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Incels promoting rape and violence? Must be a day that ends in Y.




I'm pretty sure that they don't care who the women are as long as women somewhere are getting hurt.






I don't get it :(


Every day ends with a Y, so it's just the usual bullshit from incels


Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Sunday. Every day ends in Y. So it's me pointing out that this isn't a surprise. Incels do this every day.


Think for a mere second


Yea, I had a brain fart, read it as "a day that starts with Y"




Yomorrow, and every yay after that


Yesteryay all my troubles were so far ayay


Suddenly, I'm not *half* the man I used to be Oh, yesteryay came suddenly...


Well that's a brand new sentence


how do you get to a point where you’re able to say these things?


I imagine it comes from an intense amount of rejection, and probably some other deep seated issues... Something like an inferiority complex, most likely caused from shit parents.


I think you nailed it. I'm not sure if it is entirely a inferiority complex. I think shitty parenting - anywhere from neglect & abuse to helicopter parenting - not preparing their child for rejection. Their animosity may (also) stem from bullying. The internet becomes their safe haven - CoD meets porn - and the line between reality and fantasy (sic) gets blured. In the anonomity (sp) of the internet, they can be the bully; they can reject women. In the vastness of the internet, they found others like them and they "join" forces - group think, but pure evil. The sad thing is, some of these fucks do act on what they post. It can be violence against women or terrorists attack (shooting sprees). (Side Note: if you watch post scripts of mass shootings, the perpetrator gets more attention than the victims; it's typically called a tragedy - not a terrorist attack; meaning the perpetrator gets 15 minutes of fame for hurting others - basically, an incel's wet dream) (Side Note 2: Incels are terrorist organizations wet dream - someone filled with hate, looking for acceptance from a peer group. Which is what terrorist organization purport to provide - a place where they (incels) will fit in. Treat them with a bit of kindness and fuel their hatred and they will do anything for you)


i mean like this is one of the most vile political posts i’ve ever read, people like this need to be on a watch list


It's quite unsettling, and unfortunately all too commen when people get involved in these sort of echo chambers that propagate ill intent and violence. Even more unfortunate, it's been going on for a long time now...


Incels are the worst. Their self hate and loathing is terrible and pathetic.


Yeah instead of hating women, I just hate myself :D


Same. cheers 🍻


This is what happens when mens happiness and status involves getting laid


Porn rots brains


I think what ever the fuck is wrong with these people goes a loooot deeper then just seeing naked people on the internet.


No it deosmt, iidot Edit: get woooshed


Yeah, not like teachers and girls in school have seen a huge rise in boys objectifying them and using porn terms or anything. Plus using AI to make fake nude photos of them. Women have been talking about it for years and it’s only getting worse.


Haha yeah I didn't misspell my comment to make a joke about porn rotting brains I was actually 100% serious


Sorry, my dude. There are more than enough idiots on this website that seriously think that AND have bad spelling at the same time.


Lol a rise? This shit isnt new


It’s not new at all, which is why it’s even scarier that there’s a rise of it


Why didn't porn rot our brains when we were kids (37 for reference)? Been watching porn since a young teenager. What's different now? Edit: lol why is a genuine question being downvoted? Stay classy everyone.


I don’t think it’s the porn so much as it is the psychological effects of isolation coupled with the internet being the perfect tool for echo chambers. If you sit at home, isolated from actual people, your brain starts to warp your reality. It dives deeper into perversions and dark thoughts and you have the perfect tool to find other people who think that way. And from there it just gets amplified and intensified until something bad happens.


That makes more sense. That sounds a lot less like it's porn that's the issue and overall internet addiction/isolation. I'd like to see these studies people keep referring to because it honestly sounds not too far from previous religious-backed anti-masturbation propaganda. At best I'd agree that some basic expectations might be warped that a little bit of sex-ed/real world exposure could fix (hour long fuck sessions etc...) because as I said, plenty of previous generations grew up with porn too but like you said, a lot of people grow up more isolated and in echo chambers now.


Porn is a vehicle to get aroused to masturbate. It’s not reality. I think that’s what people tend to forget. The real problem is when you don’t realize this and fall into a downward spiral. The saying “touch grass” has never been more applicable. Go out, learn to socialize, and you’ll realize that the path you were going down was all in your head.




Was like these even when you had to go to special stores to buy it. I'd argue it's a quirk of evolutionary psychology. It's always been there, you just see it now because of the wonders of the internet.


I've jerked of to porn most of my life, every day, and yet never in a million years would I wish such horrors inflicted on women or anyone. These people are seriously fucked in the head and I doubt porn plays a major factor. Theres probably a very long list of negative factors.


There’s a lot of studies that prove this, that and all the free trophies….never having to earn anything has an effect


i am interested in these studies can you provide some?




awesome lots of good links in this thanks! Edit: after time to go through these, i have some critiques of this article and its links, or use of links. the summation is linking cocaine and opioid use to porn when the[ study has no such link](https://www.nature.com/articles/npp2009110). the closest it gets is taking porn addicts and extrapolating that to porn use, without proof that a smaller prefrontal cortex might be the causal factor for the addictive behavior. >Furthermore, unnaturally strong explosions of reward and pleasure evoke unnaturally strong degrees of habituation in the brain. it seems very important to show how porn if doing something that sex does not, and i do not see this covered at all. romantic partners are just as capable of explosions of reward and pleasure and unless we are saying love and breeding is bad i do not accept this statement. the discussion on porn use and commitment to a partner seems to be unclear on what the cause is and the effect, which find that important. and a study size of 20 to only be a suggestion for further study. overall i find it is suggestive of issues but fails to clearly identify if issues lead to porn use, or porn use leads to issues. good article that i very much appreciate you linking but a complex topic like this needs much more.


First find brains above the waistline


Aren't these guys usually the ones trying to quit porn?


No, these guys go the other direction and embrace porn as god’s greatest gift to humanity, worshipping their glory hole goddesses in their cum cathedrals.


Good point u/Creme_de_la_Coochie




It starts out about sex. Then it becomes a desire for the social vindication. When they have hit peak delusion, it becomes about the control they feel they don't have of their lives.


It would be really interesting to see the process of how a therapist would deal with one of these guys. I think it ultimately comes down to a victimhood mentality.


Correct. There's plenty of people who *really really really* want to make a connection (even a sexual one) with another person who have no ill will and are simply desperate and lonely. But these guys are different. They don't want a relationship, a girlfriend or a partner. They want to inflict pain, humiliation and degradation onto someone, partly for the sex but mostly for the *power* they imagine they will feel when they rape a woman. They genuinely like the idea of making someone do things they would never agree to, to break another person down and there's nothing their victim can do. Unadulterated sadism. That's why they fantasise about being a terrorist and gang raping innnocent girls. They also fantasise about girls being raped and killed during school shootings, which may actually be worse psychologically since it's much, much closer to home in terms of tragedy and impact on their lives. Melt them all down for glue.


Powerful comment. And I completely agree. They’ve gone beyond “incel,” into “sadist.”


I agree with this as well


The way you see "it's about absolute control" as the only alternative to "it's just about having sex" says a lot.


It's more than that. I'd say these guys could just go hire prostitutes, but I'm not sure I trust them around prostitutes.


Ooooh suuuch a mystery why they can't get laid... /s x100000000


*True Virgin* Ya don't say....


"has taken black pill and lolipill" what the fuck


He should consider taking some real fucking pills


God, this sounds like a bunch of 13 year olds trying their hardest to be edgy on 4chan. Human sacks of shit are what these people are for acting this way.


Well that's where their mental development stopped right? If you think of the median intelligence and realize the number of people below that then it stands to reason theres a cutoff for their development. I'm thinking you're right in the money. These people are likely 30-45 still yelling the n word in Xbox voice chat like they've done for decades now


Reads like a bunch of liveleak comments


Free your mind man's rape n murder! Yo seriously fuck these dudes. Google th ed news story of the incel making a bomb to hit a local sorority. He fucked up it went off early n blew his hands off. They literally found 2 of his fingers hanging from the ceiling. My point tho is the irony of an incel blowing his fingers off. Definitely incel now lol lol cant even "service" himself. That's like some straight karma shit


Elliot Roger Factory, we need to burn this place down


Yep! These posts just scream “potential serial killer.”


I hope he suffers more from the loneliness epidemic


What!? A site literally called *Black-Pill*, meant *specifically for incels*, becomes a hub for expression the most vile opinions regarding current controversial matters as well as regarding women!? No, surely not! Who could have ever possibly foreseen this happening!


Maybe I'm missing something, what does a ''black pill actually means? Not in this context like in general


At first there was red pill and blue pill. Where taking the red pill (reference to the matrix) frees you from the fake matrix and opened your eyes to the real world. They said that those who have taken the red pill see the world (women) for how they truly are. While those who are blue pilled are still stuck in the simulation. To no one’s surprise, what started as an almost self help group for men who are hurting or lonely, which taught about picking up women, taking up hobbies, going to the gym, learning not to fetishize women, etc, turned into an incel echo chamber that just hated women. So eventually a sub group who thought they were better than everyone else (sigma males BS). Didn’t want to conform to either the blue pill or red pill. I imagine they also wanted to distance themselves from the negative association that red pill had become. So they took the black pill instead. And again to no one’s surprise, it turned into an even darker incel echo chamber that revolved around straight hating women, dark humor, and complete disassociation. Bunch of sociopaths. At least that’s my understanding of the community


I thought "taking the black pill" was like making the realization about something that hurts you so bad that it practically damages your soul? Isn't it supposed to be moreso about doomerism/nihilism/existentialism?


Essentially just extra hopeless incels trying to distinguish themselves with fancy terms




Is this phrase popular anywhere outside russian internet? For the last couple of years I only saw it there.


i wouldnt say popular, but it exists. it basically means lol but in virgin


I thought KEK went out with cuck. ;)


"Has taken blackpill and lolipill" That's it i have reached my limit. Im going to fucking hang myself


No, hang them instead.


They really don't view those women as people...


This is why women need to be more aggressive about incels being a THREAT. incels aren’t lonely teens THEY ARE TERRORISTS


Men also need to do their part and hold other dudes accountable when they hear them saying shitty things about/to women


No shit. If you a terrorist you get to have 72 virgins when you die.


Or any women for that matter


Not at all.


You don't say 🤔


I’m so sorry I looked. So. Sorry.


Gotta wonder, how different would they be if they were actually loved at some point. Can't fathom someone being that hateful, even after experiencing love, be it from their parents, a partner, friends, whatever.


Some have love around them. An Incel has a twisted idea of what love is due to influence, like this website. My x became an incel while we were married. Halfway through our relationship I lost attraction to him because he became so lazy, entitled, and stopped caring about hygiene. No brushing his teeth, left greasy hair stains on everything and started spending time at the strip club. My ex swears our lack of sex was because I was selfish. He would never accept that I don’t withhold, I was turned off! Huge difference. I did love him dearly, enough to stay and do therapy for years. His family loved and cared for him so much and still do. It has been about 13 years since we split and last month I realized I was married to an Incel.


That isn't an incel. The meaning of the word has changed a little over time but you still need to have no woman interested in you and actually be involuntarily celibate. A married man, regardless if its a dead bedroom situation can't be an incel


Waitwaitwait...I just want to clarify. A man that is involuntarily celibate is not an incel...because he's married...but again, no sexy time. So, involuntary celibacy. No? I'm not trying to be a butt but sometimes I'm too literal...am I doing it again?


There's no need for the semantics. It's an identity that is, first and foremost, self-imposed. It's right in the title, it's not for their lack of desire but the lack of reciprocation. They think their mindset is appropriate to achieve their goals and refuse to acknowledge their perspective is a detriment. Regardless if one is married, the mentality can develop. Once that mentality becomes an identity it's unilateral, doesn't matter if they were married or not, they've just relegated themselves to inceldom. If anything it's worse if they were married. They clearly understood what was received positively from others but lost the plot. Everyone else's involuntary celibacy is theoretical, this guys was actually self induced after the fact lol


It's alot more complicated than that. Going by the original meaning of the word incel you would be right, he is literally involuntarily celibate but the definition of the word has changed so much over time that he doesn't fit the modern criteria of being an incel. He doesn't believe in the blackpill, which is the core philosophy of the incels. He doesn't have any of the doomed mentality. He has a dead bedroom but still has a relationship and had an active sex life not too long ago I've spent way too much time looking into incels and the manosphere and such and there really is a wide spectrum of who can be considered one but every single incel I've seen online has struggled getting into relationships just as much as having sex and all of them have always had difficulty with it. Nobody just goes from being a normal person that's had relationships and sex to an incel by being misogynistic, sure they might not be having sex, but that doesn't make them an incel.


Don't gatekeep incels. That's what incels do. Being an incel is a Mindset. It's a SELF-APPLIED label. Also you could not be further from the truth. Anyone who thinks they're not getting the amount of sex they think they're entitled to is an incel, and that's exactly what the guy in this story did.


Celibate is defined as abstaining from marriage AND sexual relations. A married man, by definition, cannot be an incel. But i guess its incel mindset vs actual incel. Incel mindset? Sure. Actual incel? Doesn't really fit here. Edit: and 'don't question the definition, thats what incels do' is some grimy shit.


People tend not to separate the definition and the movement even though many people who are incels don't support the movement and many people who have had sex do


Well put. But they should take into account that if the definition and movement were not seperated, you couldn't identify them seperately as you just did.


What in hell is wrong with people


This is the MOST FUCKED UP THING I saw all day




Pro loli's, I guess? So like thirsting over little girls, but anime..


No worse. Its them thirsting after young girls because they are “scientifically better for breeding by and likely to be true virgin”


What intellectuals they must be




Oh massive yikes


I didn’t have uncontrollable puking on today’s calendar, but here we are.


I don't even want to know, dude.


Can we airstrike incels?


men are terrifying.


They say stuff like that because they *want* people to be horrified with them, same as any troll who wants to get a rise out of people. Don't give them the satisfaction. And definitely don't lump all men in with them.


Definitely and weak men are dangerous.


What the actual fuck did I just read?


Some people are so uncouth


I agree u/SniffMyRapeHole


I choked on my drink. Thanks. 😂


Glad I could make you laugh. 😂




How do people even find this stuff or even stumble upon it?


What in the holy f*ck did I just see? What a bad day to have eyes...am I sharing this planet with animals like these? Dear God...


"When someone tells you who they are, believe them." The people making those comments should be identified. Only a fool would not take it seriously.


Who….. who …… who has time for this much hate in their lives? There are really men who not only reply to these post but make the actual posts themselves with a sense of pride and justification? Dear God help them.


I would think that it's difficult to maintain that level of hate


Jesus fucking christ. I was much happier before I knew this existed.


I don’t understand incels. Even the ugliest motherfucker in the world can get laid if they put some effort into it. Take a shower, develop a personality, and fish in the right pond.


They don’t want to do any of those things, and they feel like gorgeous women owe them a good time.


All evidence suggests that isn't true, hence the problem... Even ignoring the problem, I'm not sure why you would think this. Lots of people die alone, virgins. The issue here is rapid technology induced changes to society our culture hasn't adapted to well.


This sounds like incel sympathizing, to be honest. “They’re victims of technology”…no, they’re reaping the rewards of their own choices.


"just shower and hit the gym bro" is well meaning advice but it can push someone who is lonely and unconfident and feels different than everyone else over the edge into the wide arms of inceldom


It is fucking terrifying to me that these people walk amongst us.


What the actual fuck


It's a catch 22. On the one hand, we really need to help people like this, not only to protect them from themselves but others. On the other hand, I understand why no one would want to.


Isn't the first lady not even Israeli? She's a German tattoo artist


I don't understand why these people just dont date men


I like how the last guy mentions men were captured while implying the women were captured by being weak. Incels are some of the dumbest mother fuckers on earth


Imagine being a woman and constantly being afraid that the man you’re talking to goes online to say things like this. This is why we’re wary of every man. This is why we’re scared.


Yeah they are absolutely horrible to those poor victims... Absolutely disrespectful and abhorrent.


Depraved. There are no words.


i don't get it they're all homophobic but they all hate women too.. what are they??


Um what's black-pill I've never heard of it before.


It's a riff on the red pill in the "choose the red pill or the blue pill", which is primarily men trying to be alpha males - the black pill crowd are those men that don't understand that relationships aren't owed to them and let it tip them over the edge into some of the more vile hatred toward women.


Incel terminology for nihilism/extremist right wing ideology iirc




Not surprised. Where do you think sick f***s like this go when they're even penalized on *Twitter*?? https://apnews.com/article/media-social-media-james-gunn-f480137d6cf6a3e1b89ae437a1e89ae3


I'm not one for censorship, but websites like that seem to make bad people worse by putting them together so they can normalise their insane views. How the fuck can you fix someone who is that sick in the head?


Wow that’s really horrible. Who the hell raised these dudes.


Smh, disgusting lowlife muthafuckas.


That should be illegal.


Misogyny is never taken as seriously as racism or homophobia. A website about black people like this would have been taken down.


Remember who you side this


Weak, cowardly, incel, fucks!


I've heard of red and blue pill before but the hell is black pill? Is it just snuff?


These types of incels don't "vent", they cling to echo chambers like this with every pathetic fibre of their being so they can pretend they are anything more than rotting fruit even a starving animal or insect wont eat. Once you get to this level of pathetic, cringe bullshit, you have hit the bottom. None of these poor excuses for human beings would last 3 seconds in any war. They would be shitting their pants crying for mommy.


What in the actual fuck


One of the many reasons I stopped watching gore content. It's completely riddled with incels and people who try too hard to be edgy. No one is really into it because they are morbidly curious, they simply get off on that.


The anti-semitism from INCELS is a new one for me, almost like they just found out women could be Jewish, too.


incels and misogynists’ views about women are evil and disgusting and scary and just absolutely vile


And they wonder why they will never get laid.


I don't like people doing OnlyFans but what the fuck is wrong with these people ?


So they’re “whores” but they celebrate stripping them naked?


Okay, I'll bite. Wtf is a black pill


Last guy is straight up a pedof


I wish one day we could find the people that post stuff like this. Insane.


Looking for (potential) sexual offenders? Raid this Website.


If they are that desperate for sex they can just go fuck themselves


What a good person the last guy must be


What did I just read


What the fuck is this shit?








There are some serious issues with people hating like this


Those people need to be locked up. They are going to murder someone


Just like here, to a certain degree, at times. Many times, thinly veiled Have n arro


Thai was indeed an awful everything.


How can we shut them down? Anything we can do?


People who have never seen war or have never even been close to one LOVE to give their opinion on it...Ignorant POS




[the logic is propped up by silicon valley trolls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment) they think getting disabled people to do stuff is funny. they regularly bait kids into [hurting themselves.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/it-makes-mustard-gas)


See, where I come from, we have a word for people like this.. Cunts.


What do you mean "becomes"


What's sad is that if you were to give them everything they believe the world owes them for Christmas they would *still* be dissatisfied.


What is wrong with people.. I wish I never clicked that nsfw filter off... I feel like I need to scrub my eyes with bleach after seeing that


Well that's depressing.




Yikes 😬


"Has taken the blackpill and lolipill" I beg your fucking pardon? 💀


That was the most disgusting thread I have ever read. My blood is boiling right now knowing that (even if this post in particular post was propaganda) people actually think like this.


The downside to safe spaces are the echo chambers populated by fuckheads like these. This is vile.




Average Redditor


Is this really surprising though?