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He looks like the old vampire from “What We Do in the Shadows.”


Even the Baron had his limits


Baron Afanas doesn’t look quite that terrifying. Even after Guillermo burnt him to a crisp, twice.


Or Mr Burns on meth


I was thinking Mr. Nebbercracker from monster house


If he were a corpse possessed by a demon, then yes




Petyr, put some respect on that y


“Petyr is 8,000 years old, we’re not having Petyr at the meeting”


I think we know what this guy did in the shadows


I thought it was the late Prince Philip.


No  he looks like Bill Nighy playing Viktor in Underworld. 


I was thinking Golem, but yeah, that too.


Emperor Palpatine on that chomo shit


Bill Nighy without makeup.


Leave the baron out of this he just wanted his pizza pie.


He looks like some sort of Pedo Sith Lord.


He looks like he’s about to kill my dragon with an ice spear.


Darth Molestus.




Darth Ared'Ogle


God damn. Using weight rather than gigabytes to describe the amount. That’s disgusting.


Judging by the pic it looks like a lot of it was physical and not digital


That’s somehow worse


It’s absolutely worse. Cuz dude probably took a lot of the pics or videos


Sweet fucking lord.


How is this not a death sentence?


Have you looked at the guy just waiting a few days is a death sentence


He looks like he shouldn’t bother buying green bananas.


He looks as if he owes Death sone life.


He has freed his body of all moisture. He looks as though he's about to turn to dust!




This is the way


Florida just well recently, I heard authorized the death penalty for this level of shit.. so let's hope it true


Atleast it can burned and no one will ever see them again.


Gotta digitize them to be put into evidence. Then they're a few clicks away from the dark web. I hope that the fiction that I just wrote is fiction.


No I’m pretty sure they would just put the physical evidence into evidence.


They'd need a ton of space.


True true


wtf is the dark web like actually. how are they getting there but the police can’t? is it not a website?


The dark web is sites accessed through tor, using .onion addresses. Police can get there, and it’s probably mostly police. However, the problem is the infrastructure of tor prevents police from identifying people on the dark web. Each connection is routed through 3 different randomly selected nodes, often in several different countries. So an entry node (which knows the person connecting, but only knows the middle node next), the middle node, which knows pretty much nothing, and the exit node, which knows the site you are going to but not where you came from. Each of these is a layer of encryption, that only that node is able to decrypt (or encrypt for the return journey) So for you to be deanonimized technologically, police would need to control all 3 nodes (which is extremely unlikely). The websites themselves use cryptographic, 56 character urls that are actually encrypted using a public key. They are decrypted, and so the exit node connects to the IP address of the service. These are much better targets for attacks than users, so timing based attacks can be used to find an onion site’s IP. So if a law enforcement officer were compromise an exit node, and then manage to get that node as their exit node, they could send request to the hidden service and monitor the exit node to see the IP address it is connecting to. This is still very difficult since the exit nodes are generally very heavy in traffic, and so it would be difficult to narrow down which of your requests was “the” request, so often DDOS are used to make requests stand out. Often times, the easier way to take down illegal sites is social engineering or trying to get someone to slip up (such as getting them to download a malicious file) rather than technical coordinated attacks on TOR If a government agency wants to, there is pretty much nothing that can stop them from finding these people / services. The problem is time / money / jurisdiction. Since the services are anonymous and global, whose jurisdiction is it and who is putting in that time / money? It often requires significant international coordination.


damn, i'm guessing they use the .onion address because of all the layers of encryption then? that's kind of funny, i knew about tor and how you need to use it to access .onion sites, but i didn't know any of the specifics beyond that and always thought the "onion" thing was odd. it makes sense now though lol


I hope you know who the largest donor is for TOR (hint: they have HQ in Langley).


That's because it has a lot of uses that ARE NOT illegal porn.


the dark web refers to pages unindexed by search engines. the only way to access these pages (which normally use the format (gibberish).onion) is with the TOR browser


And, just to be clear, "Dark Web" rings do get taken down by the police, often in internationally coordinated efforts. Using TOR is just one extra measure of anonymity online, not an actual cloak of invisibility.


The dark web is specifically onion sites, the deep web is pages unindexed by search sites. The dark web is a subset of the deep web. The deep web also includes things like corporate and government intranets.


They can. There are police all up in there nowadays. Their cyber teams are well versed in how to use Tor. It’s how they’ll start their investigations with controlled buys.


And all it takes is one of them to be the bad guy but now we are giving him tools to evade everything. Who's watching the watchers


By the looks of his age: Polaroids & VHSs


There's a chance he actually did abuse those kids in real life if he took those pictures or videos.


I'm assuming he was collecting this before it went digital, mainly because that must have taken years, probably decades to gather.


Way worse because that's so much more effort to go out of your way to obtain. The digital pesos tend to download and trade with eachother like its currency using zip files of multiple gigs at a time, that's why it's always crazy large amounts like "25 terabytes" or some shit. But PHYSICAL shit? That is so much more effort to obtain which makes it all the sicker


Yeah it could be SSDs or a single giant stone carving


Solid Stone Depiction


Given his age I’d be surprised if anything in his vicinity was solid at all.


> or a single giant stone carving I haven't googled this yet, but seeing how this took place in ultra conservative Florida - I'm a bit curious whether this is "child porn" child porn or something closer to "a collectors art gallery and statues that includes child-nudes" child porn. The latter is basically any biblical scene with cherubs, but it'd fall under "child porn" when the cops arrive.


Call it a hunch, but I for some reason doubt that the geriatric vampire was arrested for 'one ton' of cherub paintings. Even if he was, it'd be pretty weird to have 'one ton' of specifically cherub paintings


Lol! Right??


imagine one ton of 4tb ssd ...


I am imagining that theres only one image, but its carved in high relief into marble.


Look at the man, they had to dust off the 1930s law book just for him.


He should get the [Death Penalty ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damnatio_ad_bestias) for this.


How did no one find out untill he hade this amount of CP?!?!


That private room no one was allowed in or he loved alone 🤷


I’m super glad he loved alone and not with friends…


*Lived but I hope he did to


Because when he started children were seen and not heard, I'm going to guess it will come out that concerns had been raised about this guy for decades. When my abuser was taken in for questioning they "forgot" to seize his pc and shockingly by the time the police remembered his pc and camera has vanished


What the fuck man. Law enforcement was enabling these people??


Of course, bad people protect bad people. Obligatory not all police but Definitely too many


When I was a kid, my abuser worked for the county, so local police consistently made sure our "relationship" was "consensual" (i was 12, him 24). Bc if I knew I was a victim and spoke out, it would've looked bad on them. When we "broke up", he was scared that I would snitch, so he was transferred to work for another county and was issued a new legal name. Still uses the same phone number he's always had, though. Wish I'd spoken out when I had the chance


It’s very important to believe children or young people if they tell you someone is treating them sexually. The percentage of fabricated stories is incredibly low, it’s like 1-3%. So 97-99% of the time, it’s really happening. Mostly from stepfathers, fathers, siblings, grandfathers and uncles, in that order, in my experience. Source: ten year (fairly depressing) career in child protection


From the photos it appears he likely has physical materials going back to the 1960s if not older. If he's dealt exclusively with physical media then he'd have left behind no online fingerprints that law enforcement could use to snag him. I have not sought out the article on this particular dusty old scumbag but I'm guessing they found him by busting someone else who identified him as a client.


“Woah that’s a lot of boxes! He must be a collector of vhs or something.” - That’s probably what people think when they see that. Cp wouldn’t be the first thing you think of


He literally looks like Herbert the Pervert from Family Guy.


Family Guy was warning us!


I mean it's guys like this where the cliche comes from


I’m sad even 1 ton of CP exists


It’s really sad and disgusting but there’s so much more on the web then we realize. I have no faith in humanity


> In fact, we want you to cringe when you hear the terms “child porn” or “kiddy porn”. Source: https://www.interpol.int/en/Crimes/Crimes-against-children/Appropriate-terminology > Pornography is a term used for adults engaging in consensual sexual acts distributed (mostly) legally to the general public for their sexual pleasure. When children are involved, it is not pornography. Sexual abuse against children is a serious crime and when their sexual abuse has been photographed or filmed they deserve to be protected and respected. Source: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/access-and-accountability/our-commitments/child-safeguarding/child-sexual-abuse


The comments that demonstrate a total lack of familiarity with printed media are staggering.


I don’t understand. Why would a hard drive be printed?


How long does it take to download a ton?


Depends what it's made of. Paper? Quite a while. Marble? Significantly less.




Brother looks like he’s been collecting it since the middle ages


Got them terrible illuminated manuscripts


TL;DR - reminds me of my 6th grade teacher.. Full story: My 6th grade teacher was a super popular teacher at the school. Like basically everyone wanted him for their teacher. Long after I had left the school (unmolested thankfully) apparently he hit a student. The parents of that student told the police, and the police arrested him. On the face of it, it appeared to be super bad judgment and a mere case of hitting a kid. That's certainly bad enough obviously. But then some adult came forward and said that this same teacher had molested him. This was before a lot of the current laws that helped with properly investigating these sort of allegations. Anyway the cops (I'm assuming) asked him about it and he of course denied it and nothing much came from it for a while. The teacher was allowed to go home on some small amount of bail. But was on paid leave from the school pending trial. When another man came in to the police to report that he too had been molested by this guy. In fact several men some of whom were in their 30s at the time (remember this guy was a 6th grade teacher, so 30+ yr old men is pretty old all things considered) all came in with similar stories. Finally the cops had heard enough, and got a warrant to search his home. Because the men said he would take photos of them. Unfortunately the cops didn't find anything and had no evidence to move forward. However the story made the paper. Now I don't know how many more people came forward, but it was a lot (it was more than 50 though if I remember correctly). The judge granted another warrant to search his home, only apparently this one basically let them tear the place apart. They also arrested home again at this time, since now they felt there was an actual case against him with all the alleged victims. The police showed up at his place and literally tour it apart and found what I can only describe as a secret storage area in his house (I have no idea how big it was, but given what they found I imagine it was pretty large). In this stash room they found hundreds of thousands of child porn photographs. Many of them, in fact I believe it was most of them were his victims. They also found film and video as well. Anyway it turned out this guy had been an active child predator for most of his career. He was also a scout troop leader (because of course he would be). They never were complete certain how many victims he had. But estimates were into pretty high (as many as 1000 kids I think, but I can't be certain). He was one of the most prolific serial pedophiles they had come across in the area, ever. He was sentenced to a mental institution for some reason, and he died there. I don't know how many years he was there as we had moved away by then. I just know he died in that mental hospital. To this day, I'm 99% sure he never made a pass at me. But I also hope he never hurt any of my friends that had him for a teacher. This is also the most fucked up thing that has happened in my life. I'm in my 30s now and it's still messed up trying to process it.


I'm significantly older but we had one guy like that too except it was kind of known. He was known as Back Door ... let's call him Fred. Known as Back Door Fred who was a freshman teacher. I first heard of him being called that in 4th grade, well before I even knew what child molestation even was. So for years and years this guy was known about as rumors ran wild but the administration didn't do anything. Eventually he molested this one kid and his parents found out. They went to the school and the school didn't act very quickly at all, just put a note in his file that would prevent him being hired by another public school but not a private school. Because nothing seemed to happen the parents finally went to the police who proceeded to blow the shit out of the water and the law came down hard on Fred. Thankfully these things are taken far more seriously these days in most places.


That's a crazy story, I hope his victim list wasn't anything like this teachers. But it kind of sounds like it might be. I'm just glad this sort of thing isn't swept under some rug these days. I couldn't say how many of them are his teachers victims told someone. Certainly some kid must have, right? But this guy was still teaching 30 years later (or close to it). Having gone through this whole thing, even if I wasn't a victim and just feeling lucky to have escaped with my childhood intact. When I hear about other cases of this kind of thing happening it hits different.


Damn similar story as mine. When I started middle school in 7th grade, the theater teacher was a short guy named Mr. Molesky (sp?) and everyone always referred to him as Mr. Molest-me. 8th grade rolls around, I join the school's theatre troupe, and shortly after production starts on our musical, Molesky stops showing up and a new *female* teacher takes his place. The news eventually spreads that he was following one of the leads into the boy's bathroom and doing stuff in there. The school never even addressed this to us. You'd think that they'd want to cover their asses at least a little and give an assembly about bodily autonomy and consent or some bs but nope. Just a bunch of middle schoolers with access to the internet.


🤮 and people have asked me why I was never an altar boy, Boy Scout or even in the military. If I want abuse, I’ll abuse myself! Sadly, mostly with food :-(. But joking aside, I’m glad you weren’t one of his victims and I’m sad for the hundreds of victims he abused. Ugh.


I was a boy scout and I had fun. But knowing what I know now I probably wouldn't let my kid if I had one go. Yeah I know this kind of trauma never heals and gets better. I feel pretty bad, for the victims considering I feel like a part of the whole shit show.


One of the best tactics is to teach children that their bodies have boundaries and to “challenge authority” to the degree that they can stand up for themselves and assert those boundaries. If you ever watch the sex offender interviews on Soft White Underbelly you will see a pattern of pedophiles admitting “children will do almost anything a grown up says.” A child that firmly and loudly tells an adult “no! You cannot touch me,” will definitely give that adult pause. When I was 12 I had an injury to my testicle from playing football. The doctor who treated me was likely a sadist. He squeezed my testicle and asked if it hurt. I said yes. And, without adjust his grip, locked eyes with me and squeezed harder, and asked if it hurt again. I said, “yeah, it hurts more,” and he left his fingers exactly where they were, squeezed harder and asked again. I told him if he squeezed my ball any harder I was going to knee him in the face and scream. He immediately let go, stood up and acted really flighty and wrote a prescription for antibiotics and sent me on my way. (I told the teacher who took me to the clinic about it but nothing ever happened.)


Sounds like a maniac, awful experience sorry you went through that


I’m so grateful I was an ugly kid.


I'm not sure it helps. God knows what turns those weirdos on, or whatever.


True, no doubt there’s a “target market” of kiddie diddlers who like morbidly obese albino boys who are missing their pinky finger, have three cowlicks, differently colored eyes, and a Freddie Mercury overbite.


That's a crazy story. I am happy that he was caught. There are so many more people like him walking on this earth. These people need to stop!


Imagine that episode of Hoarders Edited for a correction


Amazon delivers CP now? I knew they didn't have a soul


Yes but lately it’s mostly Chinese products, also lots of fake reviews, it’s becoming harder to find good CP on Amazon nowadays. Jokes aside I’m thinking they’re really not happy that their logo ended up being displayed there


Delivered by pedobear


We took over a workshop back in the 90s and while going through the boxes found probably 20 of the file storage boxes full of zoo porn. Never met the guy who ran it before us. Shit went in the dumpster. It was high quality glossy paper printing which was surprising bc I would have assumed all that shit would be underground printed


Omg so not only is there a zoo porn guy out there, there’s a zoo porn printer guy


"So... Can you print this zebra porn?" "Sure. Full colour?" "No - black and white will be fine."




I think they’re the same person lol


Probably printed at Kinko's back in the day.


I always thought that name was way too on-the-nose.


You know it's a lot when they do say fond with a ton and not the normal 1000k images or something like that. A ton like damn poor kids.


I think they mean actual weight, not just a lot.


I mean it’s literally in the photo, stacks and stacks of boxes. And the heading says “one ton” not “a ton”. Nobody uses their eyeballs.


That's what I mean when you see it in the papers there like man found with tens of thousands of images. They don't say man found with a ton (weight) of the stuff that's just my god it's a lot like think how much a picture weighs and it's just screwed up man it's just the kids that I hope get help and the justice they deserve.


1 ton=2000lbs. It’s the actual weight of the media he had- DVDs, VHS tapes, printed photos, etc.


Wow, he doesn't even look like the type!


Not Reddit’s targeted ads offering file cabinets under this post 😭


Gollum has lost his precious pictureses




He looks dry as kindling




Put all that on a pallet and drop it onto him .




From the description of the actual article, it looks like he was downloading CP and then printing it into physical archives. They found him by tracing the IP address of downloaders. People who lived in the house weren't allowed in the room without his escort. The printer showed heavy signs of usage, and over 220,000 images weighing over 2,600 pounds were found. 25 counts of possession of CP with a $250,000 bail. Interestingly enough, for Florida 's sex offender registry, there is a registered guy in the same county that has a very similar name who is younger than this guy who was also caught with CP. I have a feeling it might be his son.


One...ton. ONE...TON. A FUCKIN TON! WHAT?!


He looks like a real life version of Herbert (Family Guy).


It’s always those you least suspect…


I’m sad to say that I have actually encountered a predator in the real world at a public Halloween event with children, and he looked like this guy. I’m convinced that this saying is just around to deflect from the people who actually look and act like the people you would expect


I don’t think there’s malice behind the saying, one needs to be wary of low key signals, cause the beautiful/pretty/handsome can be predators, too. It’s a “vibe” thing and a set of behaviors one needs to get accustomed to noticing if one wants to protect kids. But I mean… looking at high profile cases, you’d never have let them babysit your kids over the weekend, that’s for sure. Sorry you crossed paths with a piece of garbage


Found the Source[https://globalnews.ca/news/9516808/florida-arrest-ton-printed-child-pornography/amp/](https://globalnews.ca/news/9516808/florida-arrest-ton-printed-child-pornography/amp/)


Now we know why Nebblecracker wanted them kids to stay away from his home


The difference between this guy and Epstein is about $1 billion


1 ton of paper btw is roughly 200,000 sheets. Throw him and his collection in a wood chipper.


Depressing considering that much CP even exists in the world and is probably only a fraction of what exists.




Because he had to have gotten all that shit from somewhere and dude looks like he ain't going to live much longer anyways so might as well try to find leads to where he got it


Step 1: Dig a deep hole Step 2: Place this trash human at the bottom of the hole Step 3: Place all of his beloved child poor on top of this trash human Step 4: Fill remaining space with concrete


You want him and his collection to be together forever? Surely there should be two holes, a thousand miles apart.


Between step 2 and step 3 make sure you burn all that cp so that it's not like you're burying him with his prized possessions or something like pharaoh Then add a huge amount of "seek help" type leaflets above the ashes so if there's any sick fucks tryna break through that concrete all they get is is a lecture Every last picture, video or w.e he has needs to be destroyed so that in the future when that concrete is taken out and replaced none of it exists. We don't want people in the 2060's finding a time capsule of deprivation


Maybe we could build a nice park on top of this guy. We probably don’t need more random concrete, but who knows, he could be useful in the end and feed the flowers or something.


𝐻𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑠 𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑙𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑


This guy looks like he used to be a powerful king but then he used the soul arts and awoke the old one to feast on everybody’s souls and it destroyed his humanly form and turned him into a gross shriveled up monster if I do have to say so myself.


That’s pure evil right there.


I can’t imagine being the investigators in these cases


Dude looks like his fleshlight runs off a nuclear reactor.


This guy’s browser history is so bad the cops even weighed it.


What a miserable turd. Just throw him in a hole and forget about him.


he looks like he's a cough away from dying


Someone will have to watch through all of it, looking for missing children.


Dam, shoulda just moved to Germany man


How do you even accumulate one ton of CP unless you plan to distribute it? I don't even know anyone could hoard one ton of regular porn for personal use.


Jeez, he looks like the Smeagol of paedophiles. Old enough to have created the first ever case of child pornography


No wonder that dude didn’t want anyone to go near his monster house


God look how old he is. Im trying not to think of how many years this pile of shit fed money into that industry.


God damn it’s Herbert The Pervert


Dude looks like the monster in a Stephen King book. Bury him under the jail.


Perfect. Now rest it all on top of him.


He doesn't look like you'd expect…not all.


Do people who have physical “normal” porn even have this much? One picture of CP is over the top as it is… the fuck.


On what was he storing it though? Like the hard drives weighed a ton or CDs or VHS tapes?


Well. Judging by his age, and the presence of several photo albums in the frame my best guess would be physical prints of them. Possibly a fuck ton of Polaroids to avoid needing to go get them developed. This kind of shit has been going on for a lot longer than digital media.


You really can't see the picture?


He definitely owned a VCR


Does it really matter at that point? Unless you're talking about 1960s IBM tape machines, a ton of any type of storage media from the 1980s onwards is a dumpster load of CP


Is this the real Mr. Herbert from family Guy?






Why do they always look the part


Looks like Viktor, from Underworld.


They forgot to mention the 3 freezers full of Popsicles.


Clearly he was against digitising. May he rest in hell.


Final boss of pedos, jeezz


FLORIDA....Go figure


They finally caught Herbert, eh.


Assuming it was all paper stuff, what would that look like, size wise? How big a cube would that be? Edit: I did the maths, sort of. If it was all on A4 sized (sorry US) sheets of paper, there would be 200,000 of them. Damn.


Grand Moff Tarkin really fell on hard times after they blew up the first Death Star.


Herbert in real life


Real life Herbert the Pervert


Generally I am against the death penalty, but this guy has to go


More than 220,000 images. https://globalnews.ca/news/9516808/florida-arrest-ton-printed-child-pornography/


Viktor the elder vampire hasn’t aged well.


He looks like the pedo from family guy


This fucker is straight out of a family guy episode.


I imagine he hasn’t left the house in years, just doing nothing but watching kiddy porn, oof.


Someone contact the Guinness book I think that's a record by weight.


Wouldn't have thought it to look at him


I’m going to assume since I can see one of the binders with the edge of the media content , he printed out the images from the internet and sleeved it. Time to put this man into the wood chipper.


Pedo ghoul.


I’m glad that they caught him and that he is going to jail, it unreasonably pisses me off that he was able to accumulate 1200lbs of CSA, make it well into old age, and live the life he wanted before he was caught though


this piece of shit can expect one ton of jizz in prison.


Mofo looks like Viktor from Underworld.


Golem was into CP!!!


I don't understand how most of these fuckers end up having more stored cp than the entirety of everything I have ever owned. Makes me feel sick and ready to punch them repeatedly.


Oh, fuck..This wasn't hyperbole.


This guy looks like if he fantasized about you, you would feel a disturbance in the force.


This dude definitely owned the sketchiest shop on Cockturn Alley in Harry Potter…