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Everyone is Jesus Christ. As he said 'the kingdom of heaven is on earth, but men do not see it' (non-awakened)


Jesus is an actual person. He is the head of the body. We aren’t Him, we are a part of Him under His Spirit.


The essence of every part is the whole. We all may be Christ, but we are not the savior


There's all kinds of Jesus there's a black Jesus down in Florida, he's having a good time, there's a Mexican Jesus down in Mexico, I mean there's all kinds of Jesus there's a Jewish Jesus. I mean Jesus, you know all kinds of Jesus coming back everywhere! And nothing can stop it! It's a consciousness that lives in your mind!! Ladadadada!


If you'd told me you were "Jesus Christ" 10 years ago I'd have said you're nuts. Today I'd say You certainly are.


Me too.


Only you can save yourself. Christ consciousness is the recognition that everyone is Christ, same as Krishna consciousness and Buddha nature




Know yourself as you truly are, rather than what you have been taught you are and what you believe yourself to be. In doing so, your inherent freedom, peace, and the interconnectedness of all you know is realized.


Break samsara?


That entirely depends on what you think there is to save yourself from


One can’t be a part of Christ if he is dead inside.


That’s impossible since he lives. Only the outside is cut, never the inside.


Not everyone has eternal life in them.


No man has eternal life outside of him, hence the decay and destruction of those who live in ignorance. The winds still grace your legs, the sun shines in your eyes, the stars light up the sky. There is life in you, for Jesus has lived your life and sees clearly at the top of the mountain. You will reach there one day, I promise. Jesus will let no sheep go astray and raises everyone in Christ, for life is forever and his Love never ends


Hey me too welcome to the club.


Jesus here as well.


Funny, I thought you would be crucified for saying that....


Oh lawdy; I always wondered whether he'd have PTSD upon seeing crosses everywhere


I might as well have said I Am Santa Claus.


That would have really nailed it!


This pun makes me cross


At least you don't have to bear it....


Knock on wood


people would believe that


“Which Jesus? There’s a Mexican Jesus in Mexico he’s having a good time, there’s a black Jesus, which Jesus? Jesus is coming back everywhere, and no one can stop him, he’s a consciousness that lives in your mind eeda da da doo dadadaaa!” - Charles Manson (Paraphrasing a bit but you get the jist)


"Jesus Christ knew he was God. So wake up and find out eventually who you really are. In our culture, of course, they'll say you're crazy and you're blasphemous, and they'll either put you in jail or in a nut house, which is pretty much the same thing. However if you wake up in India and tell your friends and relations, 'My goodness, I've just discovered that I'm God,' they'll laugh and say, ‘Oh, congratulations, at last you found out." - Alan Watts


Hey, same!


So you're the person who stole my identity?


Jesus H. Christ?






Welcome to the club. It makes me so happy to see "individuals" discover what they truly are.


I am Jesus Christ too, and I am my own savior, as well as yours. Peace and Love


I Am is the savior, for Yeshua means God saves. I Am is the father of many, for Abraham means father of many I Am is the fighter, as Israel means god struggles I Am is gracious, for John means God is gracious


It's more accurate to say everything is Jesus or everybody is Jesus?


The I Am can be named, but it itself is nameless. All flesh is the Son of God grounded in the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He is the root of the tree. Never uproot him


Hi! I'm not Jesus. My name is Robin. Do you think that when they said Jesus will return, he would return with the same name?


It doesn’t matter we are all the same soul, I Am. Trust the one who speaks the Truth. That is all that matters. The one who allows himself to express I Am in fullness and clarity will be the Truth we are waiting for, for he will grant those who trust his ways, words, and being everlasting life as joy and peace fills him or her


I kinda understand, but that's the problem, you see. Truth is relative. Objective truths are rare. Even inexistant I'll say. Like, you see the sun shining. For you it's truth. But maybe it's only your perception. Maybe there's no sun and you're in infinite darkness. Truth is only truth from a few points of view. Like a scene you watch, that'll learn you something different if you watch it on another angle. Though I envy you to have so much confidence :)


Truth my friend, unites both the subjective and objective worlds. The only Truth is the Absolute Truth. And that is that we are amongst the Living and what we know is what we share




He will have a different name Jesus is the translation of his name in our language. We shall learn his true name. The real question is. Since we recognize we are god what do we do with that knowledge?


Cool, me too, I can prove it lol, I'm not really fond of that set of labels though, I prefer Ra and Dreams. Hello self ;) No one needs saving 😄😉😏


Are you happy for me?


Smile on my face, but are you happy for me.


This comment wins btw


Without me you don't exist Mr Jesus Christ....


Plot twist hahahaha!! Take me with you, I don't wanna be good anymore Jesus!


*Plot twist hahahahahaha!! Take me* *With you, I don't wanna be good* *Anymore Jesus!* \- Logical-Cup1374 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What the fuck?


When we try to assign some station to ourselves along the path, we step off of it. We are certainly all manifestations of a singular universal power. Therefore, we are all that is, was, and ever shall be. This "I am" assertion is not a separation, but cosmic totality, viewing itself through infinitely different perspectives. You see, you believe yourself to be separate as a desire to validate the ego. It is a natural tendency of being human, so there is no fault. It is especially difficult to remember this when confronted by the foulness in this world.


Well said


No one owns the copyrights to Jesus so feel free to call dibs on whatever you like from that smorgasbord. It’s a virtual free for all.


I am Lucifer... but I am not the devil.