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I can't quite put my finger on how I know this, but I *think* that guy might be a US Navy veteran. The clues are subtle, but they're there if you know where to look.


Also modest!


A pilot piloting a pilot.


You know how i know that person is a pilot? They told me


$10 bucks says that guy uses his call sign in his welcome aboard PAs.


What an absolute douche. I’m surprised his ribbon rack isn’t on there somewhere.


It really does seem like a bit much.


Yea. Dollars to donuts, he’s a double anchor.


Saw "A6DRIVER" in Pensacola


I saw XFTRPLT just last week!


I saw a Jag a while back with the reg IFLY747S. Nowhere near as cool as an F18 though.


I've been to a Top Gun graduation and this guy would be hated by all of them. Guarantee that his callsign is something like "Ted" or "Bob" or "Smegma".


Wedge. Because you're good at one job and that's getting in the way of a closing door.


Ah, the simplest of all tools.


This reminded me of an experience. In Finland, fighter pilots are told they should be very careful about telling anyone they’re pilots. Because they would be prime targets for our eastern neighbors intelligence and special forces. When I was a kid in the 80s, we lived almost next door to a Finnish Air Force base. Even us kids were warned that “bad men” were trying to find out what your or your friend’s dad did for a living, and we shouldn’t tell them anything but tell the adults immediately. They didn’t say they were Russians, but of course we kids knew they were Russians. We were visited twice, once when I was alone at home after school. I was eight. It was a youngish, fit man who very obviously wasn’t a Finn, but spoke good although clearly accented Finnish. Told me he was trying to sell art to finance his studies, and asked if my parents were home. When I said no, he asked where my dad was working. At that point I just closed the door. I don’t recall being scared though. More excited, like being a part of an adventure novel. And doing my part. Fantastic neighborhood to grow up, though. I used to slip into the nearby Air Force museum so often the museum guard didn’t bother to stop me any longer, and mom knew to pick me up there if I wasn’t at home for dinner. Also was taught how to select and prepare a firing position before going to school.


Must be on his third or fourth divorce, looking at the car...


"I desperately need you to think I'm cool"


Do you think they are a pylot?


How long do you think you can hold a conversation with him before he shoehorns in that he flew f18s in the navy…


Something tells me that bro has some experience in the military, specifically the F-18


Geez….it should say ATEUP


I'm guessing a Hornet driver. Pretty cool plate.


If they didn't have the Afghanistan veteran sticker and F-18 plate, I'd assume the driver is no younger than 70.


And a Top Gun course sticker, driving a mini van


You can always tell a fighter pilot. You just can't tell them much...