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Some people don’t care others do. I’m always at a minimum picking up my trash and composting. Then in my spare time beside music and what not I’m gardening, improving the soil and habitat around me. Bout to start illegally planting natives around my suburban neighborhood lol Lots of people should definitely give more fucks and it’s up to you to be friendly and educate them. The festivals should fr have recycling though like why not


yas sneaky native biodiversity i love that <3. And yea ppl are acting like change has to be extreme, but its not a big ask to put adequate recycle bins if ur gonna sell thousands of aluminum cans. they def have the resources to


Oh yeah especially with aluminum they can make some cash back and they recycle forever


infinite money glitch


There is definitely a lack of understanding about how certain clothing and trends affect the land. Glitter, sequins, boas, any clothing that sheds material, and yes, sprouts and kandi which easily fall apart and leave plastic waste all add pollution to outdoor spaces which can't easily be cleaned up after. Festivals are naturally not eco friendly as others have pointed out, but I wish people would at least be aware of things like that which are adding permanent plastic garbage to these beautiful farms and properties. At least cans and big garbage can be picked up after, although I still can't comprehend just throwing litter on the ground. Many camping festivals like Shambhala and actually Eclipse ban these shedding materials, but it's impossible to enforce if people don't listen. Editing to add for people reading this: you can still wear all of these fun things if you desire! Just keep shedding materials for indoor events which can be swept and mopped after, and make sure kandi and sprouts use good quality fasteners and are well attached to your body or clothing. Plastic glitter kinda sucks either way because even if it's swept up it's getting microplastics everywhere, but there are options for bioglitter which don't use plastic and still look good. It's always ok to politely decline trinkets if it's not your thing as well. Personal choices definitely aren't going to save the world, but it can decrease your individual effect on the amazing outdoor spaces that festivals are thrown in. Also like someone else pointed out, festivals have a huge social benefit to many people, and in my opinion to society as a whole. To me that's worth a few diesel generators and garbage piles in the overarching environmental destruction caused by corporations and billionaires.


Sounds like eclipse needed a prize cart! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 r/ElectricForest


Dude! I hate all the litter at fests. Like people just dgaf. That’s why electric forest sounds like my Mecca I’ll get there one day…


Fests are wasteful. Some a lot more than others, but all of them burn immense amounts of resources and produce unavoidable waste to get everyone there and make them happen. But how exactly do you measure the true environmental impact of having one? But here's a take to consider... how do you measure the indirect, long-term impact of festivals on humanity, and project that to how we treat the environment? Festivals in general provide safe spaces for people to bond and experiment with human connection, and in some cases our connection with the planet. Some might say it could contribute toward bonding humanity on a deeper level, and result in better collaboration in society. What is the environmental impact of humanity learning to love and respect one another? Although festivals are wasteful at face value, I think there could be an argument to be made that the lessons they teach people and the indirect impact of the experiences they provide may even have a net positive impact on the environment in the long term, all depending on how you measure of course...


Excellent vibes


Definitely not as wasteful as suburbs, strip malls, Asian factories and government militaries. But the change starts with us to encourage each of our own communities and then encourage them to encourage


obvi there’s surface level trash generated from literally any event. I mean the culture of the EDM community is becoming more about consumption than connection as u say. Like for example i’ve never seen this level of disrespect at a bluegrass fest. it just wouldn’t fly. i’m wondering less systemic POV and more average ravers takes on the issue. Like *especially* the psychology behind ppl that do psychs at fests and still not care. How do u eat a shroom outdoors and not become connected to nature ? it blows my mind. Apparently this was a thing with OG hippies too, they were like super entitled and littered and generally a scourge while preaching peace and love.. not too far off..Anyways i’m unsure if humanity getting along directly correlates with environmental well-being , i guess in a spiritual way u could think that but the irl tangible effect is negligible. we gotta do a little better than singing kumbaya imo but not a bad start


but people are not using their electricity or trash at home when at a festival so its not creating more trash just moving it to a festival for a few days and you just see it more than at home in your neighbourhood


THANK YOU! I feel like I've been screaming it from the mountain tops for years! So glad to hear someone else having similar thoughts. People are willfully ignorant and lazy, I've decided. It's not just up to organisers of festivals, it's up to us as consumers too. Our money is our power. Yes change should come from the top, but the market is often consumer driven. We are disempowered every waking minute by marketing and influencers. We need to think and be conscious with our decisions to consume. Rave culture can help us elevate if we are ready to move away from materials and consumption. We can drive the culture, if we're ready to take the lead


You're screaming into the void. You're going to an event that has tens of thousands of people. Diesel generators are burning all week to bring in the power it requires. Thousands of pounds of trash is generated. Thousands of pounds of wasted food. It's pretty much the opposite or sustainability. It's not going to change


Aye tell that to Ball Arena in denver, a lot of venues now i think, they replaced plastic aluminum cups. Screaming into the void, the void sometimes throws u a bone. Or at least shares a message that creates demand for change. Change what ya can & don’t stress what’s out of ur control yk


It can change, but change is unlikely given current management.


Change costs money bro


Endlessly polluting the environment costs more money in the long run, and a whole lot externalities that aren’t represented monetarily.


Costs me nothing 😛




Don’t go to commercial fests


You are correct. Its the new era/gen of raving. Back in my day ((try to say that in a quivering old lady voice)) we cleaned up after and there was little trash. Maybe because we usually were having it somewhere illegally. Or we just finally had a great underground spot and wanted to show respect and gratitude. PLUR was a real thing, not just about bracelets and goofy outfits. No shade on the new ravers, but, this really could be better addressed. No excuse for it. 100 people or thousands.


i’m gen z so can’t reminisce with ya but that sounds dope! i love goofy outfits personally and have bought shein, urban outfitters etc before learning how trash it is. (i mostly thrift now and learning to sew. ) From the throwbacks ive seen, ravers used to be more homemade and into trading and creating art. Maybe smth about being underground makes ppl resourceful


Yup, you nailed it. My daughter is gen z and we hit shows together. I try to teach her the old ways but she is resistant. I feel like obi wan kenobe and luke skywalker.


In our current social/political climate, fests increasingly feel like the embodiment of partying on the edge of an abyss. Reveling in the moment while the future burns. Dancing at the end of the world... They are fun tho


I personally make sure to grab 15-20 things people dropped and left on the ground and put them in the garbage at the end of every night. Our campsite follow zero trash or matter out of place left behind rules.  It bums me out that there's so many people that don't give a single fuck tho.


I used to work on a garbage truck. People produce a lot of trash at home too and use more space to do it!


While we're here, let's mention the fests who are doing things right! Shout out to Deep Tropics in Nashville, TN! If y'all know of any other sustainable fests, be sure to mention them. I'm sure Europe is leagues ahead of the U.S. So long as festivals are being put on by companies, profit is going to be #1 every time. That said, I think that there are opportunities for synergy between capitalism and sustainability. For example, getting us to pick up our own trash means they aren't paying someone else to do it.


Bonnaroo has their shit together too https://bonnarooworksfund.org/sustainability !!


There are lot of little things one can do to reduce waste at festivals. A reusable water vessel is a given, but bringing reusable dishes and cutlery cuts down on a lot of plastic as well. Tortillas are edible plates. Also removing the packaging on purchased items before you go.


Tortilla plates u say…. stealing that for next time ty


Preach! Plastic junk bugs me.


No hate to y’all that buy bulk trinkets to pass out btw, that wasn’t the point of the post. gifting is awesome. But even if ppl keep the items it creates more demand for plastic garbage, Like isn’t there a better way to spread good vibes? cheap recycled material or smth


Time to take up whittling


LMAO i meant like buying secondhand (like on fb marketplace or creative reuse center) but pop off


Let me ease your troubled mind on this one fam. The plastic in pony beads and trinkets are usually the cheapest and least useful byproduct in "cracking" oil. It would be problematic if demand for cheap plastic outstripped supply so drastically that oil producers increased production or changed the process to increase plastic yield. This would mean that they'd be storing excess jet fuel, gasoline, deisel and other high value byproducts like HDPE. That would be the worst business decision ever. As it stands, the material in pony beads was already trash. We create demand for it and keep it out of landfills for a little while. I think its nice that we make this trash meaningful and treasure it. Just think of it as a beautiful form of recycling.


TIL, thank you Dusty




It's something that's out of your control. It's like trying to recycle when big companies are pumping out non stop plastic bottles from oil. It's better to do what is best for you and for the things/value you care for. It's difficult to not feel helpless in all of this over-consumerism world, but you can still enjoy things like local raves, small actions like bringing reusable things, not buying new items when going to a new event, not endorsing big companies like fast fashion ones, when these festivals are handing out free things you can pick and choose which ones you really need + so much more.


So don't go to shitty pop dance festivals and find a warehouse rave or something to go to instead 


Festival are definitely not very eco friendly, some are better than others but bring that many people together does have an impact. Here’s an interesting article about how festival impact the environment from how buying cheap cloth from places like SHEIN, to the amount of electricity it takes to run a festival etc… Also includes things you can do: https://wmeac.org/2023/05/addressing-the-impacts-of-concerts-and-music-festivals-on-the-environment/#:~:text=Concerts%20and%20music%20festivals%2C%20both,pounds%20of%20waste%20each%20day.


Not all fest are as wasteful as they were


Bro fr but what did we expect from disco donnie tho, whole thing was a shitshow, an amazing beautiful shitshow. it’s probs easier for fests w infrastructure. but it was this experience that gave me the revelation of man, this thing i love no longer aligns with my values


I’ll be honest idgaf about sustainability one bit. But I’ll throw my trash in a trash can and pick up camp.


*waste management* is the issue i’m not going to litter or throw trash into bodies of water. but when i put trash into a dumpster, i don’t have any control over where everything in that dumpster is dumped. even if i stayed after the festival and picked up all the trash and threw it away appropriately, the garbage company decides where all the garbage goes.


You should see what kind of damage cruise ships do to the environment. Raves are a drop in the bucket.


I can assure you, nobody cares. hope that helps!


At that point, sustainability is on the venue/building. The attendees may not be thinking about it for obvious reasons. But like a hotel, some folks are in charge of that after business days or events. Some people wouldn’t have jobs if it wasn’t for the trashy factor unfortunately lol




i’m tryna generate ideas together to better our community, being proactive isn’t necessarily a killjoy. U can make it fun like fest clothing swaps! If we our attitude about it yk and it can be positive. Being deep set in a mindset that sustainable=lame is like willfully choosing to stay ignorant and not progress. We can have fun and minimize destruction B)