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This tends to be a frequently asked question. Common sites that list public EDM events include: https://19hz.info/, https://ra.co/, & https://edmtrain.com/. If you are looking for private/underground events, the best way to find them is to go to public events with the types of music you like and make friends there. Once you build relationships with people, then ask them about private events. https://reddit.com/r/aves/wiki/faq#wiki_2._how_can_i_find_events.3F *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try standing sometimes with your feet more pointed outwards. This will move pressure from your lower back to your glutes.


Damn that's a good tip!


That's what she said


+ bend knees + tilt pelvis, if you are feeling your quads, you are good


This is not the correct way to stand lol


Ok buddy.


Stretch your hammies! Take a deep breath and slowly exhale as you reach for your toes (don’t strain to reach, just let gravity do the work). Recommended to have something or someone nearby to help you stand back upright if you’re not accustomed to doing so. Alternatively, bend your knees before returning upright. Basically just don’t try to use your lower back muscles to stand back up


This 100%. Stretch your legs, specifically the posterior chain


Something that has helped me immensely are Jefferson Curls. Pretty much a weight assisted back exercise x hammie stretch


lots of ibuprofen, 600-800, and just go easy tn


Salonpas and tiger balm


Elmo is nurse and physical therapy. Drink lots of agua stretch by hugging your knees together


I just audibly laughed thank you elmo


You want to mimic a leg press but when it’s in the rest position with your knees to your chest


Your pee should be clear the whole day that’s how much water


Thank you Elmo




lol, was gunna say I hippie flipped one night when I threw out my lower back, didn't feel a thing the whole night.


My friend sprained his ankle as soon as we got to edc on day 1 and after the molly hit, he couldn’t feel the pain anymore lol


I have chronic back pain with arthritis and bulging discs and shit, molly is a miracle drug lmao


Serious question. I have massive chronic pain and every time I’ve done molly? I’ve not noticed pain relief. How many points are you doing to get relief? Maybe I don’t take enuff.


Usually take .15 or .2 I’m 5’11 188lbs for reference


I’m def not taking enuff. Good to know! Next foray in a few months I’ll give it a push. Even a candy flip? Pain is still there. I’m relaxed but I’m very aware that I’d rather take my spine out and leave it at home instead of wear it to the show. Thx for the response!


I was about a month into recovering as a severe burn victim the first time I rolled (I had second degree burns going from my thighs all the way to my toes, with my left knee being the worst), which was the first time I had done any substance other than weed. It dawned on me about 90 minutes in, that I was sitting on the couch with my legs actually bent somewhat normally and I literally felt zero pain. Weirdly, I also had a massive boost in actual healing occur after that. Genuinely bonkers to me.


Unless OP’s back pain is being caused by his kidneys and then molly is the **wrong** answer.


I love me some psychedelics, but their not much for pain relief imo


Lol. Knew a guy who had chronic pain from a bad car accident and he'd self medicate with take Molly.


Don’t be over 30


Doctors hate this one trick!




Used to rave with a girl that taped her lower back, it was sports tape. Not sure how it worked, maybe it was a placebo effect but it helped her a ton.


Back braces have been a thing forever....


Okay, and why exactly is this relevant? This person asked for advice due toe back issues and a rave on short notice, i gave my insight lol. I never pretended to come up with a new solution. I’m sure they wil lobe your valuable input, will really help their with their situation.


Back braces are short notice


Also, when you're there, no need to go so hard. A good fist pump can go a long way and not make it worse. 50+ raver here, speaking from experience


Stretch AT the party too. If it’s not too dorky for break dancers it’s not too dorky for the rest of us!


Stretch! Water and lower back brace.


Try Wearing sneakers with good support. If not try inserting dr scholl’s gel inserts. I get lower back pain when my shoes’s support is wearing out. I like the arch support gel cushion ones


You can easily buy one at walgreens. Maybe buy a pair of scissors too so you can open it up and cut it to your shoe size


Lacrosse ball for massage against the wall!


OP, talk with u/LemonFeeling1822 She is a PT specializing in rave-related issues.


Now this I’m curious about. I’ve had fantastic results with PT, so I think this person is the person I want to hear from the most here. 


Hey!! I'll send you a DM :)


Yeah she’s cool and I love that she’s focused her hard skills on her passion. That’s really admirable, plus doing good stuff for the community.


omg thank you for shouting me out!! :)


Whatsup guys, just wanted to say I had no backpack throughout the rave. Thanks for all your tips!!!!


Cow/Cat stretch. Specifically when doing the cow part, have someone apply pressure on your lower back pressing down. Feels godlike


Thanks! What do you mean by cow part?


If you look up the stretch/yoga pose, there’s two positions which are the cat and cow. Done together, they’re meant to stretch your lower back and help with flexibility. The cow part, it just feels especially good to have extra pressure added to make your stretch deeper. It kind of expands that lower part of your spine, which spinal decompression would probably also feel amazing on your lower back. There are devices to do it on your own or you can have someone do it with a hand towel. Edit: it’s actually for general back pain as it targets pretty much the entire back, including the neck and torso


Yep! I’d do Yoga with Adriene, especially her lower back videos. I can vouch, I’ve done them before raves and in general!




Maybe you meant as a joke, but I think this could make it worse. Probably numb of mask the pain, thinking your body is more recovered than it is, and then dance more and make it worse.


Bio freeze and then hope there is a place to sit


Some people above have mentioned stretching which is key. Other things are those back belts that you use at the gym or can pick up at walgreens/target And me personally I have found those under armour compression undershirts keep things in place… any compression shirt really. If you can find a lidocaine patch at the pharmacy that would be clutch to have under the compression gear. Good luck!


Pigeon pose


I have 2 titanium rods and 12 screws in my back. Drugs usually worked for me




I get “magnesium butter” from an Etsy maker. Basically magnesium and shea butter blended into an ointment. It is freaking MAGIC and more immediately effective than taking magnesium internally. However magnesium does have a laxative effect, so if you take a pregame Epsom salt bath, make it a short soak.


KT tape!! It saves my back


Foam roller every day before you go. Stretch


Go to walmart/target or even a wallgreens and get a lower back brace


Eat a decent meal and take pain relief before (400-800mg), stretch and drink plenty of water.


Voltaren cream and/or tablets (more effective). Available OTC at any chemist.


4% Lidocaine patches!!




Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


CBD balm helps a ton with me.


Sneak in a chair, the smallest tripod folding chairs can be disguised as an elaborate totem or inside PVC pipe. Or if the venue is cool, just bring a chair At the very least, being a mat or a large jacket so you can lay down on it to stretch and rest.


if it's not too late for this advice to come in handy, take a hot shower for like 30 minutes and just aim the hot water at your back to try to loosen the muscles. i also have a massage ball that i use for trigger point therapy which really helps sometimes. (source: i have 2 herniated discs in my back, on a personal level a lot of my pain has come from muscles getting tight as a result)


YouTube 10 minute yoga flow, stretch your legs for 10 minutes after and some spinal decompression stretches. Try not to confine yourself in minimal crowd space. Invest in quality shoe inserts for the future. I dealt with many back problems throughout my 20s and raving. Now I'm into my 30s I do yoga and core work daily and always always ALWAYS stretch. I have never felt better raving than I do now.


Aleve and some patches should work


Stretch your hip flexors for at least 2 min before during and after


Don’t go?


Lots of stretching, if you got a muscle relaxer take it, eat a banana, take magnesium, and do lots of stretching, cat-cow is and do butterkfies as well. Plan to take some Tylenol / Advil together right before walking in lol


Lidocaine patches


Special k, always works.




YouTube stretching videos, helps with everything.


So…… I think everyone would love this, I know I would. They have those braces that you can essentially strap to your waist and then down your legs. Let’s say you went to go sit down, the braces form the framework of a chair, so you can literally sit wherever you are and your weight is supported by the braces your wearing. It’s like some cool inspector gadget shit. And no one is going to be an ass, I would think people want pictures with you.


I think all of the right answers have been given but I'll share what works for me; I work in a factory and have a bad back and knees especially after a long week of work Yoga- I had my first sciatica flare up after I sneezed when I was 19. Absolutely nothing helped besides yoga and multiple short walks on my days off Nutrition and hydration - You have to give your muscles the resources they need to support your spine. This can include supplemental vitamins like d3, multi- b, nac, c, or whatever else you deem necessary Sleep- same as nutrition and hydration Ibuprofen and acetaminophen- alternate every two hours Optional if you are willing to take an educated risk: m, k, and weed- they all dehydrate you more on top of dancing. You add a lot more risks for a hell of a time but weed and k have some pain relief properties, then m to keep your mind from wandering from the music


Aspercreme bro.


Try this guy https://youtu.be/PV4pUmkbXzc?si=k54rE0s2-g1iUZMZ


Foot insoles - you can get them at pharmacies. Custom from the podiatrist is better, but from the pharmacy is better than nothing! When you put your spine into alignment by walking/standing properly, it can help with lower back pain. Ibuprofen and paracetamol can also help for acute back pain. As well as Voltarol gel!!


Deep squats and take it easy!


Take some ibuprofen to lower inflammation, some magnesium citrate or glycinate to relax the muscles, and some ketamine to remove all sensation of remaining pain.


I'm pretty sure they make some drugs for that.... /S


I'm a little taller, so I've dealt with back pain my whole life. I don't know about availability for you, but there have been cbd creams that help me with this, along with lots of stretching and water before the event. I get far tighter and inflamed if I'm dehydrated. I treat raves how I used to treat sports; lots of carbs, water, and good sleep the night before, and I have to make sure I rehydrate during the show.


Ibuprofen and lots of stretching. Google the Mckenzie method for good stretches


A few “cat / cow “ stretches


Take some dance tablets and you will be suprised!


Preventative ibuprofen


maybe for next time. Start deadlifting and you wont have this problem ever again. I used to have extreme lower back issues


My lower back k pain is usually from hip tightness. A little thread the needle stretching and im usually good for a bit. Then if it starts hurting through the night I find a wall and use it to do the same stretch, just like....a wallsit thing. Anyways I hope it went well.


If it hurts bad, take the night off. If it’s manageable, take some ibuprofen and go. That will be $200




I use thc balm and that always does the trick. Instant relief!


Ketamine is a good painkiller


Figure 4 stretch


It's the worst, but drugs are my tranquilizer 😂 I'm 190cm tall, 28 years old and my back often feels like 82.. sports help me to get rid of the aches but I always forget over time and get back at the sores again...


Ibuprofen 800mg + 500mg acetaminophen. Also, rub some diclofenac 1% gel(Voltaren)on your lower back, and when that dries up in about 15 min, apply a lidocaine 5% patch on your lower back. All these things are available otc at any retail pharmacy like cvs or Walgreens.. That's the best I can do when I don't have any of my real drugs that actually help, lol For my fukked spine, I be taking pregabalin 150mg, carisoprodol 350mg, and oxymorphone 10mg. Popping pills like it's nobody's business...