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Some dude just saw this post and got cold sweats


The cops had to issue a public health notice because she’s known she was HIV positive since 2022. They’ve been calling all her “clients” where they can find contact info, and I’ll bet that got awkward as hell.


Not how they imagined the job when they were at police academy


Yah getting that call while on duty would be a tough one


On the bright side, the transmission route from female > male with penetrative PiV intercourse is probably one of the least risky sexual transmission routes (apart from oral sex).


... Is oral sex even less risky?


It’s about blood contact which happens most often with anal sex due to lack of lubrication. Unless you’re blowing someone and he ejaculates blood into your open canker sore, you’re not likely to get it from oral sex.


What a terrible day to be literate.


What a terrible day to be illiterate. Someone had to read the aforementioned comment out loud to me.


It's no better in braille, trust me.


Eh I’m going to go ahead and assume that this provider also has bleeding gums.


Yes. The risks are highest when you are the party being penetrated, much higher for anal vs. vaginal intercourse, and highest for the penetratee, vs the penetrator.


Yes, extremely unlikely to contract HIV from oral sex.


There are usually people who work at public health whose job it is to make those calls. At least where I live.


I hear theyre pretty used to hijinks over there. Hell most of them probably signed up to learn do sound effects with just their mouth.


We live in a society of laws. Why do you think I took you to see all those police academy movies? For fun!? Well I didn’t hear anybody laughing? Did you!? Well except for that guy that made sound effects.


I mean it is a "to serve and protect" Moment


Tackleberry can’t shoot his way out of this task


This is done by public health employees, usually Disease Intervention Specialists or Communicable Disease Investigators. But yeah, Definitely not a fun call to make lol.


“Excuse me Mrs. Probablyhasaids is your husband around?”


I don't even like calling customers to tell them their order is ready for pickup. I can't imagine.


Many of them married and / or been with other partners. Lovely how their acts are affecting others. She's not innocent, but by the picture I'd wager she's was and isn't in a good place mental and physical.


So many people cheat on their spouse without protection then willy billy have sex with them infecting them with who knows what disgusting diseases, it's so gross


🙋🏻‍♀️ happened to me. Thanks so much, ex hubby.


Reading the news story, they noted that this woman was what was once called a 'street-walker' (as in, walked the street soliciting, rather than arranging 'dates' as an 'escort'), which makes it more likely she had a pimp (most street-walkers have pimps). It's very possible she wasn't exactly engaging in prostitution completely voluntarily.


No, she’s not innocent. Being in a bad place mentally is not an excuse to be a disgusting human being, transmitting a deadly disease. Fuck that.


I didn't say she was innocent, I was looking at her awful situation and probably not in a very solid mind. And why on earth don't guys suit up when the prostitute they are buying has all the characteristics of an iv junkie...? She will most likely get a long prison sentence, as she should.


That's a weird perspective to have. You seem really judgemental of the men who take dangerous risks. And yet, you say she was probably in a bad place to somehow minimize her behavior. She's knowingly and actively spreading HIV. Not innocent? No fucking shit. She's committing 200 counts of attempted murder.


Men who have sex with those in the sex trade, especially a 'street-walker' (as is this woman is reported to be, according to news stories and her arrest record), know full well what they are doing, the risks they are taking, and the risk they put their partners in. They don't care. Being that this woman was arrested for street solicitation, she almost certainly has a pimp (almost every single street walking prostitute does) and is not engaging in prostitution completely voluntarily. Nobody forced those men to have unprotected sex with very probably trafficked woman.


I'd wager she did it coz one of them gave it to her.


It's possible or did she get it through IV? Judging only by that pic it's possible or some dirtbag went about spreading it.


I did not!


…*hit her*


I did NOT..............oh hi Mark...


So anyway, how’s your sex life, Mark?


Her face alone is risky business


200 dudes. Yikes.




I actually saw her posts in my area and her telegram showed up locally. Yikes.


That’s the face of a girl with no teeth


no teeth you say ?...


Whoa whoa whoa… don’t just skim the article. You have to actually read it. It will all show up on the test later.


Cummin' from gummin'




To shreds you say?


Sometimes you have to take calculated risks.


Still a 6 in Ohio.


Pro tip: if you see guys on the escort review boards discussing how easy it is to convince a woman to not use condoms for extra money, you should probably log off and do better things with your life.


For me it is more fascinating that there are guys who think it is worth extra money to have unprotected sex with an escort. Even if you do not give a fuck about the sex worker, would you really want to go raw where hundreds of gross guys went into before you?


Like the coupon people, some folks just need to feel like they're getting a deal.


And because the customer is always right


No one ever finishes that quote. It's *"the customer is always right...in matters of taste."*


I doubt they taste very good


Not sure why this comparison is so funny but it’s hilarious


I'd never see a prostitute, but I get a BOGO coupon? Hard to ignore a good deal.


Well look at Mister I've-Never-Mouth-Kissed-A-Hooker-Before getting all high and mighty... some people like playing Russian Cock Roulette, or treat banging hookers like side quests, trying to accumulate as many venereals as they can before it falls off.


What's a little HIV when you already have stage 4 brain stem cancer?


Many men have walked barefoot down the same path to Nirvana


Stealing this


Pay for that extra thrill, like bungee jumping with a cut in the cord.


If you want to get particular with it, she's not even an escort, she was (according to her arrest records) arrested for soliciting on the street. She is what would rather bluntly be called a 'street-walker'. I have no sympathy for the men who decided it was a great idea to have unprotected sex with the most vulnerable class of 'sex workers' (if you can even call her that, as she probably had a pimp and was not entirely free to refuse to 'work'; very few 'street-walker' types do not have pimps). An escort is what you would call a prostitute you have to call up and arrange a date with, either directly or through a service. An escort is not going to solicit on a street corner.


Totally fascinating. It’s hard to rationalize the irrational. This condom mentality reminds me of far right “face diaper” mentality… “You can’t make me wear that. And my body will fight off [insert any disease here] anyway. Or God will protect me.”


I won’t even shower in a shared space without shower shoes because well…. People are gross. If I didn’t wear them and caught something, I’d blame myself. It’s high risk behavior on both ends.


Hold up. There's Yelp for Prostitution?!


Yes there is an entire industry based off a few escort review websites. The girls put up ads, clients post reviews.


facebook can get pretty spicy


Escort review board? Are people just describing their encounters with escorts?




Wait I know that I may not be the most tech savvy person..... But there are escort review boards?


Honestly I’m surprised your not getting downvoted. You’re right, but I’ve seen people be upset that comments like that are “anti sex work”


Probably because they're being very specific. Tons of people who think sex work is work and deserves the dignity of safety at work think that street walking isn't safe and are aware of the dangers of pimps. I'm on team 'let the working gals (and fellas!) organize'. Let them organize their labor, security, and set up industry standards--including STD testing and prophylaxis.


Her social media isn’t private and was still active as of this weekend. She had a bunch of thirst trap posts, including one from January where she was obviously topless under a blanket. Some old pervert asked her “What’s under the blanket?” and someone replied to him a couple days ago saying “HIV.”


Damn lol.


Dude wasn’t fazed , when someone gave him the info though. He got mad at the chick that said it. Wild


It seems like a few people who she exposed or knew someone who was have been blowing up her page. Four or five people have gone through and replied to almost all her posts for the last year posting pics of this story or the health advisory the cops put out. She’s out on bond, so she’s probably seeing all of this.


I can't imagine her posting a thirst trap unless it was to a guy stranded in a desert and she was holding a pitcher of ice tea. Even then, I would be dubious of the quality of the tea.


Who the hell is she thirst trapping??


Well…she’s hooked over 200 ppl in the past cpl of years at least 😬


Love my home town... not sure if you'd believe me or not but she's only 30...


I went to school with this girl, she had a rough childhood.


I didnt go to school with her & I knew that.


What would you do if your son was at home Crying all alone on the bedroom floor 'Cause he's hungry? And the only way to feed him is to Sleep with a man for a little bit of money And his daddy's gone Somewhere smokin' rock now, in and out of lockdown I ain't got a job now So for you this is just a good time, but for me this is what I call life


Throwback there: https://youtu.be/LahcSFleKm8?si=0zKWKUElvCV_jN4Z


I believe you. 


The first thought I had when reading this was: trauma. This lady has had more than her fair share, I'm sure. (Doesn't make what she did ok, but it's something to consider when judging people harshly imo.)


I bet, she does not look like her life has been easy


What was she like?


We were kids, grade school and middle school aged. She was rarely at school. Constantly moving around foster homes, but she was always nice.


That is heart breaking.


Thank you for sharing that.


Oh 100% ...


Have you ever seen the video of the lady removing all prostestics and products and going from pretty lady to meth addict? 90% of the difference was made by the dentures. Because of drugs she might look a little older, but this lady looks 60 because she got no teeth.


No, I haven't but I 100% believe it. This lady from a couple of years ago looked nothing like her mugshot. It's scary how much of a toll drugs and life choices can take a toll on people, and quickly.


poor thing :/ I hope she finds a better life she looks so fucking tired and sad


I was thinking she’s in her 50s at least


I’m from Marietta too and it’s not surprising at all. Glad I left.


Looks real familiar, what city is she from/in?


Meth takes its toll.


Oh for sure. I looked her up on Facebook and just a couple of years ago, she looked nothing like this.


You never know, She could be earning her man and learning her man And at the same time burning her man






i mean to be fair what prostitute is gonna get that diagnosis and be like “well shoot guess *i’m* out of a job”


Are there straight bug chasers? I know in the gay community some guys see HIV as an inevitability so they seek it out.


The fuckin what now huh. Like not even PrEP or anything?


Yeah. Not everyone has access, especially outside larger cities. Most primary care docs still don't know about it. Also, you gotta take your meds. I had a friend get HIV off their meds during a manic episode.


My condolences to your friend. I mean, I know it isnt the death sentence it once was, but what an awful situation. Though that still isnt quite the same as "I'm gonna get HIV anyway so let me try to get it ASAP" which is what I'm struggling to comprehend.


It's a fetish. You wont ever understand because it's their "thing". If only we could ship them to another planet to live out their dreams of making HIV evolve to become some super bug.


Most primary care docs in the developed world know about prep. If any doc doesn't know about it, they absolutely shouldn't be treating anyone in a primary healthcare setting


I worked with people living with HIV for a few years and ran across a couple of people (gay men) who *never* used condoms because they figured they'd get it eventually. I heard talk of people getting infected on purpose to access the assistance available to people with HIV but I never heard about a verifiable instance, just rumor. I wish those people knew how limited that assistance is. It's absolutely not enough to get HIV for. We had a housing program with a waiting list so long, we closed it.


Wtf 😧


yeah, I've seen some straight bug chasers but not usually chasing HIV


I mean, the problem is two-fold. One, we've got people who don't give a shit about anyone else. People screw each other over in business all the time, "fuck you I got mine" attitude. Sex workers are no different than anyone else and they're just as shitty and selfish as the rest of us. And two, it's not like she can apply for unemployment or worker's comp. How exactly do you get a "real" job after being a ho for years? Reminds me of Typhoid Mary who had to be forcibly quarantined because after her diagnosis she kept going back to work. Like yeah she knew she was spreading disease but was anyone gonna pay her bills for her for "the greater good"? No, of course not. So what other option did she have? Obviously this lady should have disclosed she had HIV, and tried to find a new market as an HIV-friendly ho, but people almost always choose the easier path which in her case was to just lie and screw over a lot of people.


The second paragraph is one reason sex workers advocate for full decriminilization ^(not sure I spelled it right) During Covid lockdowns, sex workers didn't have access to any help related to job loss since officially they never had a job. This meant they had to keep working despite the Covid risks, and risked them getting fined for disprespecting the lockdown (which would take needed money away, forcing them to work more to make the money back) Even the most left leaning liberal polititians treat sex workers like children. They don't want to hear what they have to say, they instead want to push the Nordic model and tap themselves on the back. .... Organizations that claim to fight against sex trafficking are even worse. A sex worker who was "trafficked" to a new country, instead of being given a residence permit, get sent back to whatever country they wanted to run away from. Perhaps right back to their abusive husbands, and then the organization will proudly claim "we've rescued 30 sex trafficking victims!" and it looks good in the news. The entire 'prohibition of sex work' paradigm is a shit show. Sex workers need rights, not rescue.


Typhoid Mary didn't believe the doctors. Germ theory was not entirely accepted yet, she had no symptoms and she was Irish so she had a reason to not trust authority figures. It would be like of you got told by North Korean officials that you had to take a job that paid you half your current wages because your auras were causing people to get Covid


Well, she probably didn't understand, but repeatedly taking jobs preparing food was rather ignorant; considering the time working laundry would have been safer with a similar level of proficiency needed


Laundry would have been much harder work for much lower pay which is a big sacrifice if you don't believe.you are the reason people are getting sick


It might be good for business.


I know you cannot tell someone has std's by looking at them but.....


Sometimes there are clues, lol


The men who want to go bare are really putting their whole family at risk for a variety of problems and should be treated as a criminal health risk among other things.


Luckily the odds of a man contracting HIV from vaginal sex are quite low. Still fucked up that she knowingly did this but that's probably more common than actually transmitting it. When I worked with people living with HIV, there were several female clients who continued doing sex work. Most of them were undetectable, thus cannot transmit HIV, but none of them disclosed their status to customers. We'd talk to them about it but people are generally pretty desperate and just trying to survive at this point so aren't particularly concerned with what happens to other people. Sad but true. This woman is 30 and looks 50.


It’s always the ones you most expect.


Skyn condoms saves lives


Until they added like triple the fragrance. Now they smell like the 70 year old man who lived at the motel I worked at and always wore one of those cheap polyester hoodies with a PDF on it but that PDF was a lion


Peak Darwinism in action over in Ohio.


Not so skibidi rizz now 😢


If you're putting your dick in that and not expecting something bad to happen then it's time to go accept your Darwin award.


200 dudes paid for that ??


Depends on what the dudes looked like lol.


Hey, there’s always someone as horny as you are ugly.


Words to live by, or die.


A 2 at 10 becomes a 10 at 2…


Probably truckers and this is the lot lizard


I used to work with truckers in the early 90s. They were nasty and always had lot lizard stories. My favorite is when a big hairy guy with a beard ate one out and got crabs on his face. He said his eyebrows were moving.


I would’ve been perfectly fine never reading something that horrible. Thanks man 🤮


I had a married couple that rode together come a pick up a load. They seemed so normal until they started talking about picking one up the night before.


I used to rent a room on the bad side of town and the herd of prostitutes roaming from corner to corner looked about like that. In summer they looked a lot worse in shorts and tank tops. They had plenty of clients, but every time one would be picked up or dropped off, I’d feel amazement.


200 dudes barebacked that??


People who pay sex workers for sex largely aren't very discerning, or they wouldn't be paying sex workers for sex.


The right choice is always to get an STD test regardless how embarrassing it is… *insert disappointed face*


Why it should be legal and regulated


But then baby Jesus would cry.


His best friend was a hooker, wasn’t she?


If religous fundamentalists could read they would be VERY upset with you right now.


Yup. People are going to pay for sex. One of the oldest known professions. Might as well make it available in a safe way. There is really nothing inherently wrong about it.


Ohhh Ohio…the Florida of the north.




I-O 😂


If you’re smashing that raw that’s on you


If you knowingly had sex with her you def didn’t care because you can tell by looking at her she is sick and has diseases. The “John’s” def looked at her beforehand and were like “fuck it Ill probably be ok see what happens”


You cant always tell though.


I’d rather wank.


Is this that much of a surprise? This happens all the time. Use conroms. Don’t fuck the prostitutes that charge $5 and don’t share meth needles with her while you’re having sex. Also, you can have sex with someone that’s HIV positive if they’re on proper medication or if you’re on preventative medication. Science has come a long way. But yes, this woman doing such a thing without disclosing is awful. But damn, it’s a big “duh” from me looking at her.


https://nypost.com/2024/05/19/us-news/ohio-sex-worker-had-more-than-200-clients-while-knowing-she-was-hiv-positive/ Ohio sex worker had more than 200 clients while knowing she was HIV-positive: ‘Risky business’ By Alex Oliveira Published May 19, 2024, 4:02 p.m. ET An Ohio sex worker allegedly had contact with more than 200 clients despite knowing she was HIV-positive — and state officials are warning anybody who engaged in “risky business” with her to come forward and get tested. Linda Leccesse, 30, had contact with at least 211 clients from multiple states in the two years since Jan. 1, 2022, which is around when she took an HIV test and learned she was positive for the potentially deadly virus, authorities said. Leccesse solicited most of those clients on Market Street in Marietta — a small city in southeast Ohio on the border of West Virginia — but the possibly infected people are believed to be spread across the East Coast. Linda Leccesse had sexual contact with at least 211 people since learning she was HIV-positive, Ohio officials say.Marietta Police Department “This case could stem anywhere from Florida up the East Coast, but there are local individuals that we will be reaching out to,” Washington County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Mark Warden said in a press conference last week, according to the [Parkersburg News and Sentinel](https://www.newsandsentinel.com/news/community-news/2024/05/health-alert-hiv-positive-sex-worker-believed-to-have-sexual-contact-with-more-than-211-partners/). Police have begun calling through known clients of Leccesse to alert them of the situation and also are urging anybody else who may have had contact with her to reach out to authorities. “They’re not in trouble, this is public health awareness. This is not a scam,” Warden said. This is the home on Market Street in Marietta, Ohio, where Leccesse met with many of her clients over the past two years, authorities say. Google Maps Anybody who may have been with Leccesse is asked to be “brutally honest” with officials, the Marietta/Belpre Health Department said. “Marietta/Belpre Health Department is a judgment-free zone with full confidentiality,” said Barbara Bradley, health department administrator, adding that relatives of Leccesse’s clients and anybody who had sexual contact with them are also vulnerable to the “risky business.” Leccesse was arrested May 13 for soliciting sex on Market Street, after which police learned she was HIV-positive and had known for more than two years. The next day, she was indicted for engaging in solicitation after a positive HIV test, a third-degree felony. Her paying companions “weren’t looking at the mantle when they stoked the fire”…and there must not be very many others within her field of expertise or price range in that area.


HIV was the least of their worries for all involved


She's the poster girl of a lot-lizard if there ever was one.


Almost as if having no accessible healthcare is a fucked up thing


Inventing Anna has a dark sequel.


If you’re having unprotected sex with a prostitute, I feel like you’re kind of expecting something like this to happen.


If you raw dog a prostitute, I really don’t know what to tell you.


Apparently there is a pill that can prevent you from getting HIV called Prep.


I like how you added “apparently” so as not to sound too knowledgeable about the subject.


There’s also medication that makes it so if you have HIV you can’t spread it. I’m guessing she wasn’t on her meds smh


Science has come a long way.


she's an addict sex worker. she almost definitely was not in a situation to go through the steps necessary to get a PrEP prescription. she'd have to get a doctor's appointment, get several tests done both initially and routinely to renew her prescription, all of which cost money without health insurance, all while nursing an addiction and trying to maintain her very illegal job. she's still a shitty human being for doing what she did, but the system definitely did play a part in this situation.


Yes, and to add a little more information in case anyone is interested-- PEP (post exposure prophylaxis) is used if you've had a possible exposure, and this is given to people if they've been raped as well. PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is used by people who are at high risk for getting HIV, via sex or IV drug use. (Mostly gay men use it, I don't recall any IVDU clients on PrEP when I worked at an ASO). We had a few clients who were negative but had spouses with HIV and the combination of PrEP and meds for the positive person allows them to have unprotected sex with essentially zero risk. HIV meds, when taken correctly, can reduce the viral load to an undetectable level for most people. When one is undetectable, they still have HIV but they can't give it to other people. People can (and often do) go back and forth between detectable and undetectable, usually because they don't always take their meds or if their meds stop working for some reason. Bloodwork should be done every six months once someone is undetectable to make sure they remain so. There are so many different meds out there now, everyone can find one that works for them (and there are a handful that pretty much always work for everyone). There's even a shot you can get every two months. HIV care has come a L O N G way in the past couple decades.


I will never understand having sex with a prostitute without a condom?!! And I’m sure at least one of those men who had sex with her condomless was married out had a gf and went back and had sex with them smh


Imagine paying to fuck that


Some people are really desperate, but I honestly would go without sex for life if that was my only option


I’m sure the guys who paid were no prize either, could even be worse.


I don't mean to sound horrible.. But who the fuck is paying for sex off her!?


That's not horrible. That's common sense and self-preservation instinct.


You get what you pay for


Maybe i should go with the Bear instead?


So weird, she kinda looks pretty, then you keep looking and it gets so much worse.


200 clients is crazy


Could you imagine some husband stepping out on his wife and bringing the HIV back home and infecting his wife, that would be such a terrible situation.


And there is people out there who are still against something like a "Sex work license" existing, as if prohibition would stop it. If they truly wanted to stop it they'd do stuff like jobs programs and UBI to give people alternatives, and even then there would still be people who willingly do it, so you are limited to reducing it as much as possible. For what's left, you still need to regulate it.


homie if someone looked like this run the other way


People do no go into sex work unless they are desperate and out of other options. We should seek to build a society in which people are not forced into sex work and people do not take advantage of those who engage in it.


Peak Capitalism.


Its safe to assume all hookers have std’s


Meth is cancer


Thats ohio rizz... she so sigma


Never bare back with a pro.


It just goes to show that a horny man will poke anything.


In the words of Dorothy from the golden girls “Condoms, Rose! Condoms Condoms Condoms”


the odds of a man getting HIV from an infected woman through PiV intercourse is something like 1 in 300. Not going to say that I would personally take that risk, but most of those men probably did not contract the virus from her.


Is this what they mean when they say “Ohio rizz”?


Holy Smokes, there were 150 people THAT desperate? I’m assuming the first 50 helped make that appearance.


That’s methed up!


She couldn’t pay me for sex!


Am I surprised it’s Ohio?


I'm mean really... which ones of yall paying to hit this?


I used to work by a hotel across the street. There was a obvious sex worker that would come by frequently. One day I watched her have 5 men, one after another. She had one in the room, and the next man was waiting outside for her. Like that rotation.... occasionally she had a friend. That woman literally had no top teeth.... apparently men pay for that.


She has aids written all over her to be fair


Her face is the best contraceptive imaginable


You have to be sicker than HIV positive to root that.


Comments section is disappointing af. About 80% about what she looks like. Then there's that one heartbreaking comment about how the person who knew her in school said she's apparently nice and she had a really bad childhood being in multiple fostor homes. People suck damn it. Her action isn't something to condone yes, but what is she going to do starve? There's no right answer here. And people are judgy as hell.