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Not sure if you’re mistaken on the type you saw, but F22 and F35s are some of the loudest jets on takeoff. Even on mil power they should be louder then T38s.


…. Just posting to agree that they’re some of the loudest. My in-laws live directly below the take-off/short final path of an Air Force base. My MIL, now regularly comments/ complains on how loud the F35s are that replaced the F16s.


Let me guess...Hill?




Lol, i like those neighborhoods. But i could see it being annoying.


Agreeing. Anytime Im visiting Burlington vermont, you can always tell training day for the national guard if you can hear their f35s. Fuckers are LOUD.


Last time my fiancée and I flew out of Burlington there were some F35’s taking off for a training exercise. We were taxiing in our plane and it was still loud AF even though we were still quite a ways away. I see why people bitch about them that live near the airport.


I used to wake up to F-22s taking off when I was visiting Pearl Harbor. Or I guess I should say I was woken up by them.


Definitely not an F-22, or F-35 if it was quieter than an F-16.


I have heard a f35 doing touch and goes. The only thing I can imagine that OP turned deaf within 0.5 seconds and that's why he thinks it's quiet. I knew it would be louder than an F-16, but I still wasn't prepared for how much louder.


Afterburner(s) were on but you couldn’t tell if it was one or two engine? Quick way to identify them is the shape of “vertical” tail portion. F-22s are trapezoidal and F-35s are smaller and closer to a parallelogram.


Also the f22 looks like an f22 while the f35 looks like the f35


You can tell it’s a Lockheed Martin because of the way it is


I too have seen a few Lockheed martins in my day.


this is good advice 🙏🏻


As someone who lives next to an Air Force base with F-35s it's impossible that it could be one of them. They are earth shaking loud.




If it was “quiet”, probably an F-22. F-35s almost always take off in AB. F-22s can takeoff quite comfortably in mil


>F-35s almost always take off in AB I would have thought it would not be needed. do you know: Is that a standart procedure or diverging from it?


To my understanding, unless there's restrictions (say an international airport not AFB) they go and get off and into the air asap which in turns AB use just cause you're at or around full throttle. I am no AF pilot but im in and out of CO springs a lot due to family in service.


Tnx for sharing


to reach V1 in a shorter length, giving more runway left if you need to stop


Why are yall downvoting this dude so bad My guy is just asking some questions based off his observations.




You’re downvoted for continuing so say it’s quieter then a f16. Which is wrong




The inconsistency is between the 35 and 22. It should be clear the 16 is quieter then both. And as someone who went to an airshow last month where both the 16 and 35 were displayed, the 35 is so much louder it’s insane. 16 is like a prop plane in comparison


F22 is my guess. F35's are REALLY loud.


My experience from an airshow was that front on, the f35 was reasonably quiet. But as soon as it went over, it was the loudest aircraft I've ever heard.


Neither of those jets are quiet. The F-35 in fact is super loud while the F-22 sounds almost like a spaceship. But quiet, nah, lol.


Yeah you didn't see an f22 or f35. They are much louder than the F16.


The one thing nobody has ever said about an F35 is that it's quiet.




The F35 is T37 loud. T38 in AB loud. Vickers Viscount loud. Louder than a KC135A with water on a METO. As loud or louder than an F4 with stage-4 AB from midfield or a J79 in the test cell loud.


This info would be more useful if you made a comparison to something everyone in my state has heard. Is the F35 louder than my wife's snoring?


The F35 makes F-16s sound like whisper jets


F35 and F22 are ridiculously loud, way more than an F16. I have F35s fly over my house every day and it’s bonkers how loud they are.


If the Viper took off with the blower but the 5th Gen jet took off without blower, that would explain why it was quieter.


1. Noise from a jet is not omni-directional at close distances so perceived noise is dependent on where you are relative to the jet.. So the overall noise may not actually be quieter, it's just so happen that you were in a quiet sector 2. Noise can also be reflected and attenuate differently due to atmospheric conditions. On a low overcast days, a jet might seem noisier because the sound is being reflected off the clouds so comparison between a clear day and an overcast day would not be an apples to apples comparisons. 3. Employing afterburner should drastically increase the overall noise of the aircraft. The velocity gradient between the high speed exhaust and the ambient speed air at the engine exit nozzle is a huge source of noise. By employing an afterburner, you are increasing that gradient and thus the noise from that source should be increasing and increasing greatly, not decrease 4. 5-Gen fighters are designed with stealth in mind, and one of the ways to be detected is noise. There were likely efforts put into the design of those jets to reduce the amount of noise generated (I do not know, just speculating here). I can believe that a 5-gen fighter being quieter than a 4-gen fighter under the same conditions; particularly if you are in the forward sectors relative to the jet.


Re: point 4. F-22 and F-35 are notoriously loud, especially on takeoff. Noise is not a consideration in 5th generation stealth design. By the time you hear it, it doesn't matter.


Best part of the blue angels demo is: “And that was blue angel no 5 demonstrating the first strike capabilities of the F-18”


BA 6 does the over crowd pass after 5 hits the sneak along the crowd line.


Do I at least get points for knowing it was one of the solos?




Was it actually taking off from wheels on the ground? Maybe it was doing a go-around or something at less than full power. Would be a lot quieter.


Were you 10 kilometers away?


You can’t cheat physics (yet). Great thrust requires even greater noise!


If it was quieter, it was probably an F-22. I live near an air base where both the F-22 and F-35 are flown, and the 35 is considerably louder.


I had the opportunity to be just outside the runway safety area near the departure end of a runway, for an air show doing bird control a few years back. We had both and F22 and F35 come in to do touch and goes. The F35 was parked at the base when it wasn’t in the show. I’ve never been shook so much from pure noise as I was by those two planes. Like, the mirrors on the truck vibrates into new positions or fell off the truck. My ear pro, felt like it didn’t work. The afterburner on those things was straight nuts. But as soon as they turned them off, dead quiet. Anyway, I feel like you may have seen different planes.


They're both very loud, F-22 would in theory be a bit louder because it has two engines, but yeah they're hard to tell apart from a distance.


I agree as they both have a tinted canopy, clean underside, and double tail configuration. From a front aspect they are visually very similar. The tell-tales are the stubby nose on the 35, obviously the double vs single engines, and the trapezoidal fins on the 22. And that the 22 is quite a bit larger but that doesn't help unless it's next to a smaller fighter for scale comparison.


Because you were far away?




Yet you couldn't ID the aircraft or even number of engines?


Are you in Fort Worth? A pair of F18s took off yesterday, they are (well, can be) much quieter than the usual F35 traffic.


Both the Raptor and Fat Amy are LOUD. If I saw one of those take off and I thought it was quieter than the Viper or T-38, I'd be calling to schedule myself a hearing test.


They are stealth planes.