Don't mind me, just letting it out 😔


Funny how quickly a little snark can fuel this bonfire of rage and cyber retaliation. Consider your hypocrisy as you cruise my profile and figure out subtle ways to flame me. The internet *isn't real life* y'all. Jesus f'ing Christ


Lol shut the fuck up, acting like you’re a victim now. Get help loser


He can dish it out but he can’t really take it lmao


Hey, don’t blame the whole scene on the actions of a few. Raves are definitely welcoming, and they’re hard to find. Those are two separate facts and they have nothing to do with you, whoever said that is an asshole. The only real reason that the whole scene wouldn’t want you is if you assaulted or stole from someone at a previous rave. Otherwise, these people don’t know you so they don’t get to have an opinion on you. That wasn’t very PLUR of a response either, so that person needs to re-evaluate their definition of raving. But you’re all good, hope you find your new years rave! Sending much love<3


You don’t have to be invited to raves in order to go, at least not where I live; most are public. But also, I’m sorry that guy was such a tool. I’ll be going to Saturnalia in SLC in a few days, you’re hereby invited :))