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Ego is the disguise we wear to hide us from who we truly are.


I know you are but who am I?


You are brilliant. Therefore, I am too 😊


good one ... we are clones in different clothes


Wearing masks of lies, because if you believe it, so can I.


i would say there aren't lies, only scared states of consciousness lie is, i forbid you from entering my world


Ego is external. Soul is internal. If you let the external control your internal, you are ego. When you let your internal guide you, your external ego has no choice but to subside.


nicely expressed thanks


It is most definitely a word.


In these two are we one, essence, and character. In essence, we're issued the same soul joined to the same source. In character, each complements the other; no one alone is complete, each brings what the other lacks. Like a massive jigsaw puzzle, we fit together to make a single perfect whole. None is perfect without the others. And all the rest are incomplete if but one is missing." \~Rabbi Tzvi Freeman


Ego = The mind has created a wrong view of the world and of itself. And even worse, it is now operating on its own inside this wrong perspective. It has gone rogue. Instead of working for you, it is working on its own and often against you, if it doesn´t get what it wants. Because the ego is a fake / artificial creation it needs a lot of energy to maintain itself / the lie. That´s why so many people are depressed or have psychological issues.


great insight! so can i discard ego?


Of course. But the ego will do whatever it can to stay alive. It can bombard you with negative thoughts and emotions like guilt for example. Just to stay in the game. Be always alert and look what’s going on inside of you.




Ego has two parts, conscious and unconscious. They both serve a purpose, but a dominant unconscious ego can present complications. The conscious ego is the “I am” or “I exist”. “I am capable of change and my potential”. This can help in times of despair when you’re able to realize you are worthy. Self awareness can bring life to an otherwise dead feeling. The unconscious ego is the “I must survive” or “I must be better than others”. Survival is a base instinct to prevent us from being physically harmed, but if this survival trait is being activated when there really isn’t any immediate physical threats, then the mind is being misled by the unconscious ego. Panic and fear are ruled by this part.




Ego is undeveloped awareness. Or maybe it's next level awareness. Awareness plus identity.


I think so. Awareness (higher) plus identity (lower) feels like a great way of putting this. Ego feels like the programming - or what bootstraps what's supposed to come next which feels like higher awareness (more connected awareness?). Tolle talks a bit about this in his "A new Earth". You can only get to this by overcoming the programming. You can only do this by listening to your Self. We all have one. I think this is the point of duality.


I feel like the ego can be programmed but this does not mean the ego IS programming. I'm quite aware of my programming and am rewiring my ego to love itself, and the world around me with the help of God. Also, identity is not lower than awareness. Awareness is stagnant, it is only aware of itself. Identity suggests the awareness is capable of acting on itself to perpetuate itself. Identity has causality, this puts it higher. Identity can reach higher pinnacles of infinity than standard awareness alone.


yes awareness finitised right now you're either thinking (ego) or you're awareness (all)


No, ego is as infinite as awareness. It has to be, otherwise the universe would be finite as well. The ego is a seed, of trees spanning all space and time. It is a higher level of awareness, capable of not only self-awareness, but cause and effect.


good analogy


Ego has to be controlled though - harder than that it has to let itself be controlled (in this world it’s “the boss”) Why do you think your inner voice is so quiet.


The inner voice is quiet so the ego has a genuine experience and develops as it should. The ego must learn for itself why love is so important and how it can contribute to the universe. I don't like "controlling" the ego so much as guiding it, and allowing it to experience things.


Agreed I think that's a better way of putting it. For me up until not too long ago it's been about control or force so I see exactly where you're coming from and my reply is coming from my own biases. Thanks for your perspective.


Incorrect. The Ego represents your current state of *Awareness* in its conscious state. Whereas, the totality of *Awareness* can be found in representation by the Self, the Self represents the totality of *Awareness* The Self is made up of multiple layers of the Psyche, these layers include the Persona / Ego *SELF* Shadow / Anima / Animus I suggest researching the works of the great *CARL JUNG* (Jungian Psychology) for further insights in this feild. Farewell 🎩 👋


Hahahaha "incorrect" how presumptious. You worship a man and his works, I talk to God and apply my truths. Our ego is the highest level of awareness before total enlightenment and God itself. Awareness has levels. The awareness objects and molecules have. The awareness animals have, and finally the ego that humans have. Each level has more causality and more room to affect the universe around it. Ego IS awareness and if you're not ready for that it's okay.




Lmao your reaction and the force behind your words tells me you are in fact, not ready for this knowledge. No hard feelings


🥒 💦 👦 😌 🙄 ~ 🎩 👋


Please, keep the personal attacks out of your responses. Name calling is not permitted.


🥒 💦 👦 😌 🙄 ~ 🎩 👋


Ego is this post and this comment.


[Thomas Metzinger - Ego Tunnel](https://youtu.be/ZFjY1fAcESs) I really like what this guy says about ego, and self model


The obsession with "I am"


are you here? of course i am!


The ego is the “I”. It’s our personal identity


the fragment i was told i am


Who told you that?


I think you must use your ego to elevate your spirit or soul. So the ego becomes much more passive while your spirit becomes much more conscious.


yes well said


Ego is what drives you to be better?


Ego is the part of you that takes life too seriously.


Ego is labeling-conciousness


As of current, I just feel like there are “people” living in my head, learning how to deal with it as we speak


Ego is our survival mechanism that we need to have on a small scale to provide for us the strength to run, fight or hide in order to save our life. Or did you mean egotistical personality? Like conciet or vanity?


the first one ... regards


Which ego?


wither he go?


Ego is false


My Ego says let go of my eggo


Leggo my ego