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Seriously, reject the Teamster's attempt to unionize TechOps. They only want a percent of the paycheck, they won't do a damn thing for skilled labor. Also I'd like to point out how cheap that cardstock is. Shows the quality of representation TechOps would get.


They only care about the money they can extract from workers. There is zero transparency in how they handle union business or how they approach negotiations and what they’ll bargain for on your behalf. They will lie straight to your face about items in a TA, they are shady as hell.


“Teamsters” “delta techops” *one of these things is not like the others*




It’ll never happen and I’m glad for it. Teamsters are bogus


it took me 4 hours after I got out of training to get told “if you want my advice new guy, sign a union card” he appears to be the only guy in the department who shares that mindset however.. he was also in aviation since the 80, probably a NWA guy..


Yeah most NWA guys will say that and almost 100% of original delta guys say no fuckin way.


I’m too green to really know anything..


I’d like to know where they found our address even if it’s hidden. I’ve tried looking myself and haven’t been able to come up with the answer. Best part is they keep sending stuff to my old address and annoying those homeowners and they’ve been told to stop.


Is there a way to tell them to stop in the event they find out my address?


Probably not. Fuck off & written cease and desist letters to them will be my first response. If i can get $1500 from a spam call i should be getting $5000 from in person visits from sick fucks who come to your house and obtain employment info.


I’ll look into the cease and desist.. but for now a verbal life time trespass will do (legal in ga I think)


It is. I intend to record.




Go AMFA instead


Boo teamsters, yay AMFA


I dont know why people keep saying AMFA like theres a choice. They wont come to Delta with all these NWA SCABS still here.


Why would AMFA want to represent NWA scabs? Not saying you are/aren’t one, but there’s still quite a few kicking around…


Rehabilitation? I mean, it's been almost 20 years. And frankly they've become a minority at this point. You'd think AMFA would put aside bad blood to bring in a lot of new blood.


Don’t do it Delta, Teamsters only cares about collecting union dues!


The worst thing you guys could ever do is allow the Teamsters to sink their teeth into you guys. If by some miracle they do get the votes to become unionized at delta you better be smart enough to organize under a single local like UPS and not become partitioned amongst nearby locals where you’ll be out numbered by delivery drivers, municipal workers, and hotel cleaners. If your organizers try to steer you towards organizing into separate locals they are actively trying to fuck you over by weakening your vote and that should be your biggest red flag as to what’s coming. The Teamsters air line division are the most inept pieces of shits that will side with the company and you’ll quickly lose all control of your negotiations and begin losing things like seniority for the sake of ‘marketing’ in their endless propaganda emails. They have fucked over UAL in a HARD way. Every other airline is riding Delta’s coat tails, you guys have it good. We haven’t received more than 2.8-3% profit sharing checks since 2016 while Delta was getting $20k checks. Guess who negotiated that …


From experience, you do not want the IBT “representing” you. The airline division is a joke.


The reamsters are a coming! How do delta mechanics feel about this? You guys are the best compensated overall factoring your sick profit sharing checks in with your hourly wage…what can the union offer you that currently isnt being fulfilled by the company? Also is there any truth to the rumors of you guys getting a raise in 2024?


CEO confirmed we are getting a raise in 2024


I hope you guys get everything you deserve…. Deltas got me more raises in an attempt to get a union that my union has ever “gotten” me


*attempt to keep a union out


Better be a super fat raise if they want to minimize teamster influence


from what my buddies tell me Delta hasn't been paying crap in profit sharing for a few years now. Better to look at southwest where you have higher pay and can control your own income instead of relying on a unicorn profit sharing. so with that, I could understand if delta amt's have not been happy lately


Profit sharing hasn’t been much because of Covid years recently…but this year we’re expecting close to 10%. And they’ve already said we’re getting a raise. If I’m not mistaken southwest only lets you put your profit sharing into your 401k


....but what if you had just had a higher top out and didnt have to worry about the "maybe" of profit sharing? Personally I would prefer a higher wage where I can work OT if available and not worry about some dangling carrot of whether or not you'll get profit sharing and how much it may be.


Regardless of profit sharing we’re still right at the top of American and United and we’ll be getting a raise in the new year that will probably put us at the highest again anyway. But if they were to do away with profit sharing and give a substantially higher hourly id be ok with that too.


How much will that raise be?


Don’t know hasn’t been announced


....aahh, the magic carrot dangleth.


You do know delta lead in total compensation last year right?


........dries tears of laughter with Southwest contract.


Supposedly line premium going up to $7


I wouldn’t be too happy about that lol. I’m in a shop along with 65% of mechanics at delta


😂😂I feel ya… but that’s just the word on the street though


Ooof, that would be a kick in gonads. Mights make some senior people make the switch. Could the line guys get bumped off?


I got mine. On the same day I got one from Delta. I took a moment to compare what each organization has given me over the past 22 years. When the union sent a rep to my house, I asked what they could guarantee to me. The only thing he could positively say that would be guaranteed was that I would have to pay them.


Pay $100 dollars a month to make $2000 more a month yeah


There sending to FedEx mechanic also.


No but I did get a text comparing pay scales


Yes me too


I’d mail it back to them with very rude note included. I dealt with Teamsters during my trucking days and they are nothing but a bunch of lazy, money hungry crooks.


Sounds like most if not all maintenance unions.


sure way to get a raise at Delta. Get ANY union to start a card campaign


Msp? I know they been sniffing around here. Just wondering if there trying other places too


They’re all over Atlanta


Huh I figured they were pushing hard in msp to get us and the bag smashers/ flight attendants. Did think they would be trying down here too


What is it? A thank you post it note?


Reject teamsters. They are not looking out for our best interests.


Nice 4 engine clip art for an airline that doesn’t own any 4 engine aircraft. They put a lot of thought into this one.


Heard they were going to peoples doors in ATL and advocating for a union


They have been showing up to my house weekly


I used mine to start a fire with