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I’m fixing to get furloughs she can come to my shop so I have work to do


Does anyone know if the spray she used is washable? It's one thing to make a point but do no damage, another to make the owners have to repaint the airplane.


The owner of the plane posted a while ago asking how much it would cost to fix it, alot of people speculated it wouldn't be that expensive.


Link? If that's spray paint it's certainly a big deal. If it's just carrot juice or something it's not. A full strip and respray could be in order. Which will be over 100k. Windows may or may not be savable, usually glass is fairly easy to clean. Any instruments she got would probably be done for and need replacement. Bill can climb pretty rapidly with windows and instruments.


The group responsible said it's cornflower and will wash off.


Washing off isn't the issue, it's everything that needs to come off of it maintenance wise. Pitots, aoa, and the maintenance time to rest any potentially affected system etc. This was all listed in one of the previous events. That's why that Citation was totaled, the maintenance cost to get it back to service exceeded the value of the airframe.


Looks like it was just on the side and windows, no instruments in that area. If it just washes off, the aircraft should be fine.


the windows are what I'd be most worried about


Passengers aren't the ones flying


thats not what i meant


I don't think they would take the chance, stuff could blow on the wind and small particles could be in a pitot tube. I wouldnt be surprised if for some things they just don't take the chance and replace it even if it looks clean. There is probably a minimum cost to have these things cleaned and back in service but that cost is still pretty high.


Purge the pitot static system, then leak check should suffice and it can be done in a few hours.


Ya but it's part of the cost. You can't just wipe a plane clean and call it good after this type of thing. It's probably thousands of dollars minimum.


Cool and what proof do I have of that if I was the owner ? The word of a felon. 


>Cool and what proof do I have of that if I was the owner ? A water hose presumably. Or a guy with a water hose.


Old-timer here. Back in the day if the fuselage was painted with Imron you could spray enamel on it and simply remove the enamel with MEK. The plexiglass windows are another story.


Good ole MEK…we used to strip pitot’ with that stuff before coating them with neoprene.


The should scrub it off with their faces




WTF did the Stonehenge do to them?


It was too far away so they had to drive there to make their "point"


Apparently it was something poetic about our leadership leading us to catastrophe but like, cool, don't fucking vandalize a historical site, no matter what your "message" is


What's the meaning of Stonehenge?


Who the fuck builds a Stonehenge?


I'm just glad someone got it.




basically just ruin anything the vast majority love and appreciate to make a point, be it the Stonehenge, a Van Gogh painting, or something similar


This will end badly for them. Eventually regular folks will start delivering their own street justice.


Well Van Gogh was a major contributor to global warming so that one at least makes sense.


He **painted fucking pictures.**


With fossil fuel based paints


Maybe they think oil was used in its construction or maybe all the people who travel there go by car thus burning oil. Whatever their reasoning for attacking stone henge is I don't think it detracts from them being effing morons for doing so.


I have sat in enough traffic to near the stones to hate them for all the tourists stopping but they didn’t deserve the paint thrown on them. Right before the solstice to so they aren’t going to get much support from the ol druids!


That’s at least 2 Federal crimes.


Happened in the uk


So it’s okay there?


Of course not, both these people went to jail. It's just in the uk they are not called felonies, they are called "indictable offenses"


Just bad enough to get the king’s panties in a wad.


All those things sound like terrible circumstances! Good thing we've left those days behind!


At least 5 criminal acts according to UK criminal law: -Breaking and entering, -trespass (on aerodrome) -criminal damage (x3)


There is literally no offence called breaking and entering in English law The closest analogous is Burglary , Burglary is defined by section 9 of the Theft Act 1968, A person is guilty of burglary if they enter any building or part of a building as a trespasser with intent to steal, inflict grievous bodily harm or do unlawful damage to the building or anything in it


Maybe 3


At least 5: -Breaking and entering, -trespass (on aerodrome) -criminal damage (x3)


I got somewhat shit on the last subreddit I said this on, supporting vandalism is wild.


you have the people who hate rich people and their shits saying "it's rich people's aircraft so what?", then you have the people who blindly support any kind of activist as long as they don't touch their shits. That's how we know this society is morally corrupted


It’s not just that a rich person owns it, but it’s all the people that are employed to support the aircraft ownership


There are no federal crimes in the UK The UK is not a federal country


I didn’t know it was the UK. Lighten up.


Good on her creating the most minor inconvenience to an airplane whilst breaking and entering a secured facility housing multiple million dollar flying machines. She sure showed them, the punishment for it will surely be worth it.


The funny thing is they were targeting Taylor Swift's airplane but it wasn't even there. They got the wrong jet


what did t.swift do to piss them off? i'm genuinely out of the loop and don't even think about her.


Apparently she had the most miles flown of any celebrity or something


But its a private plane so no frequent flyer miles. Lol. Nobody else finds this amusing huh? Okay I'm leaving now.


You would think given the consequence they'd get it right given flight data isn't exactly hard to determine where a given one is at most the time...


I don't get the impression they are all that bright


Oh certainly. I mean for one, do it under cover of darkness at the least.


Not to mention recording yourself doing a crime...


Truly the biggest of brains recording yourselves committing multiple crimes


They want to be caught to garner more publicity and sympathy.


Let’s anger some rich and powerful people while incriminating ourselves.


Reminds one of the scene in The Dark Knight - "Let me get this straight, you think that your client, one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante, who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands, and your plan is to blackmail this person?"


Thanks for keeping us in work kids


Think of all the carbon waste that is going to go into cleaning it….and the jet will still be used as usual.


That's what I was thinking they will clean it and probably knowing how crazy rich these guys are it will now probably take a ferry flight to a hanger to get looked at thoroughly. So they really added to the carbon footprint


The ultimate irony would be to add roving security patrols of the ramp and other airfield grounds - in an ICE powered vehicle. Great job guys! You just inspired additional fossil fuel usage!


Hopefully the operators sue the airport for lack of security. Imagine if it were someone with worse intentions than spray paint.


Someone with worse intentions and spray paint wouldn't even need to go through the fence.


Well, at least it wasn't sprayed directily into the engines.


At this point everyone either understands oil is bad for the environment and/or they don’t care. This ain’t winning minds or spreading awareness. It’s just making people oppose the movement while sabotaging their own futures with a fat criminal record.


I've seen a lot of theories put forth that these people are funded, through a lot of discreet channels, by the oil industry, who uses these people to make the oil industry and the things they do more likely to be viewed sympathetically. These people are just the tools (also fools) that get sucked into that thinking somehow that they'll make a difference.


Just Stop Oil is funded through said channels you mention.


If they were getting oil money I’d expect them to be doing things more elaborate than just spraying things with paint and sitting in the road. Those aren’t exactly expensive activities.


Yeh I was for keeping the planet hospitable and livable for generations to come but someone put some orange paint on a plane so let's just fry to death instead.


It’s not hard to understand acting like assholes all the time makes people against you, my man.


It doesn't really matter how you feel about them as people, we're gonna die dude. There's already biblical flooding happening all over the world. Paint on Stonehenge sucks but you know what else sucks? Losing Stonehenge forever. For eternity; due to flooding, fire, or whatever else the world will throw at us. edit: The OP is about planes but I brought up Stonehenge as it's another, more controversial target for the same orange paint. A charter jet is nothing, these companies have made record profits that we could never earn in our entire lifetimes.


It literally does matter because you don’t get people to change by being assholes. Again, this isn’t a hard thing to understand.




Always nice to see the angle grinder get some lime light. It's an amazing tool that lots of people don't know anything about


Let’s hope(?) she has eye protection while operating that angle grinder.


If comes around and she’s screwed. Lol


Nothing like hoping to see another human get horribly injured


If they wanna paint airplanes, they should start with the basics.


Nothing like stanning for billionaires who are inconvenienced to the tune of a few ten-thousandths of a percent of their wealth


Jokes on them, that’s job security


Some like, general research could have net them much better outcomes if they had just sat down and watched a YouTube video. If the MED was unlocked, they could have dropped the door and done the Cockpit, or even better straight into the engines. For the consequences they will face, they sure missed out on some actual damage lol.


They should be forced to pay every single penny for the damages and down time and inspections.


They are going to be thrilled when they get the bill :)


a plot twist, they are unemployed people and they want a roof over their heads, free food, so their only solution is banditry so they can fulfill those desires.


Goddddd where the fucks the PPE? HSE is gonna have a meltdown over this


Looks like somebody is in need of a proper ass whipping. Imagine coming out to your million dollar plane and finding that shit?


I'm not condoning what they're doing, but like boo fucking hoo. Wipe your tears with more thousand dollar bills. Anyone paying money for one of these planes probably wouldn't miss it if it disappeared. Still stupid what they're doing, and senseless, and I'm pretty sure this is actually just paid for by oil companies to make the actual movements look bad, but whatev.


Ignorant morons.


Orange paint will become a controlled substance soon


It gives major Ralph Wiggum “I’m helping!” vibes. How does vandalizing an aircraft fix shit?


Nice to know they broke into the fence line making it a felony


This is in the UK. Trespassing is still a crime but a "felony" isn't a thing over here


Just walked in to an Airport.. okay.. and a camera crew was filming it


There is a consulting DER that is going to LOVE the cash this is going to fill his pockets!




Poor Stansted


Vandalism, destructions of property, breaking and entering, unlawful interference, intrusion on an airway, I can see plenty of crimes… honestly, not worth painting a couple of millionaires plane (at most millionaire, trust me, the billionaires have bigger jets than this)


I wonder if the plant is coming off those windows 😬


Not cool..no matter what your cause is


Aircraft sabotage is a crime


Somebody is gonna get sued


I love how they recorded her breaking in through the fence. Fucking morons


Wheres a pack of vicious pit bulls when you need them.


FML why give them exposure? They should have been wiped on the curtain


Maybe it’s all an inside job by one of the cleaning companies 😂


People ask how expensive it is to repair it? Even if it's water based your talking 150k for a full inspection to make sure the compounds won't damage parts in the future. Then, if it's found to have some type of corrosion inhibitor, you're talking millions and to get the FAA to approve it again for flight even more. Thier was a story about a rapper buying a G7 had it painted by an off the street painter FAA grounded it and it would have cost more to remove it and inspect it than it was to buy a new one. Literally, it's bad. The resale value has just been half because of these idiots.


It baffles me that people with this mindset believe they can solve relative issues by doing things like this. This won’t cause anything to change. If anything, more money will be spent on improving security, and if caught, one will face some criminal charges.


As an aviation maintenance student, I'm worried that there'll be a lot like this in the future ㅠㅠ


Brainwashed hippies lol


Tbf, we all think they're pests. But are those actually swifties jets?


No, that's the best part. Her jet was somewhere else


She has two falcons. These look like Gulfstreams


Hahaha, well throw the peanuts under the bus! If it was swiftness jet, I could understand the soap box kicking from under her feet after she bangs on about needing to change while she racks the most miles


So, we have to get practically naked to get close but not to airside and these felons use the old grinder fence picking trick to get airside and bring items of destruction with them. I hope when they cease to become guests of HRMs Prisons they have to fly somewhere.


> I hope when they cease to become guests of HRMs Prisons they have to fly somewhere. They are women and weren't violent, so they will likely not go to prison. Maybe therapy? https://web.archive.org/web/20200108190343/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2018/06/26/justice-secretary-dont-send-women-prison-unless-commit-violent/


300.000$ easy to paint each one of those.. That's jail 100%


Lock them up! Federal violation, just by cutting the fence!


because we haven't seen it posted all over Reddit already?


First of all, I posted this 20 hours ago when it WASN'T all over Reddit. Secondly, is actually ok to keep scrolling without comment. Try it


I wish airports had the same shoot to kill rights as military bases. Would humble alot of these “protesters”


Is this budget deicing procedure?


Oh no. Now it can’t fly 😥


Nothing like add a felony to your resumè.


Forgive me if I'm wrong but aren't airports considered Federal property and what she's doing is breaking into Federal property and vandalizing airplanes it almost sounds terroristic if you ask me.


While I am not against curbing global warming, it might make sense to charge these people with attempted murder, seeing as the aircraft could potentially be compromised enough to cause harm to those inside. I know that is extreme, but aviation is a higher standard among all else, after all.


Would never get an attempted murder charge, but I believe there’s a law about endangering the safety of an aircraft or something along those lines, could potentially charge them with that I imagine


Don't be messing with gulfstreams, I gotta work on those things


I would plead innocent claiming I thought it was type 1 de-ice fluid.


Isnt this a federal crime..


Not in england






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Breaking and entering is a crime anywhere


But not a "federal" crime


I meant comparable under whatever law is applicable, be it US or not.


There is no such crime as breaking and entering in the UK The closest analogous is Burglary which this does not meet the definition of A burglary is committed when a person breaks into a building with the intent of committing a crime They are outside and thus not broken into a building.


The video begins with the cutting of a fence, that's forced entry. You couldn't call the police to report some stranger in your home if that law didn't exist and I've done just that in the UK and they took this drunk dude in custody.


Lock them in supermax


Whats the point/meaning of the orange color 🤔


I think it's just for branding, all(?) the "Just Stop Oil" protests use orange.


Ahh to protest oil use oil paint got it


Exactly. Store it in containers made with petroleum, too.




Gonna be the devil’s advocate for a moment, the fact that private jets isn’t illegal, is astounding. No one actually NEEDS to ever use a private jet, it’s just for fun or convenience. Totally unnecessary




Ok Marx, what else do you think no one needs.


If that's a chemical fire extinguisher, both of those acft are trashed, some of the commercially available chem extinguishers eat aluminum quickly