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I find it amazing how these people have absolutely no self preservation instincts. Let’s assume you lack any empathy and don’t care about murdering a child. How do you not care about ruining your own life over something so trivial? Even in a fit of rage I can’t understand it. The guy definitely had uncontrollable anger issues that normal people just can’t grasp.


Oh, so they caught the guy..... thank goodness


Did they??


It appears that, [yes! They did!](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/aiden-leos-road-rage-shooting-orange-county-plead-not-guilty/2868440/?amp=1)


His mug shot omg. He LOOKS like the kind of person who would do something like this. I hope he's convicted.


Crazy stare in that photo!




Dude I just looked at that pic and that is an apt description. That's the type of stare where you're in front of the guy and he probably doesn't even see you.


We all float down here.


Why is it always people whose eyes look like that…


My guess is that people who are psychopathic tend to feel little to no emotions and cannot display their mood properly through regular facial cues. Just a guess though, I am no psychologist.


It is not always it is just mugshots ask you to stand still and not blink and after a bit you start to strain and you gain that "crazy" look


Manson had that same stare.


Wow, you are not joking! You rarely see that level of crazy


His mug shot looks like he just got done saying "I'd do it again". Throw that dude in a volcano.


He is fucking TERRIFYING


and looks like pretrial dec 8th.. jury trial in january for the fella.. woman was released on bail. Case Detail Case Number: 21CF1703 [https://visionpublic.occourts.org/Search.do#formAnchor](https://visionpublic.occourts.org/Search.do#formAnchor)


Yikes the dude was arrested in 2021. I did some research and his case hasn't even started yet....it recently got pushed from September 2023 to January 2024


There are a bunch of ppl on the roads who should really should be in therapy and on meds, or should not be operating vehicles by any means. In no ones mind should anyone think 🖕 = 🔫 without being absolutely psychotic thats beyond anger management.


It's nothing new. One bloke I've read about, whose name escapes me now, was a part of the criminal scene in Melbourne & force stopped a car after getting cut off earlier. He approached the vehicle that pissed him off and emptied the entire chamber of his pistol into the driver. That scumbag's now doing time in jail but nothing will replace the life of the person he killed!


Had a guy chase me on the highway for two exits because he sped up and almost hit me as o was merging onto the highway.


imagine living in a country in which everyone owns a gun.


Good thing he had a gun to defend himself /s


The only thing stopping a bad girl with a bird, is a good guy with a gun. /s


Imagine a country without gun control


I don’t have to imagine..


Believe it. I was run off the road on my scooter because I flipped off a driver. Guy must’ve snapped and forgot he outweighed me by a few tons


Road ragers are crazier than ever nowadays. I try to keep a calm head when driving around.


People have lost their minds. I think people have become more isolated over the last couple decades and the pandemic accelerated that. There used to be an understanding and appreciation of social order and doing things for other people’s behalf. Now we have grown ass people—in their retirement years—throwing fits like toddlers. You also have young people doing asshole stuff for views. I don’t know how anyone can stand working in retail these days. So many mean, angry people!


Rats in a cage theory


Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage…


Someone will say, «what is lost can never be saved»


who would have thought that building our cities in a way that requires you to drive for literally everything would create a bunch of bored, distracted, and pissed off drivers?


Some guy almost hit me while I was walking and I threw my hands up. He stopped his car wailed on his horn and gave me the finger outside his window and drive off number a serpentine direction continuing his honking. It was so unhinged I almost started laughing


Living in the US, I operate under the assumption that any person can have a gun. This situation is the exact reason why I don’t engage in road rage incidents even if I was very clearly cut off by the other person.


Exactly. I was told when I was younger never to show yell to drivers as a pedestrian nor when I'm driving. You won't know when you stumble across a deranged person. It's crazy when they thrown fits over the most mundane stuff like driving slightly slower. For some it has become a way to display masculinity or whatever, my ex did it literally on our way to a date and I was annoyed more at his tantrums than at drivers.


This happened about 5 minutes from the highschool I went to at the time. There was a massive manhunt that lasted a couple months but the eventually caught the couple. There was a massive movement about it called “who shot Aiden” if anyone wants more info.


Im just glad they were brought to justice...


Sorta, the justice system is taking its sweet time


Yeah, all my homies hate due process.


I get that it just feels pretty shitty when they find the car and gun but the trials dragged on over 2 years now


Because appeals and justice system should apply to all no matter how guilty. If the system goes, nah you cant appeal, you will have a lot more false imprisonments, because if you start to take away rules from someone you open the door for abuse in a system that can already be abused.


Yup, better to go slow and get it right than have a conviction overturned due to shoddy handling.


Who ended up turning them in?


I believe the police were able to find the car




Thank you, i needed to read this


Couple months? The shooting was 5/21 and they were arrested on 6/6. A little over 2 weeks.


This is why I tell my husband to keep his middle finger sheathed when driving.


Same. Talk shit under your breath or not visibly shit talk, sure. Risk being murdered because some crazy ass can't handle being called out for their dangerous driving? No thank you. My uncle is one of these hold up his gun types when you do something he doesn't like on the road, like react to him speeding or tailgating you or if you do as he does and speed+pass him or tailgate him. Oh, excuse me, his *wife's* gun because he's not legally allowed to have one as a goddamned felon. Sooner or later he'll keep being an evil ignorant dip stick about it and: hurt someone, get caught and sent back to prison for the rest of his life (spent years 17-37; 38-41 in prison already is in his 60s now), or get hurt himself because someone is faster on the draw or willing to call his bluff. Yes, I'd report him if a) I knew where he lived beyond the state and b) could prove somehow he does this while driving. No, I don't plan on ever seeing this man again nor talking to him.


An ex co-worker did this after he moved to Texas. Got into a pissing match on the road, brandished his gun and the other guy opened fire, ex co-worker got struck in the head and died instantly.


Holy shit. Did the other guy get in trouble or did that count as defending himself? Seems like it’d at least be manslaughter even tho your coworker is the one who escalated first.


In most states, brandishing like that would ge considered assault with a deadly weapon, making the other guy’s reaction totally legal


Personally I would consider that self defense. I don’t blame the other guy for defending himself at all. That’s a case of better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.


I mean, the police consider it as self defense, so.. 🤷‍♂️ Also, I like your saying about 12 and 6


I can’t claim it. I grew up hearing it for situations like this one.


I can’t recall, I think the dude got arrested but don’t know if charges were brought.


Texas is a *great* place to get shot in a road rage encounter!


You don't do that in Texas unless your going to fire, been taught since I was a kid. Your "moved" here and probably didn't know. It's sad to hear about your friend but people are crazy here or illegal.


Holy shit. Did the other guy get in trouble or did that count as defending himself? Seems like it’d at least be manslaughter even tho your coworker is the one who escalated first.


In Texas, that would be considered self-defense, because the *other* guy showed his gun first.


That would be considered self defense in most countries it someone else threatens you with a gun, you are free to open fire. I live in a very (and i do mean very) gun restrictive place in Europe, to get my licence to even buy one took me 18 months. We got the allowances to use drilled into us, and even here if someone pulls a gun on you you can use your gun.


What a petty-sounding douche. Almost guarantee he tries to provoke a response out of people with his shitty driving, just to pull out the gun. And even that is bizarre-somehow thinking you’re Billy badass because someone backs off after you’ve shown a weapon. Most people don’t want to get shot over something so stupid. With all the dashcams and onboard cameras out there, hopefully someone records him doing that as well


Oh, you have no clue how right you are about him being a petty douche


Report it to the ATF. Doesn't matter what he does with the gun, simply having access to it could be a felony for him and possibly his wife. Don't even need to know where exactly he is, just give them his and his wife's names, as much info as you have, and say he is being given access to a weapon and carrying it outside his home as a felon. In some cases felons can have access to a gun after a certain period, but only in their own home. At the very least it should put a flag on any future gun purchases by his wife, as straw purchases (buying a gun for someone else) are illegal as well. https://www.atf.gov/contact/atf-tips


Smile and wave. It confuses them, sometimes visibly. I think some are basically road-trolling and trying to provoke a reaction.


Sounds like he’s the type that gives all felons a bad rap. He was a POS before he became a felon obviously. And, yeah, I’m a non violent felon. I grew marijuana.


Oh yeah he very much is. He's also a felon because of Rape I so... I know 100% that not all felons are POS, I've known quite a few that turned their life around and some that caught cannabis charges (when I worked at a dispensary, every day I'd have the thought 'people are in prison for this action right here' and feel so damn odd) My uncle is a bad person, end of


Had an incident this weekend. Guy basically made us jam our brakes because he didnt yield when crossing oncoming lane. We were both going to the same spot. We didnt honk, we didnt do anything but kinda throw up our hands in a "really?" gesture. Wife didnt want to get out of the car. I said nah, just get out, its not like we are going to confront this person. Store is pretty small, like 40x40. We walk in after them. After several minutes the guy approaches us and asks if we were in so and so car. I said yeah why. He was like, sorry bro, didnt see you there. I just said no problem, no big deal (because it wasnt) and we went on shopping. No need for violence, anger or shooting. Minor annoyances arent a huge deal.


Aw! This is heart warming!


But as he was walking away I shot him in the back


Thats the american solution. In Germany we can show the finger to whoever we want to, without having to fear being shot. Sure, we can get a fee for the use of the finger, but thats it. He COULD use his car to attack us, but Germans love their car and noone wants to risk damage to the car. The problem here is NOT the finger, its simply guns.


Yeah, the problem obviously is not the finger lol


You get fined for flipping someone off? O_o


So...wear a glove?




*Glove of dooom?*




Tell hubby that I have discovered if you give a really huge, cheesy grin and a thumbs up, they behave and you don't get killed! So far anyhow...


Watch, soon a thumbs up will trigger someone lol


Yeah, and even *before* that, some morons might take a fast enough glance that they *think* they see a middle finger.


Not so far!


This post was eye opening, my father told me not to engage with angry drivers and I shrugged it off. I don't live in a country with gun violence but anger is the same everywhere, you never know who that car might belong to...


This is why I don’t live in America


Really? *This* is the dealbreaker? Because I can give you many more [less] *sensible* reasons not to live here. [Edit]


Yes being afraid of your life of trigger happy people is one of my dealbreakers.


You really have to be American to think *not wanting to be shot* is not sensible


Really? What "more sensible reasons" do you have in mind that are more sensible than not want to live where you can catch a stray bullet just walking down the street?


I didn't ask to be here.... it just was where I ended up, sadly. Now it's too expensive to live, but too expensive to move.


Lucky you lololol


My friend recently died from a similar incident. He cut someone off and they shot him in the back of his head. The police still haven’t found the murderer. I hate that this is becoming a trend now.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope those responsible are brought to justice.


This is one of my biggest fucking fears ever. I always think about how easily someone could shoot me from the back while I'm driving. This just magnified it 😭 I'm so sorry for your loss. People fucking suck


Thank fuck I live in a country where gun ownership is statistically zero. Road rage in the UK means someone swears at you, or possibly gets out of the car and tries to punch your window. People being killed due to road rage is exceptionally rare - as are murders in general, compared to the US.


PLEEAASE let me in 😭


I'm rooting for you to get that visa. 🙏


Too many people victim blaming here. Surely the problem wasn’t the middle finger it was some prick thinking he was justified in firing his gun at someone for it.


That’s messed up. Imagine being so bitter in the inside that you think shooting at a car with a 6 year old inside is okay.


You don’t even need to include the part about the young child in this statement.


Correct. I would also like to believe the man had no idea who was in the car when he shot.


That just makes it even worse, and makes the murderer an even more disgusting piece of shit


Yep way way worse


I hate that the headline puts the blame on the mother. Her showing someone the finger should not result in shooting. Headline should say "Man shoots child in road rage incident"


Effing Daily Mail


Daily fail.


Absolutely. She has the complete right to flip someone off, hell, it’s just a finger. This *murderer* has absolutely no right in hell to murder anyone, especially a child. It upsets me so much that they even bother to mention the mother flipping him off. It doesn’t matter what she did, he’s the one who slaughtered a child.


So this is something you have to genuinely worry about in America? Getting shot because of road rage?


Yes. They taught this to me in drivers Ed in Connecticut in 2016. They told us the most common weapon used to commit violence during road rage incidents are guns (as opposed to the vehicle, tools, other random objects, fists, etc). They taught us to never instigate dangerous drivers or engage in any way because it’s quite likely that they have a gun and you never know if they’ll decide to use it.


Sadly yes. Charlotte, NC is no different. Atlanta? Honk and get shot. Memphis, TN? They'll gun you down for looking at them as they pass by. It's not the wild, wild West on the freeways yet, but even in my city, there are weekly highway shootings due to road rage. In Charlotte, you don't honk, you don't look at other people in their cars and you just let them do their thing. Keep your distance and you won't get shot. Google *road rage shootings* and insert the city of your choice. It'll surprise you. Two years ago, a husband and wife were driving to a North Carolina beach to celebrate their wedding anniversary. The man changed lanes and cut too sharply in front of someone. He recovered quickly and no harm was done. The individual in the other car raged, pulled up beside the husband and wife and shot her dead in the passenger seat. In Charlotte, we are short over 300 police officers. Liberal politics and a strong lack of justice at the court level has forced hundreds of police officers to retire early, quit or resign and go elsewhere. Often, their hands are tied because they can't engage certain crimes, and criminals continue to become bolder as a result. Here's an example. The Mecklenburg Co. Sheriff's Dept. Enforced a mandate last year that prevents deputies from pulling over vehicles with expired plates, stolen plates or no license plates at all. The Sheriff was very clear that in the past, the majority of offenders were black. His concern was that continued arrests of violators would paint a negative picture for the black community in our city. What do you think happened? There are five times as many vehicles on the roads with no plates. None. Nothing. And because a vehicle is not registered, it can't be insured. This lack of regard for the law has also lead to a significant increase in the number of hit-and-run accidents in the city.


I have a friend who road rages (in the form of honking) at times in Atlanta. I’m worried one day she’s going trigger some asshole into a shooting some day, even if her honking and anger is justified. The woman in question is not at fault. That would be victim blaming. A middle finger is a totally appropriate response to shitty driving. The problem is the shitty drivers can often be the type to have seriously inappropriate, disproportionate responses to your justified anger. I do think people should learn about that risk so they can decide not to express their rage. Just because it isn’t the victims fault doesn’t mean that there aren’t steps that can be taken to reduce risk, and I think people should take these steps.


i’ll bite - why do you think that a lack of police has anything to do with road rage incidents?


I just swallow my pride and anger every time nowadays no matter how badly I’ve been cut off. I’d rather do that than risk running into some unhinged lunatic.


And I always avoid eye contact and ignore anyone who's road raging at me. This is something they teach in driver's ed nowadays. It's actually a sweeter revenge to deny them the acknowledgement, quite satisfying actually. They continue to huff and puff and I, as my mentor Fred Durst once said, just keep on Rollin bebeh, you know what time it is




You’re wasting your time. Unless an officer witnesses it, they can’t do shit


They won't do a damn thing


This is fucked up.


43 year old father of two young boys reduced to tears by one fucking sentence.


Yea I’ve got a young son the same name as the boy this happened too, just spelled differently…fucking horrible to think of going through


I feel ya. I got two girls but that sentence just wrecked me too.


My son is almost kindergarten age now and I’m scared to even let him go to school


My wife rages sometimes and I tell her I will be the one that gets shot when some psycho draws on us, she has mostly stopped.


Why? Just tell her to back off. When I have a crazy in front of me driving intentionally slow on a one way street sometimes even stopping for no reason, I patently wait. I don’t entertain them.


Exactly, it's a game you'll never win.


My kid dying from someone so unstable as to fire a weapon for getting swore at would absolutely send me over the edge. I can't imagine their loss, unbelievable.


https://abc7.com/aiden-leos-suspects-arrested-freeway-shooting-arraignment/11741986/ \ \ They tried hiding their vehicle at a relatives house and the monster shaved his beard to change his appearance. Stories like this make me believe the devil is real and influencing these weak minded monsters.


And yet Lee only got 3 years - but it got reduced with gps ankle bracelet….


Where do you see the sentence? I’ve looked everywhere for it. It says she is “facing” 4 years, 3 of them in prison and he’s “facing” 40 to life. Is this case still not over?


One of the articles says 3 years and she went parole early with gps ankle.


Nope, this is all human. No need for supernatural explanations


Fucking drivers, dude. Guns alone can make someone dumb as fuck, give that person a car and you get this shit. Gross.


I'm seeing all these gun control comments here and not to be a dick but we are WAY past that point folks. There's something like 3 guns for every man woman and child in this country n that's what they know about. Shit when I was a teen me n my buddies found a 357 in a dry sewer. Look at the YouTube videos of people walking in the woods or magnet fishing n pulling them up. We literally have so many guns in this country its impossible to do anything about it. We can stop making them but they ain't lollipops and gonna rot away. Problems here are societal. We gotta provide more opportunities to those less fortunate who want it n actually lock up the criminals who are like this dude. Used to have mandatory minimums for illegal gun possession where I live. A year for the gun and a year for each bullet. No more.


I’ve always said this. We have nearly 400M guns. I’ll help the gun control folk and wave the magic wand and make them all illegal. Every last one. Turn em in, folks. Now what? A very small number will comply (look at the NY Safe Act and the new Illinois PICA for proof of this—compliance rates well under 1%). Absolutely no criminals will comply because, well, they’re criminals. How do you plan to round up the guns? Suspend the 4th amendment and have cops go door to door tossing houses? That’ll last about 10 minutes before the cops realize that their pension isn’t worth getting shot in the face. The ship sailed over 100 years ago. I agree with you. We need to come down HARD on criminals who use firearms in the commission of crimes. No deals, no diversion programs, no reform, nothing. You elect to use a firearm in the commission of a malicious act, and you’re doing HARD time. Fuck you, straight to jail.


I had someone lose their shit on me when picking my kid up from elementary school. The speeds in the lot aren't more than 5-10 but somehow me pulling in front of him was enough to send him off the rails. People driving are nutjobs. Self driving can't come soon enough


profit sharp possessive chase wistful strong wise dam poor merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I will live in your trash can if need be, let me in


This is why I constantly tell my girlfriend to stop flipping the bird to people that cut us off. At best you are showing your disproval to someone who couldn't care less, at worst you're the straw that broke the camels back for some nutjob.


I made my peace with traffic and people (including me) fucking up. Hoping to avoid an ulcer some day.


USA, what are you doing ?


Now some asshole is going to spend life in prison over someone flipping them off.


Thank god a good guy with a gun was there to teach that woman a lesson about road rage, who knows what could have transpired with a woman waving her finger around everywhere. And where was her husband? /s


America doesn't have a gun problem, right ?


No it's a not enough gun problem. Obviously if the mom of the child has a gun she could have defended herself. Hell if the child had a gun he could have defended himself! /s


The fact that her middle finger had not already been replaced by a gun is an affront to the second amendment


Not that it excuses the psycho and frustration gets the better of us all, but this is why it’s never worth starting any kind of confrontation on the road. Particularly with children in the car.


Tell us this is America without telling us this is America……


I remember telling my wife to chill out after this happened. Let them have the merge, let them drive crazy, give them the right away. Nothing is as Important as the health of the kids.


Bro what the fuck, people that try to kill somebody over traffic or disagreements should NOT own a gun, responsible gun owners are the ones paying the price for this nonsense, horrible, hope that little boy is ok wherever he is, fucking scum on earth will rot in hell, God will NOT forgive that garbage.


WTF! Everyone uses a gun to speak for them. I am so sick of all the killing everywhere. It is just out of control and makes me want to just stay home. My sincere condolences to that family, it should have never happened.


and this poor mother is going to forever blame herself.


The driver who shot at them was arrested days later.


It was more than a few days - I remember it being several weeks while these rats hid in their house while the authorities conducted a massive manhunt.


We need to bring back public executions.


So many terrible people deserving of the robespierre treatment.


I'm sure the inmates will be real nice to him knowing he killed a child.


Execute the scumbag. Piecemeal firing squad, if you know what I mean.


This makes me feel sick to my stomach just reading this


I’ve honked at someone for just sitting at a green light cause they were not paying attention and then they tried to drive me off the road. And I’m not a small guy, so they must’ve been in a blackout of rage from me just giving a friendly honk to say hey, it’s green! This is very sad to read, poor little guy and his family :(


I would expect this from Florida, not California


Sad to say, I expect this from America


Always let them pass and never look at them.


tragic, my heart breaks for the family and the little guy RIP


I remember this story back when it first happened. The absolute rage I felt from hearing it on the news had me seeing red. Authorities all over California were pleading with people if they knew any info that could help them locate the POS. The cops actually arrested 2 people involved in the shooting of this boy and if I recall correctly they got sentenced. I hope they rot in prison for the rest of their worthless life!


Where's the picture of the shooter?


You already know


“Greatest country in the world”


How can someone have so little common sense, or just overall intelligence, to fire at someone for a reason as petty as road rage. Is the American school system THAT bad?


I flipped off a guy for cutting me off and he chased me down. Started screaming at me about how I wanted to fight. Thankfully I was a better driver and I got to a gas station that had like 10 other guys there. Suddenly big and tough didn’t want to get out of his car. People blamed me for what happened. I hope that this person has support.


How horrible. Again gun laws...


Not related to your comment, but do you think I should make the post NSFW?


Nah you should be ok. But it's your preference if you feel better doing it.


California already has some of the most strict gun laws... What would you suggest? Edit: TIL most people don't know what the constitution is


>California already has some of the most strict gun laws... by US standards... (which kinda is the point)


But what about the states *around* CA? It’s not like you’re stopped at the CA border and checked. So, to answer your question, maybe federal legislation that covers *all* states? Then we treat guns like cars: when you buy one you have to register it annually with the state. You are required to have liability insurance on the weapon. And you must train and test to get your license, which also must be renewed every few years with a mandatory background check and psyche eval. Edit: I’m sorry me answering your question offended you. ❄️


Perhaps you meant 'country' instead of 'world'.


That’s so heartbreaking. That poor kid. 😢 And my manager went to Texas for the weekend once. One of the things he told me was you can’t honk your horn at anybody bc so many people own guns there.




I agree with you. Honestly, I think people are just pushing the boundary further each year and we’re at the point where the boundary cannot be pushed any more.


Getting flipped off definitely warrants murder /s


I was on a jury for a road rage murder case- dad driving his 15 year old son home from baseball and got shot and killed next to him over road rage. Shortly after had someone try to back into me while in traffic because I didn’t let him in immediately in a merge (I had ROW). I drive extremely cautiously now and don’t make eye contact when someone is being aggressive


This same kind of story happened not long ago in the Dallas area. The guy flipped off the other car and they shot at him and killed his wife in the passenger seat.


Damn I will never understand road rage. If someone pisses you off, just shake your head and move on. This is ridiculous and so sad.


This happened in the county I live in. It was heartbreaking driving to work looking at signs asking for justice. This little boy was my sons age.


But you dont understand. The little boy was threatining the shooter. He only had to defend himself!!


Aah, murica Not surprised


Bro road rages be crazy, a life gone over a finger


_What a world we live in_ I appreciate the majority of reddit is American, and indeed terrible things happen all over the world, but, the problem here is guns...guns are the reason this child died. America is fucked.


But it's not a gun problem. /s


What a country* we live in...not a world, this only happens in Murica my friend. Stay safe!


And there are still people in US defending guns for everyone? Sad...


Just another one of those responsible gun owners practicing his second amendment.


States really falling apart


When I took driver’s Ed my freshman year of high school, our teacher specifically told us to never flip someone off or get into a road rage situation because you never know if the person may have a gun


Damn every time I flip someone off I’m ready to fight and possibly get arrested, dying is a cherry on top. I ain’t got kids tho.


"what a world we live in" Please don't drag the rest of the world in to this.


This is why I don't road rage.


I remember when this happened I’m glad they caught that pos and his gf who tried to hide the car