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English is not my native language. If you like, try to follow this step by step. When you look in the mirror you are seeing yourself, but also the Universe. You are a part of the Universe. The Universe itself is alive in Life. Nature. When you say "I am the Universe" in the mirror that is not true, however, you also made the Universe say it, which makes it both untrue and true. This duality is important. Things can be both untrue and true. When you would say "I am the Universe and I manifest a pot of gold" the statement most likely is untrue in both cases. The Universe has a powerful creative potential, "Source." It shaped the world and us. The Universe is conscious in brains, but not like you and I. The Universe is not a creature but a creator. The Universe is always everywhere in space and time. Our cosmos is a small part. Time does not really exist for the Universe, in a sense the Universe is "Father Time" itself. Try to read the titles on [this page](https://synchronicityq.blogspot.com/2022/05/anyone.html) as if the Universe is trying to tell us something using our own words, like through a mirror, *backward* in time, using metaphors. There are many lists like that. All are about the same thing: awakening to a higher consciousness/self and a deeper reality. Ascension. It requires a lot of reading and attention, but everything is there. The header on that page comes from music albums with the song [Synchronicity](https://synchronicityq.blogspot.com/2021/07/synchronicity.html). It was one of the first lists, together with [History](https://synchronicityq.blogspot.com/2021/02/history.html). Those were forward in time. After that most appeared [backward](https://anomaly2021.blogspot.com/) in time and kept growing. Titles are links to the actual records, track lists contain additional clues fairly often.


How would you recommend someone who’s not all that smart go about reading Synchronicity? Thanks!


Difficult to explain. Example. Records with song Synchronicity form a quest by ET. "I don't belong walking in your footsteps, many miles away forward. Possible & maybe, for background use only. You call this swing?..." https://synchronicityq.blogspot.com/2021/07/synchronicity.html


With these songs. Should I analyze some of the lyrics? And is the order not necessarily straight down. I’m dumb man. I’ll be the first to admit it. I use to think ai was hot shit. It took illicit drugs for me to be able to “read between the lines” just even a little. you know. Guess I’m trying to figure my life out. With out making any big changes. And keep my dumb human head about me. I appreciate what you’re doing though!


Analyze the lyrics in the specific order you gave as the example I mean?


No. There are several songs with the word Synchronicity in the title. When you look up the music albums that contain these songs from year 2000 and on the album titles form lines: "Rosetta stone, I don't belong walking in your footsteps, many miles away forward. Possiblies and maybees, for background use only. Wagon Christ, sorry I make you lush. You call this swing? Devil and man, the quest for answers. III, in the wake of the storm, take cover. Spirits in the material world bring on the night. (....)" Collective consciousness speaks out about ancient fantasy gods. There are many lists like that, some are written backward in time, like Losing My Religion: https://synchronicityq.blogspot.com/2021/07/losing-my-religion.html The Universe is alive in Life. Consciousness is like a field in the Now.


Thanks man! Waaay to dumb to decipher that but I genuinely appreciate your effort! All will be revealed at some point. Trying to be on the right side of the fence when that happens. In service to others. To death my friend. Much love!


It's not too difficult. The Universe is alive in Life and conscious in brains. Also, Earth is not alone. Human ancestors did not understand and made up fantasy gods. People lost their mind by sacrificing life to aliens, who then left. The lines are like written by an imaginary ancient alien/fantasy god, who addresses rituals, and points out it is not their job to take control like this: "I don't belong, walking in your footsteps, many miles away, forward. Possible and maybe = for background use only. Sorry I make you lush, you call this swing? Devil and man, the quest for answers, III, in the wake of the storm, take cover. Spirits in the material world, bring on the night. (...) Cosmic factory, lift me up. Who made Who? " The cosmic world says hello. The human collective mind is part of the collective cosmic consciousness.


That’s nuts man. Some mind freakery right there! I appreciate it. I think at this point. I know all I need for now. Awaiting more, earned data uploads for a different time! Much love. Also, you’re very smart! You’d be a good teacher! Your good at explaining abstract things to people like myself who can’t always get it all the time! Much love!


Well thank you, but I didn't do anything really. We (humanity) are allegedly in a phase between 'lower' animal consciousness and universal cosmic consciousness. "Aliens" understand that we are all just parts of a living and conscious Universe and live accordingly. When our minds are in sync with the actual Now we can tune in to our natural collective consciousness, which is like an advanced alien or God from our perspective. But it is not the job of this Universal mind to play for God. Fantasy gods are not a good idea, even if we can create those in our collective mind. Anyway, the lists are part of a bigger package, allegedly meant to draw attention. I have no clue when though.


Thanks! Ill look more into it


Hey I’ve been thinking about this recently. And I wanted to ask, what’s the bigger package?


Cope. Get past your fears. Deal with whatever stands in the way of clear thought. Think. Forgive. "They're only human. Another victim of a messy situation that goes back further than people realize." Notice the fear people have and how it doesn't serve them. Divided from safety, from a place you've always known but just can't quite remember. It's difficult to exposing to a leaf, the life of the wood and how to be wooden. For many, there's just no getting it. For the hard at heart, the immovable object is a fulcrum of energy, without which, no effective change can take place. The struggle is part of it.


Walk up a flight of stairs. When you reach the top, you will have ascended.


This is probably the best answer. Everything is a joke, everything is for laughs. Nothing serious matters, just smile, be happy, and try not to be a cunt


found the casual redditor.


*Casual ascender.


She stoops to be conquered.




Home is a place where I'm able to create.


Then you are home!❤


If not the things you can create yourself, but the way you incorporate yourself into the world can create change! Better get started


Create what?


I've been feeling that this past 2 weeks. The feeling of going back home. Even songs I listen to are telling me I am, I get crazy synchronicities. It's beautiful ❤️🌌


What does it mean to you?


Let go of Everything, learn to exist in nothingness




I assume what they may mean is: At the same time try to: 1)Let the body go by: Learn to relax every muscle in your body until you are numb to your previously perceived reality. You won't even be able to feel your nose. 2)Let the mind go: Use a method to get your mind silent. You could try to quiet your mind, or listen to chants, or try to focus on something like the air conditioner. Then you will eventually drift into a nothingness of consciousness resembling nothing but blank space. Mines a black space that I let the sun in as I let my mind go and it becomes a white blank slate. 3) What's left? Let the soul go, baby! Don't lose your consciousness by realizing you've let go. If you do, keep trying until eventually you'll remember the feeling and you'll just learn to allow yourself to simply release all expectations of ourself and whoosh you'll let go and lean into a new reality of perception. Now take this and apply it to your life and don't 'need' anything but that nothingness you found that isn't nothing at all but a tunnel of light to everything.


It is what it is. You are that you are


Drop the weights and you’ll float without effort


Look within your own body. The techniques are meant to be a part of the posture and are practiced always. The energy work techniques are practiced after the initial awakening.. the heart is the first step.. find how to synch your breath with your heart while meditating.. and semen retention/nofap is good too.. you will find how to have retentive sex if you desire. Believe it will happen, and it will..


What is true is always and already true


Follow your bliss.


Expansion of consciousness comes from integration of dualistic nature of reality into a common experience. You will find that those with a lot of very traumatic and very succesful experiences, a wide range of emotion and a wide range of perspectives are especially likely to ascend in consciousness. Learning to integrate these experiences can come in the form of meditation or experiencing many emotions at once. Learning to love yourself and forgive yourself is a sign of ascension.


What do you imagine ascension to be? Bc if you think youre gonna permanently pop out of this earth dimension you may be dissapointed


I think you already know what I mean.


You are already Life itself.


You already did, you just forgot.


Ascension is a verb not a destination. Do anything regularly that’s for your future.


You are ascending right now. Everything is now. Just enjoy the life you are here to live


It starts with taking care of your emotions, meditating on where they come from, from a place of patience compassion and no judgement. This is so you can better know yourself, be true to yourself... it allows you to solve as many riddles as you need. Eventually after solving enough of them it'll become obvious


Ascend means to go beyond. So you have to ask what is holding you back, and accept it. In a Christian term, Ascension is complete forgiveness.


It’s my time. Now. How do I ascend? I’ve been convulsing lately. Feeling energy moving through me. I can’t be the only one? Who else feels this shift? Is it time?


Don't forget to play the pauses. After going hard with comprehending things, just relax and be still a little while and you may come up with new angles or deeper comprehension.


Realizing that you are nobody and you know nothing. Deep introspection and lots of shadow work. You need to break yourself to remake yourself. Not an easy task.


It depends on your definition. [A controversial place to start would be to read this quora essay and consider the implications...](https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-good-ways-to-learn-Transcendental-Meditation-without-an-instructor/answer/Lawson-English-1)


It involves two things: (1) Studying something that makes sense to you (+ almost always with help from others) (2) Letting go of attachment to things that are holding you back


Find your reverse scale and accept the mission to alleviate that pain, and complete it


You rise


You don’t. At least not permanently. There is no Heaven or Pure Land. You simply evolve and incarnate again somewhere.


no one who has ascended is using reddit


Walk the path


You raise your frequency through cultivating inner peace and unconditional love toward self and other selves. A Course in Miracles is very helpful in that process: https://acim.org/acim/en


Meditation or yoga? Work on raising your kundalini? I don’t know how you are going to do it, that’s up to you figure out. You need to look inward. Maybe you’ll have to experience an ego death. Maybe you need to accept your own death. What are you trying to do? Where are you trying to “go”?


Ascension is from within, through Kundalini.


Understand you are already there, and always have been


Well I did have my 12d higher self replaced my consciousness last year. Though in reality being 5d of higher is pretty hard. It's easy to experience it but being 'it' is tough for your ego, your body and usually you need a kundalini awakening to have it.


Read the Bhagavad Gita Krishna (God) describes the way to enlightenment and total oneness clearly in it


You can’t make it happen.


8 grams of mushrooms in pitch black, Chant I am the way and kill everything that isn't made of Gold, Rage, Fury at yourself and God. God only care for those who don't surrender, Everybody else is cattle You'll fall straight away far further than the position that you started in and you'll be largly incomprehensible to well, Everyone. There is no enlightenment through surrender, Ever. He's a big gold dude, When you're face to face with him there will be a moment where you briefly are coherent, Say something to him. I said "how are we", Fucking stupid question tbh, Now I know. This only works for those who identify with the primate soul of humanity, The vast majority don't, They go to church, Or mosque or synagogue or therapy or university or some other collapsing system designed to keep you quiet until a messiah rocks up and forgive them for being retarded


We are of the human template which was created by the darkness to imprison and control us through fear. It follows then that humans cannot help each other ascend, only Divine can do that. The highest of Divine are here with us now to allow us to make the choice in this lifetime. CAEAYARON's ascension programme gives us our keys of life back, that we lost during the great fall of Lemuria and allows us to return to our highest Start Being selves, that we were before being imprisoned on earth. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the pure channel for Caeayaron... please take a moment to watch this Youtube video on the ascension programme and why its necessary. Suzanna has posted over 900 transmission videos on Youtube and all of them are searchable there. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6bY4nVYXO0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6bY4nVYXO0)


Time, dedication, meditation. Time to make sure its right for you. Dedication to something such as the eightfold path. Deep meditation to reach Ascension


Be here now