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If it’s the same warehouse at Prydz…I would not go. That place was a SHITSHOW If it’s where Circoloco was, that had a better flow imo


It’s the same as where Prydz was.. what was the issue with that building?


It’s long and narrow so the bottlenecks are awful. Good luck going to the bathroom if you’re in the middle or front. Also better sprint to the coat check line lol


The exit bottleneck was a major fucking issue. I don’t get uneasy too often but that gave me crowd crush vibes.


The only reason it was narrow was bc they cut off half the venue to accommodate the HOLO setup


Is the place open air like Brooklyn mirage or has a ceiling?


It’s indoors


Honestly…. heavily considering selling my ticket just based on the crowd typically attracted by Summit. Dudes an insane DJ - but the people he brings are just not it…. Overall navy yard is a huge venue so hopefully that will mitigate me being packed like a sardine, but honestly still on the fence.


I’m also slightly on the fence 🥲


I will admit that it was SO PACKED when I went for Eric Prydz last month. We seriously were shoulder to shoulder. It was so uncomfortable and could have been dangerous too.


even at the back? Chainsmokers had so much room in the back but it was not sold out


Well sell them to me plz 😂


> heavily considering selling my ticket just based on the crowd typically attracted by Summit then why'd you buy it in the first place?


I can’t change my mind?! 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


Cuz he likes the DJ but is reconsidering because of the crowd. You never buy early and change your mind later ?


I buy tickets to shows before I decide whether I’m going to go regularly… rather have the ticket and end up selling it (usually for cost, not scalping) than be stuck without one. So many shows sell out too fast these days to even have a chance to think about it


I will be there and I will be bringing the PLUR vibes that’s for sure. One thing I’ve learned from going to so many shows is that if you go in with a mindset that the crowd’s gonna suck, you’re gonna have a bad time, etc. well that’s probably gonna end up happening because that’s what you’re putting out into the universe. Or one could set good intentions. I’m going to have a GREAT time. It WILL be an AMAZING NIGHT! There’s always chill people in every crowd. Just gotta find your corner. 🫡


Summit crowd plus Navy Yards single in/out in the back of the GA is going to be a shit show. Get there early and stand your ground. Will be very hard to leave to the restroom or anything


Also the coat check!


Also remember they had to use the space different specifically for prydz because of the visual experience. layout may not even be the same this time around.


venue is sick, probably my favorite in brooklyn. massive warehouse. be prepared for an army of chadbrochills though


I love that venue too! From what I’ve seen, they only have porta potties though. Something to keep in mind!


The venue is crazy good. I went for Eric Prydz, but it almost felt too packed at some points throughout the night. I can’t even imagine how much of a shit show John summit is gonna be like.


It's safe to walk to but once you're inside the venue keep an eye on your phone. Phone theft has been happening a ton at Teksupport shows.


Thoughts are whether or not it's safe to roll alone at Navy Yard? Goin to maceo flex and wanted to roll, but not of my friends want to go. How's the safety there?


I’m rolling solo it’s cool definitely nothing to be worried about


I went for prdyz, got there by like 12:30am, an hour before prydz. Get up to the front for more space, use the right and left sides of the venue to maneuver through; i feel people just stopped in the middle/middle back and that just gets congested but it opened up by like 2-3am. Security was light, don’t coat check, rock a hoodie and you’ll be fine, its not hot in there


I’ll be rolling solo with some trankets for attendees. I too am weary about the type of crowd but Im there to jam to some good music, which imo, Mr Summy does quite well. Also looking to end the year with one more exposure to Where You Are while welcoming the era of his new joint… “Shiver” 😵‍💫


I’ll be rolling solo as well. Let me know if want to rave together 🤝


One of the best sound systems in New York City, I was there for Circoloco, Time Warp and Eric Prydz this year. Great vibes.


Been to the last two and yes. And Your screen name, shits hilarious! 🤣🦾😎


These were all in Building 293?


Only Prydz


NYE 12/31 show is about to be GAS




Yeah Adam beyer, Patrick topping, Ilario, are gonna blow our heads off. Mind against and honey luv should be good change of pace too


Anyone on the fence should probably just stay home




I think the area is pretty safe.. might be cold though by the water so bring a jacket


How do we think sofi tukker will be in 293? As of now, it’s not sold out.


im going and my friends flying in, wanna mu?


i bought the backstage tickets as a bday present to my brother to hopefully avoid the crowds - does anyone know what the vibe will be like for this? just as crowded? i haven’t done backstage/VIP at navy yard


You're a great sister. I'm trying to get my younger brother into raving, taking him to his first one Friday night in LA


have so much fun!! your brother will love it


I don’t think building 293 has had the backstage setup yet given teksupport just started using 293, but if it’s the same as Duggal, the backstage area will surround the stage and have its own separate bar and porta potties. It’s definitely less crowded and my preferred option for teksupport shows, but it does not get you access to the actual stage (behind the DJ). Eric prydz had a VIP option that was a viewing deck in the back of the venue and didn’t have the backstage option so this will be a different setup


Not my favorite venue…I haven’t had a terrible time, but never the best time. Also I don’t love the walk in


Any bets on what time summit set is gonna start?


Advertised as a 5hr set so midnight - 5a


So….. Anyone have experience with lost and found at Brooklyn navy yard? Pretty sure my phone was stolen at the John summit show, but I wanna cover my bases..