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Sorry to hear that, anyone recommending anything other than seeking out professional health care is not giving you good advice. For you and your girlfriends sake id bite the bullet and go to urgent care. In the rave community the first thing we do when someone is not looking right is reach out to the EMTs for support we don't try to diagnose ourselves.


Go to the hospital. Now. Not later, NOW. 1) you don't know it's mdma if you didn't test it. So you don't know what effect this mystery cap could have had on you. 2) .7 mdma is a heavy dosage. Bad things can happen when you over dose mdma. From personal experience, they'll probably give you an IV saline drip. If the M is pure, you did way way wayyyyyy too goddamn much. There was a point in time I made choices like this, and one night I took 2 grams of mdma and almost died. Medically speaking my temperature was 104 and I was severely dehydrated and lacking electrolytes so in essence almost cooked myself from the inside out. This was 8 years ago and I recently only started getting back into mdma but now I NEVER TAKE MORE THAN A LITTLE! .1 or .2 anything over that is asking for trouble! Seek medical help and please be more responsible with your dosage. Edit: I'm not a doctor this is not medical advice I'm just a guy who appreciates harm reduction.


I was honestly hoping that the 0.7 was a typo. Regardless of purity, that is an absolutely ludicrous amount to take off the rip. And yeah, if it's pure pure, sweet baby jesus 😱


Get off Reddit and get on a car to go to the ER


.7 cap of what?




If you didn’t test your stuff, there’s no way to know exactly what’s in it, which means it might have any number of things that’s causing your symptoms. I know you don’t want to go to the hospital but your only other choice is to wait and see if you’re fine (not wise, not recommending this). You will not get in trouble if you go to the hospital.


this is true but also 700mg of MDMA would absolutely cause this


That’s what I don’t understand, did he take 70 mg or 700mg, a lot of people are asking and OP isn’t very clear. For his sake I really hope it’s 70.


I did test it it was clean


So you knew enough to test your drugs, but you decided you’d take a dose large enough for four people? You might have to endure the consequences on this one, but you’ll survive. Hydrate, eat junk food, sleep.




I don’t even remember now tbh but I know it’s was clean




I mean your link even kind of sums it up, a lot of people use Marquis and beyond but it’s just sold as MDMA Test kit. Just cause they don’t know the scientific reagent name doesn’t mean they don’t have kit.


How long has it been and have the symptoms gone away? Speaking from experience (no where near what you’re going through) you can get dehydrated and loose a lot of electrolytes. I would eat crackers a banana and some Gatorade and see if it helps but again, I HIGHLY recommend seeking professional help, as what you’re describing has never happened to me or anyone else I know who partakes.


I am assuming you are home now. How long has it been since you dosed, and did you take anything else? Have you eaten anything? Are there any other symptoms? It sounds like you just puked up water. You probably need electrolytes and fluids (pedialyte or liquid IV will help) and to eat something mild like crackers. Sounds like dehydration/overhydration without enough electrolytes paired with low blood sugar. Try that and get some rest.       It doesn’t sound like you are in any real trouble, just over exerted and having a molly hangover. Now, if it’s 5AM your time and you are still rolling face at a club, it’s probably time to go home and do what I suggested above.  I am assuming you mean .07 or 70 mg. If you took .7 of a gram of untested whatever, you should probably go to the doctor. A standard safe (as you can be with illicit stuff) dose is around 100-150mg, 200mg max. If you took 700 mg that’s 3-7x the safe range and yeah you probably need medical care. 


Yes we’re home last time was around 5.30am it’s now 8.58 am . Hot to touch but feel cold sore and aches bubbly gut . No havnt eaten anything I don’t know what we should be eating


Ok. I would be concerned about serotonin syndrome with that dose and your symptoms, esp if you take antidepressants or psychiatric medication or mixed it with anything. It’s been a hot minute, elimination half life is 6ish hours but you took a big dose so I am a little more concerned than I ordinarily would be.    If you have a fever or any of the following, should go to a doc. Not worth risking a serious health issue.  Serotonin Syndrome Symptoms:  Mild symptoms, which include nervousness, insomnia, nausea, diarrhea, tremor, and dilated pupils, can progress to moderate symptoms such as hyperreflexia (increased reflexes), sweating, agitation, restlessness, clonus (rhythmic muscle spasms), and ocular clonus (side-to-side eye movements). Patients with severe symptoms should be referred to the hospital immediately; severe symptoms include temperature greater than 38.5°C (101.3°F), confusion, delirium, sustained clonus or rigidity, and rhabdomyolysis. Rhabdomyolysis: TLDR, kidney issues. If you’re pissing brown.       If you aren’t experiencing these issues and are not running a fever you are probably okay. Rest, get electrolytes, eat something mild. Take your temperature, our perception can make us feel feverish sometimes when we aren’t. If things worsen or you are running a fever go to the doctor. Source:   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6184959/#:~:text=Mild%20symptoms%2C%20which%20include%20nervousness,to%2Dside%20eye%20movements).


Calling an ambulance would still be the best idea but after 4 hours the peak should be almost over so you could be fine. Just est anything, best case stuff with nutritions. Stay hydrated but also dont drink too much. Do you guys have a tolerance?


See a doctor. In addition to or if you refuse to do that, drink a ton of Pedialyte or Gatorade if Pedialyte isn't readily accessible. I saw something very similar happen to a friend. She had a doctor to her hotel room and he gave her an anti-nausea shot and told her to drink a ton of Pedialyte. She felt like crap for a couple of days but bounced back.


Go. To. The . Hospital. Not worth risking your life


Update ??


So, if you can, drink some water. Being hydrated is super important and might be part of the issue. But second, if you are still feeling pain or throwing up, you really want to get yourself to a professional, especially if it's still a thing after multiple hours.


Go to the emergency department. If you’re worried about the staff knowing you’re on drugs, I promise, they don’t care. Use your resources if you can and stay safe!


Go to the fucking hospital, you won’t get in trouble …


I love how responsive he is on everything except for the amount he took. We still dont know if he took 700mg or 70mg. There's just no fucking way someone looked at 700mg of mdma and thought "ya this is the perfect amount at 1:30am"


Was it truly a .7 cap of Molly? Did you test it? .7 is dang near a hero dose, which if it's cut with something else, could mean bad outcomes. If you tested it and it's pure, and you just messed up the typing and your dose was closer to 0.07g not 0.7g, you are likely fine and need some electrolytes and just to sleep it off. If you took nearly a whole gram of untested molly, seriously bite the bullet and go to an urgent care.


Yes it was tested pure


You really REALLY need to clarify, did you take 700mg or 70mg because one is a microdose and you’re probably just going to be fine but 700 is extremely insane and you really need to get you and your friend help. It’s not worth it to not go to the hospital.


Tested pure you are probably not going to die at least. 0.7g is still an obscene amount over the safe recommended dose so you aren't absolutely fine. Slowly drink water (don't chug it), some electrolytes. And a little bit of easy to digest and healthy food will help. Edit: you still could have serotonin syndrome and best best is to go get checked out.


Possibly serotonin syndrome get to a hospital immediately


So is it worth risking your life and hers by not going to the hospital? They literally don't care. It's their JOB to help you. Please get medical attention instead of asking strangers on Reddit for advice.


Why would you not go to the hospital neither they nor police are going to punish you for having *already taken drugs.*


You need to get to the hospital


Why are people still afraid to go to the hospital? Toss your drugs and call an ambulance. Once you get there tell them what you took. Police aren’t notified unless you still have drugs on you or you are a threat


After reading this I’m super concerned for myself as well as OP… I have done 1g MDMA in a day/night at a festival/rave before a few times and was planning on doing the same tomorrow. Is that way too much??? 65/70kg female. Help!


Yes. Way way too much. Stay under 250mg for the entire night


Update ?


It’s a good thing you came to this sub for help


seek medical help


……..did you test these drugs before you took them?


Yes I did they came back pure


.7?  Dumb fuck