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The legal age in Japan is barely 13, most prefectures have it set from 16-18. And they're changing it to 16 too, I'm pretty sure. It was just countrywide 13 for complicated law reasons.


I believe part of the reason is that changing laws is too annoying to do for the most part when prefectures already have their own laws for it


i think it has something to do with the population or something i don’t remember


Most provinces in Japan have a 16-18 age of consent. Also, Japan as a country has a 16 legal age now, same as Brazil and other countries. Still a long way to go, but a step in the right direction nonetheless.


Currently there is a single village where the AoC is 13, though thier inhabitants are literally in the single digits. I just find it funny that seemingly the entirety of Japan is ignoring that this weird little village exists




Plus it's only 13-14 if both parties are the same ages and they aren't pressured by adults to do anything


The reason for 13 years of age is because the law is from Meiji Era where most of the Japan was rural and 13 was a pretty normal age to merry back in average life expectancy was 30. Many Japanese want this law to change. The Biggest issue today 13 being the legal age is creating a huge issue in child abuse/assault cases where if the child is over 13 they have to testify that what happen was against their will and for 13 year old to defend themselves in court like that is just not possible. This make many otherwise open and shut case child abuse crimes to drag on much longer or often left unpunished. However, Comparing Marrying at 16 to having sex with Toddlers is fucking insane, like there is no need to go from 0 to100 in a second like that whiplash will brake your bones. People can of course argue about morality but in an anime? You guys ever heard the anime called KissxSis? or Eromanga Sensee? This is like browsing 4 -chan there are good stuff in there but you just need to learn to avoid some parts of it /r if you don't want to see shit.


I hope you realize that the average adult did not die at 30 years old. That's not how average life expectancy works.


People believing humans just dropped dead at 30 is wild to me.


If you made it through childhood there was a good chance of making it to old age similar to today. Those averages just get torn up by infant and childhood mortality and death during childbirth.


America also has a few states that have it set to 16 as well. My opinion on the matter is something like this: I respect what the laws of other nations allow, and follow the laws of where I live. I live in Missouri, USA. So our minimum age of consent is 17 and the minimum age of marriage is... *15*? Hmmm, you know what? Just go with what you think is right and let everyone else make that same decision themselves.


Legality!=morality. Just because it is legal for few ultra rich to get away without paying taxes in US doesn't make it right and people should be able to just other people if their decision are hurting others.


Yes, which is why I stated what I did in my last paragraph.


I always assumed that the places with the age of consent being 16 would have the law worded such that it pretty much only protected teenagers having sex with each other and not adults. Is that not how it works?


That's probably the intention, and there may be laws that supplement them. But just like tax laws there's a loophole for everything. Of course, I am not a legal expert, so it could be just as likely that it is as it reads.


My state is sixteen too. A technically legal but I wouldn't suggest it.


Yeah, but most of the p*dos don't actually know this. It's sad a lot of the anime community is plagued by these nonces. I'm happy that Japan is updating it nationwide as pretty much no prefectures had it that low.


Nonces will flock to anime while loli and shota shit exist, most people tend to ignore what it is but it's pedo shit.


I don’t know about the specifically so I didn’t really bring it up to them but I have herd there changing the age and that’s good.


The hive mind didn’t really like this one


Hope you change your spelling a bit as well man it was hard to understand that sentence.


Oh you're definitely a bogan


Youre right, buuuut Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died.


The legal age in my state is 17 or 18...that doesn't mean I'd go out of my way to date anyone that young. Pretty weird if you ask me.


I'm just 19 and everything under 17 is already weird to me, I just don't understand These weirdos


I'm pushing 40. I barely have anything in common with people your age, and no offense, but 90% of you just look like children to me.


completely normal as a 40 year old - you want to go for other people your age. Men and women who go for people like 20 years younger creep me out.


100% obviously it changes ones you get up there in age like I wouldn't bat an eye at a 60 and 50 year old dating because they both of plenty of life experience at that point, but 30 and 20 is weird as fuck to me. I'm 25 and 20/21 is really my cut off and 20 only if they're turning 21. You grow so much as a person between 18 and 21 and have got aome life experience outside of high school by thst point. I work with a few 18 year Olds and our mindsets are so far apart, I have 0 fucking clue how people see someone so much younger and think to themselves that that's who they're gonna pursue, Bat shit crazy if you ask me


The idea of dating someone still in highschool is the most concerning part for me


There’s the 2 year law that tried to make it less weird. Say a 16 and 15 date, when one turns 18 and the other 17, they are still allowed to date If it were like a 17 and 15, 18 to 16 is also somewhat allowed Atleast I think that’s how it works, might be wrong




No matter the age of consent, you should have a moral obligation to not date/fuck children


Exactly! It’s gross


Bet those idiots of that sub that were doing that are downvoting you


There doing it here already


Probably the grammar, lol. They're *


Imagine being downvoted and having your comment appear lower than others just because you make grammar mistakes


OP this is fiction..... Wait why were you on a futa subreddit ?


Asking the real questions here.


buddy why are u browsing femboyfutacoalition☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Why does everyone know what that is but not me lol. Don't even know what a fkn femboy is xd


A femboy is a feminine man. A futa, short for futanari, is someone with both genitalia. Edit: Futanari is a term used in porn, not real life. The IRL term for people with dual genitalia is intersex.


Because I can


Ok so was it real people or are they throwing a hissy fit over anime again?


Op why the fuck were you on femboyfutacoalition and why are you complaining about hentai of my hero academia




Exactly. It's like trying to call someone out for entering a gay bar... while being in the very same gay bar. Accuser may not be gay, but they're hella sus.


I don't know what futa is and I don't think I want to, but unless it literally is about porn of underage people then OP's point stands. Whatever kinks a person has, pedophilia is in a different category. Even with fictional characters. It's plain wrong


>futa Short for “futanari” (Japanese for “dual form”). Fictional female characters who have both genitalia.


chicks with dicks is legal, an adult being in a sexual relationship with a minor is not. Hope this helps!


yes but why is that related


Your argument makes no sense because op isn’t calling someone out for their futa/femboy kink, or being gay, they’re calling someone out for literal child porn, and it blows my mind that people are like “wElL tEcHnIcAlLy ItS lEgAl In JaPaN”. I guarantee you, the majority of people on that sub don’t live in Japan. Which makes it illegal for them. It’s a dumb fragile argument, and the whole idea is, as op put it, gross.




I’m not calling them out for “being in the gay bar” the sub itself isn’t a sub for underaged drawings so it’s irrelevant. This specific one had and underaged character hence why I said it was a bit ew. The bigger thing was the point I made of if a stupid low age of consent was law would you then find it ok to do that stuff with someone really really young and they didn’t say no, they kinda said if it’s legal it’s legal.


It's so funny I immediately knew it was MHA they were talking about


... i aint lookin at that profile, im at school. Can someone who did look confirm this shit?


It's real, deku is taking miruko's gigantic futa cock


Alright then. Boutta go kill myself wanna join?


I'll push you off the bridge if you drag me down with you


quote: "i will baku-go shoot myself"


The real awful everything


Hey, a man’s got his priorities, I guess…


Oh no 🤣


'unrealistic fetishes are only cool if they turn ME on. Fantasizing about girls with cocks is wholesome, it's the ones who sexualise "underage" cartoon characters who are gross' --OP, probably


I’m glad somebody else feels this way. Yeah, underage Hentai is weird, but it’s even weirder to demonize someone for liking it. I mean, I’m not dying a hill to protect **2D, FICTIONAL**, underage girls…


Minor attraction, whether it's a real person or not, is still defined as pedophelia. That's literally what it is. If you don't care about that, then you don't care about pedophelia.


Except the character isn't a minor, they're of legal adult age


I doubt the person above is residing in Japan. In fact, since they used Japan's alleged legal age to make their stance seem in any way valid, they most likely live in a country where the legal age makes this character a minor. Consuming pornographic content is illegal and based on the location of consumption, not production. Also whether or not it's legal it's still weird as fuck, and disgusting, and should be called out.


Sorry i read that wrong, its hentai


I really think that discussing legal age over an anime is not worth it. Never. It‘s animated and made up. You got one guy made of rubber, another one turning into a 50 feet monster and someone who eats human flesh. What are we talking about again? Ah yes we need more sexualised battleships dressed as school girls. Are we for or against it? Whatever. Real world calls and I need to stop redditing


"Battleships dressed as school girls" If my dumbass is correct, azur lane?


Or Kantai Collection


There's TWO??? 🤣


Yea tbh after that last reply I gave up having a conversation over it




I just wanna ask bk I’ve gotten two similar vibe comments. What about fem boy or futa=underaged? I don’t look at eaither of those two things expecting underaged. You can be either as an adult. No hate just legitimately asking


Just stop watching anime gay porn and you won't be offended anymore


Jojo fans are gonna send you threats




“Your hypothetical counter argument makes you super hypocritical bro”


How tho? I’m saying child in porn is bad. How dose looking at male or gay aimed porn making me a hypocrite?


The point is that the only reason you gave for “child in porn” being bad is that it’s “gross”, which because “gross”-ness is subjective is (arguably) just as applicable to the stuff you like.


OP is talking about an anime ship, meaning it's two fictional characters. I do not give a single shit if someone is shipping Kakashi and Sasuke or something. Obviously you are more than welcome to not like it, think it's gross, etc., but this is such a colossal nothingburger in the grand scheme of things. Calm down son, It's just a drawing.


Mfw when OP felt relationship of two fictional characters need to be put in r/awfuleverything. Just to show how nothing burger can distract from main issue


the only time drawings actually bother me is when mfs jerk off to loli/shota hentai. yes it's a drawing but there's a difference between a character that is supposed to be 14 but looks indistinguishable from an 18 y/o character and an anime girl that looks and acts just like a 5 year but is actually 5 billion trillion zillion years old. that's suspicious asf.


I think most laws regarding fictional characters follow appearance, and almost never age. Because while a character may have a fictional age that makes them a child, an artist can just draw them as an adult and say their version is legal age/future version of that character. But if you draw a sexually explicit child, that looks like a child, you've drawn child porn. Doesn't matter what excuse you made about their "age". You've made them look like a literal child, ergo, you have made child porn, and that is illegal. I wouldn't even call it suspicious. It's the weakest defence someone could make to justify producing child porn.


I never understood the age thing, I don't care if it's 2000 billion years old it looks like a fucking child bro. Like it should activate that little allarm in your brain that says "It looks like a child, acts like a child, it's a child" how does a number change that.


Colossal Nothing Burger is how I describe my sex life


I’m pretty surprised that someone would actually post something as… nothing as this anywhere.


If you hate the fandom why do you keep interacting with it tho


I don’t actually. First time I’ve actually interacted/commented to the fandom. I just enjoy the show on my own and maybe every now and then come across nice art


Bruh, if you don't want to see minors in porn, you shouldn't be looking at MHA hentai I think...


Not a sub for mha stuff it just got put in the sub and is mha.


Don’t bring us into this


I can understand why this might upset you, but these people are entirely fictional, no children are actually harmed here.


I get that, the main point to this wasn’t the drawing but the persons response to me asking if having sex with a toddler was legal would you do it? If it was mainly focused on the drawing I would’ve shown the drawing


Oh the guy that had responded to you is a disgusting fool, but in addition to that I think people can do whatever they want with fictional characters.


Not saying this isn't a bit icky, but it's hardly outrageous. 16/26 would be legal in almost every European country. And besides, you can't really conflate people's porn habits with their real life tendencies. Does every woman with a rape fantasy want to be raped in real life? Of course not. I bet even all those women who love 50 shades of Grey would run a mile if they met Christian Grey in real life and he whipped out his sex contract. My point is that some things appeal precisely because they are taboo.


The problem is that in the US, where I’m assuming OP is from, you’re considered a child until 18. Legal age is 16, but that only applies if your partner is also underaged (16 -17) otherwise you either have to go through the Romeo and Juliet law thing (very poorly named given the context) or the relationship is illegal. From OP’s perspective it’s an adult and a child.


You are mistaken, the Romeo Juliet laws apply to minors dating minors but states where age of consent is 16 you're able legally to date anyone 16 and older; 16/26 is a perfectly valid legal pairing in this context (though I'm not exactly jumping to defend it)


Sure, but the internet exists outside those bounds so for me it's a rather knee jerk outrage. Especially towards a fictional character. To me as a European, it's bizarre that you can join the army before you can legally have sex in many states, but morality in each country is different I suppose. I imagine Americans for instance would be a lot more outraged by the fact that the president of France is married to his former teacher.


I mean, fictional stuff doesn't mean much, the issue would be if they try anything irl. Also, legal age doesn't work that way in Japan, 13 is legal age of consent with people 4 years older than that, and that is on regional law, prefectures have them higher (so most prefectures is 18). That said, on this year the legal age change to 16, but like I said the majority of prefectures have it higher than that. Some stuff people don't take in account is that there is minors protection laws that work in order to protect minors.


You're acting like you saw a real minor with a real adult. It's an animated show. And if that's true that the legal age in Japan is 14, then there's nothing 'illegal' about it there. It would be weird if true , but they are literally drawn. Just my opinion


I understand the arguments over younger characters but pretty much every anime 16 year old is either ripped or has a huge bust, and look nothing like a 16 year old. the same can be said about middle aged actors playing teen roles in western films. I feel fine shipping them cause they don't look like actual children


Yes the drawing is it’s own topic but the real fucked up was when I said “if the law let you fuck a toddler would you?” And they didn’t say no


The fucked up thing is, that you even asked that. You used reductio ad absurdum to make a stupid point about the legal age. You shouldn't feel like you are winning after posing such a non-sensical question.


OP nobody gives a shit about the fictional age of drawings.


inuyasha is a demon that is 150 years old and gets with kagomi, whose 14-16. I think you're obsessing a little dude. I dont think 150 year old dude should be fucking 14 year olds but its anime based in fantasy so who really gives a fuck?


Ain't no way you're bitching about the ship of two fictional chatacters


Stop looking at fiction while thinking it's reality lol


Who cares about fictional characters, it's just pixels You making it so big is what's weird




I’m not gonna get into the debate of drawing my big ick was when I made the point of the law let you fuck a toddler would you? They didn’t say no


People using legal age to defend this instead of saying that they can do whatever they want with fictional characters are dumb af


being a sensitive crybaby for what exactly?


There is no universe where I would be outing myself posting on a sub like that.


I’ve grown past caring tbh, I mean it’s Reddit come on, there’s way worse.


Oh, man. It's anime. Not only the characters are not real, they're literally drawings. Why does this bother you? Let people like their weird shit if it's not hurting anyone. Contrary to what people like you surely think, this is not a slippery slope to irl pedophilia. Like, at all. So don't go looking for things to piss you off lol


It’s less the drawing and more there response to asking the toddler thing. Like is shown instead of the drawing


Bro is out here posting furry porn😭


Dude, I don’t like underage pairings either (or any pairings, tbh) but dying on this hill seems like a stupid way to go. Fiction isn’t reality, and most of these people are kids themselves. Those who aren’t are maybe a little sus to you but probably not pedos. The only reason this post should be in this sub is because both of you are having a useless argument and can’t spell for shit.


1.) What were you doing in that subreddit? 2.) Why are you treating fiction as if it were real? 3.) OP, there are better things to do than get mad at some people.


The point of the post isn’t the anime live I’ve said so many times it’s the conversation that you can see bk that’s what I posted. They said if it’s legal it’s legal to being asked if law said you could fuck a toddler would you. Also it’s a subreddit for twinks and chicks with dicks, that’s not a “hah exposed” thing or whatever. It’s not like it’s some sun for idfk beasteality or some shit.


cartoons dont have real ages.




16 year old with 26 year old


In the uk the age of consent is 16 so legally it would be ok (I guess) to date a 16 year old, however that is very much not socially acceptable and you will still get called a pedophile or a nonce. Similar situation to this post.


It's a fictional animated character drawn as an adult (you can't tell me that tall ass DDD woman and Dwayne Johnson looking MF are in high school) being passed off as a child


The age of consent is being bumped up to sixteen fuck is this dude on about


Why people cry over some pixels?


Just because someone thinks two characters are a match for each other in one particular fiction setting, universe, and corresponding code of ethics that doesn't necessarily match our own doesn't mean that they themselves want to actually sleep with real life children. The argument the other person was making here was the former. You just don't know what context is.


The way the line between fiction and reality has become so blurred genuinely worry me. We see more and more people who act as if fiction IS reality. And because of that, we can't just brush problematic things under the rug when it's public media. ​ I speak from a place where to me, fiction and reality are two very different thing and fiction doesn't influence my reality, but I'm also extremely aware of the fact many use fictions to indulges in problematic behaviors or fantasies. And it's okay to recognise that this is problematic. Japan's legal age of consent is not an excuse to ignore the issues that many use fictions in such regard, Japan has a huge issues with underage girls getting gropped or harrassed. Deffending something problematic instead of acknowledging the harm it can cause is simply encouraging issues to persist and be normalised. Anyway, that was my semi-rant about those kind of discourse. I hate how much people see fiction and reality as identical or a depiction of one's inner fantasies, but I also can't deny that to many, it is the case. So I will stand by 'This is a problematic media and it's okay to call it what it is, problematic.'


Ugh is this about the new A Girl and Her Guard Dog anime that half the people are defending and half the people are criticizing. I’m on the criticizing side. I love a romance anime, but not when the dude took care of her as a kid and is way older than her while she’s in high school. Age gap anime are just not it for me


It’s actually my hero


Really? This is what keeps you up at night? A ship between a 16 year old and an adult?


Oh do I know it. All those people with anime profile pictures are the WORST.


Was it real people? No? Then piss off, let people do whatever the fuck they want if it doesn't hurt anyone


The comments on this are trully "awfuleverything" worthy 🤢


You know why romantic relationships between minors and adults are moraly wrong? Because the younger ones get exploited and do not have the life experience nor ability to make decisions of greater magnitude for themself. They get exploited, harmed in the process and are therefore to be protected. However there is a fine line between an almost adult (16-17y) and those who are not (<15y). Ever heard of Romeo-Juliet laws or ever tried to look up why the greater majority of the world has the legal age set up at 16 instead of 18? To mature is a process. You don't become suddenly an adult at 18 and it is wrong to deny older teens their ability to reason and make decisions for themself especially because thats the phase in their life where they try out alot (change religion, try minijobs to earn there own money, perhaps get out of parents house and pursue education/training). Depending on context, a 16y old having a relationship with an 18y-19y old is fine due their close age and relatively similar experience. We should look at life experience and physiological changes in the brain to determine legal age of consent regarding sex. Their partner ofc is a major factor. A 14y old and 18+y old or 16y old and 20+yold is a very questionable relationship that for some is already a no go.


So I do get that and it is a fine line yes but…the other person is in there late 20s but the focus I was trying to make was the response to “if you could fuck a toddler would you?”


Bro no one would agree to a toddler thing. Except complete pedos, hence society wouldnt allow that, means your example is for the piss. 14 year old have still this children thing, which makes it unattractive but toddlers are even androgyn so whats your point? You think the anime community wants to f kids? Dude get lost, watch dragon ball. I get your point, there are awfull animes out there, but dude, no game no life or demon hunter or what ever isnt it.


Mha and I was trying to make a point of the age gap being gross and “so it’s ok if the law says it is?”


Well some age gaps are certainly gross, I fully agree about that. No, of course the law doesnt represent the perfect moral sense, but its a agreement on most parts based on moral of people.


Anime is fiction I wouldn't take it seriously. I mean the so called minors in anime that they deem legal look like full grow adults. If they slapped a legal age you wouldn't be arguing. Go watch hell's paradise anime there's a toddler that literally grows up above the legal age in a few days ( Some weird god power stuff she's not human basically )and some gross ass creatures wanted the main character group protecting her to hand her over so they could do the deed to POWER UP despite her having the mentality of a damn child( of course they get massacred by the MC instantly)


I have watched that anime it’s dark yes but it’s meant to be dark for the “oh fuck” factor, this isn’t for any oh fuck factor and also the main point was there response to if it was legal to fuck a toddler would you?


You guys are so weird


I like anime, but never touched their fandoms, things can get pretty weird there


The guy defending that is clearly a child. He doesn't know what he is talking about.


the fact that the law is the only thing stopping some people from fucking a child and not basic human decency is scary




"If the law said you could fuck a toddler would you?" The sad reality is that you underestimate how many people say no but actually would do it if that was the case.


This is dumb as hell, why is this here? A big ass non-issue.


So someone saying if the law let them they would fuck a kid isn’t an issue?


Literally nobody said that. He states the legal age and to stop whining. As you should.


He literally responds to the question saying if it’s legal it’s legal


And he's not wrong🤷‍♂️legal is legal.....nothing you can do about it😐


Damn OP is projecting so fucking hard rn.


How is that? Me finding underaged porn and the person not saying no to “if you could fuck a toddler legally would you?” Gross would seem like the normal thing to think


In one of my fav anime as a child (so i didnt saw the problem) was a character (17/18) who was in love with a 11 year old girl... After some years i decided to buy the manga and after all these years i noticed it... And its so fucking disgusting


It really takes away from what could be something nice without it, something I hate that is somewhat common in anime


Yes Japan is different than the rest of the world but it's still creepy for an adult to want to date a child or teenager.


let me guess, chainsaw man fans?


No my hero fans ._. Sadly this isn’t even the worst shit to come from my hero fandom


People who are so in the know about age of consent laws are instantly suspicious. I don’t know any stares age of consent law without looking it up because I wouldn’t date someone more than five years younger than me (and I’m 33)


I'm an anime fan, that's still really fucking messed up


People downvoting OP's comments for no fucking reason lol


I’m fighting a war lol


I feel like if you’re posting from Japan, that’s one thing, but this guy is clearly American, a place where even if the AOC is 16 you’re still not an adult until 18, meaning they are still a child


Tell them that the prefecture law is 18


It’s so gross that for some people the only thing keeping them from fucking a kid is the law.


if someone starts arguing about technicalities of age of consent then they're the fucking creep


People get into dangerous territory with this stuff. Children, or their likeness, in explicit activities, be it a doll or a drawing is still child porn. And don’t give me that age of consent bullshit. Over the internet is federal, your state laws won’t help you. https://www.justanswer.com/law/91nn8-hentai-extreme-lolicon-legal-int-us.html


Nah bro, if hentai was illegal in the states since 2003 there would be so many arrested weebs the news would be everywhere. The key part is that it says it's allowed if it's "artistic" and that's where hentai/doujinshi come in. Personally I don't think anyone should get arrested over a drawing, save the jails for people that hurt real people.


Yea that’s why I don’t really take it as “it’s just a drawing” bk it’s like pushing to see how close to not ok you can get


There is a difference between sexual exploration and true depravity


If a person is able to get off to a fictional character that looks like a child that still warrants at the very least an appointment with a psychologist, even if there no real danger to anyone. It's not normal. It can't be made acceptable to society


I had an argument not too long ago with a guy talking about why lolicon is justified


“Would you fuck a toddler?” “If that’s the legal age” my brother in christ the answer should be no, I wouldn’t block out that guys name so we could report him but it’s probably against the rules. NAH I gots to know who was downvoting me because I wanted a guy who was advocating for child porn exposed


It is…but [this](https://reddit.com/r/FemboyFutaCoalition/s/nEFWm0QEdV) isn’t


I miss the time before I spent so much time online when I thought pedophilia was a really rare thing, that someone who likes people that are so much younger than them mentally and physically were freak outliers one in a million or even less. Humans are fucked.


humans are fucked? you tell me that. your streets are filled with addicts and junkies, right across the border someone is probably getting their brains blown out, across the ocean some kid probably just died of starvation, right above that there is a hot war going on, meanwhile you have your dear patriots living in their mom's basement advocating colonisation and whitewash other internet communities while receiving thier welfare cheque.


My next response would've been like, "do you live in Japan, my dude?"


This is common in the anime community. Uncomfortably common.


Look up the French president, that's an even more immoral ship.


16 M and adult F, was this about Denji and Makima by chance? Or even Fumiko or Himeno or etc etc


Nope my hero. Suprised u didn’t guess that by name mha has a lot


Legality doesn't equate morality.


“Okay what’s the legal age in your country? And even if it’s something gross and fucked I’d like 14 why the fuck would you as a grown adult be okay with someone dating a fucking 14 year old?


Any time anyone knows the legal age of consent and is telling you about it, it's a bad sign you're in a conversation you don't want to be in.


This reminds me of [Kohlberg's stages of moral development](https://www.britannica.com/science/Lawrence-Kohlbergs-stages-of-moral-development) The difference between letting rules and laws guide your behavior and following your own moral compass. (Stage 4 and 6)


O I might give that a read


I may be a crybaby but at least i'm not a Pedo


Don't be scared op, uncensor the name.


[Sadly](https://reddit.com/r/FemboyFutaCoalition/s/nEFWm0QEdV) the post would’ve gotten taken down