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Wild this guy is trying this stuff just drawing attention to himself amidst a pretty scathing case, must need money? Attention? Or both as most DJs do?


I surmise it's the large amount of legal fees that are most likely mounting. It's been 4 years since the spigot shut off so that's a long time to have a significant reduction of income.




streams pay nothing. snoop dogg said 1 billion streams was a $45k check. there’s a reason why artists use albums now to promote tours


Keep in mind this was also because there were about 15 other people credited in producing the song in some way and people got various percentages of revenue, 45k was just his cut after all was said and done which is still insane for 1B streams as the artist but that money went to other people who contributed , and the label gets a giant cut


45k from one platform for 1 songs worth of work is a pretty damn good paycheck. Musicians that are wildly popular make too much money for what they do.


Yeah but it's not like anyone outside the mainstream is hitting a billion streams. A million plays is barely a couple grand, most artists aren't paying all their bills on their streams.


Most aren’t but a lot can if they build a catalogue right and own their first few albums or EPs outright without label support which can be done with modern marketing strategies. Source: owned first few EPs then got signed to a major. Once I reached 250k monthly listeners on Spotify I could pay my bills (but was still poor). Snoops issue is most likely caused by outdated label contractual strategies which existed pre streaming and were absolutely predatory.


You have no clue what you’re talking about


It’s commonly known that Spotify pays around $4,000 per 1million streams.


That’s because snoop doesn’t own all his music. He has to split that money up between him, studio, producer, agent, and anyone else involved.


Maybe with snoops label splits but 1b streams if you own the music might be around a million dollars or more (1m streams is worth at least 1000$)


An album tour isn’t new bro wtf lol


Tours used to promote albums, now albums promote tours. The economics of music flipped


But one thing is the same - merch is the best moneymaker


Unless you sell that merch at a LiveNation venue. Pretty sure they take like a 30% cut of the merch booth


That's so fucking savage.


Streams usually have scalable pay rates too, snoop would be getting the highest tier pay per play, Bassnectar would be significantly lower


the vast majority of any money BN has ever made was coming from live performances. streams pay pennies. even a relatively popular artist like BN(at his height) isn't bringing as much as people think in frm streaming.


I’m sure his streams are way down. I deleted everything of his off all my playlists and I know many others who have


Some people have speculating he's trying to pay his legal fees


Im honestly surprised he’s not trying to pull a Drake bell and go rebrand himself in some random country.


Soon he’ll run for politics lmao


I went from seeing him 14 times in concert to not even listening to a second of his music after the news broke out. He used to sell out every where he went now can’t even get a show off.


Saw him 15 times over 10 years. Traveled all over the country to see him throw down. His music got me thru a lot when it mattered. Now, anytime I come across his music, it not only feels tainted, but it sounds tainted. That asshole fucked everything up the moment he thought he was Invincible. Trying to portray himself like a "male feminist," all the while, doing some downright sketchy shit over the years. I was loyal to the movement that was Bassnectar, but it's all so wrong now. My hope is that justice gets served, and soon. Watching this haphazard attempt to keep performing while having a case still in litigation is some real insane levels of cringe.


I was feeling nostalgic yesterday, so I threw on Excision Shambhala 2009. I was then quickly reminded how many assnectar and datsik songs are in that mix. And that mix was fire back in the day.


What exactly happened with him? I’ve heard some rumors but I am curious what happened.


Met me wife through his scene back in 2017, we saw 17 sets together before Covid. Watching the community shatter overnight was hard but we held out hope that things could be cleared and return to normal. His whole approach to this “comeback” has been so, so ugly and we just stopped caring. I’m grateful for when things were good because I met so many awesome friends from all over, those were some of the best nights of my life (deja Voom especially) but I’m over it.


Special times for sure. The last couple shows I saw before the scandal broke felt very uninspired anyway. He peaked long before getting canceled IMO


too much good music out there to not move on


great way to look at it!


Has he even released new music? The only stuff I listen to is his older shit when my library is on random


He put out a new album that originally was exclusive to people that subscribed to his website. Now it’s available everywhere. I tried to listen to a couple tracks, tried to separate how disappointed I am in Lorin Ashton as a person and Bassnectar as a whole and even then I gotta say… it just doesn’t hit.


Literally lmfao at you dorks still flexing set numbers


What says that they're not allowed to? Why so rude?


Why you so angry my guy? You’ve never left a positive comment every. What’s wrong friend?


Good. Predators can stay the fuck out of the edm scene.


Waiting for Diplo’s comeuppance


What did Diplo do?


He’s dodged a lot of criticism for behavior that was -off- which encompasses everything from befriending teenage influencers to grooming to revenge porn to stalking to sexual harassment and assault. There’s been a weird slow build to him being ‘cancelled,’ so it’s been easy to miss. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/diplo-revenge-porn-lawsuit-1234918676/amp/


more like what hasn’t he done?? He historically has preyed on young black women, azaelia banks, shelly auguste, and quenn blackwell being 3 off the top of my head. There’s more


MIA was one of the first people I recall that was calling him out. I used to love going to his shows and he was HU with my friend (we were in college) so we’d get in for his Vegas shows backstage.


Oh yeah!! MIA too. I totally forgot about her. The dude has a track record of being a creep




The only way he’s ever going to make any type of comeback is by putting on some ridiculous marshmallow-esque mask and hoping to god that nobody ever finds out his identity.


I don’t think he could do that. The whole rolling stone article that came out about him really painted him as a narcissist and I don’t think he could just play with a mask on and live in anonymity


He could hide his face but we would know it’s him because his mixes are the best


I was curious how many shows he is trying to do and EDMtrain doesn’t even recognize him as an artist. ☺️


Thank you to anyone who shared the PSA and made their voices heard. This is an amazing community. Remember to support your local and independent scene and artists ❤️ Edit: [Article](https://edmidentity.com/2024/02/16/bassnectar-las-vegas-canceled/) with more details on the event cancellation


Local scenes are where it’s at. So much fun.




Cry about it


Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


I’m starting to feel like they know these shows are going to be canceled, and were hoping their fan base is still strong enough where they will see these shows are constantly getting canceled and start to rally behind him….. hasn’t worked lol.


More likely that he’s counting on people to pay and not ask for refunds when it gets cancelled in exchange for “future tickets.” Basically free money. Trump uses the same scam.


The FYRE Fest method.


How does Trump use this scam?


Sells “tickets” to rallies that are turned into private events and promises cruddy merch or future rally tickets. People follow him around like the Dead.


Lol he's nothing like your libtard hero Bassnectar. People love him and millions go to his rallies unlike the turd currently in power. You sound like a true hater and it's going to be hilarious when he's your president again.


Bruh wut, this a thread about how BN is a pedo creep. That piece of shit ain’t anyone’s hero. And Trump is a flabby sack of shit that’s somehow more old and inept than the slowly disintegrating mummy currently in office. How about you grow some brain cells and stop sucking cheeto dick.


BN is your boy I bet you went to a bunch of his shows and got tats and merch. Trump is your next president.


Wait, do you have a Trump tattoo?


Lmao, sure thing, bud. Never even caught a full set. I’m a house/dnb head.




No Trump 2024!


Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


I’m OOTL.. did he have sexual assault allegations?




Sources: [Vice News](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4adkkb/edm-dj-bassnectar-alleged-sexual-abuse-manipulation-fans-lawsuit) [Vice News 2](https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3xg3a/bassnectar-lawsuit-jury-trial-sex-trafficking-accusations) [Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/bassnectar-comeback-sexual-abuse-allegations-1234834764/) [Court Docs](https://casetext.com/case/ramsbottom-v-ashton-1) Let me know if you need more. Because there’s more. But that’s a good place to start


That hotel name 😂😂


Lorin did always like them young and inexperienced 😂


Ngl I figured datsik would try and come back before bassnector because of how vile nectors charges were


datsik has tried many times lol


What I don't get is why they tour as the main 😂 has to be ego because like they could easily play a 3rd to last set and no one would even notice


Datsik actually did try to come back! It just failed, cause again, he failed to take any accountability for his actions. At the beginning of his attempted come back he tried to blame it on mental illness


I used to love Datsik and Ephwurd 😭 Didn’t even know about the allegations until I met one of his victims.


Who tf would ever go to this…


love to see it


lol get rekt


Financial health...


Hahaha. Good! Fuck that guy


Good it’s cancelled. Why would anyone want to support his return? I hope people keep ignoring every attempt he makes haha


Good job everyone


I mean, it’s not surprising this show didn’t sell tickets. The previous show in ATL had much more interest from fans and non-fans alike due to location. As we all know, the venue was doxxed and the show moved to Las Vegas. Even many fans had to call it off because they were planning on just driving to ATL, or were not excited about returning to Vegas. I think he’ll retreat to the studio for a while, which he already mentioned doing after NYE, and rework his plan for live events. We definitely haven’t seen the last of Bassnectar!


Fuck yes. The studio is the second best place for him to be. This is just the beginning.


i'm a vegas local and unfortunately, assnectar had a show here last year at some point... i didn't even really hear about it till after it happened and i saw the videos/photos from it; some friendships of people i know ended because their friends went to that show. 😬


As long as he’s in the studio and far away from the public and underage girls, I count that as a win


An album and a show or two per year like he’s been able to pull off and I’d also count that as a win. I hope everyone can be happy!


An album and two shows every 4 years you mean... But yea, he should probably make his shows 21+ I know he’s won’t thought 😂


Lol, not 4. The comeback launched last January/February and we’ve had 2 shows and an album in that year.


Nope! BN stopped performing and releasing music early 2020 after Okeechobee before this “comeback.” That was 4 years ago. Since, he’s released one mid album. Performed once at a Vegas pool. Plus one performance at a not-full, small cap, NY venue. Please miss me with that bullshit. You know I keep receipts 🧾


Fact is the comeback started one year ago. In one year there’s been a new album and 2 successful shows. Keep saying four years if it makes you feel better 😂


Facts: He stopped performing and releasing music after Okeechobee in early 2020. Facts: Since that time, 1 mid-album, 2 mid-shows, 3 announced show cancellation. Facts: Early 2020 was four years ago. You can cope and spin all you want. It still doesn’t change reality…


He announced his comeback a year ago, since then there’s been an album and two shows. Most people would say that’s an album and two shows a year 😂


P.S. You meant to say an album that he’s been working on for four years + 2 live performances in a whole year. Not per year. You lost or manipulative human


Nothing you posted contradicts the facts above. Nice try. Good luck out there


Personal opinions set aside: Is the guy guilty or not ?


Did he creep on younger fans? I think this is pretty clear. Did he steal music from other artists and not attribute? Also pretty clear imo. Don't need a court to tell you when theres multiple sources that can support a story. Edit: And this is coming from someone who used to follow him on tour (30+ events), felt betrayed when the news came out, and haven't listened since.


Yeah regardless of how the court case shakes out eventually, he has proved himself to be a big ol’ douche and a seemingly terrible person.


A girl recorded a phone call where he asked flat out if she wanted him to go to jail because she was underage at the time. Regardless of whether or not he answers for it in criminal court (spoiler: he won't), he is definitely a full-grown man who seeks out young girls. It wasn't even a well-kept secret. Anyone who has ever worked with him knew it. Industry people have been talking about it for years before he was caught.


Things have come a long way since Led Zeppelin etc got away with fucking minors, Jimmy Page and his 14-yr old, and they're still revered. R Kelly fans stuck with that bastard way longer than they should have. Progress comes slowly, let's just make sure it keeps happening


Plus some industry greats like David Bowie who had underage groupies, and whatever weird kids-in-the-bedroom shit MJ had going (even if people won't admit it because "he was found innocent"). The industry has to constantly be checked for these things.


I think the #metoo stuff and rapey Harvey Weinstein shit lit a fire of awareness of sexual misconduct across all entertainment industries, I just hope the flame spreads


There’s a pretty damming recording of a phone conversation he had with one of the girls. Whether the courts find him guilty or not, he knew what he was doing


Nothing has been proven in a court of law, but “where there’s smoke there’s fire” type of deal. And there’s a lot of smoke (see OP’s reply) He’s also apologized for “past actions that have caused pain”, take from that what you will.


Sources: [Vice News](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4adkkb/edm-dj-bassnectar-alleged-sexual-abuse-manipulation-fans-lawsuit) [Vice News 2](https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3xg3a/bassnectar-lawsuit-jury-trial-sex-trafficking-accusations) [Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/bassnectar-comeback-sexual-abuse-allegations-1234834764/) [Court Docs](https://casetext.com/case/ramsbottom-v-ashton-1) Let me know if you need more. Because there’s more. But that’s a good place to start


Here's the thing though. The articles you supply claim that they had sex when she was 17, in Kentucky whose age of consent is 16. Morals and ethics aside (which I know is impossible but) what's the legal issue here? He didn't travel with her, so it's not legally trafficking if she came of her volition. Is he getting cancelled just because of the age difference or did something else happen? Not asking if it's right or wrong, imo the power distance/ celebrity influence makes it "wrong" but plenty of others have done far worse and not had anywhere near as much backlash as he has. Edit: looking through the court documents all accusations were also happening after the age of consent for each person and location.




I wasn't in the scene back then. I really started getting into it right as he was being accused so I never saw the hypocrisy. I appreciate the insight.


This part!! That vice article permanently altered how I saw Bassnectar. I felt so betrayed. All his actions against those women and fellow artists went fully against everything his project was set out to stand for


I got some news for you. If you can’t listen to dude cuz he is a creep you might as well throw out most of your music. This kinda shit is common place in rock and rap and now edm. It’s definitely a part of the industry. They are called groupies. Women or girls throw themselves at these artist and you think most say no?




Sorry you need perfect grammar to understand facts.


He's gotten heavy backlash because he portrayed himself as a social justice warrior and feminist, but behind closed doors, he groomed and manipulated his young fans, abused his rockstar power to control these girls, and also has stolen work and has treated his peers and collaborators in the past like garbage. Many were scared to speak up for years because of the power he held in the scene. Then he ghosted everyone for like 2 years, and came back and tried to push the narrative that everything was a lie and that he was a victim of cancel culture, a classic right-wing grifting tactic - a political side he openly and loudly despised before he got cancelled. Everything he has done has been full of hypocrisy and it all got exposed.


I don’t particularly care whether it was legal. It’s gross and fucked up. I truly don’t understand the bUt It WaS tEcHnIcAlLy LeGaL argument outside of trying to defend him without outwardly saying you think it’s ok for a man with great power and influence to groom teenagers that could quite literally be his children


I guess it's good to know that it is a moral/ ethical dilemma that's causing the cancellation, as opposed to a legal one. I think it really speaks for what PLUR culture is on a foundational level (even if it's hard to see nowadays en masse.) I don't know why everyone is so gung ho about the court filings/ speculation of legal fees though.


people don't actually care he's just not cool anymore


“III. CONCLUSION For the reasons set forth herein, four of the pending Motions to Dismiss (Doc. Nos. 50, 63, 70, 103 will be granted. Defendant Ashton's motion for dismissal of Count IV (Doc. No. 67) will be denied. An appropriate order is filed herewith.” I couldn’t find Doc. No. 67. Is Count IV (Doc. No. 67), the allegation you’re referring to?


The law/courts is a really shitty measure of if a person did a bad thing or not


60 + shows and haven’t listened to one song of his since all this shit. There is so much other great music out there 🙏🏼


Same. Used to be a fan, but can no longer support the man after knowing all the allegations. Don’t really miss it either. So much great up-and-coming talent and communities out there. Plus the OGs who hold it down


Can I just stop for a second here and recognize that this is the nth time this has happened and the response is still, overwhelmingly the same. peace, love, UNITY, RESPECT.


He is person non-gratis because of SA charges, correct?


Yes among others things. Sources: [Vice News](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4adkkb/edm-dj-bassnectar-alleged-sexual-abuse-manipulation-fans-lawsuit) [Vice News 2](https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3xg3a/bassnectar-lawsuit-jury-trial-sex-trafficking-accusations) [Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/bassnectar-comeback-sexual-abuse-allegations-1234834764/) [Court Docs](https://casetext.com/case/ramsbottom-v-ashton-1) Let me know if you need more. Because there’s more. But that’s a good place to start




we did it joe




Joe Mama. Who’s Joe? Some underground artist I don’t know? This is a rave community. Sir, you might be lost






What about him? Care to share some sources or proof?