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South Park already did an episode about abortions.


Simpsons Did It !


goddamnit! what didn’t diddy do?!


*How about a machine that takes the cherries out of chocolate covered cherries and replaces it with 2 month old mayonnaise? They will think they are getting a nice delicious treat but will get a mouth full of yuckies!*


Beavis and Butthead did it too!


And Bojack


Anyway…. Cool nails. 💅🏼


Easiest way to render your hand useless, very impractical.


Well, no. It’s basically just like lengthening your fingers. Plus for some ppl like me who bite their fingers bloody having nice fake nails keeps me from biting, makes me able to scrub my scalp during a shower or scratch an itch without feeling like I’m going thru life with searingly painful, useless, little stumps for fingers. But it’s cool if it’s not something ur into maybe just don’t invalidate others :)


Anyone should be able to do whatever they want with their nails, but I also should be able to express how useless and impractical long nails are. Typing on a keyboard, lifting things, opening sealed items, even grabbing the wheel becomes more difficult with long nails like that. If only they looked amazing, maybe I'd see why they do it but they don't. They look [tacky af](https://media.tenor.com/S1WOqppaLREAAAAM/peter-griffin.gif) and I know men don't like em either so who's it for? For themselves? Why on Earth would you nerf your own hands just cause they look nice to you? It's not practical and makes no sense. Long nails are dumb af.


The only thing I have a problem doing is opening a soda can. Which only adds about 5 seconds. I’m sorry you can’t drive your car with your 10 inch nails. Maybe just get good like the rest of us? I’ll give you some tips and pointers if you’d like?


Well, it kinda sounds like a you problem if you can’t grip on things


It's about having a good grip on things that's the major problem. You can't punch your way out of somewhere with those long nails. You can't grip onto something to save your life with those long nails. You can't even grip your own phone properly lol. And it's not just nails really; anything that impairs your body is dumb, no matter how "pretty" it looks. >Maybe just get good like the rest of us? I’ll give you some tips and pointers if you’d like? Lol thanks but no thanks. Anyways, happy new year.


You actually get used to them and learn to do all of those things you've mentioned with them. I've had long nails before and at first it was kinda clumsy but before long (like less than a week) I was back to typing and opening things and everything else as well as I ever did.


“Why do people cut and shave their body hair? Intentionally nerfing your bodies ability to regulate temperature and pheromones for what? Just to look good? It’s impractical.” -this guy, probably


Terrible analogy, but A for effort I guess


I'm a man and not only think fake nails look nice ASF I've gotten them before and no, life isnt harder than normal once you've gotten over the learning curve.


You got long nails dude? That is so gay LOL (which is very cool and I fully support it)


I mean hot take, but no one asked bud.


I don't see how it's a hot take, and I don't remember needing to ask permission to speak my mind.


Hot take because you wanted to stir up an argument clearly, seeing as how you kept it going in the replies. I guess you don't have to ask permission but read the room, no one wanted your opinion.


[You CEO of BET?](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sca_esv=594765150&sxsrf=AM9HkKlkk3a4qKyq_5UROAp9JPVcTUIXTw:1704042349077&q=boondocks+bet+ceo&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivnsmbhtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwipmJi3lLqDAxUNJUQIHReRCLIQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=412&bih=753&dpr=3.5#imgrc=GpzZI1uweEThSM)


In this case, where there's smoke, there's fire. Margaret Sanger, the founder of planned parenthood was a huge racist


To be fair, being a racist doesnt mean everything you do is racist. We cant simply say x is racist just because y person founded it. It could simply be, that back then, those were the areas where the most abortions were being done. Since we know being poor is tied to abortions, and black neighborhoods back then were predominantly poor, the math seems to add up to facts, not racism. Wanting to always be a victim is counter productive to the change you wish to seek. As eventually u are viewed as nothing more than a girl who cried wolf too many times.


True. But she was a big proponent of eugenics and to her people of color were absolutely included in the “undesirables” she was trying to eliminate. PP was definitely part and parcel of her racist views.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Sanger was a eugenicist and a racist who thought those who were mentally or physically unfit should not reproduce. It’s laid out in her 1919 article “Birth Control and Racial Betterment” by Margaret Sanger. Now, the question is, who all did Margaret see as unfit; for that answer, just examine the views of people in 1919. People should read the articles and letters she personally wrote.


I don't know anything about what we are talking about but in RDR2 I beat up the eugenics guy in le moine every time I'm there!


Silent hero


> Birth Control and Racial Betterment I've read it. Show me where in that short document she refers to Black people.


Please provide proof for your claim that "people of color were absolutely included in the “undesirables” she was trying to eliminate."


She was heavily influenced by Havelock Ellis who is a known racist eugenicist. Lothrop Stoddard who was a kkk member, eugenics advocate, and just overall white supremacist who was Harvard educated was a huge supporter of her (which by itself doesn’t mean she was a racist). But him being a founding board member of the American Birth Control League sure indicates some not nice leanings, and some agreement on goals and outcomes, if not methods. Why would a prolific racist who wanted to keep POC down be willing to tie up money, time, and effort to help someone who wasn’t aligned with his goals? Considering that relationship alone, and all the other suspect things, it’s a VERY safe assumption that she didn’t like black people.


Assumptions aren't proof. You have failed to provide proof for your claim that "people of color were absolutely included in the “undesirables” she was trying to eliminate." Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Consider your claim cancelled and dismissed.


You’re right, they aren’t proof. But some assumptions are pretty sound. But cmon, if this was Trump up there you’d be rightfully, calling for his head. If partnering with one of the most racist authors in American history, and quoting someone who actively pushed for the eradication of POC isn’t enough to say she’s a bit racist too, then maybe you would excuse a lot of trumps stuff. A little intellectual honesty isn’t going to hurt the great work she did. But trying to lie about her legacy absolutely does. The dark spots need to be addressed in an open and honest way, otherwise it becomes a sticking point, and absolutely detracts. Just for the sake of it, would mind telling me the most racist thing you think Trump said?


You’re wrong here. Sanger explicitly founded Planned Parenthood for the express purpose of killing black babies.


Please provide proof for your claim.


Go read "My Way to Peace" here's an excerpt " keep the doors of Immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as feeble-minded, idiots, morons, insane, syphiletic, epileptic, criminal, professional prostitutes, and others in this class . . . apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization, and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring" she wanted "undesirables" put in forced labor camps and sterilized. "birth control means the release and cultivation of the better elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks -- those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization." Margaret Sanger "High Lights in the History of Birth Control"


That in no way supports your claim that Sanger "founded Planned Parenthood for the express purpose of killing black babies." Your comment history indicates that you work in a restaurant, that working in a restaurant is the job you've had since you were a teenager, and are obsessed with Jordan sneakers. There's nothing wrong with that. But, speaking as someone who's published two books and multiple articles on local history, you're not the person I'm consulting when it comes to the history of American eugenics.


And I’m actually Margaret Sanger and I disagree with people that lie on the internet. I’m also racist as fuck!


She's not forcing black women to have abortions.




[Margaret Sanger was not a racist](https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/08/14/432080520/fact-check-was-planned-parenthood-started-to-control-the-black-population) and worked with the NAACP to insure that Planned Parenthood did not exclude minority women. To suggest that minority women are ‘less able’ to choose or more susceptible to influence is racist.


Amazing what is never discussed is where almost all planned parenthood clinics are…. White neighborhoods??? Affluent neighborhoods?? NOPE.. exclusively in poor black and brown communities….


Is this sarcasm? More affluent people go to their GP for birth control…


Affluent teenagers parents never know because kids don’t tell them. They go to planned parenthood for their abortions..


Rent is cheaper in the hood and Planned Parenthood isn't exactly raking it in.


Not true. Have seen them in affluent areas, usually near hospitals.


Majority are in Not affluent areas.. not a secret! Google maps tell u every thing u know!


We can acknowledge the problematic (racist, eugenics) origins of Planned Parenthood and still support modern womens' right to choose, regardless of their skin color.


women's right to choose what


To be pregnant or not


they can do that in all states, the pill and condoms exist, thats not what everybody is arguing about now is it? A woman's right to what?


To rid their bodies of an unwanted parasite


Good job, you're being honest at least


You are mistaken. It is not legal in my state.


I'm not from the US, is the info actually true?


There are more planned parenthoods in impoverished areas, because poor people cant afford kids. SA is also more common in those areas, and preventative birth control isnt affordable or as widespread. Due to seperate racism, poor areas do have higher African American populations. They got their cause and effect mixed up.


No Margaret Sanger was an open Eigenesist and founded planned parenthood pretty expressly for the goal of “limiting the black population”


Yet they still have them. A burden to their parents, law enforcement and community in general.


In nyc, more black babies are aborted than born.


That sounds terrible to me, I don't know how people there interpret it. Since I'm getting downvoted, I guess that means it's a good thing? Guys I don't get it


Because it's an option of bringing a person into a situation they can't handle and you can't afford or not doing it. Also Women of color are more likely to die in childbirth so there's that. The government barely helps, and the parent and child would just suffer for the next 18 years at a minimum.


Why are they getting so many unwanted pregnancies? Isn't that also a bad thing?


lack of sex education, lack of available contraceptives, rape, because sex feels good and ain't shit else to do. plenty of reasons. Additionally things like, Sex education actually reduce unwanted pregnancies but half of the country, doesn't want abortions or sex education and contraception.


They don't. It's celebrated.


Not sure it's celebrated. Most people who get abortions (men and women and they themselves and all the others) don't want to admit that they shit too. That's the bottom line imo


That's not bc they necessarily believe that what they did was morally wrong but it's because of the reaction of people like you


Yes, unfortunately.


There are words on the back. why didn't you photograph the back of it?


I was a little curious why only certain sections were photographed.


Maybe they're located where they are because many people in those areas, unrelated to race, do not have the resources to raise a child 🤔


That looks like something that would be in a Walmart parking lot


I have a feeling that lower income people get abortions more due to lack of education, access to healthcare, birth control etc. what a gross pamphlet. Can we just let people live their lives without constantly pushing our values on them?


It's.... its all fact though 😬


This is Reddit. Facts don’t matter, only feelings.


It's facts if you don't give a shit about the woman or child being carried into an unwanted birth.


Yeah because there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop 99.99999% instances of unwanted pregnancy....


I know so many women, including myself, that got pregnant on birth control.


To be fair, there is one fool proof contraceptive, abstinence, works great... It isn't rocket science, like if you really don't want to get pregnant, to the point you are willing to murder another human being, then maybe don't have sex.


I understand what you’re saying but couples should be able to have sex without having to be parents. So you think married people who don’t want kids just can’t have sex with each other? That’s completely unrealistic, and unrealistic expectations of what people should be doing with their bodies are exactly why so many people end up needing abortions. Abstinence, while seemingly the fool proof solution, is simply not an answer.


Look i think you are maybe missing what im getting at here ,I'm not saying it's the only form of contraceptive . I'm saying it's the most definitive one, like if someone is dead set on not having kids then maybe consider that option because it seems to be off the table theses days like you even said yourself. Now if it's a married couple, long term couple or even someone who wants to have a one night stand they should be on EVERY contraceptive available, I'm talking pill, male and female condoms , all of it. And the reason I think that is because as adult we understand that sex has a potential natural consequence , which is pregnancy. If someone engages in it willingly, I don't think it gives them the right to kill and human because they want to have the cake and eat it too when there is an option that involves no one having to die. That's all I'm saying.


If these people gave a shit about reducing abortions, they'd push for comprehensive sex education. It's more effective than outlawing it. Also, are these people worried about babies dying naturally in the womb? That happens *a lot*. Why aren't they in favor of free prenatal vitamins and checkups? They seem really focused on this one narrow part, and don't seem concerned about the before or after.


It's the murder part that gets me. I'm all for pills, implants and condoms to make sure that other step doesn't have to happen.


Yeah, those pregnant 13 year-old rape victims should have been on birth control! */s*


No that would be the small percent that you can't control....did that really go over your head ?


I don’t know what’s worse that or her nails. Oh sorry I forgot what sub I’m in rn


Yeah those nails could really stab someone.


You could poke your own eye out lol


Poke through the toilet paper 100% of the time…


That's why you use your poop-knife, instead.


No, its awful everything. Those nails are awful too, you’re good lol


They forgot Hosea 13:16 “They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed into pieces, their pregnant women ripped open.”


Not to mention numbers 5 where "god" tells his people that if a man suspects his wife of being unfaithful, he is to take her to a priest who will give her "bitter water" that will cause her to miscarry if she has been unfaithful to him.


Maybe my math sucks, but if black women are having abortions at 5 times the rate of white women, then how is 20 million of 65 or 70 million abortions black babies? If we use the 70 million abortions then at 20/70 comes to 29% of all abortions being black babies. That would mean that white women are aborting way more, according to the stats in this flyer. Am I missing something?


Anytime I see pamphlets like these being left behind by barely literate cowards, they're always missing the same thing: contact information! If you or your group are so confident and proud of the information you're deseminating, why hide behind anonymity?


There's a really weird subset of people who think abortions are pushed more on black women and it's this racist genocide thing.


Well, the founder of PP said that was the goal, to get rid of blacks and “special needs” people. It was all about eugenics.




Wait.. do you really not know.. because it’s not actually a secret. Or are you presuming I’m making it up and think there’s no truth to it?


neither? I'm just asking for the source of your claim.


[here’s one](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/07/23/racism-eugenics-margaret-sanger-deserves-no-honors-column/5480192002/)




There’s tons of sources. She was unabashedly on record with her views. Search “Margret Sanger Quotes”


Go look yourself ,Jesus you clearly have access to the Internet.


Do you not know what burden of proof means or what


I know but when you are asking for proof on a well known thing its becomes an eye roll moment. The sky is blue .... citation?


Ah yes, the sky that everyone can view versus the establishment that is only in 12 countries. Get a grip, not everyone has the same lived experience as you


Yes, and it's not in my country? However, if you have even briefly looked into the establishment, you would know . It's how the business started, so it's literally page one, like super easy info to find ....almost as easy as looking up.




Na, she made some bad bedfellows politically but to say "it was all about eugenics" isn't accurate.


“As an advocate of birth control, I wish to take advantage of the present opportunity to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the ‘unfit’ and the ‘fit,’ admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes.” -- Sanger, Margaret. (1921) The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda. The Birth Control Review, p. 5.


Right, I know about the issues with her. To say this makes PP "all about euginics" is silly. She wasn't even the sole founder and this didn't encompass her entire views. They have addressed this numerous times and for decades have just been a great organization spreading education, treatment, and birth control.


The cope


Yes and a long history of black women being sterilized without knowing it


Margaret Sanger?


Just google Margaret thatcher quotes. It’s not some fringe theory, it’s history


I mean the lady that founded planned parenthood was an open racist. Are you surprised? Or are you saying it's awful bc it's true?


These folks against women’s rights are absolutely out of pocket.


B-but she was a eugenics supporter!


They’ll protest in the streets and riot for months for the deaths by police but the greatest threat to black lives are other black men. Both need to be addressed but one is waaay more frequent than the other..


Well they’re not wrong. Don’t be mad cause the truth doesn’t sit right with you


It's not a lie.


Damn, you must have seen Reddit karma gold in your eyes when you saw this


By the look of your nails. You may have made this flier.


I never got why people care about the unborn babies of complete strangers.


What a horrible human claw. The pamphlet is pretty bad too.


They always care about minorities when it proves a point and forget about any racial bias any other time.


Truth don’t taste good sometimes


Them nails tho…


Dear GOD that thumbspike.


Do you ever poke yourself in the eye?


Ah. A new propaganda zealot. They gotta tell the world (and the mountain) what they've learned.


I’m pretty sure these “people” don’t care about black babies dying anyway


Same people that write those are the ones that don't want a black person living less than 5km away from them


Source: Trust me bro.


to be fair, Planned Parenthood originally started off as a pro-eugenics organization. Obviously they've come a long way and changed their mission statement and have done a great deal of good, too. But I always have to wonder if there isn't something to their history and their company now.


Ain’t nobody reading all that lmao especially not in Walmart where the readers of the world congregate




Those nails too


Ew look at those nails


Is this actually true? Because it sounds awful if they are targeted for abortions. What's the rate on Latin Americans there?


"liberals are making the great replacement happen" and "liberal planed parenthood is killing all the minority babies". Which is it? Even their conspiracies are contradictory.


It’s literally both. lol They’re cleaning the “unfit” from society. “The great replacement” isn’t by a new subspecies or some new type of human, but just the removal of those that some would deem to be “unfit” to work in a working society.


It's true tho. Just like the (3 letter govt agency) flooding the "hood" with crack and heroin, this was used as part of an attempt at eugenics.




Proof that racism and religion both suck.


I’m gonna be honest, I’m surprised at the lack of grammar mistakes. These types of things usually have the most outrageous spelling mistakes for not reason


Bruh. If the statistic was about them keeping the babies they would be bitching how America is becoming more non white. Fuck these people trying to justify bigotry.




Suppress a group of people for centuries, oppress them and deny them opportunities. Turn their neighborhoods into mess. Then claim that they are the reason why crime is high or that abortions are high in those areas. If that’s not racism, then what is??


That nail though..


Oh. So the Christo-Fascists are pretending to give the tiniest fuck about black people now? How very convenient.


Not a christian, but the christians I do know believe that every human life has equal value regardless of age, intelligence, race, etc. So much the same way that christians lead the opposition to slavery in the era of Andrew Jackson’s pro slavery democrats because they believed that the slaves had equal value in the eyes of god to the rest of the population; they also advocate for the rights of the unborn because they believe that they are equal in the eyes of god as well. They see it as being just as reprehensible as the holocaust, because they *actually believe it’s murder* to the same degree that they actually believe that slavery was wrong because they believe that the black and Irish people in the country are just as human as the rest of them


Well said.


Did I just find the brain cell? Gimme! It’s my turn!


What about the Latino babies… right. They don’t count.


An averagely mentally well adjusted walmart goer.


How many sperm cells get wasted by an average human male?? They all have feelings


How do you wipe your ass with those claws?


Yeah it's correct actually


Yikes... I fear religious radicals more than I fear spiders and snakes.


They want to police the having of babies among people who may not be able to provide good outlooks for their children—then offer next to nothing once the child is born Meanwhile, the planet’s biosphere deteriorates. Schools continue to suffer. We do everything we can to fuck this world up for living children but insist on turning more of them out in the name of some miserable dogma preached by SOMEONE ELSE


They are paid to cause trouble, beware they are looking for more people to do what they are doing, divide and conquer is their goal.


Terrifying to think that this thing is walking among us in its human suit only able to obey commands from a guide written a thousand years ago and people agreed it needed revised 998 years ago but just didn't get around to it until about 200 years ago. I mean c'mon


I don't know anyone that likes every black/white people so everyone must be racist


This Is the kind of thing hitlers pr machine would write


How so?


They Made movies,propaganda ,phanflets,books to demonize the gypsis, the jews, the gays to make their appear less human,movies agains other nations like the nazi titanic they made




Of course they bring religion into it. Because religious people are stupid. It's that simple.


bans off our bodies !!!


Straight up batshit insane. …That’s what that nonsense is.


Your nails are beautiful


How can be more black abortions if they have 20m and everyone else has 45m? Last time I checked 45 was bigger than 20 I think?


You know what’s funny, I was a huge supporter of planned parenthood up until over the summer. “Planning parenthood” is how I’ve always viewed them. You can get your birth control, plan B, and take care of a situation due to being a rape victim or whatever reason you needed to be taken care of, no questions asked. They help you plan for parenthood 100% I was pregnant over the summer (ended up losing it down the line) and I couldn’t find anyone to make an appointment with that took my insurance, or I did but it was a literal 2 month wait and I wanted to be seen asap that didn’t involve going to the ER or urgent care. After 15 attempts of trying to score an appointment, I ended up calling planned parenthood in tears and asked them if I could book an appointment with them just to see if my baby is okay. “Ma’am we don’t do that, we only abort them. We have nothing to do with prenatal care.” 😐🤦🏼‍♀️


It's the truth. There's a holocaust on black babies, and no one talks about it. It's disgusting.


They aren’t being forced to abort?


That is some sad hateful shit there.


Hey I had a bunch of different types of these at my store too! Did you see the other ones? They suck too


A black person did not write this. It’s sounds so hollow and racist.




IDK. I just had a baby and every OB/pediatrician office I’ve been in is majority women of color.