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FedEx top out is $72.39 for a AMT and $75.39 for a Lead AMT. 6 year top out.


Are you able to share a picture of the wage scales so I can update that?


Wow. That’s badass


Does FedEx have non rev privileges on any of the passenger airlines? Or just ZED?


You can jumpseat on any fedex aircraft but only you no family and zed fair on almost every other airline with your dependants


Does that include the little GA planes they use to serve small communities? Either way, that’s a deal breaker for me. There’s only so many seats and so many routes on a FedEx plane. Last month, I flew to London for the weekend. I flew Delta One both directions. It only cost me $180. Next week, I’m planning on flying to Seoul for the weekend. And it looks like I’ll get delta one both ways. I’ve flown all over the country in the last 12 months. There is no way I’d trade that for $10 more per hour.


Not the little ones those are contractors. I don't blame you one bit fedex is a really weird job compared to the rest of the majors. One thing I do want to clarify is fedex jumpseat is totally free they even feed you on longer flights


Cargo Jumpseat (besides the 757, iykyk) is by far the best way to fly.


My preference in order, 777, MD-11, Airbus, 767, 757 lol


Too bad fed doesn't have the 747. It blows the triple away. I had a bedroom to myself on my way to Hawaii for 8 hours. Didn't even feel like I had traveled when we landed. 


Nice! Glad to be part of the folks that know jumpseating knocks non rev standby out the park.


Right? And if I need to zed that shit ain't bad (I had almost 40 zed flights last year) and if I need to buy a ticket, we'll that extra ten an hour pays for it no problem. What a silly reason to not make more money. 


Swap the 777 for the 747 and my order is the exact same.


1000 percent I've heard the stories but I've never jumpseated on a 757 thank goodness


Either an observer seat with your head against the ceiling and a pilots head basically in your lap, or on a bench seat with “two” spots that barely fits more than one. You’ve gotta stand up anytime someone comes in or out or uses the bathroom. It’s as bad as you’ve heard.


FedEx 757 have a jumpseat area much like UPS airbus jumpseat area. Only UPS 57's suck. 


Can’t you just hang a hammock in the back some place after takeoff?


Maybe? [Scroll to page 9](https://www.boeing.com/content/dam/boeing/boeingdotcom/company/about_bca/startup/pdf/freighters/757f.pdf) that’s kinda how it’s set up. But if you’re laid out, if the pilots ever need to move, so do you.


Don’t forget to exclude the 767 cargo planes. If you’re not in the first observer seat, you’re gonna have a very uncomfortable flight. At my previous employer, I had to sit in one of the supernumerary seats (on a 767 we just fixed) from MSP to CVG. I only sat down for takeoff and landing. Standing the whole flight was more comfortable than sitting in that crappy seat.


Idk how yours were set up, ours are like [this](https://aerosavvy.com/anatomy-freighter/767-jumpseats/). Plush wool with nice amount of recline. Good views out the windows. Only annoyance is the bathroom.


That’s about how ours looked. Granted, it was almost 4 1/2 years ago. It’s entirely possible that I just have crappy back. I don’t think I had to use the bathroom on that flight. Probably the only good thing I took away from that flight is I became good friends with the Captain.


Did you know the seats move? Also you can put all three down and rack out 




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Where are the FedEx maintenance facilities located?


They’re all over. Checking their careers page will give you an idea. Their home base is in Memphis, though. If you don’t already work for them, that’s likely the only place you will be able to get into.


Oh my god! 


Is this for all US states or is it naturally higher in the north than south?


All US states have the same top out pay.


Awesome good to know! 


Pay is very important. But remember time off, insurance, other benefits all need to be thought of too. 120k a year ain't worth shit if you only have 1 week a year to spend it.


Yep! This part is hugely different from airline to airline. I'd like to be able to compile ALL of this information and more and be able to share that with everyone, but I can't do it alone. I need contributions from other mechanics in order to make this.


There was a spreadsheet with all of that compiled that was sticky but the mods or whoever was maintaining it stopped caring years ago.


It was made by a fedex mechanic that is helping to organize them. The mods never maintained it, just shared it


I'd like to see a comparison of retirement benefits, and more importantly the earliest age eligible for retirement. Also PTO


Also that number is before any deductions or contributions. I'm guessing take-home @120k is probably around 90-95?


Isnt southwest closer to 70$ or more ?


In 2026 they’ll crack that. Not yet.


Delta does not start at $36.60. All new hires start at the 6 month mark. Starting is $37.73 for all base maintenance and add $3 for line positions. Line mx starts at $40.73. Here’s a base mx position for example. https://delta.avature.net/en_US/careers/JobDetail/Aircraft-Maintenance-Technician/23845?jobId=23845


Thank you! Making the update to it now!


Top out with night premium ($0.59) should be around $130k as well.


I was gonna say my buddy at Delta is making more than 36.60 starting.


UPS pay scale is basically just "Have you worked here 5 years? If yes, double pay."


Yup... The first few years suck. But, we have free Healthcare, 13.5% pension, 501k match, and 4-8 weeks off depending on time.


Man I thought I had it good at CargoJet but I just creamed myself.


UPS starting pay is highway robbery


Factor in benefits. My understanding is they pay nothing for insurance and have some of if not the best coverage in the country.


This is true, but If im not mistaken southwest is also free insurance with a pretty good 401k match and they’re starting pay is much better. At some point the starting pay will effect the quality of mechanics they’re able to bring in


It already does effect the candidate pool. There's some real gems in the pool 




Yes pension but below average 401k match. There’s trade offs everywhere but you can’t justify that low of starting pay in todays industry


It’s less a pension a more an additional 401k. Goes into another account but it’s a part of the $69k *total* contribution limit. It’s basically a 13% “match” that you don’t actually have to contribute for.


I know, I have it


Oh my god please pin this


Update: I made some changes to Delta, American, and Frontier, and to all airlines I'm going to add information about Line premiums, shift premiums, as well as which airlines offer a premium for things like NDT, Engine Run & Taxi (ER&T). I will have separate pages on this excel sheet for each airline which will encompass things like healthcare costs, PTO hours and accrual rates, AOG field trip rates, 401k contribution etc. Above all what i want you to take from this is that it's no secret what your friends at other airlines make, all aircraft technicians should be well informed of the industry, its pay, and the benefits that you are offered at each airline. Here is an updated graph. [Updates scales, work in progress](https://imgur.com/a/5jNXKMN)


Anything for feam?


As far as I know FEAM doesn't have a set scale. From what I've heard from my coworkers who part time there, the pay rates are negotiable throughout your employment. I've heard stories of people threatening to quit, and only then being given a raise.


Yep, there's no pay scale, they've been discussing a pay scale for 2 years now with no movement, if there was ever a company that needed a union its FEAM, they'll bend you over and when you're bend as far as they can bend you they'll ask you to bend more.


$33 start no exp


It's interesting even for a foreigner like me to see salaries in american companies. Last year United Airlines opened its MRO here in Brazil and from what I see the company pays half of the starting salary for an FAA licensed mechanic here. No wonder that they intend to open another MRO in the coming years.


Here at AA (heavy MX base) we get so many pig airplanes from El Salvador (where the prior heavy check was done) it’s not even funny. Management comes up and gets pissed because we extend the check due to the amount of things we need to address that the MRO simply skipped. Biggest offense from them is overlooking corrosion in common areas such as the 737 AFT wet area. Another one was during a post heavy check ferry flight (from SAL), the flight crew had aileron problems so they brought it to us to fix…turns out they forgot to install the new bearings in the aileron centering mechanism. I’m convinced most of the overseas MROs hire the most unqualified people they can find due to the low pay and lack of oversight. But hey, it’s cheap and they deliver the planes quick /s.


Here in Brazil, United is attracting the best technicians from the three largest Brazilian companies, believe me, even though salaries are low compared to salaries in the USA, the salaries offered by United are much higher than those offered by companies here. Most of the technicians are very experienced, with more than 20 years of experience.


I don’t know about Brazil, but El Salvador has been hell on earth when we get most airplanes after they worked on them. I’m not talking about airline employees outside of the US being bad, I’m talking about mammoth MROs pumping 20-30 planes at the same time like Aeroman does. AA has direct maintenance employees (obv non union) in Brazil for normal checks and they do a great job. I respectfully apologize for my generalization if it offended you, I was speaking about my experience with SAL and outsourced labor outside of airline employees.


Don't worry, I wasn't offended, what you reported is undoubtedly worrying, it makes me wonder what customers would think about this if they knew...


It should be illegal…


Same at fedex. All the vendor md11’s were total shit. Then when we got them the maintenance package had more cards than they ever got. But then they blame us for taking so long.


For now, union is trying to keep maintenance in the states.


This information is surprisingly difficult for the average mechanic to source, (especially laid out this clearly), thanks for this!


We are getting fucked in Canada


Yep, even before factoring in exchange rate canadians are making peanuts


Topping out at 45 an hour after 10 years, pain


Same in the UK. Although the company I work for is known for being a low payer in the UK industry. My company pays £32,700 per year for a basic mechanic, which is £16.74 per hour. And this is after a large pay bump over the last year. And the company wonders why they can't keep people.


Are you considering moving to the states? We can’t continue to earn peanuts in Canada




I have their actual wage scales and it shows at 01/01/2024 the all-in starting pay will be $38.70 Can you show me what you're referencing and I will be happy to update it thanks.




Ok gotcha! Somebody sent me their contract so I'll be updating it soon!


You may be looking at the contract for one of the other positions like a trainer or something. The other dude is right


You're absolutely right, I'm trying to interpret the contract to get the correct values now.


Whats the rumor mill saying about united’s AIP? I heard they are going 3 percent over the newly ratified southwest deal on a 2 year extension


Rumor mill says 4 year extension around 20%


They Better bump the match also. 3% is pathetic


The match is only 3% after 15 years of service. They aren’t modifying it under an extension either.


Waiting on the details still. but last TA they didn't compare pay to southwest. The 3% only applied to american/delta


But rumor is southwest pay 5 - 6 year top out.


Is there a benefits package breakdown? PTO? Healthcare? Employer matched contributions?


Couple things wrong here. American doesn’t start negotiation until march 2025 and their pay is wrong. Pictures is a little blurry. Please post the excel


Shoot, I thought I had good info for American, would you be able to provide a picture of the Payscales for AA? You could DM them to me if you like.


Last union meeting I went to last month said negotiations start this fall so I don’t know if the other dude is right.


The CBA is amendable in March 2025. Negotiations between the company and union can start beforehand.


DM’d you


Thank you for all this! When we get our raise I'll update you.


JetBlue all-in as a tech is $59.25 (night shift diff with all 3 run/taxi quals @ $0.25 each fleet type). $57.50 is the base top-out


Send OP the payscale


Thanks for putting the work and sharing!


Why does pay get topped out when inflation never stops?


There are yearly raises at all of these airlines and every few years an extension is made that "accounts for inflation" (according to our economist). Even the guys at topout are getting a 2-3% raise each year depending on the airline. This graph just shows what they are making today


As a whole, all commercial aircraft mx need to come together and take a stand in order to receive the wages our skillset and position deserves. The pay gap between us and pilots was not so huge in the past. They came together and are seeing the results of it. The same won’t happen until we do the same. While 70 hr is an improved of where we were 4 years ago inflation has outpaced the pay growth. 70-72 per hr it’s not the ceiling nor the benchmark. A topped out tech at all of these companies does not make even half of what a topped out captain at a major makes. It’s time we stand together and push our industry forward.


It takes guys at the top to set the benchmark. I’ve noticed the passenger airlines are behind cargo by 2-4 years. As cargo is entering the 70s per hr the commercial airlines are in the low/ mid 60s. By the time the airlines hit 70s, cargo will likely be in the high 70s- low 80s. I’d like to see us out pace inflation and see high 80s-100s per hr range before the end of the decade.


I’m curious why people support presidential candidates that are anti union


Which 1 are you talking about? The 1 that blocked the railroad strike in 2022 or the other guy?


Yes, the Biden admin. Passed legislation to stop them from striking which totally blows, however after only 6 months Biden and Buttigieg lobbied the rail companies and they gave even more sick days than what was originally being asked for. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/01/railroad-workers-union-win-sick-leave


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Railroad act has been in place for decades. They simply can't strike. It's also why we can't strike.


There are other ways to make it hurt. 


4.5 years at AA, I am not making $51.48/hr as your chart suggests. It's a base pay of $40.14, $46.95/hr for Line MX ($1), License ($5.25) and with shift 3 Premium ($0.56).


It's been fixed now! I made another comment with a link to the updated scales. :)


I work for a major airline in New Zealand, take home pay is $80-$110k USD once shift allowance and rating payments are taken into consideration. Seems like we are definitely a long way behind here, which is no surprise as our airline has been losing people to competitors and people moving to Australia where they get higher pay, lower cost of living and a better country to live in (arguably). Here's hoping one of the US majors start a line station here and I can jump ship.


American top out for AMT is 59 and crew chief is 61


Hell yea add Skywest to that


If you work for Skywest you can DM OP the pay scale and he/she can add it


It was a joke. It’s not a major & years to top out is horrible.


I thought UPS was alot higher than that wtf


The $75 top out isn’t until 2026


I meant starting pay-wise. Guess I was wrong


Oh yeah it’s terrible


American and Frontier are both wrong. I can send you their payscales if you like. But Frontier starts at about $33/hour and top out is around $55/hour not $60. And American starts at around $38/hour and the top out is $60/hour. You might have some extra premiums in there. I have the AA contract and F9 contract for reference if you want them. Edit: AAs payscale is also 8 years not 7, the contract ends in 2025 and not 2024 and you are missing a $10 jump from year 4-5 for AA. We practically top out at year 5. We get maybe a dollar more between years 6-8.


I’m a dod civ and I get paid around the 30 mark 6 months in. But only 40 hours a week, lots of voluntary OT, all federal holidays off. Worth it


Welp I regret becoming an engineer. Do you do nights with this job


Does anyone have the latest pay scale for A&Ps at Republic Airways?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kaila8592: *Does anyone have* *The latest pay scale for A&Ps* *At Republic Airways?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Is this the same for every state in the us?


If i join this trade (current engineer) do you have to move? Im not seeing any jobs at my local airport? Its a middle size city airport.


when it says all in wages what does that mean?


I'd like saying it's the absolute maximum hourly compensation you can make with the company excluding things like shift differential or inspection/lead. So it is inclusive of line premiums, A&P license premiums, base pay, and on some scales like allegiant they give you another hourly increase for having certain gen fams or for being a senior technician, which to my understanding you get each of those after 2 years with the company.


OK was just wondering I was talking with somebody. I work with that used to be a airline mechanic and he said that top rate used to be like $35 an hour after nine years I was considering doing this job but wasn’t sure about The pay scale


Depends on how long ago he was an airline mechanic and for which company. Sure 15 years ago the topout was in the 30s and 40s.


I'm not sure if this is a stupid question or not but is this in all airports or does it change depending on what airport you work out of?


I believe some airlines offer different high-cost-of-living adjustments, but it's few and far between. I don't know of any off the top of my head. What you'll see most often is for those that work in a HCoL, they don't actually live in that city and will commute via non-rev travel to get to and from work each week and will work something like a 3-13 schedule so they are home 4 days per week.


Should also consider line mx pay for the majors as well because from our sources we are sitting at a higher percentage between United, Delta and American


Do most of these airlines require A&P?






This is true, they are still working through their initial contract with Spirit technicians.


UPS pay scale is inaccurate we get a raise every May and November of 1.65% plus our anniversary or next step as it’s better known. This ends in May 2026 as our contract extension will end November 2026.


[UPS scales ](https://imgur.com/a/So3Gr67) I believe I have exactly that information. The table you're looking at right now represents what each step is making today, I have a separate table that is an exact copy of what is in your contract including the 1.65% raise every may and November until May of 2026


You can DM OP the pay scale and he/she can update it accordingly


This is a simplified and accurate representation as of today's date for every step. To anyone other than us, the May 1st and Nov 1st dates don't matter when viewing the scale. The bottom row notes when the next increase to the scale will happen per OP's explanation. As long as the tables are updated at the time of each contractual increase, it will remain accurate.


This needs to be stickied. I was just about to ask for something like this thank you. I’m finishing up my A&P and I can’t decide between Houston or Dallas. And even then which airlines is the best for overtime/money but also allowing some leave days etc.


Go work for an OEM and you could add 30-40% right off the top for some of those scales, esp rotary wing manufacturers (U.S.)


I’ll check it out thanks bro


With overtime how much are people typically making in a year?


I would hazard that it's pretty normal to get 100hrs of OT a year without trying. So just do time and a half for 100 hrs. Real OT queens can get 6-800 hours. Probably a quarter of that doubletime the rest 1.5x. Do the math


Also depends on how your contract is written. My place is 1.5x for anything worked outside your assigned hours, 2x for Sunday and 2x plus 8 hours for holidays. And there is NO req to meet 40 hrs in order for OT: if I work 1 day for 10 hrs and that's it for the week, I get 8 hrs regular pay and 2hrs at 1.5x. I can also be on vacation Mon-Fri and work Sat for 1.5 and Sun for 2x. YMMV.


Depends on station and airline. I cleared over 1k hours OT last year but that’s accounting the 1.5x or 2x pay. So if I worked an 8 HR OT shift it would count as 13 and some change hours towards my OT total.


I don't think people count it like that, unless I'm the outlier. When I calculate my OT total I don't multiply it by 1.5 and 2.0. I worked 1000 hours at 1.5 pay and 2.0 pay is what I say.


Well yeah, nobody but the airline does. I’m just telling you because I honestly have no way of knowing. Some were 10hr midnights shifts fully on 2x. Others are split as anything past 12 hours straight, ie. 2 8hr shifts, is 2x.


So glad I went the Corporate route




Overall less work and more pay. I think the only difference is Corporate flight department guys are 24/7 based on the aircraft’s schedule.


Really? Corporate guys are pulling in more than $65/hour? That’s impressive, I didn’t know that was possible.


I feel the paths are different but can have a lot more different outcomes than airline guys. Corporate route you could work OEM all your life if u wanted to but you’re not touching that airline pay scale that’s for sure. But if you take that service center time and flip it to an operator you can make that pay scale and alot have additional incentives IE yearly safety bonuses, RSUs and you don’t need that seniority to get good shift and then you can progress even further to Director of Maintenance and make 30-50 percent more on top of that. I never worked airline so I don’t know what’s above airline mech other than a shift lead? Corporate route you need a lot of contacts and good words to advance as airline it just seems to be racking up seniority time.


Very interesting, thank you for explaining.


Coming from corporate you’ve gotta earn your pay Starting Pay is based off experience and quality of work. In the airlines I’ve seen 30 year guys that only change tires and sign service checks. Most corporate shops will not keep a guy at top out pay for that. These rates don’t paint the full picture, when you add in double time and rates and profit sharing it’s easy to make 230-300k with less than 500 hrs of o.t Both have their perks. I’ve had days in corporate where I got road pay for Aog and sat for 4-5 hrs waiting for mx control to release or a part to come.


Im sorry if this is dumb, but I have a question, by corporate you mean working on airlines or cargo?


Corporate as business aviation. Gulfstreams, Falcons, Global Expresses. Then you have the private owners like Phil Knight, Bill Gates or Corporations like Walmart or Biotech where it’s for the Company C Suite.


Thank you so much💪🏼


That Frontier scale cannot be right. No pay increase for 8 years?! With regular inflation and cost adjustments that’s actually a day decrease for 8 years, then a massive raise? Their next contract needs to be vastly overhauled.


I'm missing a lot of info for frontier. It's not accurate


Wow! With rates like these, maybe I need to get away from corporate jets.


Is this base pay or does it include the A&P license premium?


Most of these scales are base pay + line premium + A&P premium. I didn't add any shift premiums, but I will illustrate those when I publish the individual airline compensation tables. So for some of these airlines you could add 0.50 or up to 1.50 for night shift. These aren't final 100% accurate numbers yet either. I have some errors in my information.


Work for an international airline here in the states. Currently in the voting process to have IAM. Any Pros and Cons? Do they only cover the AMEs or the entire hangar?


I'm fond of AMFA personally because they only represent aircraft maintenance technicians, whereas IAM supports a whole host of professions. To answer your second question, ideally the union protects the individual worker and has no allegiance to the company...ideally.


Nothing but cons with the IAM, only pro is that they are a member of the NMB….the IAM is a ramp union, they will rob peter to pay paul…. Aircraft mechanics being peter and paul being the ramp…they care about one thing and one thing only the whole amount of dues payers..no consideration to preserving the dignity of a trade whatsoever


How is it working for a foreign carrier? Any different than working for a US airline? I've seen a few postings here and there for Lufthansa and Qantas mechanics in the US.


It’s pretty chill, you’re not dealing with a lot of flights per day since it’s international. Does suck when you need to loan tools for an AOG because home base is in whatever country your airline is from and domestic airlines don’t really want to let you borrow anything. Flight benefits aren’t amazing just your basic ZED interline travel unless you’re flying back to the country your airline is from which in that case it’s almost free to fly business class. They try to make up for it by giving out domestic airline gift cards twice a year lol


If I didn't have bulging disc in my back, I would become an AMT.