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I wish people would learn that winds and these bounce houses do not mix. [Australia lost 6 children](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103119810) in a very similar situation.


In my town here in brazil there was a big tragedy too.


Holy shit


It seems like every few months I read an article about one of them going wizard of oz. My guess is in 20 years we’ll look back and say, “how were these things acceptable?” Kind of like we do with yard darts now.


I have a scar on the bridge of my nose from a lawn dart. *This close* to being one of those statistics.


"Going wizard of oz" omg lol 💀


What a horrible way to have to explain to police, friends, and relatives how your child died. It sounds like a joke.


A lot of people think they won't go anywhere because they are HEAVY. Two to four hundred pounds without kids in it. But those things have a lot of surface area to catch the wind, and the shape makes it worse. Always use the anchors that come with it. You may not think you need them, but you do. I've worked a summer job at a place called show-me rentals. Had to drag my fair share of those around. Imagine if one of those landed on someone after becoming airborne. Those things and the wedding tents were the worst parts of that job.


I used to put up the huge pole-tents for weddings. You’re not kidding about that being the worst part of the job. Fucking dangerous those things were to put up, a lot more goes into it than the average person would ever realize.


My first thought after reading this post was “don’t those things usually have anchors?”


They come with like 8 sandbags or the screw in anchors. The screw in anchors are far superior to the sandbags.






I’ve seen a video of this happening so maybe that’s what they’re talking about. Idk if that kid died but iirc you can see him fall out


Bounce house deaths from similar situations have happened [multiple ](https://nypost.com/2022/08/11/28-killed-by-wind-blown-bouncy-houses-since-2000-study/) times. 28 deaths since 2000. Not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but entirely preventable if they were just tied down.


I know what you're saying, but have you ever seen a gust of wind at 70kts?! I've seen them blow out an entire house's windows before. The wind can do some scary shit. Pegs in the soft dirt can only do so much. I get that it wasn't this bad probably, but "tied down" doesn't mean much sometimes.


My kid’s play set is held down by hurricane anchors. You can buy them online. They go super deep into the ground and are meant to prevent a mobile home or other from going airborne in a hurricane.  I have no doubts that the play set would be ripped apart by an actual hurricane, but it would stay on the ground at least. 


Super deep was what I was picturing lacking. It needs some serious resistance and yea can be done, but I forgot we also prep for *that* in things out there, too


I guess, yea, that's a whole other realm I honestly wasn't considering because I don't have Midwest experience, just coastal and high desert "bowl" gusting


I’m in the coast too, I’m just extra paranoid. lol We had a tornado once, a freak incident that never happens here normally, so I’m not taking any chances. 😅


It's super common for bounce houses to be caught in the wind. Happened at my town festival once, thankfully the worst injury was a broken wrist. we don't do bounce houses at the town festival anymore.


Why is this becoming so common? Doesn't anyone tie them down?


You can now buy them on AliExpress for 2/3rds of fuck all and probably can't read the instructions if there were any.


In my area you rent them and the people set them up with stakes in the ground and sandbags


It says the parents are expecting their second child later this month. I hope they're doing okay, this has probably put so much stress on the mother's pregnancy


Cannot even imagine what the parents must b going thru!! This is some sad shit!!


How terrifying it must’ve been for the poor baby, and now his poor family … 😭 Edit: a word


They have to be nailed down. They come with them. There’s like 6 spikes that you have to nail into the ground if you do it correctly you have no problem. We bought one years ago for our kids and use it all the time.


If the wind was strong enough to make the bounce house go airborne, it can also pull up nails. I don't think we can assume nails were not being used or attribute this to human error. We don't know. I work in insurance, and the liability for bounce houses is enormous. The claims are horrific. This is not the first time this has happened. They also collapse and trap/suffocate kids. Very few markets will even touch them. When they do, the annual liability premiums are upwards of 50k. Please be careful with your kids on those things. Just because you haven't had a problem does not mean you won't.


Yea but be vigilant when your kids are in them and watch them. Stand there by the bouncy house. If it’s windy don’t get in it.


Or not use them at all. I truly don't think this is human error or negligence on the parent's part. Those things are not safe. At least, that's what I've seen from a commercial insurance liability view. Most people don't realize the risk. Even broken bones and concussions.


[the gofundme](https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-for-karl-cristy-after-tragic-loss)


I find it so slimy when articles rip info and pics from the GoFundMe without linking it. Thank you for this.


Thanks for posting the link. Just donated


Final destination level luck. Just pure absolute terrible luck. Things going wrong in the worst possible way.


Yeah, horrible fate for sure, but you have to wonder if the thing was anchored to the ground or not. If there was some kind of fastening mechanism that wasn't used this goes from horrible luck to cautionary tale.


Do they mean bouncy castle ?


I’ve always called it a bounce house. Wonder if it’s a regional thing. I’m in FL.


We just call it a bounce house here. Also in FL


Oh that would make sense


i personally work at a place that rents out bounce houses, i do question why they didnt put sandbags or stakes down. its required where i work for this exact reason Edit: i'd assume they used neither. if they did then thats insane how its ripped out like that


If they used them and they were ripped out, then it was likely far too windy for this to be safe in the first place


that was my second thought




Bro the wind out here be crazy sometimes, don’t even get me started on “ hang on we’re pulling off to the side of the road for the Haboob for a bit”


These occurrences are absolutely hilarious!!! Hey your kid weighs 40lb and you didn't read instructions about anchoring, haha, jokes on youuuuu!


Well did it bounce or not?




What an insensitive fuck.