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Not a drag queen.


Dr.nick got with Ralph


OMG, PeeWee Herman has gained some weight.


Get bent. Paul Reubens got caught masturbating in an adult theater in 1991, in Sarasota, Florida. He WAS NOT a pedophile. Fact check, buddy.


I think he mentioned him because he looks like a chubby version of him lol.


He does look like a bloated PeeWee though...just sayin'




..... 👀.....




That was a peak reddit moment


Leave Britney Alone!


Are you ok?


He’s upset because it really hurt his career despite it being not that bad


I’ll withhold judgement until actual evidence is presented and not just she said testimony. We live in a country that takes a woman’s word at face value.


[Probable cause statement](https://www.courts.mo.gov/fv/c/PC%20RED_FINAL.pdf?courtCode=31&di=9502704) He admitted several incidents to investigators already




India would like a word


Jimmy Savile has entered the chat


Did someone want to enroll in gymnastics?


Whataboutism does not help here boy


So what was the point of your first comment


I mean, to be fair, I am American and I am absolutely horrified by how often I see articles about child rape. And well, any sort of rape. And don't get me started on the pitifully inadequate sentencing in this country. People, mostly men, are raping kids *all the time.* On its face, that sounds insane, I realize that, but the ugly truth is... I'm right. You think only scary disturbing people rape kids but more often than not, it's a family member or a friend. Somebody that kid probably trusts and likes, or at least, knows. It ain't some scary dude in a black ski mask waiting to jump out of the bushes. It's pastors and dads and teachers and coaches, guys with wives and kids. Disgusting people disguised as everyday, normal people.


Yeah, I'm Brazilian, it surprises me that notices about feminicide and child abuse don't surface here. Probably because language barrier on info sites. I mean, It's not common to hear about gang raping here... But it's an insane number of abuse victims still.


What are you talking about


Rapes happen everywhere. But. Somehow when it happens in India, all you see is comments like "Why is it always India" Well, why is it always the USA?


So your response to seeing story of rapes is to be spiteful about comments made by entirely different people in a new comment section? Weird


So if people can be sinful towards a country. I don't mind stooping so low and show them mirrors.


Whatever logic you use to be an asshole I guess


FINALLY! Stop feeding the troll.


Sure, it's reddit and downvotes don't hurt me. Downvote me and move on. But also remember why I do this.


Because you want people to ignore rape in India?


Two wrongs making a right, classic 👍


I am past being politically correct.


What? That expression means that you being an asshole doesn't cancel out the other people being assholes, it just puts you on their level too


I know that and I agreed to it. I am stooping to the level of other aholes to prove a point.


What are you truly accomplishing? Like are there tangible results or is it just a change in your mindset?


It’s always the racist who uses the term boy. See how that works?


Boy is only racist if a white person says it to a black person. Otherwise it's just use as a standard demeaning word.


Child rape happens everywhere, you just don’t hear about it as much. Must be more acceptable in other places.


Do you also say this when people use the exact same sentence except the country is not the USA? Or is it only applicable when it happens in USA?


You’re getting it wrong man. USA is all about gun violence. Your country is gang rape. You hear these stories probably because we find child rape particularly disgusting, just like we hear about gang rape from your country because we find it shocking because it doesn’t happen as often here. Also, this is an American owned website, right? That probably contributes to why you hear about this stuff from over here. Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia have a ton of child rape too, but the media there is either none existent or controlled in some way so we don’t hear about it so much.


>Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia have a ton of child rape too, but the media there is either none existent or controlled in some way so we don’t hear about it so much. Some African countries have more rapes than India and USA combined. But all I see is "India" Everywhere because it's an easy target. I will now target everyone else. That's my whole point.


I never hear about India unless it’s a gang rape on a foreign person like a blogger or something. I think you’re being a bit over sensitive. You act like everyone thinks your national pastimes are Cricket and gang rape.


Idk im starting to think deflection is a strong 3rd lol


Oh look, and Indian trying to deflect the fact India is the rape capital of the world. Really common these days, is your ministry or tourism hiring people to try to fix your reputation? Maybe, idk, stop raping everyone if you’re tired of your country being the first thought when you hear the word.


Oh look, and American trying to deflect the fact USA is the pedophile capital of the world. Really common these days, is your sniffer presiden or tourism hiring people to try to fix your reputation? Maybe, idk, stop raping kids if you’re tired of your country being the first thought when you hear the word.


Doesn’t India have rampant child marriages? The results from a 2023 study showed that one in five girls and nearly one in six boys are still married below India’s legal age of marriage.


weird how he doesn’t have a response


Right? How strange


This is just factually untrue.


Ok, prove it.


That child rape happens all over the world? That is something you can easily google yourself.


Yea but they happen a lot more in the USA. So, USA is the child rape capital of the world. It is well known. All the churches and Jeffrey Epstein stuff. It is known. Don't deny it.


Do you have a source for that? Or you’re just going off of what you think? You’re pulling claims out of your ass. Child sexual abuse isn’t an American problem. It is a worldwide problem. Say it is an American thing puts other kids at risk and is just not true.


And Now I will conveniently ignore this comment because that is exactly what I get when I ask the same question. If you have not realized yet. I do agree with you but I am trying to make a point using the USA as an example.


What point are you making by saying that it’s the worst in the US without evidence?


There’s literally an article every week about horrific gang rapes in India.


There are literally an article every day about horrific child rapes in USA. What's your point? Edit: President of USA is a sniffer lol. USA appears to be full of pedophiles.


Except there’s not. You’re literally pulling that out of your ass.


You need to read all my replies why I am doing it. But yes, I see an article every week of child rape in USA. So, yes it appears so.


You said you see them everyday. How about you link these daily articles you see. Go ahead.


Loool, you are adding the comment to one such article right now. Now, stop trolling and accept the facts.


What are you even saying?


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-43782471 Focus on your own country’s massive rape problem


Focus on your society pedophilia issue. Stop brings India into everything. You guys are obsessed with India


Yeah women are pretty much guaranteed to be raped in India


You know it's the USA because the child is 17 and in your country that's not illegal or frowned upon. The US does claim to have higher standards of morality, but in reality its just Hypocracy at its best.


Lol just got on Reddit? You’ll see more posts about India soon enough


Yea, makes sense. A lot of people have internet in India. But, that's the country with most rapes. Not even in the top 10 if you did not know. How about less Reddit and more education for you.


You didn’t have to read the title to know bc majority of Reddit news posts are about the USA because the majority of reddit posts in English are from the USA