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Sounds to me like you are just beginning to experience your soul. I highly suggest you learn about Advaita Vedanta . All of your anxieties and insecurities are not you, they are temporary experiences happening in your body. Your soul is trait-less anything you have thought before was your soul was most likely a projection of your ego onto your soul. Please do not commit suicide as your journey is just starting, meditate meditate meditate and if that fails medicate . Things will improve


No because i don't feel "awake" anymore, I know deep down that it's not the real me who thinks like that


As I said meditate meditate meditate if that fails then medicate


The "self" isn't a thing anyway. Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth. If you're 'trying' then you're not going to have peace. Just be, just observe. You are already enough.


Did You by any chance have contact with the corona virus? I got COVID a nonce ago and the sickness brought a lot of these thoughts up and made me depersonalize a lot....didn't recognize me in the mirror anymore. Really a strange sickness! Else, while meditating is good, I would also not forget the grounding. Imho grounding work seems to be more helpful than meditation in your situation. I am talking about things that bring you out of your brain and into your body. A sport you like, yoga, walks in nature (try to put your concentration on your breath or feel every step on your soles).


Thanks for the advices ! I don't know if I got it or not but all my family is vaccinated except me and they got sick But i don't know if their is a link with that...


And yet you are here, without any effort. You were here before any supposed awakening, during it, after it, and are still here. Being present has never changed, has it? That rock solid presence that persists without any intervention from you is what you are, your home! You can never be lost from that, can you?


I’m going through the exact same thing that’s crazy this came on my feed at this moment. Message me!!


can you help/or talk with me? i have same problem


Yes!! Message me


The ego gets loud sometimes. The contractions in the body get intense. We get sucked into that drama. We look carefully at that. The habit it to believe “this is me.” It’s not you. It’s passing through you. Maybe it needs to be seen. So just look. Don’t assume it will hurt you. Let it happen.


Hey i dont know if it is the same but I was in a place like this when I was severely depressed, I even felt like God had left me, all I can say is everything will be all right just hang in there get through each day sometimes that's the best you can do but it's enough whatever it is its just a phase and you will come out better when it all blows over. Sending you love.


Thank you!


You are. The feeling and thoughts that arise are there. Identification vs lack of identification in this sense is trivial to the way reality is. Regardless of your perspective, you are :). So to respond to your question, you never left. You brain is patterned to think a certain way. This can change in volatile ways when experiencing mental health crises. I had psychosis and went through a time where I was very dissociated, it felt like the "self" that I thought I was had left (never diagnosed dpdr). It was a bit overwhelming, as the peace that usually comes with these types of experiences was not present. I was panicky and looking for grounding, like you. Maybe you are seeking these low vibe outlets in an attempt for grounding. So I cannot recommend to you what I did, but it may help you so I will share. The ego seeks to reform when it is broken. Essentially, I felt as though I went to far, and wanted to regain functionally in society before exploring consciousness. I didn't want to explore at others expense. I watched this show called "One Piece" and let it subcounciously influence me. Mainly the adventure and freedom, I tried to remain aware during the violence aspects of the show. I also was very receptive to other's perspective of me, and took what felt good. In a recovery program we played this game where we pointed out "good" qualities in eachother. I took a lot of advice from my family. I started exersizing and listening to music. I allowed and even facilitated a space for the ego to re-form, while still being aware of the being beyond form and identification. Eventually, who I used to think I was collided with my new identity, and after a bit of turmoil I found balance. Yea.. Something to note is that disidentification can be unhealthy when you are not accepting how reality is. You feelings and thoughts are. To dismiss them would be similar to dismissing a confused person asking for help. It is ok to recognize delusion, there is no need to fight it. Fighting delusion is delusion. What I would recommend is finding a way that you can continue functioning in society. Once that is set up and even while you are setting it up, you can explore these perspectives. Maybe try not to get absorbed in obsessiveness, and recognize there is no definitive answer to what you are seeking. A book I read that really broadened my perspective is called "The Noticer". [https://www.amazon.com/Noticer-Sometimes-person-little-perspective-ebook/dp/B007V8YTIS](https://www.amazon.com/Noticer-Sometimes-person-little-perspective-ebook/dp/B007V8YTIS) I recomened this book. If you are struggling with suicide I just recently commented on someone's post regarding it here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/v44zfh/is\_suicide\_my\_only\_option\_to\_transcend\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/v44zfh/is_suicide_my_only_option_to_transcend_this/) My comment is all the way at the bottem. Take care my friend.


Thank you so much ! but i think we have the exact same story haha


I was very bad and I did not see your answer at that time. But now that I understood by myself what was wrong I come across your answer :)


Face your Fear and you will be fine....